Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Ml 48104
Thursday, December 4, 1975
News Phone: 764-0552
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Budget cuts slash education
S THE RESULT of a continued fac-
ulty hiring freeze in the literary
college (LSA), we can look forward
to fewer course offerings, larger
classes, and heavier faculty work-
loads in the future. Implemented to
help meet the budget cuts which the
state legislature has thrown at the
University in the past year, the hir-
ing freeze has now been going on
for over a month.
There are many potential places
where budget can be cut in a univer-
sity; surely an institution supposed-
ly dedicated to education should not
be so quick to begin by cutting out
the very elements which make its a
good university. It has long been
known that smaller classes make for
News: David Garfinkle, Stephen Hersh,
Jo Marcotty, Rob Meachum, Mau-
reen Nolan, Cathy Reutter, Sara
Rimer, Jeff Ristine
Editorial Page: Debra Hurwitz, Mara
Letica, Jon Pansius, Tom Stevens
Arts Page: Chris Kochmanski
Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens
more rewarding educational exper-
iences. Further, one of the assets of
this particular university is (or was)
its numerous and comprehensive
course offerings.
Tuition continues to rise, yet bud-
get cuts continue to effect the stu-
dents who are paying the exorbitant
tuition. A better plan than consist-
ently aiming major budget cuts at the
quality of education might be to aim
them at the large hierarchy of ad-
ministrative personnel which the uni-
versity supports. Or to spend less
money on digging up the grass and
cement around campus and more on
new faculty members.
THOUGH LSA DEAN Billy Frye and
Associate Dean Charles Morris
maintain that the quality of educa-
tion at Michigan will not suffer from
the continuation of the faculty hir-
ing freeze, we cannot help but disa-
gree. Fewer courses, with the empha-
sis on large, impersonal lectures for
the courses which do remain, can
only be damaging.
By PAUL DONNELL brary or official building,
PARIS, SEPTEMBER 30-Ar- on every city hall in Spain
riving in the French capital is normal that the dictator's
in late September, this corres- pearance in public cause
pondent was amazed at the formation of huge crowds.
amount of political graffiti splat- more critical publications,s
tered over walls and bridges as France's Le Monde ande
and in the Parisian subway. Spain's Norte de Castilla,i
Though France has often been cated that many Spanishc
referred to as the graffiti capi- servants were paid to attend
tal of the world, especially since "spontaneous" pro-Franco r
the student-teacher worker up-
rising of 1968, what was unusual " T e atmosph
about September's political slo-
gans was that most of them was calm and littleu
were about Spain, not France. erent from the cit
For the second time in about n
two years, the oldest dictator- had known beforei
ship in Europe, and the only illness of Spain's
remainder of the Axis powers
which conquered most of Europe year-old dictator. JI
during World War Two, had .
once again alienated itself from tis the Spain t
its more liberal and democratic Robert Bowd descr
European neighbors. a a .
After the execution of five al- ed as a time-bo
leged terrorists in Barcelona, ticking off the d
Burgos, and Madrid, Spain found
itself criticized by everyone until Fran co's death
from the Pope to the Prime resignation.'?
Minister of Sweden. Not sur-
prisingly, the American govern-
ment put military interests Aix-em-Provence, October
above human concerns: there swore I wouldn't do it ag
was no official criticism of the but a year after my first exl
"sumarisimo" trials which con- ence picking grapes in the s
demned the five Spaniards to of France, I was back out t
death, even though these legal with the boys. A longer ar
procedures were so summary about grape picking in Fra
that even Newsweek referred which is a far cry from C
to them as "kangaroo - court Chavez-California grape pic]
trials." will follow.
