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September 05, 1975 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-05

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Friday, September 5, 197:,


Page Seven

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, at 5:00 p.m.
The ReceptoandFaurs acLiqhtiSupper and a Discussion
9 :30 a.m. Alpha Omega Class 5 p.m. Student Rec't.
14:45 a.m. Morninq Service 7 p.m. Eveninq Service
Call 761-8867 for Information and Bus Schedule
Dr, R. H. Saxe, Pastor Ken Koetsier, Campus Pastor
I am Alpha and Omeqa, the Beqinninq and the Endinq
saith the Lord, Who Is, and Was, and Is to Come
Anounces Its Weekly Meeting
(ust above the Arch)

Postal Service board paves
way fo.3-et ae nres

W A S H I N G T O N (R) -- Juune 11 in a New York
The Postal Service's board of speech.
governors took action yesterday
that will allow the Postal Ser- "N IN E TY days after fil-
vice to increase the cost ofI ing, we will implement new
mailing a letter from 10 to 13 i temporary rates," said Bailar. I
cents by December. "However, more recently, postal
The governors gave final ap- officials have said an increase,
Sproval to the present "tem- may not be imposed as soon as
porary" 10-cent rate, effective possible.
Sept. 14. That will leave the "It is a question that remains
Postal Service free to file for Ito be answered whether we
new rates, which could take ef- would want to put a rate in-
feet 90 days after the filing crease in right before Christ-
date. mas," one postal official said !
last week. '
IF THE new rates were filed "We would have to consider
Sept. 14, the new 13-cent rates how the public would react to
could possibly go. into effect as that," said the official, who de--
Searly as Dec. 15, at the height clined to be named.
S of the Christmas season. E
Postmaster General Benjamin THE governors' action came I
fBailar has said the Postal Ser- one week after the rate com-
vice would raise the rate on a mission delivered a long-antici-
temporary basis to 13 cents as gated decision clearing the way
AP Poto soon as permanent rates are for the final action on perma.-
established. nent rates.
"As soon as the permanent The commission gave its ap-.;
ed in front rates are established, we willI proval to a permanent rate
and it wasI file a new case" with the Postal 1 schedule similar to the tem-
Rate Commission, Bailar saidI porary one in effect since

March 1974.
The permnanent rates, approv-
ed by the commission and rati-
fied by the board of governors,
-Reduce the permanent rate
for first-class letters after the
first ounce from 14 cents to
nine cents.
--Reduce the postcard rate
from eight to seven cents.
--Leave unchanged the air
mail rate of 13 cents an ounce
for letters and 11 cents for
-Raise rates for newspapers
and magazines second class
three per cent.
-Leave book mail third-class
rates unchanged.
--Raise parcel fourth-class
rates by 10 per cent.
These permanent rates, once
they take effect Sept. 14, could
be increased by as muach as
one-third on' a temporary basis
by the Postal Service.
To do so, the Postal 'Service,
would have to file for the new
temporary rates with the rate

The baby with the bath water?
A hardhat takes an afternoon break in an old- fashioned bath tub conveniently place
of an old Raleigh, N.C. hotel. The 85-year-old downtown hotel is being torn down a
this gentleman's job to remove about 30 of these eagle claw and ball foot tubs.

