\MN ': POP P EN . y i% N*'f Little EDITOR'S NOTE: The fol- lowing is an exclusive inter- view with Joan Little, the first she has granted since she was acquitted in North Caro- lina of the murder of jailer Clarence Alligood. The inter- view was conducted for PNS in Oakland, Calif., by David DuBois, editor of the Black Panther Party paper and Intercommunal News Service. PNS: Your trial and acquit- tal have made headlines all ov- er the country. How have they changed your life?. LITTLE: The trial has chang- ed me in a lot of ways.. Since I am a black woman and I have been through this kind of or- afterm Jersey and New York. When I went back home, I felt that the people in Washington were very afraid - they don't say what they feel because police are so much in control. That's one rea- son I didn't, gain as much sup- port there as I should have. It's very hard coming up there and trying to make a living for yourself because of the way the white people try to keep you down ,try to keep you from get- ting anywhere in life. PNS: How have black peo- ple in Washington reacted to your acquittal? LITTLE: I've gone to some of my friends' houses and they say to me "I'm sure glad you ath: "There are so many ways just one person can make a change, and thrown together they can bring L about a drastic change." your legal defense that led to your acquittal? LITTLE: The most important factor in my case that guaran- teed my freedom was that so many people supported me. But so many black people don't have a chance to tell their story, they don't have money to get the kind of attorneys that they need and they end up getting attorneys that are appointed by the state. That's why so many black people are railroaded, be- cause the system has helped give them the kind of attorneys that have helped railroad black people into prison. There are more blacks on death row in my home state North Carolina than any other state in the country. The only way we're going to stop this is if people rally sup- port as they did in my case. They should come together and raise funds and talk about it in the community. This way there would be fewer black people go- ing to jail and sentenced to the gas chamber. PNS: Given the white major- ity in this country, and the mostly white leadership, do you feel there's hope for change- and what kind of change would you want to see? LITTLE: The kind of change really important now is that we do something about prisons. I know the kind of treatment given these human beings that the system has labeled crimi- nals - they have no right after' they go to prison. The prison system takes them and pushes them into holes and puts them into. solitary confinement for five or ten years and just for- gets about them. Somebody needs to think about these peo- nie instead of pushing them back and forgetting about them. Change can come about if more blacks get into politics. If they want to see a change, they have to start supporting pro- grams that help them survive. There are so many ways that just one person can make a change, and thrown together they can bring about a drastic change. I was like another person when I first heard about the Panther Party. The average person on the street always thought of it as a violent organ- ization. Then I saw their free ambuulance service and free oking breakfast program in Winston- Salem, N.C., and I gained a lot of respect because they were trying to save lives instead of taking them. PNS: This week you went to a conference of black legisla- tors in California. What were your impressions? LITTLE: There was an at- mosphere where blacks had picked up the culture of the white man. It made me feel really bad. These people here had gained authority, position, and they are so wrapped up in ahead I think people need to go into it more deeply. If they could only go into prisons and see it for themselves, I don't think they'd be sending people to prisons. PNS: What are your thoughts about capital, punishment in certain crimes,; especially rape? LITTLE: Rapists are crimi- nals but they're sick and need help. I'm not in favor of capital punishment because I don't feel that taking another per- son's life is going to help any- thing. But when you're talking about giving 30 years or life to a person, you're talking about putting them in the gas chamb- er. And that is what they're doing to our people ,they're putting them in for SO.years and turning them down for parole constantly. They're never going to let them out, especially if they go in and speak their minds. PNS: You've said you plan to study journalism. Why have you chosen this field and how do you plan to use it? LITTLE: What made me want to go into journalism are the articles I've read on pri- sons. None of them are true. It's only what they want the people to think. If I go into journalism, I can write exact- ly what I feel, what I see, ex- actly the way it is and