THOUGH THE LESSON seem- Barcelona, Spain - In
ed to be that after almost four northeastern Spanish city, w
decades of Franquist rule, the I visited exactly when Gen
regime hadn't evolved as much Franco became seriously ill
as any liberal or even moderate atmosphere was outwardlyc
democrat could want, despite and little different from the
the desires of a large sector of I had known before the ill
the Spanish people, some publi- of Spain's 82-year-old dict,
cations didn't see things this There were perhaps fewer
way. One American publication ign tourists than usual, but
claimed that the huge pro-Fran- cafes and restaurants along
co demonstrations which fol- Ramblas, Barcelona's r
lowed the wave of international street, were doing a briskI
criticism against the executions ness, and the police were h
showed that a "not-so-silent ma- ly more visible than during
jority" of Spaniards supported of the numerous-though-il
the aging dictator. Nothing is demonstrations which Ba
less sure. In Spain, where po- lona, historically a cente
litical opposition as it exists in political activism, separa
the rest of Europe, is a myth, leftist, and even anarchist s
and where Franco's picture ap- ments, is often host to. Was
pears on every coin, every li- the Spain that Robert Boy
n, it
y I
, the
t the
r of
d of
411 the-
Knight Newspapers described
as "a time bomb ticking off
the days until (Franco's) death
or resignation?" . A closer ex-
amination revealed signs of ten-
sion, however. During the time
I was in Spain, I couldn't once
buy the New York Herald Trib-
une; according to the Parisian
newspaper Le Monde, 30% of
all foreign publications normally
sold in Spain did not appear
for more than 10 days.
As for the Spanish publica-
tions, many were sold out fif-
teen minutes after their appear-
ance on the streets. Again ac-
cording to Le Monde, no Span-
ish newspaper published any-
thing concerning such opposi-
tion groups as the Democratic
Junta and the Democratic Con-
vergence Platform, but they did
publish minute - by - minute re-
ports of Franco's medical de-
velopment. Commentary and
conjecture concerning Spain aft-
er Franco was mostly limited,
at least in the papers I read
while in Barcelona, to praising
the dying Caudillo in long bio-
graphical pieces and talking
about his successor, Prince Juan
Carlos, the "assurance of peace-
ful continuity." Rumor spread-
ing is a favorite sport in many
countries when it comes to poli-
tics, but in a nation where free-
dom of the press is a "the gov-
ernment giveth and the govern-
ment taketh away" kind of
right, rumor trading and politi-
cal conjecture become a na-
tional pastime. In the same
day; I heard comments indi-
cating that Franco was already
dead, that he had been dead
for several days and it was be-
ing kept a secret, that he was
playing his game of pretending
to be dying; just to see which
of his "supporters" would be-
tray him to increase his own
power in the power struggle fol-
lowing the general's death, et
cetera ... These rumors were
not all "man in the street" com-
ments; some of them had come
from industrialists, architects,
professors and civil servants,
men who in other countries
would have read newspapers to
form their opinions. In Spain,
a "your guess is as good as
King s
mine" atmosphere seemed to
prevail; and "how is Franco?"
was becoming a question like
"Where is Jimmy Hoffa?"
THERE WERE numerous oth-
er indications that something
big was happening in Spain de-
spite the apparent calm. While
talking to a Barcelona business-
man in his downtown office, a
call came through from a friend
in Paris. The friend was call-
ing to find out what things were
like in Barcelona, since the
French media had broadcast
news of arrest and turbulence
in that city. The businessman
had to answer that things were
peaceful, although he had no
way of knowing if demonstra-
tions or mass arrests were tak-
ing place elsewhere in the city.
Another indication of the Span-
ish people's concern for what
would happen next was the fact
that the bars and cafes with
television sets were often pack-
ed during news broadcasts. My
personal experience indicates
that this usually only occurs
during an important football
game or bull fight.
Though nearly a month has
passed since my visit to Barce-
lona, Franco is, as of this mo-
ment still alive, kept going, by
numerous operations and drugs.
French television and press re-
ports that his heart is kept
beating by a pacemaker, and
that he is so drugged that he
is unconscious and doesn't even
realize what the doctors are do-
ing to him. This time, there is
little doubt: Franco is finished.
