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November 25, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-11-25

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See Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 71 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 25, 1975 10 Cents T

en Pages



CRISP scalpers
Some people are so desperate for high priority
CRISP tickets, they're ready to deal with scalpers.
Take engineering freshman Bill Caspar-he pasted
up signs yesterday offering to pay $6 for a Decem-
ber 1 CRISP card. Caspar, disgusted with his Dec.
12 pre-registration date, lamented, "I don't want
to get stuck with all 8 o'clocks." When advised that
he could probably add the classes he missed at
pre-registration during drop-add, he looked horri-
fied and said, "I heard about those drop-add lines
this fall ..." It may be a cold wait outside the old
Architecture and Design Building this winter.
Bonus leaves
Ted Bonus, University director of state and com-
munity relations, has been named vice president
for university relations at Indiana University. The
appointment, announced yesterday, becomes effec-
tive in January. Bonus, 44, has served as director
of state and community relations here since 1970.
.. point the way to Turkey Day as the Omega
Psi Phi fraternity gives away 10 Thanksgiving
baskets to the 2nd Baptist Church at Fifth and Beak
Streets . . . from 2-5 p.m., there's a colloquim
with Sif Geoffrey Vickers on "Organizational Mal-
function in a Complex World" in the 6th floor
Founder's Room of the Institute for Social Re-
search on Thompson St. . .. Dr. Walter Moss of
Eastern Michigan will speak on "Aging in Human-
istic Perspective" from 3,5 p.m. in Rm. 1309 of
the Ed. School Bldg. . . . and the Russian Center
sponsors a Soviet Film Festival free from 4 p.m.
to midnight at 200 Lane Hall, including such films
as "Ivan the Terrible," part two.
Pesty parrot
A large green parrot has been loose and squawk-
ing for help in Spokane, Washington's South Hill
neighborhood for a year. The Humane Society
has received more than 40 calls from all over the
city about the big-mouthed bird. Humane Society
employes have been unable to bag the bird because
it rests too high in the trees. "It just sits there
in the top of a tree somewhere and hollers for
help," says Karen Hargraves, Humane Society
education director. The Society is puzzled as to how
the bird can survive Spokane's cold winter weather.
"Perhaps people feed it and there must be a lot
of bird feeders on the South Hill," says Hargraves.
Take a weed to dinner
A lot of people were upset last week to read that
N.Y. Times Food Writer Craig Claiborne and a
friend had dined in Paris for $4,000. They couldn't
complain about the forty guests who paid $3 apiece
to dine on such viands as fresh fried fiddle head
fern at the second annual weed feast. Other deli-
cacies on the buffet this weekend at the Miami
event included a tossed salad of marsh cress and
field purslane, cattail stalks, boiled polkwood, wild
cucumbers, sea purslane and pennyroyal tea. A
nutritional chemist told the weed chompers,
"There's an untapped resource in south Florida
as big as petroleum. There's tons and tons of food
Below the belt .
A rape case defendant was caught with his pants
down in a Galveston, Tex. courtroom yesterday.
It seems as though the rape vietim'-described her
attacker's sex organ as puny in size, so defendant
Jesse Ray Owens Sr. dropped his pants for the
jury to prove that he could not have been the
rapist. One female clerk, when asked whether the
victim's description fit Owens, chuckled, "Uh, no.
He was rather graciously endowed." Case wraps
up this week, but with evidence like that, who
Poor Santa
Tis the season to be jolly-toss a brick at your
nearest Santa Claus. That's just what someone
did to the old man during the annual Christmas
parade in downtown Wheeling, W. Virginia Sunday.
The brick missed but then 40 young boys clambered
aboard Santa's float and broke two legs off a
wooden reindeer. The boys climbed all over poor
Santa for several blocks, until he persuaded them,
to get off the float-with threats of no presents,
perhaps? "Imagine, someone throwing a brick at

Santa Claus!" the red-suited, white-bearded gentle-
man exclaimed later.
On the inside ...
...Prof. Paul T.K. Lin analyzes the Taiwan
situation on the Edit Page . . . on the Arts Page
Rusty Green reviews poet Robert Bly's appear-
ance at the Pendleton Arts Center last week . . .
and on Sports Page carries the results of the NCAA
cross country championship.
On the outside ...

