TAIWAN: Stumbling block in Sino-American relations "The Kuomintang re- gime, started by t he late Chiang Kai-shek, is still seeking to man- By PAUL TIK LIN The following is the first of a two-part discussion of the immediate and long-range prospects of Taiwan and the U.S. role in the island's prolonged resistance to assimilation by the People's Republic of China. MORE THAN THREE YEARS have elapsed since Premier Chou En-lai and former President Richard Nixon signed the historic U.S.-China Joint Communique in Shanghai in 1972. Since then, significant progress has been made in people- to-people contacts and in trade. But both the American and Chinese public are still waiting for the fulfillment of the Shanghai Communique's promise of a complete normalization of relations between the two countries. Indeed, few other foreign policy goals in current U.S. electoral politics poten- tially enlist such a high degree of support among Americans. This is because only diplomatic relations can fully develop mutually beneficial contacts. Thus many questions have been raised as to why more rapid progress toward normalization has not been made during the past few years. The crux of the problem lies in the Taiwan issue, as it has for a quarter-century since the United States dispatched troops to the Chinese island in mid-1950 to block China's consummation of its civil war. IN THE SHANGHAI COMMUNIQUE, the Unted States recognized that "all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain that there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position," and affirmed the "ultimate objective of the withdrawal of all U.S. forces and military installations from Taiwan." The tacit but unavoidable implication was that, since the Communique was now signed with the People's Republic of' China, the United States would move toward recognizing it as the one China, of which Taiwan is a part. In signing, the U.S. in effect reverted to the unequivocal position it took on the status of Taiwan in early 1950. At that time, the State Departmen declared its official acknowl- edgment that Taiwan, "stolen from the Chinese" by Japan -in the words of the 1943 Cairo Declaration-had been re- stored to China and had again become a Chinese province. Secretary of State Dean Acheson, under instructions from President Truman, even took pains to state on January 5 of that year that the U.S. position was not a question of legal quibbles, but had to do with "maintaining in the world the belief that when the U.S. takes a position it sticks to that position and does not change by reason of transitory expediency or advantagefon its part." Six months later, how- ever, the U.S. government adandoned its professed hands-off policy toward the Chinese civil war (still being waged even after the October 1, 1949, founding of the People's Republic) and proclaimed the corrupt, overthrown Chiang regime as the "free world's" champion in Asia. Tomorrow: Toward one China AFTER THE SIGNING OF THE 1972 Shanghai Com- munique, it was widely expected that the United States would steadily disengage itself from Taiwan and move toward full diplomatic relations with the People's Republic. But three years later, it has made only one token gesture in this direc- tion - a small withdrawal of troops in June 1975. In every other respect, far from curtailing and terminating its intervention in Taiwan, American military, economic, and diplomatic ties with the island have actually been expanded. * Since 1973, through the use of long-term, low-interest credits, U.S. arms sales to Taiwan have nearly doubled, going from $45.2 million two years ago to $80 million for this fiscal year. Taiwan has also purchased several American submarines, destroyers, and fleet support ships. * The American government has also authorized a $200 million military credit arrangement for the Northrop Corpora- tion to build 100 FS-E jet fighters on Taiwan by 1978. These single-seat jets are designed to face the military aircraft of the People's Republic. The withdrawal of the few American FS-E's which were until recently stationed on Taiwan has been more than offset by this move. * American trade with Taiwan has increased from $1.5 billion in 1971, shortly before Nixon's China visit, to $3.7 bil- lion last year. In contrast, trade between the United States and the People's Republic last year reached a little over $900 million. * American investment on Taiwan has expanded, with major new projects by such corporations as Ford Motor and Union Carbide. The Export-Import Bank recently gave the island a loan for the construction of two nuclear power plants, and several American companies are exploring for oil in the Taiwan Straits. * A number of American banks have opened new branches on Taiwan. 9 Since the signing of the Shanghai Communique, the United States has also allowed the Chiang regime to set up five new consulates in Atlanta, Portland, Kansas City, Guam, and American Samoa. -OR WHAT PURPOSE HAVE THESE CONSULATES been added and the American presence on Taiwan increased? Has Washington embarked on another attempt to set up a "two Chinas" or a "one Chine, one Taiwan" situation? Is the U.S. "stake" in Taiwan being hastily built up to insure the survival of the Chiang regime and justify further U.S. intervention? Does the U.S. government in fact regard the Shanghai Communique, with its provisions for an American disengage- ment from Taiwan, as just another piece of paper? 