This nifty little series has hundreds of exotic recipes-all au- Jr; Text by Joanne Young. The magnificent home of Presi- ner. Classic work (1929) , long out of pint and unavila
\ thenticoted kosher by Rabbi Norman Siel. Es gezunderheit dent Number One is presented through each season b means Still the most comprehensive anaywis of nonbehavioristic s
t J with recipes like Matzoh Bre Foo Young, Egg Roll Hoh Dah of handsome photos, richy impressionistic narrative, and se- terns of psycholoy ever written. with a Foreword pacing i
j ~Sh, and Gefilte Fish Remoulode. $3.96 / $1.98 each lections from the diaries of George and Martha Washington. the context of modern systematic psychology. $8.75 / $
}} 93 excellent full color prints. $6.95 / $1,49
GOOD THINGS, By Jane Griqson. From walnut-rum ice cream WHY DON'T WE LEARN FROM HISTORY?,by B. H. Lid
to English meat pies--a gastronomic curiosity which is as much LT. COL. ANTHONY HERBERT: SOLDIER. Enrossing auto- Hart. Classic essay on the philosop of history, the ers
,.;~~ fun to read as the recipes are to cook and food is to eat. Just bioraphy of an honorable soldier, and one of the best infon- war the problems and mhora ites o war an eac5 / $1
one of the hundreds of terrific cookbooks on THE MEZZA- trvmen and commanders the Army has produced whose au- mlitary writer who invented telizrie. $39/$1
-NINE at areot savings. $8.95 / $3.98 thenticted reports of atrocities, war crimes and cover-ups 111,1IIIIIII 11111 111111
wIPERPIS oi-orefadSv oe n vi ase b the M La invesigatos 9 ilu $1095r/ $1.0 AMERICAN MASTERS: The Voice and the Myth, by
Hasses. A step-by-step illustrated handbook towards repair- Brian O'Doherty. Over 50 extraordinary color pates
nq spaceship home and settin it on a course of domestic TH GRA AM ICN OVLbyPipRohHlaou typify the genius of Hopper; Davis, Pollack, DeKoon-
tranquility. Covers simple electrical repair, basic plumbing and TEGETAEIA OEb hlpRt.Hlrosin, Rothke Rauschenber, Weth, and Cornell. The
everyday fix-it needs. $8.95 / $3.98 and bizarre, a cross between farce and folklore, a mock epic book's theme is one intrinsic to Moder Art: the dia-
When God created the world, He forgot to make saa of the only homeless biq-league baseball team mn U.S. toque between the artist's work-his "Voice"-nd
books f allVINCENT VAN GOGH, by Mark Edo Tralbaut. The most com- history, the Ruppert Mundys, as they drop farther io the its reception by the public, which tends to compre-
a place where people COUld buy os fal rehensive study of the artist ever published. The hundreds of basement in one Patriotic league city after another during hend the artist and his work as a "myth". Hans No-
knsadicutoffo 40t80pretInexcellent black-and-white and COLOR reproductions occom- WW It-and of the Communist plot to destroy American mt' uebpoorps(vr8 /)etrit
k s d s uns ffr m 4 o8 pec n . pany the moving and revealing account of his life and work baseball. $8.95 / $1.00 mut spsi e dialogue whto ra heahve r 80 b's enersonnt -
an act of continuous creation, Borders has made Contains many reproductions of drawings and paintings which asohiticat tekbok witeachatmist's xaple of ats
have never before appeared. $42.50 / $22.98 THE 10-SECOND JALBREAK: The Helicopter Escape of Joel theme $25.00 / $12.98
such a remarkable place and put it all on the David Kaplan, by Eliot Asinof. The whole story, and back-
MEZZA iNE.FOOD FACTS AND FALLACIES: The Intelient Person's caround, of Kaplan's helicopter escape from nine years in a
EZA iM-Guide to Nutrition and Health. By Carlton Fredericks, et al. Mexican prison- strner-than-fiction mixture of espionage A HISTORY OF CHESS-Edited by B. H. Wood. Chess, P,
A modern, sensible approach to the iunqle of health food and intrigue, wormy Carribean politics and provocateurs, pr- , hps the most popular international pastime, is a fasinat
claims. Essential facts about what you eat and what you ngraphers, millionaires and diplomats! 21 photos. subject for study. With innumerable illustrations acompar
Thousands of books: beautiful art books, should ear. $7.95 / $1.98 6.95 /($.A0 in o very lively text, even the non-plver could not fai to
( best sellers, cookbooks, architecture, history, GENTLE PEOPLE: The Amish. A contemplative look at the msintedo hs histryfrom ts obscr beinnings in
/ ~movies, biographies, antiques, crafts, etc., etc., an udervstondina t etsowte AmiEhto e oeof thesfenw TWELVE SPANISH-AMERICAN POETS: An Antho- lution, into the game as we know it today. Profuselv Iutra
etc., eachone u ao)aroups in this world who actually seem to know what they are IIIy by H. R. Has (ed.). Superb cross section illu- with tipped-in color photographs and hunrd f lc-a
