94eArigan B4ail Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 I FAILED ESCAPE OR ASSASSINATION? George Jackson's death re-examined Wednesday, December 3, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan S-i rally set for Saturday THE DAILY ENCOURAGES all stu- dents and local residgnts who claim to have a stake in the preser- vation of civil liberties in the U.S. to attend next Saturday's Kennedy Square demonstration protesting the S-1 bill. S-1 is one of the more repressive TODAY'S STAFF: NEWS: Gordon Atcheson, Stephen Hersh, Lois Josimovich, Jim Nicoll, Stephen Selbst. EDITORIAL PAGE: Paul Haskins, Lin- da Kloote, Jon Pansius. ARTS PAGE: Jeff Sorensen. PHOTO TECHNICIAN: Scott Ecckler. legislative packages to come down the pike in years. Not only would it reinstate the death penalty for certain crimes, it also would take steps to limit citizens' rights of speech, assembly, and the press (See "Letters" below). In addition, it would protect pub- lic officials from prosecution if they can attribute their misdeeds to loy- alty or obedience to a higher au- thority. The anti-S-1 rally, featuring Mary- ann Mahaffey of the Detroit Com- mon Council and Tom Turner of the AFL-CIO will start at 1 p.m. Sat- urday afternoon. By EVE PELL SAN RAFAEL, Calif., Nov. 30 (PNS) - When George Jackson was shot and killed in 1971 for trying to escape from San Quen- tin prison, he was the undisput- ed leader of a growing prison movement and widely hailed as Malcolm X's successor. Now four years later, as one after another U.S. government inspired assassination p l o t against political leaders comes to light, the official version of Jackson's death is slowly crumb- ling. The scene is a little noted, long-drawn trial in California which grew out of the events surrounding the Jackson shoot- ing. Their sworn testimony has de- monstrated that Jackson w a s probably not killed by either of the two prison guards w h o claim to have shot him. This has led in turn to a major reversal in the official version of his killing. As in the Kennedy assassina- tions, the evidence challenging that version has come f r o m mounds of conflicting testimony, including findings from forensic pathologists about the path of bullets through bodies, the lo- cation of their fragments, the position of the people firing them. WHAT IS unique about t n e Jackson case is that until now the public has never had access to that evidence because t h e shooting itself took place byehind prison walls, where no disiater- ested citizen could see, and where all evidence remaihed it) the hands of prison offkwials or state agents, protected by a judge's gag rule forbidding its release. Now, like the Water- gate tapes, the official version and the evidence on which it is based have been drawn into the courtroom where they are facing a head-on challenge. The central figures in t h e courtroom are the six defend- ants (called the San Quentin Six), accused by the prosecution of plotting Jackson's escape and thereby directly or indirectly killing three guards and two oth- er inmates. But from the start, the court- room drama has been dominat- ed by the spectre of the d e a d Jackson, as the defense wove its legal strategy around the contention that law enforcement agents themselves had plotted credibility as witnesses. From that point on, the de- fense has sought in extensive and detailed cross examiatalions to expose what it sees as the major contradictions in t h e state's version, centered upon the two bullets allegedly fircd at Jackson, one fatal and t h e other non-fatal. It is the fatal bullet that, from the very beginning, has aggra- vated suspicions that Jackson, rather than being gunned down while trying to escape, was ac- tually assassinated. "It is the fatalI that, from the ve ginning, has vated suspicions Jackson, rather. being gunned while trying to es was actually nated." as Securities Crisis NYC Moratorium Act sets double-jeopardy custom By GREGORY STAPLE THE PARTIAL New York City d e b t moratorium passed by the state legis- lature on November 15th was supported by 'both socialist organizers and banking inter- ests. Socialists, who argue that a broadly based moratorium was necessary to main- tain the standard of living for the majority of city residents, viewed the limited meas- ure as a major international precedent for debt strapped municipalities and T h i r d World countries. Banking interests, who realized that a default would seriously in- jure their equity capital and property hold- ings, felt that the moratorium was a small step to pay for avoiding a long, drawn-out federal bankruptcy court proceedings. A closer examination of the legal impli- cations of the Act, however, indicates that the political battles surrounding New York City's fiscal crisis are far from being re- solved. The Moratorium Act, which was part of a $6.8 billion plan to cover the City's financ- ial needs until fiscal 1978, suspends payment of principal on $1.6 billion of city notes maturing between December 11 and March 12, 1976 for at least three years. N o t e holders now also have the option of swap- ping their securities for ten year Municipal Assistance Corporation (M.A.C.) bonds that pay 8 per cent interest. The Flushing Na- tional Bank of Queens immediately filed suit on November 17 in State Supreme