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December 02, 1975 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 73 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, December 2, 1975 10 Cents Ten Pages plus Su




warn Ford

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Rent strike

A rent strike against Trony Associates began
yesterday with 20 housing units paying their
December rent into escrow accounts set up by
the Ann Arbror Tenants Union. AATU has receiv-
ed pledges from almost half of the company's 120
units to withhold rent. Trony's new owner, Dewey
Black, would not say how many tenants had paid
their rent yesterday. Most landlords, including
Black, allow a five day grace period past the
official rent due date.
Wolverine shirt
Quick - Grab your black ink and white paper
and start drawing. Today is the last chance to en-
ter the Michigan Daily t-shirt design contest and
win a dinner for 2, $25 cash, and your design re-
printed in The Daily with special iron-on ink. De-
sign an emblem, cartoon, or drawing with the
theme of the Wolverines and their upcoming Or-
ange Bowl appearance. You could be the brains
behind the t-shirt alums, football players and
Coach Bo wear all the, way to Miami.
Happenings .. .
... activities are already winding down in pre-
paration for the University holiday season-exams.
The Union Gallery opens it annual holiday show
from 10-6 p.m.; included in the multi-media show
are works in painting, jewelry, weaving and cer-
amics . . . poet Robert Hayden signs autographs
from 2-4 p.m. in the Hopwood Rm., Angell Hall
. . .Prof. Jacques Roger speaks on "Scientific
Thinking as an Element of Destruction" at 3 p.m.
in the Cook Rm., Law Quad . . . and there will
be an undergraduate poetry reading at 4:10 p.m.
in the Pendleton Arts Rm., Union.
Santa comes home
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus and this
year he's making house calls. On Christmas
morning, William Driggers will stick a pillow un-
der the belt of his red costume and drive to the
home of children he's never met just to wake
them up with a "ho ho ho" Daughter Susan, 10,
gets in the act as Santa's elf. Driggers, who works
for a public relations firm, says he charges cli-
ents who can pay just enough to cover transporta-
tion and "something for my time." "I enjoy mak-
ing kids happy," Driggers says.
Get that goat!
A small white goat has taken up residence at
the new town hall in Cary, North Carolina. The
goat started grazing on the town hall lawn last
week, remained there during the weekend and
eluded officials who tried to capture him. "I can't
run the goat down," town manager Charles Wil-
liams said. "He jumps up the walls. He can be on
the ledge outside the building in one easy spring."
Williams said there's plenty of grass for the goat
to eat. "He's a conversation piece," town clerk
Annie Jones said. "We haven't done anything ex-
cept admire him."
Pipe lover-
A champion pipe smoker loves smoking his pipe
so much he won't take it ?out of his mouth long
enough to get kissed, his wife complains. North
Carolinian Dan Stephens, 54, puffed his way to
first place last weekend in a pipe smoking con-
test. He kept a pipeful of smoking tobacco burn-
ing for a record hour and 36 minutes. Stephens,
who's been smoking a pipe for 20 years, suggests
smokers use a good, clean pipe with obstruction
in the bowl or stem. Stephens puffed away at an-
other pipeful of tobacco after winning the cham-
pionship, and despite his failure to acknowledge
it - his wife, Mary, planted a victory kiss on him.
Baby food
The product labels on at least eight brands of
baby food will in the future declare breast-feeding
preferable to bottle feeding for normal babies. The
eight international baby food manufacturers an-
nounced the new advertising code yesterday follow-
ing criticism by some groups that mothers in de-
veloping countries were being encouraged to
choose bottle-feeding over nursing. The United

States companies adopting the code were Nestle
food products and Wyeth International.
On the inside
. . . the Sports Pages provides coverage on last
night's wrestling match against MSU by Rick Bo-
nino . . . Pacific News Service writer Scott Thur-
ber tells about freon dangers on the Edit Page .. .
and on the Arts Page Andrew Zerman reviews As
You Like It.