et. ahoeup to eighty (80) percent (fa doing. $2000 / $4.98 rinatin the various responses of 12 Spanish-Ameni- white photos and drawings. Imported / $4
of wat he pbliherthouht as goo prce.can poets to a time of wr, revolution and thinly
ofwhtth ubihe hogt a agodpic. EYEWITNESS TO SPACE. 258 ocintings, drawings and prints spread civilization. A bilingual facin-page transla- THE TANTRIC MYSTICISM OF TIBET, by J. Blofeld. Pese
-112 in full color, by 47 of America's great artists: Wyeth, tion of Nerud, Borges, Vlleio, Velarde. This, a cri- the astonishinl picturesue, practical, and fruitful medi
Rockwell, Kingman, Rauschenber. The depths of space and ticism of Octavio Paz, and a Havana cigar are all lion methods of the Tibetn Buddhists gives general Ma
So e hve couedthe blisher f Am. man's adventurous probinqs are portrayed in an imaginative you need for Nirvana. $12.50 / $1.98 van background, details of techniques, purpose, and un
Sow aesord epu r and artistic vein in this lage format (163/xl2t5). Some re- Nina theory in both "Yellow" and "Red Ht" schools ap
erica and Europe and collected the greatest bar- markable work in on entirely new genre. $35.00 / $17.98 cations in both traditional Buddhist and Wese relgi
gains of discounted books in this part of the MAPLE SUGAR BOOK, (Together with PIONEERING as a MAURICE, by E. M. Forster. Forster's best-sellin novel dea settings, etc. $695/ 2
wyof life in the 20th Century). By Helen and Scott Near- iawt h ujc fhmsxaiy n etn ITALIAN CASSEROLE COOKING, by Angela Catanaro. J
cCou ryntryhy anda theynTHEMEoA~enalTl dupni vostuTHE MEZmZnsA- mwaysuar r h-aracctrer Marof: Madsmrice:th, handsomreive ohealthyudres bodilnyy iurnttroactivekon
NINE, waiting for you. duction. Moyle recipes are included. (Now is the time to pick mentally torpid, and in turn, puzzled, tormentd, an svd MEZZANINE where scads of colorful and informative oco
out YOUR maple tree (s) for next spring for tapping. If You by his homosexualit.-6.5 - $.0 books cover all sorts of cookiga styles and techniques You (
wait until the leaves fall off, you'll be disappointed that the sit back, have a cup of our "gourmet tea, and imagne t
oak that you've tpped isn't giving you any sp.) THE PERSIAN BOY, by Mar Renault. Best-selling seuel to are in the Bibliotecue at the Cordon Bleu. $6.95 / $2
Perhaps what is best about all this is that $6.95 / $2.98 FIRE FROM HEAVEN recounting the life of Alexander the
we hve ecet) epaned he MZZA INEGreat during his years of conuest, from Greece to India-told BOOK OF CRAFTS, edited by Henry Puckrose. Tools, meth
wehv eety epne h EZ N ARMCHAIR MOUNTAINEER, Edited by George and Carol throuh the ees of his Persian lover, once the bought pla- and techniues are investigated in over thirty types of crf
to amost2000squre fet, nd s wehav Smith. Classic writings by the world's most famous mountain- thing of Daroius, King of Kins. $7.95 / $1.49 clv. class, leather, paper, copper enameling. This should
toams 00sur et n s e ae eers relate the magic, thrills, and mystique of centuries of least keep you going until October Over 200 illustrations
enough room to not only display all these great mountain lore. 20 Color photos and twice as many black and ALBERGO EMPEDOCLE and other writings, by E. M. Forster. $8.95 / $
white. $15.00 / $3.98 Excellent collection of early Forster: Cambridge satirical sket-
books, but we can bring the tea-pot out of ches and parodies, the "Albergo Empedocle" short story (For AROI RVSRssac nIead yMcal
agEaCMPLEThaveSTRATDeTOLoomO, Eotedoungee ste's first fictional expression o a homosexual theme , essays Sulli;,an. Over 175 photos and penetrating text document 1
mrh lsagiand aesm omt ug phen Clark and Daniel Lyman. A veritable "The Way Things on India, Indian religion bourgeois manners, inspirational Irish Republican Movement in its recent and current srug
arudi.Work" for hand and power tools. Over 300 illustrations ac- power, etc. $7.95 / $1.49 Contains interviews with citizens and group leaders: S
1 aroud in.comoonv the text which covers all the tools employed mn qen- Mac Stiofan, Joe Cahill, others. $7.95 / $1
erol house maintenance. $12.50 / $3.98 PLEASE TOUCH: A Guided Tour of the Human Potential
--NEW POWER WITH WORDSyNoranLws The New Movement, by Jane Howard. Eewitness tour by a participant SEX AND SOCIETY IN NAZI GERMANY, by Hans P. Ble
So come on up and see our terrific selec- b ra ws w of the nation's T-roups, sensitivity trinin laboratories, en Fascinatin, sometimes horrifying account of how Hiter a
- d ~~~~~~~~~~~~exponded edition shows you how to realize the Manifest Des- counter groups and human relationsbworkshops-in all their hshnhe ouaie hi olo odcwrir