if they fire me, it's OK with me. The point will have gotten across to the people. PNS: Most black women would like to hear a personal message from you. LITTLE: I hope that black women will be able to take my case and use it an as example, not only for themselves but for their children. For once they can say it has been proven that a black woman has a right to defend herself and that she doesn't have to submit to a man because he's white, and she has a right to stand up for herself. If it ever happens again, she will be able to say that four or five years ago, a woman by the name of Joan Little stood up for her rights and proved that she was right and they, could be wrong. And she can say, why can't I do the same thing? Copyright Pacific News Ser- vice, September 2, 1975. v ::"Lv;f:v m#i{h' .}.{ in. w.Y" :M{}.yrmma Y".::l :e :}"S. 'Ain't that sweet!Jery sent us a flag to rally around!' e4 M ti 440 ax an t Eighty-Five Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Friday, September 5, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Senate lax in Chile probe 'TN RECENT YEARS, a series of Congres- sional and media probes have exposed a patchwork of sinister U.S. initiatives de- signed to subvert the domestic democratic processes of Chile and ensure that Ameri- can corporate interests are protected with Editorial Staff GORDON ATCHESON CHERYL PILATE Co-Editors-in-Chief LAURA BERMAN .......Sunday Magazine Editor DAVID BLOMQUIST .......... ...... Arts Editor BARBARA CORNELL .... Special Projects Editor PAUL HASKINS ....... ......Editorial Director JOSEPHINE MARCOTTY.......Features Editor SARA RIMER ...................Executive Editor STEPHEN SELBST..................City Editor JEFF SORENSEN ..............Managing Editor STAFF WRITERS: Glen Alerhand, Peter Blais- dell, Dan Biugerman, Clifford Brown, David Burhenn, Mary Harris, Stephen Hersh, Debra Hurwitz, Ann Marie Lipinski, Andrea Lily. Mary Long. Rob Meachum, Alan Resnick, Jeff Ristine, Steve Ross, Tim Schick, Kate Spelman, Jim Tobin, David whiting, Susan Wilhelm, Margaret Yao. Sports Staff BRIAN DEMING Sports Editor MARCIA MERKER Executive Sports Editor LEBA HERTZ Managing Sports Editor BILL CRANE ............ Associate Sports Editor JEFF SCHILLER ........ Associate Sports Editor FRED UPTON ...... Contributing Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Jon Chavez, Andy Glazer, Al Hrapsky, Rich Lerner, Jeff Liebster, Ray O'Hara, Bill Stieg, Michael Wilson ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Rick Bonino, Tom Cameron, Tom Ruranceau, Kathy Hen- neghan, Ed Lange, Scott Lewis, Dave Wihak DESK ASSISTANTS: Marybeth Dillon, Marcia Katz, John Neimeyer or without the consent of the Chilean people. It was less than a year ago that a Sen- ate intelligence committee learned that Secretary of State Kissinger played a cen- tral role in the coordination of the Chilean policy as head of the notorious "Forty" Committee. So predictably, however, Kis- singer was able to mobilize the great power and prestige of his office to stare down the finger-pointers and actually strengthen his grip on matters of state. It hasn't yet been officially verified, but there is every reason to believe that the demise of Salvador Allende and his social- ist regime was the direct result of high- level decisions, handed down from Wash- ington. It is at once a staggering and dis- comfitting notion, and one whose veracity must be established if American integrity and principles, or what remains of them, are to be preserved. SADLY ENOUGH, the events of the last few days indicate that the keepers of American justice have no intention of tak- ing the architects of the Chilean policy to task. Yesterday it was leArned that former President Richard Nixon's ' lawyers had somehow secured incredibly lenient terms from the Senate Intelligence Committee. Nixon agreed to turn over his Chile-related tapes to the committee, but only on the condition that Nixon determine which of the tapes are relevant. Chalk one up for the "history repeats itself" theorists. By agreeing to such terms, the commit- tee displayed either extraordinary incompe- tence or reckless disregard for the perilous road down which American foreign policy is heading. deal, I am able to look at my- b self and say my life is more v important in terms of trying to s help black people in any way I s can. It's made me look at the I prisons and the way people b have been railroaded, been s trapped in inhuman conditions li and treated less than human c beings. It has made me feel h that this is where I'm needed a and where I can help my peo- s ple the most. t PNS: What was it like grow- d ing up in your home town? LITTLE: I grew up in Wash-r ington, North Carolina and f stayed there 15 years. Until 1968, there were only, two s schools: one sitting across townI for the whites and one sitting b in the middle of the black com-c munity for the blacks. t