Court, challenging the constitutionality of the act. In its complaint, the bank argued, among other things, that the act violated Article I, section 10 of the United States Constitution which provides that "no state shall pass any law impairing the obligation of contracts". THIS CLAUSE WAS adopted by a consti- tution convention sitting in 1787 that had recently witnessed the rebellion of heavily indebted farmers led by Daniel Shays of Massachusetts. Justice John Marshall de- scribed the situation prevailing at that time as one where, "resentment against lawyers and courts was freely manifested." In many instances "the course of the law was arrested and judges restrained from proceeding in the execution of their duty by popular and tumultuous assemblages. This state of things alarmed all thoughtful men, and led them to seek some effective remedy." Earlier this year one of the partners of Hawkins, Delafield & Wood, now bond coun- sel for M.A.C., sought to advance the "thoughtfulness" of the Convention's rem- edy for unruly state legislatures in a New Jersey court. Appearing as the representa- tive for bondholders of the New York and New Jersey Port Authority, the firm ar- gued that the legislative repeal of a co- venant (which limited the Authority's use of its revenues for rail passenger service) was an unconstitutional impairment of contract. The trial court disagreed and in so doing set a precedent that municipal bond coun- selors may regret more than the ignoble fall from their ranks of John Mitchell. THE NEW JERSEY decision sternly re- minded bondholders that not every impair- ment of a contract obligation, or security for its perfomance, runs afoul of the con- tract clause. The court stated that "the clause must be construed in harmony with the power of the states to alter or modify their contractual obligations where an im- portant public interest requires. Those who enter into contractual relations with t h e sovereign, including the bondholders of the Port Authority, are chargeable with t h e knowledge that it is a sovereign entity with which they are dealing . . ." But the exer- presupposes the maintenance of a govern- ment by virtue of which contractual rela- tions are worthwhile - a government which retains adequate authority to secure the peace and good order of society." THE SITUATION facing Hawkins, Dela- field & Wood illustrates the fundamental contradictions facing capitalist governments in a period of economic depression. To the extent that the Moratorium Act is upheld as a legitimate exercise of the reserve pow- er of the state to protect its citizens' health, safety, and welfare, militant state legisla- ures may subject the terms of other out- standing municipal securities to political renegotiation. But, if it is not upheld, the financial package, whose conditions were initially determined by the political impos- sibility of enforcing greater fiscal aus- terity, may become worthless. Moreover, if the act is declared uncon- stitutional, bond counsel for various public instrumentalities could become personally liable under fraud provisions of the 1933 and 1934 Securities Acts for misrepresent- ing the legal merits of such securities. It is the civil liability of counsel, rather than the market for municipal issues, that is ap- parently worrying bond attorneys the most these days. This concern is responsible for the unprecedentedly candid statement of Hawkins, Delafield & Wood in a letter ac- companying M.A.C.'s official prospectus de- tailing the swap option under the Morator- ium Act. The statement read, "in the event that the constitutionality of said Moratorium Act is sustained by a court of final juris- diction such judicial determination could support the constitutionality of similar legis- lative enactments . . .". By imposing the responsibilities upon bond counsel to behave according to the rules that other people who use financial markets must follow, the privileged position that financial exploita- tion of urban problems by the state enjoys may possibly be diminished. ONE OF THE quickest ways to secure a nominally honest government is to strip the ruling class of the legal immunity that they possess. The tactics of Judge John Sirica taught us that jail and the deprivation of liberty affect the powerful and the weak, the rich and the poor, with fine impartial- ity. The same approach that the SEC has taken to the opinions of bond counsel should also apply to so called labor leaders. Not- ably, the trustees of several New York City employee pension funds only approved the investment of a subestantial portion of these monies in New York City and State securi- ties after Governor Carey pledged that he would submit legislation to protect them from lawsuits charging a breach of fiduciary responsibility. The courts appropriately struck down similar legislation passed months ago as a prerequisite for obtaining purchases by State Comptroller Arthur Le- vitt. The issues raised by the Moratorium Act cannot be emphasized too strongly. T h e present situation is untenable for financial circles, not only because of the uncertainty of the outcome of the suit brought by Flush- ing Bank, but because no matter which way the courts decide the case, the decision will provide the basis for a serious fight over whose interests the