By the time this article is fin-
ished he could very well have
already become the new Chief
of State, and though Juan Car-
los waited in the wings a long
time before moving up, and
seems to have gained political
credibility through the Spanish
Sahara affair, it is difficult to
know what kind of a king he
will be. Suppositions as to who
the king's men will be is an-
other guessing game political
commentarists and Spain-olog-
ists are fond of. While the
names are many and the pres-
sures are subtle in high places,
the names Fraga Iribarne, Pio
Cabanillas, andtJoqquin Ruiz
Jimenez are often repeated.
FragaIribarne, former Infor-
mation Minister, supporter of
greater press freedom, and am-
bassador to England, is con-
sidered a prime candidate for
Premier ("Presidente del Gubi-
erno") in Juan Carlos' govern-
ment. Pio Cabanillas, a cabinet
member who was fired for be-
ing too liberal in the eyes of
the regime's right-wing faction,
may also be a member of post
Franco governments. The names
are too numerous to mention
here, but to the three aforemen-
tioned persons are certain to
have important political futures
in tomorrow's Spain.
The intrigues, mysteries, per-
sonal and political ambitions
which are in evidence around
the Caudillo's deathbed are in-
teresting subjects of investiga-
tion, and may well be the sub-
ject of future articles by the
European Bureau.
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Leris SWAP,
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Paul O'Donnell is the
pean correspondent to
CRISP-y tale of horror
Alcohol and barbiturates:
Heady, but lethal pasttime
Question: I have been under a great
deal of stress lately and have gotten into
the habit of drinking several glasses of
wine in the evening to help me unwind.
Although I've never been able to tolerate
much alcohol, I seem to be drinking more
and more now as it is the only thing that
seems to help. I also take phenobarbital
for seizures and valium to help me sleep.
At one time I was hooked on drugs, and
need to know if I am courting trouble by
mixing wine and drugs. Also, my aunt was
an alcoholic and I am worried about any
hereditary predisposition here.
Answer: An increased concern has de-
veloped over the practice of mixing alcohol
and other drugs and we referred your ques-
tion to Dr. Paul Seifert, the Chief of our
Medical Clinic, who has noted the follow-
The effects of alcohol and barbiturates
on the central nervous system (CNS) are
quite similar in several important respects.
First, both drugs (and alcohol is a drug)
are CNS depressants (i.e., drugs that pro-
duce sedation and hypnosis, or in toxic
quantities, coma). Contrary to popular be-
lief, even in small doses, alcohol has no
direct stimulant effect on the nervous sys-
tem. Mixing sedative drugs, or "downers"
of one or more types (including barbituates,
tranquilizers and alcohol) has been shown
to increase the risk of overdosage, in either
an additive or a multiplicative fashion, and
this practice should be approached with ex-
treme caution or preferably not at all.
Second. tolerance develons with both bar-
or secondary to the drug use. These with-
drawal effects can be quite dramatic and
can be
To answer your question more specifi-
cally, you may definitely be "courting
trouble." Although we are unaware of any
well documented hereditary predisposition
to the development of alcoholism, an indi-
vidual previously "hooked on drugs" may
well have a tendency toward psychological
dependence on drugs. This may respond to
appropriate psychotherapy.
Question: Last week I had a burning
sensation in my ears and a sense of fever-
ishness, aching and general run-down feel-
ing. I took a lot of Vitamin C and after
a couple of days it went away. What could
that be?
Answer: Either you were in love for two
days or you had a short-lived cold. The
symptoms you described are typical of the
common cold but are usually accompanied
by any or all of the following: runny nose,
congestion in the nose, sneezing, sore throat,
hoarseness and a dry cough. These discom-
forts can last a short time such as yours
(you lucky person), or can last for a week
or more. The fact that they can be over in
a day or two, or even a few hours means
that it is overly easy to attribute a "cure"
to any medicine taken (whether it be vita-
min C, castor oil or whiskey). Colds can
be very mild with only slight congestion
and discomfort, or they can be severe caus-
ing major discomfort evenhthough the per-
son is not seriously ill. The extent of the
discomfort depends on your own reactionI
to the virus that is causing the illness and
your own medical history.