I've been subjected to racism r all my life - it's something b that comes like an everyday r thing to me. But I never knew e the kind of racism that was f there until I left, and started traveling to places like New t French By PAUL O'DONNELL V "PITY OF Art, City of Ther-a mal Waters," read the c tourist brochures, but some re-n sidents of this Southern French t town see things differently. Asn the president of the Pedestrian I Rights Association told me, "in c your article, you can call Aix r 'the most beautiful parking lot i in Europe.'" This city, like t so many others, has lost too u much of its charm and person- c ality in the process of becom- ing a modern urban center of about 100,000 inhabitants. The c automobile invasion and the re- t sulting noise, danger, and pol-r lution, is not the least import-c ant factor in the declining qual- ity of life in Aix and other cit- t ies. h Citizens in many parts of the h got out of it." But I can go walking down a street in a shopping area and people just stare at me like I'm a stranger. They won't come up to me and be as warm as they really should be because they have to ook at me and say, "Well, we could have done something for her, but we didn't and now it's all over with, what can we say?" I don't go to Washing- on that much, but when I do I don't feel like I belong there. PNS: Why do you think so, many people rallied to your de- fense? LITTLE: Poor blacks under- stood what I was going through. It's not so much whether they believed I was guilty or inno- cent. It was that they saw what he system was trying to do to me. They saw that if no one helped me that they would send me to the gas chamber without even trying to find out the true facts. PNS: What do you think was the most important factor in tread: world are rejecting this degrad- ation of living conditions in mo- dern cities; ths rejection takes many forms. Many flee the city o the nearby country, and com- mute back and forth to work. This solution, far from ideal, creates other problems: if too many people have the same dea, as is the case in America; he "country" becomes the sub- urbs and the problems of the city are recreated. MEANWHILE, the city itself often loses tax base and proper- ty value, or becomes nothing more than a daytime business center. And the cars roll on ... While Aix hasn't escaped these kinds of problems, and has its own iner city and su- burbs. Concerned citizens, rang- Little proving to themselves that they have the power to do this and do that that they have literally for- gotten where they came from. PNS: What do you think the current white mood of this coun- try is, specifically white atti- tudes about minorities and crime? LITTLE: I think racism is on the increase in this country. I've heard some white offic- ials say that poor people - like from the community that I came from - are the ones that are criminals, the ones that need to be subjected to all the inhuman conditions in prisons, that need to be put away and not turned loose. They think all the criminals are going to be let loose and will take over the world. But they never talk about Nixon, or Rockefeller when he sent in all those men to shoot up the Attica prisoners, or the people who killed George Jack- son. They never come out and say who is a criminal and what criminal means. walking controversy ing from the school tepcher to the University student are look- ing for solutions other than flee- ing to the outskirts. The Aix Pedestrian Defense Association is one of the organizations working to make the city more humane, less noisy and cleaner. At a meeting of the Associa- tion, subjects such as closing off all of the Old Aix (streets dating back to the 18th and 17th century, and even further . .) to cars, and making it a pedes- trian zone, keeping cars from parking on the sidewalks and the poor quality of bus service, were discussed. Letters were sent to the major, press releas- es were mailed to local news- papers, journalists took n o t e s while photographers took p i c- tures of congested corners and of old ladies forced to walk in the street because cars blocked the sidewalks. All present agreed that the street, once be- longing to the people, had since been invaded by cars, and even taken over. "SIDEWALKS ARE no solu- tion," declared one militant pe- destrian. "Asking for sidewalks is like admitting defeat ... we want the whole street, not just a band of concrete that c a r s will park on anyway." While Aix's pedestrians demand pe- destrian zones, bicycle 1 a n e s and hiking trails, other Euro- pean cities are quite advanced ly true in towns where streets have long been one-way, and are changed to two-way, or temporarily blocked off, f o r seasonal reasons. The pedes- trian and the driven are used to looking one way or turning from a given lane, and an un- seen car coming from a tnew- 1v two-way or one-way street is the cause of