The Ann Arbor Tenants Union (AATU) has or-
ganized almost half of Trony Associates tenants
to support a December rent strike as the first
step in a planned city-wide action, AATU spokes-
man Steve Downs said yesterday.
The rent strike was officially announced at
Saturday's football game when a helicopter circled
the stadium trailing a banner proclaiming "Land-
lords have bucks-rent strike soon."
THE LAST city-wide rent strike, in 1969-71, in-
cluded 1,200 households and virtually all received
rent reductions.
Sixty-five of Trony's 120 units have joined the
tenants union and at least 50 of those have
agreed to withhold December's rent, according to
He said the AATU has targeted Trony first be-
cause of its relatively small size. None of the
more than 20 management companies in town are

Union j
"fair," he said.
THE AATU is demanding that Trony officially
recognize their union as a bargaining unit and
improve what Downs calls "poor" maintenance
and "miserable" security.
"Trony is easily the most obnoxious landlord
in town," Downs added.
Dewey Black, Trony's new owner, accused the
AATU yesterday of organizing the strike for
"their own personal edification."
BLACK said he will negotiate with the AATU
if it presents him with a list of expected strikers.
He said the union has been uncooperative and
will not give him a chance to "prove" himself.
Black recently bought the company from its
owners Tony Hoffman and Ronald Ferguson. "I
understood there were problems when I was
buying them out that I would have to straighten
out," he said yesterday. "Trony has a black
eye with students," Black added.



AATU spokesperson Larry Cooperman said yes-
terday the union has not turned over a list of
pledged strikers in order to avoid harassment
of those tenants.
BLACK SAID he has initiated a "concentrated
repair program" and has hired five new main-
tenance people.
But Downs said several Trony apartments still
have roof leaks. And Lori Alcock, 802 Oakland
(Trony), said yesterday her roof leaks water
from the shower in the upstairs apartment. She
said the company has tried without success to
fix the leak and she has joined the December
rent strike to force Trony to begin "more ef-
ficient maintenance."
"We don't have leaky roofs," Black said yes-
terday. He complained that the people "yelling
and crying the loudest don't need anything."
HE DEFENDED Trony's security and said he
has installed brand new deadbolts in each of

his 120 units.
Cooperman said tenants were charged $12.50
apiece for the locks and claimed some units are
without the new locks.
Michigan state law gives tenants the right to
withhold rent if the landlord does not make needed
repairs. Downs said the AATU is advising most
striking tenants to pay their rent into an escrow
fund set up by the union in order to show good
DOWNS SAID tenants could not be evicted for
striking unless the landlord took them to court
and won.
"If the rent is not paid on the first, I will take
comprehensive action on the second. I have no
alternative but to start eviction," Black said.
Downs said the 1969-71 rent strike "scared a lot
of people" and caused a noticeable improvement
in maintenance.


SGC Vote
ok's MSA
Ballot proposals calling for a
Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) and a constitutional con-
vention plan have won passage
in the Student Government
Council election. A provision to
release Council's Student Legal
Advocate Program (SLAP)
funds was defeated, 1241-1099.
Winning seats on Council were
Student Organizing Committee
(SOC) candidates Enrique Bar-
roso, David Goodman, and Mar-
ty Kaufman, in addition to
MOVE candidates Glenn Eng-
man and Gordon Tuiker, and
independent candidate Steve La-
mean a restructuring of Coun-
cil to include representatives
from all school and college gov-
ernments and a number of at-
large representatives. It now
consists mainly of literary col-
lege (LSA) members.
A- Steering Committee will be
established to screen issues
coming to the floor of the entire
MSA will go into effect after
the winter term, when an elec-
tion will be held to determine
the number of MSA delegates.
According to the plan, a maxi-
mum of 35 representatives will
sit on the Assembly.
cil's executive vice president,
said "On constitutional amend-
ments, such as this was, there's
a one semester waiting period.
MSA won't really take effect
until fall of next year."
Approval of the constitutional
convention ("con-con") plan,
according to Council sources,
means that a maximum of 75
delegates will meet next term
to formulate revisions to the
All-Campus Constitution, SGC's
operating charter.
Council member Jasper Di-
See SGC, Page 7

Council okays
first .yearU
CDRS plans
The final chapter in the organization of Ann Arbor's
first year Community Development Revenue Sharing
(CDRS) program was written by City Council last night.
Council passed, in a 9-1 vote, a program introduced
by Democratic Mayor Albert Wheeler calling for the allo-
cation of the $2.4 million in CDRS funds to nearly 40 city
agencies and various projects for physical community
THE PROGRAM - a product of nearly two years of intense
political debate -- does not outline specific dollar amounts to be
allocated to each agency, but does offer a tentative schedule of

