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4 it igaut
See Today for Details
Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 76 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, December 5, 1975 10 Cents Twe
lve Pages
iF C SEE W S M C1 ?L
Hat in the ring
James Elsman, a 39-year-old Birmingham law-
yer yesterday announced he will seek a seat in the
Senate. Elsman said he will run as an independent
Democrat - meaning he has no party backing.
Elsman ran against former G. Mennen "Soapy''
Williams for the Democratic nod in 1966, and
claims to have been the state's first anti-war can-
didate. Elsman asserted he will literally run his
campaign into every county of the state. In these
days of health-consciouness, Elsman will jog all
over. The balding barrister, who got his undergrad
and law degrees from the University, joins a long
list of announced or prospective candidates itching
for a chance to run for the seat vacated by the
retirement of Sen. Phil Hart. Deps. James O'Hara
and Donald Riegle have already announced, and
other party members are expected to jump in
soon. So, step to the left of the line, there's more
Runw ay run-in
Two elderly Ypsilanti men found themselves in a
situation from a Kafka novel Wednesday night. Al-
bert Curry and his brother Edward were driving
on Ecorse Road, heading back to Ypsilanti, when
they discovered, to their horror, that they were on
the runway at Willow Run and that a turbo prop
airplane was bearing down on them. Curry ap-
parently missed the signs outside the runways in
the dark, police said. According to Dennis Root,
the Federal Aviation Authority traffic controller,
the car posed no problem because the pilot of the
craft saw the car on the runway and radioed in to
the tower. The pilot landed and brought the plane
to a halt, and the car drove right up to it. No dam-
age was done, but the younger -Curry was "dazed
and speechless" according to police. Curry re-
ceived a ticket for reckless driving.
Sweet News
In a honey of a decision, the state Court of Ap-
peals yesterday reversed the conviction of a Red-
ford Township man accused of creating a nuisance
by keeping bees in his backyard. The court ruled
that Hector McGregor was not necessarily causing
a hullabaloo just by keeping the buzzers behind his
house. Bees may be a real stinger in the city,
said the court, but the question should be judic-
ially determined in each case.
Happenings .,..
. . , are multitudinous today. They begin with
Joe Wise speaking on "U. S. Corporations and Tax
Reform" at noon. at Guild House, 802 Monroe-..
Victor Perlo, Marxist economist speaks on "the
Current Economic Crisis" at 2 in Room 103 of the
Economics Building, catch him later at 7:30 in the
Greene Lounge, East Oiad on "the Economics of
Detente." . . . State Sen. Otterbacher sneaks at
Francis Aud., School of Piblic Health at 3:30 on
his welfare bill . . . Carmel Bdirdio sneaks on
the "Political Situation in Indonesia" at 4:00 in
the Commons Room, Lnne Hall . . . there's a
workshop for training illiternatP d"lts to rad at
Ysilanti High Schol fnrom 7-10 and 9-4 Satndav,
call 994-2338 for information . . . UAC Children's
Theatre presents Free to he You and Me Fridav
at the Arena Theatre. the Friee Bnildine at 7:30
the Dance Danartnent snonsors a Mil'1-art
dance concert at Schnrlin Auditorisn, at 8. God-
snell is at Mendelasohn at 8 . . . and Gil Sott-
Heron plavs at the Michien Palace at midnight,
tickets at the door . . . Have fn.
Moother Goose tale
Freddie the Goose has been saved. The Balti-
more Zoning Board didn't consider geese accept-
able pets, but the rules have been changed, all be-
cause of Freddie; Freddie belongs to 13-year old
Jennifer Sebeck, and lived in the Sebeck's back
yard. But public outcry and support from Mayor
William Schaefer, who claimed the youngster
would be able to keep her goose "come hell or
high water," led the city zoning board to recon-
sider an earlier decision booting the gird out, and
reverse itself. Freddie's still king of the roost at
the Sebeck's now, but maybe not for long. Freddie
may be in for a name change, because while the
controversy raged, Freddie laid an egg. Freddie
may soon be known as Freda. Strange as it mav
sound, this is a true story, not a Mother Good
On the inside .. .
. . John Niemeyer previews tonight's hockey
match with MSU on Sports Page . . . Arts Page
spotlights Cinema Weekend . . . and the Editorial
Page has Joe Tuchinskv writing on the Michigan
Consumer Protection Act.
On the outside . .