the acciden - more serious in the case f a pedestrian of course .. In this way, cities like Ann Arbor favor the automobile over the pedestrian and the cyclist - which is another way of saying they favor the richer and bigger consumers over the SYL:* Un'iversity as tyrant Y ChCr r 115i ~ T AM IIL h Having just raised tuition 24 per cent two years ago, the Uni- versity Board of Regents voted an additional six per cent tuition hike at their July meeting. The tuition hike, along with a re- duction in wage increases for student-workers and the threat- ened program cutbacks and lay- offs of campus workers, clearly shows the Administration's in- tention of placing the burden of the current economic crisis on the students and workers at the University. These same attacks are occurring at universities across the country. We cannot allow this to happen - the tui- tion hikes, budget cuts and lay- offs must be stopped! Despite Gerald Ford's endless pronouncements that the econ- omy is on the "road to recov- ery," the U.S. continues to suf- fer from the effects of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. In its efforts to bol- ster a sagging profit rate, the capitalist class continues to "ra- tionalize" production - which for the working class means wage cuts, deteriorating work- ing conditions and millions of unemployed. Social services, welfare and education are in- creasingly seen as unaffordable luxuries by a class whose only measure of social value is the return on their investments. The state and federal governments, in their usual "impartial" man- ner, have slashed budget appro- priations and scholarship grants antee against layoffs and bene- fits vastly inferior to the rest of the labor movement. The Vice- President of Academic Affairs has stated that over 1,000 GEO members are actually students in training and thus ineligible for unionization (even though they provide the University with a large section of its teaching and research staff!) The at- tempt to disqualify half the GEO membership on this basis is but the latest plan in the Adminis- tration's union-busting cam- paign. The situation cries out for a united struggle of students and campus workers against these attacks. This unity is crucial not only to defeat the Admin- istration's age-old tactic of di- vide-and-conquer, but also to provide a concrete link to the tremendous social power of the organized working class. For example, when the GEO and then the students went on strike last spring, the greatest blow to the University came when the Teamsters refused to cross the picket lines in solidarity with the campus union. Our most successful struggles will be waged when we can extend the fight beyond the campus and fo- cus our attack on the root cause -capitalism. Our task is clear: the mobilization of students along with the only force that can bring this system to a halt - the working class. T-UR vY i. ii- it im- taining their right to distribute their own literature, should form a united front around the demands "No Tuition Hike, No Cutbacks, No Layoffs." How- ever, the lessons of past strug- gles and the fact that the cut- backs affect all sections of the University have been conscious- ly ignored by many of those in- volved in. the CFTH. The RSB and members of SOC refused to include a demand for "No Lay- offs," opposing even this mini- mal solidarity with campus workers at a time when the ad- ministration is consciously at- tempting to pit one section of the University against another. Accepting the Administra- tion's logic that cuts must be made somewhere, the RSB pro- poses that instead of raising tuition, the University should curtail its construction program (and, we have to assume, the fa- cilities and jobs it provides!). The SYL committed itself to work in the Committee while continuing to struggle for a working-class orientation. How- ever, the RSB's insistence that the Committee's literature re- flect its student power politics made clear that the Commit- tee's perspective precluded any attempt to link the fight to the labor movement and thus con- demned the struggle to defeat. BECAUSE the basis of this committee is essentially, dead- end student powerism, the SYL conid not narticintei in it and 9 . A. - 9 ,M -I ' o in such efforts. Amsterdam Yas a bicycle riding population that would put any American cam- pus to shame. Cities like Mun- ich, Barcelona and Madrid have closed down large portions of their historical downtowns, and public transportation is rapidly spreading to suburbs of Paris. Back in the States, however, poorer, low-polluting -travelers (who are certainly more num- erous on a collefe campus. This preferenital treatment goes a step further: by making t h e downtown areas one-way speed- ways, and thereby making them noisier, less pleasant and more dangerous for children, the city encourages people to leave the downtown areas for the sub- I