existing mechanisms of public finance really serve. The stage will have been set for advancing proposals that seek to deal with the de facto strike of financial institutions the way striking work- ers movements dealt with intransigent in- dustrialists in the last Great Depression; namely, by running the factories themselv- es. At the very least a strike by capital that seriously threatens the public's welfare should be dealt with the way the United with prison officials to k son, then accused the conspiracy as a plausib story.t FOR MONTHS, howev presiding Judge Henry ick had refused to heare along this line, maintain "trial is not an inquest death of George Jackso Then, three weeks ag judge reversed his stan persistent defense ar that the official versionc son's death, verified by1 secution's key witness be examined to establi Letters to, the Dal ORIGINALLY, prison sp Aes- bullet men had argued that this bullet had entered Jackson throug the ry be- head and exited from his spine as he ran from the maimum security adjustment center iggra- where he was held into the ad- th at joining prison yard. A month later, the coroner's than report reversed this finding claiming Jackson was shot through the back with the bul- down let exiting from ais head. Now the defense nas demmn- scape, strated from sworn testimony that it is highly improbable the Ssassi- fatal shot could have been fired by either of the two guards who claimed to have shot Jacksor. According to the official ver- sion, one of those gurds, Frank Bortfeld, first fired the non-fatal bullet from a guard tower on ill jack- Jackson's right, hitting him in Six of the ankle and making him stum- le cover ble. The second guard, Jat0h n Frank, then fired the fatal bu- let from Jackson's rear which er, t h e entered his spine and exited Broder- through the ton of his head. Bath evidence fired only once. ning tne into the THE DEFENSE strategy aims n." at destroying the, state's explan- go, t h e ation of how the non-fatal bil- d under let was fired, and therebv de- guments molishing the corollary tieo y of Jack- of who killed Jackson. the pro- The defense has elicited tes- had to many from the coroner, J o h n sh their Manwaring, that the nonfatal bullet hit Jackson in tie rear of his calf and then traveed to the right, exiting frcm inside of his left ankle. But Bortfeld, positioned 75 y jyards to Jackson's right, and at a right angle with his path of system fliaht, could only have fired a its vic- illet that wond have proceed- ed to Jackson's left. Had R~rt- pposition feld fired the shot, it would have to mem- hit Jackson's ankle (instead of Congress entering his calf) and fragment- e in De- ed inside his leg. Burd said he 995-4133 came to this conclusion after s. now doing a chemical analysis on Jackson's trousers, which be a Autin, had neglected to do in 1971, in en Batts, an effort to explain the presence Coalition of tiny lead pellets which t h e Stop S-1 prosecution told him had been discovered imbedded in Jack- son's leg. IR'S THE PROSECUTION had sup- plied this new information to Burd a week before he was interest scheduled to testify. concern- NSA, it In that analysis, Burd said, he has not found tiny holes through which t in the lead had passed which corre- methods. sponded with the pellets. These, ducation he claims, were caused when the on d'etre bullet ricocheted off the ground, come a splintering into the pellets that e "base- lodged in Jackson's leg and the le pie," bullet fragment that entered his bject to shoes and caused the ankle eir earn- wound. (The defense claims the are soci- pellets may have been caused rte blan- by Bortfeld's bullet ricocheting l" thugs from the ground, but that the whatever bullet itself missed Jackson.) ans nec- Burd also took a new look t include at Jackson's left shoe and sock, urt since concluding now that the bullet e on the hole in both could have been tion. The caused by a fragmented (i e., y~ search ricochet) bullet as well as a To The Daily: IN DETROIT on Saturday, December 6, at 1 p.m. at Ken- nedy Square, there will be a demonstration to stop the S-1 bill, one of the most repressive pieces of legislation imaginable. Featured speakers are Maryann Mahaffey (Councilwoman, City of Detroit), Tom Turner (Presi- dent, Metropolitan AFL - CIO Council), and Howard Simon (Executive Director, ACLU). There is little opposition so far in the Senate, so action must come in the form of outside or- ganization. Despite the 1972 Supreme Court decision holding the death penalty to be unconstitutional, S-1 provides mandatory death sentences for certain crimes (in- cluding leaking "national de- fense information") under cer- tain conditions. It imposes man- datory, minimum sentences with no chance of probation for cer- tain offenses. The whole outlook of the bill is toward imprison- ment. S-1 puts the burden on de- fendants to prove they were "un- lawfully entrapped" by police into committing crimes toward which they were not already "predisposed." It even allows acceptance of "voluntary" con- fessions in the absence of legal counsel and despite police fail- ure to give the Miranda warn- ings to protect the innocent. THE S-1 BILL deliberately attempts to cut back on our constitutional rights of freedom of speech, press, and assembly. For example, had the S-1 been