ON MONDAY I decided to give
CRISP its last chance. I
took my registration form,
wrinkled from being stuffed in
notebooks and pockets for the
two weeks since my first CRISP
appointment and I headed for
the Residential College offices.
I handed Vicki my permission
note for a writing tutorial, and
she stamped "res coil" in the
appropriate space.
"What about the authorization
form?" I asked.
"The What?"
"They said I need some sort
of form, that I have to get it
from you and have it signed, for
both of the classes . .."
"They were wrong."
I marched over to the A&D
building feeling self-righteous
and indignant. I had argued for
half an hour over whether or
not I needed permission slips
to get into two courses. It
turned out that I had the wrong
section for the urban planning
course, and they were wrong
about RC procedures. I never
had any great love for Water-
man, but for just a moment, as
I walked up the stairs to the
second floor of A&D, I found
myself mulling over nostalgic
memories of that gymnasium
crowded with small tables
where a lonely and confused
student might find friendly
faces from the RC or the Urban
Planning department to explain
what in the world was going
long line of impatient students
waiting to be CRISPED and I
was glad to push through the
crowd waiving my re-entrance
pass. I went straight to the
classification area and proceed-
ed quickly to one of the many
open terminals.
"I can't do this," the woman
said, shoving my classification
form back at me across the
terminal, "You snuck in the
back way - it hasn't been
"I have a pass that I got on
the first day CRISP opened. It
says I can go straight to the
classification area on any day
at any time. I didn't come in
the back door. I have a pass,"
"The form has to be stamp-
ed," the terminal operator ex-
plained, relentlessly.
I opened my mouth to protest.
The man operating the terminal
next to me gazed at me comic-
ally. "Now don't be getting an-
ceiving instructions from above,
I returned to the front table
where I was bitterly chastised
for being without a stamp and
accused once again of coming
in the infamous back door.
"I need your appointment
card," she demanded - avoid-
ing my hurt expression, or per-
haps not wanting to look at any-
one who would come in the back
"I don't have my appoint-
ment card," I said, 'I turned it
in the first day, when I went
by this table. I have this pass
that says I can come in at any
time, any day."
"Go back and get an appoint-
ment card," she said, but I
stood where I was. "You should
have come by this table on the
way in.
"But my pass says I should
go directly to the classification
direction, leaving the long line
of students to stand and wait.
Just then the supervisor walked
up in the other direction.
"Now what's the hold-up?" he
The students at the front of
the line glared at him, perhaps
thinking that he might better
spend his time sitting down at
the entrance table to help the
poor woman rather than pacing
up and down the lengthy line..
I said. "The problem is I had
my CRISP appointment the
first day, before these stamninQ
nrocedures were implemented.
I am a victim of a change of
rules midstream."
The entrance lady got back
just in time to hear my speech,
"She came in the back door!
She didn't get her form stamp-
"I didn't come in the back
door. ' This woman was very
busv and I went straight to the
classification area like it says
on my pass."
Against her protests, he in-
structed her to stamp my form.
"But you should have stopped
at this table."
know this, I'll never know, but
I returned to the terminals --
and went straight back to my
friend, who was cajoling peo-
ple to smile, and not to be so
worried. I noticed how many
people seemed to share my
great feeling of being manipu-
lated by the CRISP bureauc-
Letters to The Daily
In the consideration of new
registration methods and the
improvement of old ones, it
must be understood that an ef-
ficient program is not simply
one that is done quickly and
cheaply, but is more important-
ly a program which provides
for some sort of individual con-
cern so we don't leave the build-
ing feeling only confused and
Harwood is representing us on
Debra Goodman is
To The Daily:
dicate that I am declining to ap-
pear and participate in the
scheduled debate and the rea-
sons therefore.