DETROIT (Reuter) - A top federal
investigator yesterday said in open court
that missing ex-Teamster leader Jimmy
Hoffa' was murdered and that he had
witnesses who could identify three men
that took part in the killing.
The shock announcement was made
by Robert Ozer, one of the chief probers
of Hoffa's disappearance last July, as he
asked a federal judge to order the three
suspects to appear in a line-up before his
Churchill granted Ozer's request to have
the three men appear in a line-up, but
he set no date. All were at one time or
another associated with a Teamster lo-
cal in New Jersey.
The three were in the courtroom when
Ozer publicly identified them. They were
named as: Salvatore Briguglio, his bro-
ther Gabriel, and Thomas Andretta.
The trio had just testified before a
grand jury probing the Hoffa disappear-
ance when they were taken by Ozer to
Judge Churchill's court.
THEY REFUSED all comment to re-
porters and their whereabouts after
Ozer's court statements were not im-
mediately known.
No charges were lodged against them
and federal officials indicated that none
would be until the line-up was held.
Ozer told Churchill that he had two
witnesses, one who could identify t h e
men by sight and another who could do
so by name.
He did not name them, nor did he
give any clues as to the reason for Hof-
fa's alleged abduction and murder.
OZER TOLD the judge that he asked
the three men to appear voluntarily in a
line-up, but they refused on the advice
of their lawyer, Teamster Attorney Wil-
liam Bufalino.
"I'm telling you without any equivo-
cation these individuals are not involved
in the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa,"
said William Bufalino, attorney for the
"Two of my clients, Andretta and Ga-
briel Briguglio have never been to the
state of Michigan. The third, Salvatore
Briguglio was here a few weeks ago un-
der subpoena before the grand jury.
These persons, these informants, who-
ever they are, belong to the lunatic
while en route to a meeting at a sub-
urban Detroit restaurant with Anthony
"Tony Pro" Provenzano, a convicted ex-
tortionist and former leader of Team-
ster Local 560 in Union City, New Jersey.
Salvatore Briguglio was the former
business agent of Local 560 and Thomas
Andretta's brother, Steven, is a current
business agent of the local.
HOFFA: He has been mur-
dered, according toea fed-
eral investigator. Robert
Ozer says he has witnesses
who can identify three men
who took part in the killing.
tax cut
The House passed and sent to
the Senate a $13 billion personal
tax cut extension yesterday des-
pite threats of a veto from
President Ford.
Approval came on a 257-168
Ford has vowed to veto any
tax cut which does not include a
ceiling on government spending
to match the reduction in in-
come from taxes. The House
voted 220 to 202 to rejectat-
taching a spending ceiling to
the measure.
House Republican Leader
John Rhodes of Arizona said
he had contacted Ford about
the measure as approved and
the President verified that it
wo'Ild be vetoed if sent to his
The bill continues tax cuts an-
proved last year and extends
them. Ren. Al Ullman (D-,
Ore.) chairman of the Ways
See HOUSE, Page 12
Millions spent to
undermine Allede
By AP and Renter
WASHINGTON - The Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) spent more than $13 million in a ten year cam-
paign aimed against Chilean Marxist Salvador Allende,
the Senate Intelligence committee said yesterday.
Most of the money went into a huge propaganda
drive that started in 1964 and included funnelling funds
into newspapers, television and radio stations, printing
pamphlets and painting signs on walls.
THE CAMPAIGN also included an attempt to instigate an
army coup to prevent Allende from becoming president in 1970.
The report said three American presidents and their senior
advisors apparently believed Allende posed a big enough threat
AP Photo
I got you, babe . .. again
An impish Sonny Bono cuddles up to ex-wife Cher Bono Allman during a news conference yester-
day where the pair announced they will soon be "Together Again." The singing team said they
plan to return to television with The Sonny and Cher Show in early February. But while their mu-
sical beat may go on, the singers said there's no chance of a marital reconciliation. For the full
story, turn to Page 5.
to U. S. national security in-
terests to justify several major
covert attempts to prevent him
gaining power.
However the report said the
committee could find no evi-
dence of direct American in-
volvement in the military coup
which actually toppled Presi-
dent Allende in 1973.
At a news briefing, Gregg
Treverton of the committee
staff said, "It is fair to say that
the U. S. cannot escape some
responsibility for Allende's
OTHER PARTS of the report
described secret U. S. efforts
to prevent Allende's election
and after they failed to block
him from taking office.
Committee staff members
who drafted the report following
an eight-month investigation
pointed- to Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger as the archi-
tect of U. S. policy' in Chile.