U.N. base
to remain
By The Associate(! Press
Israel agreed yesterday to
keep the United Nations buffer
force on the Golan Heights. But
the government angrily de-
nounced the U.N. Security Coun-
cil for "surrender to Syrian ex-
tortion" and declared it will
take no part in the council's
Mideast debate next month be-
cause the Palestine Liberation
Organization will be invited.
Israeli officials privately ex-
pressed concern that the United
States had failed to veto the
council's resolution Sunday or
at least abstain from the vote.
They said the government found
only "partly satisfactory" an
explanation cabled by Secretary
of State Henry Kissinger.
IN AN eleventh hour compro-
mise Sunday, Syria accepted a
six-month extension of the Unit-
ed Nations buffer force on the
Golan Heights. In return, the
council agreed to Syrian de-
mands that the PLO be includ-
ed in a debate on the Mideast
next Jan. 12.
See U.N., Page 10

President arrives in
Peking; talks begin

PEKING, (Reuter) -- Chinese
Ilsiao-Ping told President Ford last
about detente could not hide the
world war.

Vice Premier Teng
night that rhetoric
growing danger of

Speaking at a welcoming banquet for the President,
Teng made clear China considered the struggle against
Soviet hegemony more important than normalization of
relations with the United States.
FORD, STERN-FACED, listened intently as the stocky Vice
Premier alluded to Moscow as "the most dangerous source of
He did not refer directly to U. S. detente with the Soviet Union
but said it was in the world's interest to dispel illusions of peace.
"Rhetoric about detente cannot cover up the stark reality of
the growing danger of war," Teng said.

FORD replied later with a
firm statement that Washington
would continue both to reduce
the dangers and to explore new
opportunities for peace.
The United States would try
"to achieve a more peaceful
world even as we remain de-
termined to resist any actions
AP Photo that threaten the independence
and well-being of others," the
augh left President added.
The familiar Chinese, warning
a snow about detente came a few hours
after Ford arrived here on a
five-day visit aimed at improv-
ing the sagging Sino-U.S. re-

White death
Searchers recover the body of a youth near the Alta Ski resort in Utah. Marck Ez
Thanksgiving on a cross-country ski trip, but was separated from a companion during
storm. Searchers found tlhe body probing the snow with long poles.


State prepares
Governor William Milliken and legislative leaders are now
putting the finishing touches to recommendations which, if ap-
proved, will pare at least $1.6 million - about 1.5 per cent - from
the University's current operating budget.
Milliken will submit the recommendations, in the form of an
executive order slashing $125 million from the statewide budget, to
appropriations committees in both the State House and Senate
late this week or early next week. Last month, those committees
rejected the Governor's first executive order, calling for $150 mil-
lion in statewide budget reductions.
DR. GERALD MILLER, director of the Bureau of Manage-
ment and Budget said last night that "it would be fair to say
that (the University's recommended cut) will be about $1.6 mil-
lion, maybe a couple of hundred thousand more."
Miller added that he has been in close consultation with leg-
islative leaders in formulating the executive order so that its
passage through the committees will "hopefully" be relatively
An aide to Governor Milliken, who asked not to be identified,

to cut

j '


said, however, the magnitude of the University's cut was
"fluid." Asked how high the recommended cut might go,
aide said "it could double," although he hastened to all that
was an unlikely upper limit.


MILLER SCOFFED at this estimate, saying "Somebody was
playing games with you."
Haggling between Milliken and legislators over the level of
reduction for higher education funding stretches back to last
summer, when, the aide said, lawmakers approved a budget
package which the Governor thought underfunded the Univer-
sity, Michigan State, and Wayne State University.
The aid said members of the appropriations.committees gave
preferential treatment to schools within their own districts, such
as Michigan Technological University and Grand Valley Com-
munity College.
The aide said that although Milliken would like to keep the
cuts for the larger state schools as small as possible, legislators
may yet increase them to protect smaller institutions.
IN ANTICIPATION of the recommended cuts, University ad-
See STATE, Page 10