Daily Photo by KEN FINK
SECRETARY OF STATE Henry Kissinger addresses the Detroit Economic Club last night. Kis-
singer touched on many subjects including President Ford's upcoming China trip, the CIA in-
vestigations, and Soviet involvement in the Angola conflict.
Kissinger condemns USSR's
intervention in Angola conflt

payments to be contractually
negotiated by the city CDRS
A provision in Wheeler's pro-
posal specifies that "the final
amount allocated (to each ag-
ency), if any at all" will be of-
fered for council's approval fol-
lowing contract developments.
The Mayor stated the staff
will begin negotiation of con-
tracts "immediately," and des-
ignated Dec. 8 as thettarget
date far completion of the first
set of contracts.
THE PROGRAM approved by
council differs from the plan
put forth by Wheeler last Mon-
day. It carries several amend-
ments made by the mayor him-
self over the weekend as well as
changes instituted by Republi-
can council members last night.
Wheeler, as a result of nego-
tiations with the GOP last
Thursday, offered $345,000 in
amendments to his original
CDRS proposal last night, in-
cluding a $75,000 transfer from
local option for the purchase of
a fire truck, and a $10,000 trans-
fer from neighborhood facilities
funds to be added to downtown
According to several GOP
Spokesmen, Republican coun-
See COUNCIL, Page 2

By STEPHEN HERSH tions by some observers that
Special To The Daily Kissinger's attitude toward the
DETROIT .- Secretary of U.S.S.R. is less firm than that
State Henry Kissinger last night of James Schlesinger, who re-
rebuked the Soviet Union for its cently resigned as secretary of
"interventionist policy" in the defense under pressure from
civil conflict in Angola, and af- Ford.-
firmed close ties between the Wearing a blue suit and red
United States and the People's tie, and speaking slowly in a
Republic of China. deep voice, Kissinger criticized
Those remarks were appar- "the substantial Soviet build-up
ently intended as a friendly of weapons in Angola which has
gesture toward Peking, in antic- introduced great power rivalry
ipation of President Ford's trip into Africa for the first time
to China scheduled for next in fifteen years."
week. He warned that the involve-
THE COMMENTS may also ment could strain Soviet-Ameri-
have been a reaction to asser- can relations, saying, "continu-

ation of an interventionist poli-
cy must inevitably threaten oth-
er relationships."
HE ADDED, "The Soviet Un-
ion still has an opportunity for
a policy of restraint which per-
mits Angolan* to resolve their
own differences without outside
interventions. We would be
glad to cooperate in such a
course. But time is running
The Soviets have been lend-
ing support to the Popular
Movement for the Liberation of
Angola, a Marxist group. China
has in the past provided aid to

President Robben Fleming
told the University Senate yes-
terday afternoon that another
tuition increase and an exten-
sion of next year's Christmas
vacation may be necessary to
make ends meet in 1976-77.
Fleming said the administra-
tion learned last month that the
University will receive the
same number of dollars (in
state appropriations) in 1976-77
that we have for this year." The
University has asked the state
for a $21.8 million increase over
this year's $99.8 million budget,
including an 11 per cent staff
salary hike.
See FLEMING, Page 2

Violence grows in

BEIRUT (Reuter)-The crisis
in Lebanon took a sharp turn
for the worse yesterday as street
fighting intensified in Beirut and
the country's top politicians
abandoned a meeting called to
find ways of ending the factional
A session of the National Di-
alogue Committee, made up of
20 top Lebanese political chief-
tains from all religious sects,
broke up after only half an hour
after protests at the absence of
interior minister Camille Cham-
dun, a powerful Maronite Chris-
tian leader.
RIGHT wing and left wing
gunmen blazed away at each
other with rockets, mortars and
machineguns only a few hundred
yards from the hilltop govern-
ment house in central Beirut
where the politicians were meet-
Fnr .p DProniv, A.. n l n mn

Junblatt told reporters after the
session that the fighting will
continue until Christmas Eve
because arms dealers want to
do a good business.
"They can now sell subma-
chineguns for 1200 Lebanese
pounds (about $500) when they..
only bought them for 500 pounds
(about $200). Hand grenades are
now selling for 100 pounds
(about $40) each."

Heavy overnight fighting in
the southern and eastern sub-
urbs died down as down broke
and the center of the violence
shifted to the two main squares
in the city center.
POLICE said at least six
bodies were found in the streets
in various areas of the capital,
but commented that this by no
means reflected real casualties
which were probably much high-

The death roll in the violence
over the past two days is about
40 killed and over 100 wounded-
mostly victims of either snipers
or kidnappers. The total death
toll over the last three weeks
is about 240.
Beirut radio said today that
most roads were unsafe because
of exchanges of gunfire, snipers
and kidnappings.

Tours tie up bowl tickets

Michigan football fans have waited four
years to see their team play a game on New
Years Day. At long last, this year many stu-
dents will be able to enjoy watching the Wol-
verines play Oklahoma in sunny Miami at

given first priority on individual sales.
Both Michigan and Oklahoma have been
allotted only 12,500 ticket each. Of those allo-
cated to Michigan, 500 must be distributed to
the other Big Ten universities.
ACCORDING to a Orange Bowl Tour spokes-



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