tinorse or ewlaotorJut om u a in a wfekySpellmorrhemtbandarkvo. $6.95to/00 $1w.wrds variety, from nude marathons to a labrator for supermarket fecund females for the masses-whie reserving for themse
relax; sit down awhile and have a cup of tea-- nawe.SeIcretadtl od 69 19 managers. $6.95 / $1.49 'freedoms' which make for lurid historical gosip. 27 illus
it's always on the house, or, rather on THE LIBERATED PARENTS/LIBERATED CHILDREN, by Faber and tos$00 1
RUSH TO JUDGEMENT, by M =khn. dtd.b als.Ths w icplso r amGiot(uhro
M EZZANINE. Trevor-Roper Controversial, coa nl esoned cri- zBetween Pa erent an od dChild)s tellsD parents t how to Gno free thr HofP RA REI E C , y At urM ci
tioue of the Warren Reports i iy note murders selves from the shackles of chauvanist childbearing. No need sneJ.Bs-eln itr n nlsso h
of JFK, Officer Tippitt and Os ad id he Report to be "nice" or "patient " or to punish the little rascals! in ~inex , Jr B stssligiisnr and abusesi of trsdhta o e f m
Visit the GALLERY on the second floor Of doubt of Ow> d' quitonani<59esnb 8eetiarain 79 / $1.4 it has left the Constitution-and what Congress and
Borders Book Shop, too. The GALLERY COntin- UNGLAZED CHINA, by J. Tuzo Wilson. Rich, perceptive d- Wthingopen o iouwh it nhars tn lceme.
cb i r of a Canadian geophysicist's 1971 journe-lecture tour $h epecndoaoti nth0er~oc./$.9
ue h odr rdto fsuperb quality at THE INTERNATIONAL GOURMET USES OF GROUND BEEF, $ throuh the Peoples' Republic: sharp-eyed observations on 00 1
reasonable prices. We specialize in limited edi- , by the Family Circle Food Staff. This book will show you how China's texture of life, encounters with Chinese scientists,
mis classics from India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Greece, England, sights and sounds in Shanhai, Pekina Yenan, Sin, Nanking, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, by E. J. Kahn, Jr. "Completely e
ion poster art, original graphics, fine reproduc- to make those precious pounds of Bristled gold into gostrono- etc., etc. Hen you vi-sz! $9.95 / $1.00 rsn.JhnGte-ikexorinofhefdnsof
clans, sculpture, and antique prints. In addi- FacSadnv A Recn ession SResia: $3.95 U$.98 CUBA 1933: Proloque to Revolution, by Luis Aquilar. Excell- 1970 cns u We'rall hetre, 0 mln strng n a Y
tin eofracmlt rmn n r- CYCLORAMA OF CUSTER'S LAST BATTLE. A recreation of "mdC~nntoai n d on otuinre~~3' bility stats, race, sex, and migration."-Vanc Pckard w
mounting service to fit any budget. The Battle of Little Big Horn as seen from both sides Maps f-rmdCsbansntialsm anf idestotetudvostind pofgr93s ouh t now.$89 /$1
an - a d ho sth t a y f t i eaatitd san ro rassu-show in detail Custer's plan of attack and Sifting Bull's sc stem from 1933; includes new insights on the U.S. interven- IS THERE LIFE ON EARTH? An Introduction to Gurdeff,
cessful ambush. $6.00 / $10.00 tionist role in Havana. $9.50 / $1.00 J.G ent.Fussnthsxrodnryhisph's
SO come upstairs and visit the GALLERY PRINCESS OF JDE, by Edmund Cap rs ocno H UMRGAE oe neon aeal nd Pr.int-itt tempt to understand the plight of the modern wold.9/$
on your next trip to Borders. Whether its on An- China during the Han Dynasty (205 B.C-220 A.D.) through ina. Angell's NEW YORKER writings on 10 Years of profound
sel Adamspotad anEhe pstror n the pieces which formed the unique exhibit which hit Paris in change ini baseball-the great and small events from the rise POWER FOOTBALL, by Murray Chss and Editors of F
P '7 thau S" '7 $1 95 8698 o Caiforia asebll o th 7-ame Tiqers-Pirates Series Quarterback". Over 100 action photos, more than 60 in

t i
)er- $
.98 O
Iat /

/ me VD n .Z a.>
oignl ilsrenyu'e ue ofind a e-"Quite simply the best book on baseball I've ever read"-- Color. Tems nwegal a mrc' ra p
otgnlslsreyur uet ne- THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LOTTERY, by Larry Merchant. Geore Plimpton $7.50 / $1.00 ttor sport, Pro Football, can never know what drives a man
citing work of art to fit your mood and your An exciting look at the uncharted areas of pro football-a pla with numbin pain or to return to the field as an outc
pockebook.plaver involved in fixes, the bookies, hiqh-rollers and touts, PICTORIAL KEY TO THE TAROT, by A. E. Waite. Full Color among teammates. The Players call it POWER FOOTBALL, t
p keb k-the ONE man who sets the point spread for 12 million bettors Reproductions of all 78 cards, with significant points of inter- wa the game has to be played and the rewards it brings. I
each week, much more--by the N. Y. POST sports columnist. pretation on the facing page. The introduction gives general cudes talks with Joe Nmath, Billy Killmer, Floyd Little, L
$750 / $1,00 auidlines to Trot use and histor, $15.00 / $4.98 rv Brown, more. $12.95 / $5.

1 1

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