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December 03, 1975 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1975-12-03

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Doge Two',


Wednesday, December 3, 197!

Page Two' THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, December 3, 197

Panel rejects eased dope law

LANSING (UPI) - A House'
committee has rejected a .pro-
posal to radically liberalize.
'marijuana laws and scheduled'
a vote for Thursday on a more
conservative version.;
The House CivilRights Com-
mittee, on a 3-3 vote yesterday,
defeated a plan. by Rep.: H. Lynn
Jondahl (D-East Lansing) that
Would have made possession of
five ouices or sale of two ounces
a civil offense punishable by no
more than a $100 fine.-
sons convicted of possessing
marijuana can be sent to jail,

for a year and fined $1,000.
A vote is expected Thursday
on a proposal to lower the pen-
alty for possession of 100 grams,
about 3.2 ounces, to a $100 fine
and no criminal record, unless
the convicted person violates
probation conditions.
Liberalization of marijuana
laws has been supported by ma-
jor law enforcement officials in
the state.
SEVERAL county prosecutors
and. sheriffs have advocated no
jail time at all for convicted pot
smokers. The State Police has
gone on record in support of4

lowering the offense from its
current status as a high mis-
demeanor to a low misdemean-
or, which would carry a max-
imum $100 fine and 90-day jail
Law enforcement officials say
current laws are being enforced
randomly across the state and
are not deterring young people
from marijuana use.
A Michigan State University,
doctor and drug expert, David
Yacavone, said yesterday that
decriminalizing marijuana en-
tirely could save taxpayers $25
million annually.
IN 1974, Yacavone said, Mich-

igan had 19,851 marijuana ar-
rests. The price of each arrest
is about $1,300, he said, which
covers police, court, jail and
probation costs.
Yacavone, who heads MSU's
substance abuse program, said
he supports the lifting of crimi-
nal sanctions against marijuana
users, but does not endorse com-
plete legalization of marijuana
sale and use.

Sponsor calls off
Loch Ness meetin
LONDON (Reuter)-The Great by Dr. Robert Rines, leader o
Loch Ness Monster Conference the Boston research team tha
was postponed indefinitely last had snapped a series of under
night-the victim of too much water photographs-and starte
press enthusiasm. all the fuss.
The symposium had been call-
ed for next week to evaluate The photographs, taken by a
new photographic evidence that automatic camera with a flash
a prehistoric creature was in- are said to depict a marin
deed roaming Scotland's deepest cousin of the dinosaur whic
dera migSolkdsdeet became extinct 70 million year
TE F lake. E w c ago. Sir Peter thinks there is
might have settled once and for whole colony of the creature
all 40 years of argument, was surviving in the lake.
the brainchild of British natu- He stressed that the symp
ralist Sir Peter Scott who told sium had only been postponed
Reuter that he had regretfully not cancelled. "If you wait
decided to postpone it. No new bit longer there is liable to b
date was set. further evidence. Why there'
He said "excessive publicity" film in the camera that hasn
had made it impossible to hold been developed yet."
the conference in an objective
atmosphere, echoing the reasons The idea of the conference
given by naturalists and scien- set for December 9 and 10 i
tific institutions for backing off Edinburgh, was to bring t
from the venture earlier yester- gether scientists from all ove
udy. tn rld to Sm ake aa

"In no sense 'does this deci-
sion reflect in the smallest de-
gree on the nature of the evi-
dence or the integrity of those
who obtained it," he added.
SIR PETER said the post-
ponement had been agreed to
Ryan gets
nod for
U11 __

assessment of the controversi
new evidence.
But John Dundas, a spoke
man for Edinburgh Universit
one of the organizers, sai
"Against a background of lea:
and rumors and counter-rumor
it would not have been possit
to take a cool clinical look
the normal manner at this di
NYC gets

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Ms. Dennis Kontra rings a- bell. to start day's program at
restored one room Bohemian school in Racine, Wisconsin. I
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old-fashioned (presumably Bohemian) education.
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.vgi court House aid
(Continued from Page 1)
fenrece last week that was not (Continued from Page 1)
a consideration in the selection Congress' General Accountin
process. Office also would have the po
"THE LAW is the bulwark of er the audit the city's books.
all our liberties,' and the Su- Asked if New York City woul
preme Court must be the pillar have to return to Congress
of the judicial system that the future for more aid, Beam
makes the law work in Mich- said, "I don't think so. Ne
igan. The highest standards York City and state are ta
should be required for mem- ing very strong measures ...
bership on our highest court," we come back, we would co
Milliken said. back, as any city would,
"Judge Ryan meets these have the federal governme
standards. He has served on take its responsibilities, such
the circuit court with great welfare costs, Beame said.
energy, effectiveness and skill, He said the loans will "ke
building a reputation for fair- us going until June 1978 wh
ness and integrity." we ,can get back into the ma
'Pn nd h Il ife Marv1ke.

Egyptian Premier A h m e
Maher Pasha was assassinate
on Feb. 24, 1945.
Robert Frost was the fir
Doet-in-residence at the Univ
city from 1921 to 1923.
The squirrel uses his tail as
parachute and for balancing.



Students Don'i Have
To Be Sheep "
You (an Make a Difference
SGC will be interviewing
for the following positions:
SGC Student Insurance Committee
Research Policy (grad student only)
Director of Personnel



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Indian Jwlry
and Rugs
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Permanent Interview Board (grad student only)
INTERVIEWS for these committees will be held TUESDAY
and WEDNESDAY, Dec. 2nd & 3rd. Need more informa-
tion? Stop by SGC, 3rd floor of the Union; sign up for an
interview and pick up an application.

I - - -

Recipe #.00008



1. Fill a glass with nice, clean snow.
(White only, please.)
2. Add Cuervo Gold Especial.
3. See it turn yellow?
4. Put a straw in and drink.
5. If snow is unavailable, use crushed ice.
Or, forget the snow, and just put a straw
in the bottle. Or forget the straw and
just pour some Gold in a glass. Or just
have some water. Must we make
all these decisions for you? A.

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