THE TIES have been strain-
ed recently by U.S.-Soviet de-
tente, clearly to be a main sub-
ject in the formal talks which
oven today.
White House Press Secretary
Pon Nessen later described the
hanouet speeches as "frank and
non - Provocative."
Observers w e r e struck by
Tang's statement that Peking
cornidered the struggle to stop
Srwiet hegemony more imnort-
ant than normali tion of re-
lations ith the U.S.
NORMAL relations between
WVshington and Peking would
involye the scranping by the
United States of its defense tre-
atv with Taiwan and an end to
American recognition of the
Chinese Nationalists - for long
a mnior objective of Peking
Informed sources said today's

p layed,
for Ford
PEKING (UPI) - One col-
lege fight song might be just as
good as the next, but not when
one belongs to the University
and the other to Michigan
The Chinese, anxious to pro-
vide President Ford with a re-
minder of home yesterday,
welcomed him with a rousing
rendition of the MSU fight song.
FORD is, of course, a product
of the University where he play-
ed football in the 1930s.
Backdin East Lansing, MSU
band director Ken Bloomquist
said he thought the episode was
just "fine."
"Michigan's fight song is one
of the great fight songs in the
country and, of course, with
their football successes it gets a
tremendous amount of ex-
nosure," Bloomquist said. "Our
fight song is certainly well
known, but probably not quite
as well as the U-of-M fight

LSI4 faculty hiring freeze
to have effect in classrooms

Fewer course offerings, larg-
er classes, and heavier faculty
workloads in the literary col-
lege (LSA) appear likely next
year as the result of the
school's continuing h i r i n g
freeze, LSA faculty members
learned yesterday.
Acting Dean of LSA Billy
Frye explained at the school's
monthly faculty meeting that
such measures "are ways of
constructively coping with the
problem" of dealing with the
hiring freeze.
THE campus - wide hiring
freeze was implemented about

a month ago and will continue
through next year.
This week state appropria-
tions for the current fiscal year
are expected to be cut by about
1.2 to 1.5 per cent. State legis-
lators pared 1 per cent off the
University's $99.8 million bud-
get in August.
Each unit of the University
absorbs varying amounts of
the budget clashing, but Frye
would not disclose the exact
amount suffered by LSA. The
dean only said that "instruc-
tional units were given favor-
able figures."
LSA departmental budgets

Committee sets date
for Stevens hearing
Senate Judiciary committee
yesterday set Dec. 8 for the
start of its hearings on the Su-
1:77 preme Court nomination of
Judge John Paul Stevens.
Chairman James Eastland,
(D-Miss.), told a reporter this
after he and Sen. Roman Hru-
ska, (R-Neb.), the committee's
ranking minority member, met
with the Chicago jurist.
TEVENS was nominated by
President Ford on Friday to fill
the Supreme Court vacancy left

were cut by per cent add-
ing to savings gained from va-
cated nonfaculty positions in
the college.
Next year ,however, LSA ex-
pects about four per cent of its
budget to be lopped off as the
University's budget problems
grow worse, according to Frye.
University President Robben
Fleming reiterated at the fac-
ulty meeting that the Univer-
sity "will receive the same
number of dollars" (in state ap-
propriations) in 1976-1977 that
we have for this year." Stripped
by inflation, this amount of
money will actually mean a de-
crease in funds.
FLEMING noted the major
methods for dealing with the
cuts are "to lop off programs
or reduce certain numbers of
personnel" or to raise tuition.
Frye discussed Fleming's
first alternative by suggesting
several "ways of economizing"
in the freeze on hiring, point-
ing out that the cuts next year
"will be made principally in
academic positions" which con-
stitute 82 per cent of the LSA
Frye suggested "taking a
hard look at class size," stress-
inq that five per cent of the
college's classes are held with
three stidents or less. "This
rsnregents a fair number of fac-
u1ty who could be reassigned to
sonme other responsibility or
need." b esaid.
The ISA Dean ?lsn noted that

The birds AP Photo
Seagulls fly. around a sign put up prior to and in anticipation of what omther nature has been
dishing out lately. By now the ice on this Milwan anticipation of what mother nature has been
to unbreakable.
OrangeBC tks to go
on sale Sunday at Crisler

Tickets for the Wolverine Orange Bowl ap-
pearance against Oklahoma will go on sale 8
a.m. Sunday, Dec. 7 at Crisler Arena. The exact
number of tickets available for faculty, staff and
students, is not known but is expected to be "a
few thousand".
Michigan was allotted 12,500 tickets, 500 of

to purchase tickets and this will be on a first
come first serve basis, with student I.D. card
and other positive identification for faculty and
staff required.
* Ticket price is $10.50 each. Only certified
check, money order or cash will be accepted.
* Purchasers will receive a chit as a receipt
which will have to be redeemed for the actual

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