1 paate U. S. policy along lines which have no bearing on Ameri- ca 'scurrent interests in East Asia." Chiang Kai-shek Today, the situation in Asia has changed dramatically with the U.S. withdrawal from Indochina-a withdrawal mili- tarily made necessary by the successful resistance of the Viet- namese and Cambodian peoples, and politically made possible by the China-U.S. normalization talks. The Chiang regime, however, is still desperately seeking to manipulate U.S. policy along dangerously anti-China lines which no longer have any bearing on America's misread historical interests, let alone her current interests in East Asia. How much can the United States conceivably gain even in the, short run by continuing to sustain the interests of an "ally" which was originally created two decades ago to serve the separate, selfish advantage of each? I Paul T. K. Lin is director of the Centre for East Asian Studies at McGill University in Montreal. Reprinted from "New China", the magazine of the U.S.-China Peoples Friendship Committee, by permission of the author. myI a t txt atug Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 UFW farmworkers: Up from vagrancy Tuesday, November 25, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Join, support rent strike TENANTS ARE PEOPLE, too. They laugh and cry, muse and mope, and do all the other quaint things as- cribed to the human condition. In fact, most of our best friends are tenants. And, it's a source of endless indig- nation to see them living the lives of lab animals, prisoners at the mercy of local landlords. TODAY'S STAFF: News: Gordon Atcheson, Barb Cornell, Elaine Fletcher, Jim Garfinkel, Joy Levin, Rob Meachum, Sara Rimer, Jim Tobin Editorial Page: Marc Basson, Paul Haskins, Ted Lambert, Tom Stevens Arts Page: David Blomquist Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens Residents of this fair town, like their counterparts in college towns across the land, are so busy looking elsewhere for sources of oppression theat they're slow in recogrizing lo- cally-based opportunists even when hit- in the face by them. The landlords of Ann Arbor have made it their business to nurture a tradition of ethical turpituide and dubious legality in, their dealings with the tenants. The Ann Arbor Tenants Union and friends are making it their business to fight back in the landlords' own language - dollars and cents. JOIN THE RENT STRIKE if you're a Trony tenant. Support it if you're not. We've no place to go but up. By BOB BARBER CINGLE MEN WITHOUT fam- ilies, shifting from place to place following the harvests, condemned to a perpetual life as low - paid migratory work- ers - this is the classic image of farmworkers from Florida to California. Now in California, farm la- borers have been offered dia- metrically opposed paths to al- tering their lot in life, the pro- mise of higher wages through the muscle of the world's big- gest union, the Teamsters, or the struggle to break out of the migratory cycle and become workers with stable jobs, homes and communities, led by the UFW. This is the real choice behind the bitter Teamster-UFW fight for the allegiance of the farm- workers, and the significance- of the startling two-to-one lead of the UFW over the Teamsters in secret ballot elections held all across the state. Described by the press only last yearas visionary buthope- lessly inept, the UFW over the years has proven itself the only union able to build a new way of life for farmworkers, based on politically organized com- munities. AT THE HEART of the Team- ster-UFW fight lie two systems of work assignments that shape the kind of life the farmworker leads. The Teamsters' method is to preserve the old system of labor contractors, the lone job boss gathering up workers and moving from field to field where growers want work, with the Teamsters supplying union of- ficials to hammer out more secure and profitable work. The UFW, however, has intro- duced the hiring hall, the clas- sic mechanism of a stable trade union made, up of permanent workers. The hiring hall stays in one place, as do most of the workers. It makes work as- signments according to growers' needs, but makes sure its mem- bers get some work, with prior- ities set by seniority. While there is no way it can over- come the seasonal fluctuations of farm work, the hall pro- vides both residents of the area and migrants guaranteed work. THE GROWERS LIKE the Teamster system because it, keeps workers .migrating, free-. ing the ranch owners from hav- ing to deal with them during the off season. More import- ant, it leaves them total con- trol over access to jobs. The UFW hiring hall, on the other hand, gives the farmworkers a chance t oenter the ranks of the down with families, send their children to school, and partici- pate in larger community af- fairs. What the growers dislike even