I was contacted several
weeks ago by a representative
of the Young Socialist Alliance
and was asked if I would par-
ticipate in a debate at the Uni-
versity of Michigan campus
with an Israeli professor. It was
represented to me at that time
that the debate was to be spon-
sored by a number of student
organizations including the Or-
ganization of Arab Students. I
indicated my willingness to de-
bate the question of whether
Zionism is a form of racism.
Subsequent to this I learned
from the OAS chapter in Ann
Arbor that the Organization of
Arab Students at the Univer-
sity of Michigan had specifical-
ly declined to co-sponsor the
debate because of that organiz-
ation's policy not to debate
WHEN I WAS subsequently
contacted by the YSA represen-
tative I pointed out the fact that
the OAS was not a sponsoring
organization and she indicated
that there were still a number
of student organizations which
were co-sponsoring the debate
and that the OAS would help
to build it.
I was prepared to participate
in the debate with an Israeli
on the topic of whether Zionism
is racism regardless of whether
OAS endorsed the debate or not.
Moreover, I was prepared to
participate in a debate that had
a broad base of sonsorship as
was represented to me.
During our second phone con-
versation, the YSA renresenta-
tive indicated that the nrofess-
or was unwilling to entitle the
debate 'Ts Zionism Racism.' al-
though this wns my original no-
ci:inn a:- - ntA.int.he T
nouncements were being circu-
lated on the University of
Michigan campus announcing
an Arab-Israeli debate solely
on the issue of 'How Peace Can
Be Achieved in the Middle
East' and that its sponsors were
solely the Israeli Student Or-
ganization and the Young So-
cialist Alliance.
Needless to say, there has at
best been a serious breakdown
in communications and, at
worst, culpable misrepresenta-
tions made to me concerning
conditions of the debate. I can-
not in good conscience acqui-
esce to the violation of the
terms and conditions which
were imposed on the debate by
myself and therefore I am hav-
ing this statement read at the
scheduled time for the debate.
I regret that some people may
have unwittingly appeared at
the scheduled time and place to
hear my presentation but I am
certain they understand that I
had and have good and suffic-
ient reason to decline to appear.
Abdeen Jabara
Dec. 3
To The Daily:
ber 12, 1975 to the Ann Arbor
News regarding decertification
of the clerical union at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, J u n e
Franklin expressed the real
feelings of many of us. We don't
feel we need the union to "help"
us now nor will we ever need
them. We compliment her on
her excellent letter.
The union hasn't really helned
us as much as they think thev
have. The only thing it his
really accomplished is to split
the clericals into three groups
the CRISP review committee
and is eager to hear individual
complaints and suggestions. He
can be reached at the SGC of-
fices, 763-3241.
-Unity Caucus (UC), Clericals
for a Democratic Union (CDU)
and those of us who don't want
or like a union.
The UC and CDU groups use
the membership meetings as a
battlefield. Each group tries to
outdo the other. They continue
to amend each other's amend-
ments to the by-laws before
they are voted upon. Each
group wants to run the union
its way with its choice of offic-
WE FEEL THAT most of
the employees who remain at
the University for a decent
length of time have done fairly
well in obtaining merit in-
creases and other benefits with-
out the assistance of a union.
We prefer to keep it this way.
Why should we have to pay
dues to get benefits and raises?
The union hasn't gotten us any
thing more than what we would
normally have gotten except an-
other monthly expense.
The bargaining committee
could have gotten us, or at least
tried to get, cost of living ex-
penses and/or longevity. But
then Carolyn Forrest explained
at the August ratification meet-
ing that not many people would
be affected by longevity so they
didn't think it was that import-
ant. Isn't the union supposed to
he working for all of us????
Also, she said they didn't have
enorgh time. What were they
doing for eight months???
Because of these and many
other reasons, we strongly urge
rTYRTCALS to sign a decerti-
fic-tion card. We need your
Pat Ardrer
Pat Burris
Anita Wild
November 25
Contact your reps-
Sen. Phillip Hart (DemX 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol 11111,