The covert actions began in
1964, with financial support for
Allende's chief opponent, Edu-
ardo Frei, the committee report
said. Frei was elected in 1964.
After Allende was elected presi-
dent of Chile in 1970, the report
added, the U. S. began "advo-
cating and encouraging the ov-
erthrow of a democratically
elected government."
See SENATE, Page 8
2 ' t a1players
nabbe din
Two Michigan freshman foot-
ball players were arrested car-
rying $1,390 in jewelry shortly
after Campus Jewelers w a s
broken into Wednesday morning.
Bobby Franks and Leon Rich-
ardson were released on per-
sonal recognizance bond yester-
day after arraignment on burg-
lary charges.
COACH BO Schembechler re-
fused to comment on the inci-
dent, saying only, "It's a darn
shame. The disciplinary actions
are strictly private."
Police in an unmarked squad
car drove by the store at about
4 a.m. Wednesday and noticed
a pair of men standing in a dark
doorway. The p o 1 i c e drove
around the block, returning to
See 2, Page 7
Scott announces retirement
By AP and Reuter
publican leader Hugh Scott, a
power in Washington politics for
33 years, announced last night
he will - retire when his third
Senate term ends in January
"Because there are numerous
persons qualified to succeed to
the office I will not be a can-
didate for re-election to a
fourth Senate team in 1976,"
Scott, 75, said in a statement is-
sued by an aide.
mention of a recent controversy
involving alleged contributions
of $10,000 a year to Scott from
Gulf Oil Corp.
."I will say only that I have
done my level best to be an
honest, conscientious public ser-
vant conscious of the laws and
abiding by them," the state-
ment read.
"Only those of you who have
shared the experience of public
service can realize the effect
upon one's personal and family.
life, the difficulties of living
within the limelight of full and
proper examination of one's en-
tire record," he continued.
tion on Scott's replacement in
the Senate centered on Michi-
gan Senator Robert Griffin, the
assistant leader and Sen. John
Tower (R-Tex.).
Griffin, a close friend of
President Ford, made clear
Thursday night he plans to seek
the top party post. "I would
certainly hope to have the op-
portunity to serve in that posi-
tion," he said in an interview.
"But I think it is too early to
make any announcements or
begin any campaign for that of-
Flaherty, a Democrat and him-
self a possible candidate for
Scott's seat, called for Scott's
resignation. He said Scott's re-
tirement wouldn't remove the
"scandal over his head."
A Gulf attorney said recently
that Scott received $10,000 a
year from Gulf.
Scottrsaid he had discussed
his retirement with his wife,
Marian, and they had agreed he
should leave the Senate after
next year.
"MARIAN AND I thought five
years ago that maybe it would
be better to have one's friends
say 'I'm sorry he didn't run,'
rather than say 'I'm sorry he
did,"' Scott said.
He said Senate Democratic
leader Mike Mansfield had
known of his decision to retire
for about two years and had
kept it a secret.
City cable
TV company
Love lace satisfiesI
fians oral fixation,
Linda Lovelace's famous oral feats drew a flood of novice
and veteran pornography fans to the Natural Scienceaudi-
torium yesterday, eager to gobble up tickets to the erotics
classic, Deep Throat.
The air in the halls was heavy with the heat of hundreds
of bodies as the Lovelace aficionados waited patiently to
purchase seats for the three evening screenings.
"I'M COMING to -the film to be aroused," declared WCBN
announcer Ludwig Laudisi. "Im going to show up with an
overcoat and a paper bag."
Amir "the Sheik" Hafiz, star of last month's Male
Beauty Pageant at Couzens Hall, said, "I've never see
Linda's famous blow job, but I'm sure I'll admire it when
I see it. And that's why I'm here: to see it."
Sophomore biology major Kevin Brown commented, "I
urn ocpHa hnthennoW annalt e
in danger of bankruptcy
The future of the city's cable television system
is now in doubt because its parent company-
Intertie Inc. of Irvine, California-recently filed
for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of the federal
bankruptcy laws.
But fortunately for the 8,000 subscribers to the
service and the estimated 50,000 viewers, bank-
ruptcy under Chapter 10 of the code, which, in
effect, completely closes the company.
Such was the case recently with the Vaudeville
Delicatessens when the restaurants were initially
forced to close by the Internal Revenue Service
but reopened later under Chapter 11 to pay back
taxes. They subsequently failed to turn the
necessary profit and closed permanently under