more is that UFW hiring halls are not run by union bureau- crats sent down from the cen- tral office, but by ranch com- mittees elected by the workers themselves. If a dispute arise, a grower can't run to Chavez to negotiate but has to deal with the ranch committee of his own workers. To the UFW, worker partici- pation and union democracy have always been basic princi- ples. But over the years, these principles have also proven to be the- practical keys to their success. For there are what have given an otherwise migra- tory and competitive work force a permanent stake in the union as an organization and the com- munities of farmworkers grow- ing up around it. WHAT HAS EMERGED from this commitment is La Causa, not just a union movement but a political struggle to build bet- ter lives. The political fibre of the un- ion is strengthened by the fact that workers can levy fines on their co-workers for failure to help in boycott and picketing. work aimed at winning ,con- tracts at other ranches. All are drawn into year round political life where they live and work. And when boycotts or election contests are mounted, hundreds of UFW members temporarily leave their homes to campaign in new communi- ties. IT IS THIS political nature of the UFW which the Team- sters hit hardest at in the elec- tions, putting themselves forth as a no-nonsense union which would deliver the goods without demanding involvement by workers on the ranches. "Protect yourself from the blackbird vulture," said one Teamster leaflet, referring to the UFW's black eagle symbol. "He wants to swoop in and carry you away in his dirty claws to a life of bondages, marches, fines and abuse at his dictatorial dispatch hall. Get yourself the best on-the-job in- surance possible, get\the Team- sters working for you." The Teamsters, who endorse the free enterprise, individual- ist nature of seasonal farm work, say the UFW's politics is an impediment for workers who want to travel fast from job to job and make a lot Hof money. Their message has had appeal to those workers with- out families who prefer to fend. for themselves. MANY YOUNG workers, for example, want to snap up jobs, wherever they appear and make as much money as possible which is more difficult under the hiring hall system.' They are often willing to work hard for lower wages (retaking more money on a piece rate) and un- dercut those other workers who see the advantage of working slower for health reasons: farm work in back breaking. For this reason, the Team- sters did well with young Fili- pino farmworkers in Delano and Santa Maria. But as the greater than two- to-one vote for the UFW over the Teamsters suggests, more and more farmworkers are will- ing to put aside the short-run bread - ind - butter gains pro- mised by the Teamsters in fa- vor of the UFW's tougher road of political involvement and mobilization. In these times of economic crisis, it is 'a lessop not likely to be lost in the in- dustrial sector, either on man- agement, unions or workers. Bob Barber is a freelance re- porter who has covered UFW activities for various publicas- tions. Copyright Pacific News Service, 1975. regular work force, to settle Mac's juggernaut drolls on By ALAN KETTLER A FRIEND ONCE REMARKED, "At Mc- Donald's, you get more paner than food." "A just statement," I replied, as visions of pink plastic Big Mac boxes flashed in my head. Many were the times when a meal at McDonald's ended by the bury- ing of our table with a pile of bags, cups, and wrappers. With these thoughts in mind, I visited the Maynard St. restaurant recently one noon. The rather pleasant exterior was un- like any I had seen, so I entered, hoping orders, 15 billion large drinks, and 15 billion small bags accompanied that meat. Multi- plying each of these figures by the gram weight''of each container, and adding the products, I found at least a rough estimate of McDonald's paper usage. ACCORDING TO MY ESTIMATE, these figures. indicated the }jsage of 800 million pounds of paper. The weight of '43 billion hamburger wrappers would equal that total weight. Laid out in a rectangle, those wrap- pers would cover 3,800 square miles. Laid end to end, those wrappers would stretch almost a third of the way to the sun, or 135 times to the moon, or 1080 times around the equator. The carnival-like atmosphere in which McDonald's resources for its food distribu- tion is folly. As a result of its consumptive mania, swaths of forest are, clear - cut. hauled, and manufactured into a product whose life lasts several minutes. Mean- while, the forest soils wash away, water- ways are silted and the land loses its basis of productivity to our oceanic dumps. Animal populations are killed, at the same time that the rate of global species extinction accelerates quickly. The great water-absorbing powers of the forest are lost, rainwater runs off quickly, causing costly man-made fiascos like the flood- ing of the Mississippi River. THE PURSUIT OF PROFIT and the great disregard of resource considerations in economic decision making evident in McDonald's is characteristic of the world economy. This country is so addicted to its lavish