law, Ellsberg would be in jail for 7 to 15 years for communi- cating the Pentagon Papers (De- fense information) to the me- dia. The New York Times' edi- tors would face 7 years for re- ceiving that information and not "delivering it promptly" to a federal agent. It makes no dif- ference if that classified infor- mation is among the 90 per cent of currently classified in- formation that is purportedly illegally or unnecessarily classi- fied. At the same time, S-1 pro- hibits prosecution of "public servants" (the Watergate con- spirators) if their illegal con- duct was the result of a belief that it was "required or author- ized" or based on a "written interpretation issued by the head of a governmental agency" (Nixon). S-1 also extends the Attorney General's power to wiretap with- out court order, reinstates the Smith Act (used during the Mc- Carthy witch hunt trials to im- prison people belonging to groups advocating the overthrow of the government), and places severe restrictions on all kinds fight back against the that has made them tims. Please show your op to this bill with letterst bers of the Senate and C and with your presence troit on Saturday. Call for information on rides Dian Ke Ann ArborC to To The Daily: WITH THE GREAT being generated latelyc ing the CIA and the is surprising that there been an equal interest IRS and its Gestapo n Through the state e system, taxes (the rais of the IRS) have be patriotic institution like ball, hotdogs and app and all those who o having a portion of the ings stolen from them ally stigmatized and ca che is given to "officia to get that portion byv means necessary. "Me essary" usually does no taking the resister to co courts might get to rul constitutionality of taxa common method is by and seizure of bank; and/or personal proper ure also insures that a will not have the funds a court fight. Resisters can also 1 jobs because the IRS p sure on employers to fi The pressure is usual] of audit or revocationc ernment permit. Quitec IRS teams up with othe mental agencies for benefit. Thus when po a prostitute's place of the IRS is allowed to ta and to confiscate lists tourers. The customers ed, through threats ofi to family and friends how much was, paid to titute. Prostitution may gal but the IRS want of the revenue anyway tutional rights are also when a ctizen is force out a tax form. T Amendment on self-i tion is waived. Herea difference essentially the CIA/NSA and the . THERE CAN BE no of this system since fense clearly implies in and a support of theE fving the means. It i time that we shout E to such oppression and an end to the IRS. N whole busllet either on i s way in or out of Jackson's body. Burd's new theory is the only explanation that could tit with Bortfeld's shooting the non-fatal bullet. But it is not supported by other evidence. ACCORDING TO \lnw ri11g, Jackson had a sizeable hole in his calf, originally des:crib;;J tzs an entrance wound. If in fact the fragmented bullet exited' through this wound, it shovid have made a correspond .Ig exit hole through the trous'r 1 e . No such hole exists. According to Bird, this is becaiise the cloth of the trouser leg blo-ked t h e fragments. But Bhrd Jid not ex- plain the absence of 'hI stains or lead mrks where those frig- ments would have hit. And there are other probl-emrrs. Only a small part if the nea- fatal b-llet was retrie-yed from the ankle bone. if B,d's w.w theory is correct, the rest of the fragments must have staved so closely together after lroment- ing that they all made 'he iden- tical 90 degree left turn r, crder to exit through the rear of the calf, creating an exit hole so neat Marwaring labelled it an en- trance hole. The defense claims this is an impossibility. FINALLY, Manwarin' r e - moed the fragment from t h e rear of the ankle bo'i!. Had it come from the right, as Burd now claims, it wound have torn a hole through the t.ne in order to lodge there. No such hole has ever been reported. If, as the defense claims, Brd's new theory .:ainot with- stand either the evidence or lo- gic, then the prosecutiAn's effott to explain the discrepanzcv b e - tween the trajectory of the non- f-+tal b-llet and Bortfeld's poi- tion collapses. That leaves the door oen for a major re-exam- ination of the source of the fatal bullet. The defense is pushing relent- lessly towards that end, c o n- virced that it will be traced to a prison official and thereby de- monstrate a prison cospiracy to Pssassinate Jackson, and then a cover up of that assassination. Copyright, Pacific News Service, 1975. ...: ...: ...i.... ..... ...:.:.::: Contact your reps- Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Rep. Marvin Esch (Rep), 2353 Rayburn Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Sen. Gilbert Bursley (Rep), Senate, State Capitol Bldg., Lansing, Mi. 48933. Rep. Perry Bullard (Dem), House of Representatives, State Capitol Bldg., Lansing, Mi. 48933. accounts rty. Seiz- resister to make ose their uts pres- ire them, ly threat of a gov- often the r govern- mutual lice raid business p phones of cus- are forc- exposure to tell the pros- y be ille- s its cut y. Consti- violated ed to fill he Fifth ncrimina- again, no between IRS. o defense any de- a belief end justi- s instead NOUGH! I demand ext Anril \ \\\\ \\J\.~4~NK~ \ / 3 \ N Nk&\ *~K\>\\~\\ \ / ~