energy use (McDonald's is by far one of the most energy intensive ways of deeding people) that it threatens to occupy mid-East olfields, ravages the land to seek coal, and denies poor coun- tries the opportunity to avert oncoming mass famine. The illusionary need created in part by McDonald's for physical, living, and energy resources perpetuates the plundering of the planet. To meet these illusory needs, we pursue the illusions of viable man- made ecosystems and safe nuclear power, among others. Fa ntasy man floats in to rip Bucks By GORDON ATCHESON THE CHEAP APRICOT BRANDY burned as it went down. One more big swallow and it would be gone. But oh, how it burned. Even more than the numbers on the score board: time - 2:00, Michigan -14, Ohio State - 21. Nothing left to do but empty the bottle. I sput- tered as the sweet stuff blazed a trail to my stom- ach. Walking from the stadium, I began to notice how out of focus the rest of the world seemed. And I'm pretty sure it wasn't just the emotional high of the moment. Besides, we lost. Having negotiated the short journey from the stadium and the locked door to my apartment, I collapsed on the bed in a skid-row stupor which lacked only a case of the DT's for that true Bowery flavor. I felt remarkably better when I awoke the next morning. So I got up, took off my shoes, and put on my grey jogging togs. Running toward the stadium, I spied a tattered "Fuck the Bucks" sign and an- other that in some way which I don't remember at- tacked Woody Hayes' masculinity. THE GROUND WAS littered with broken and empty bottles that had once contained spirits that couldn't have cost must more than my bathtub brandy. Bits of limp maize and blue crepe paper had been tossed every which way by the wind. I began to whistle "Hail to the Victors" at a funeral march pace - quietly so no one would hear me, even though I knew I was the only soul around. But suddenly, as I drew close to the stadium, I heard what sounded like a huge groan just like the one 105,000 fans let out when Pete Johnson crashed into the end zone the day before. * * * I pulled on my helmet, snapped the chin strap under my jaw, and trotted over to Coach Schem- bechler. That's what we call him - either that or just plain Coach, but never, never Bo. We both knew the situation and what had to be done. He slapped me on the ass and said "Go get 'em, Atcheson!'" In response, I turned toward him slightly as I ran onto the field and raised a single, clenched fist. THE ANNOUNCER ALERTED the crowd to the substitution, but none of the audience could find number 98.6 in the program. Just for the record, I'm a senior tailback from Cortland, New York who stands 5'11" and weighs 160 lbs, including the brandy. I knelt in the huddle with just over a minute and half to play and about 75 yards between us and the Ohio State goal line. The ten faces around me were grim, resigned, battered. Ricky. Leach looked a bit really on . . . I understood. nervous, after all he's only 18- and the pressure was "Red, swing right, criss-cross, on two," I barked out the play with authority. We broke from the hud- dle with a united "Let's go." Leach hunched over the center. "Hut, one, Hut, two," came the cadence. Hhen everybody was in motion. The line blew straight out, Leach turned and pitched to me. I took the ball in stride and gazed . pfield. The scene unfolded in slow motion - like something from a Sam Peckinpah movie. DEFTLY I CUT .off tackle, as the scarlet and gray hoarde converged. I pivoted back against the flow, fending off one pursuer with a stiff-arm to the heart. Another got an arm around my thigh but couldn't hang on. With a sudden burst of speed, I moved to the sideline leaving but a single defender between me and my objective. I gave a head and shoulder fake to the outside and veered back. He spun to follow hut coidn't keep his footing and day sprawled on the turf. As I crossed the 10-vard line, I raised the ball See DREAMS, Page 7 Gordon Atcheson is Co-editor-in-chief of The Daily. , that McDonald's also had wised up and started using plates and glasses like any normal restaurant. Alas, an armada of trash bins stood confronting the entrance. A few side glances reaffirmed my view of McDonald's as a most prolific cornucopia of blatant waste. AS IN THE PAST, diners sat amidst their little heaps of paper. Ignorant chil- dren pawed their way with little hands for tasty, barren food amidst relative mountains of rubbish. In order to move its food across the floor of .its building from the cashier to tables several steps away, the McDon- ald's Corporation finds it ludicrously neces- sary to emboss the foods it mass produces within layers of cups, tops, wrappers, plas- tics, and cardboard boxes. A lot of junk flowed across the stain- (STAkJ9ATE OF-e AU' t t r, ., w~La,~ COv1CLMRj1 CAPS' 165'5s ,AeOOT rNE4 (A.- C6HplofQ ~OT CAL)PIC2- e~r YP tAov' 4UA E 30-r '1 O FLy ,,C WE Li/L5L 'THIMR' C/V/U 'IGHfTs A IfFtI r2)C6. q1URE 00$5 > 5ft"" L(V( NAVE AM I f CEOTVORY VIE6W OF U7COIJOH -(C5S_ UT t 4 FY~ OT2GATOR~ U YV'(E 9x OAURQE cr U (f{6Uc fc cM ( kkBOL4h$ BUSf J6$S SVgut 3(f OF $J AIWUT \T; Ak W H(-)T CA&)T9Ptw OF 'MC6H ALU