Saturdoy, November 22, 1975 fHE miCHrGAN L)^iLy- P9ge Seven Saturday, November ZZ, 1975. ~HE MICHIGAN L)AFLf PQge Seven UHC vote' complete Court nominees listed by AI3A Moynihan ! may quit UN (Continued from Page 1) renouncing proponents of a re- FRI.-SAT. $2.50 LOU & SALLY KILLEN 8:30 certina, Guitar "CHANGE" HAS COME! The new album from Spanky &Our Gang. On Epic Records PI S UR SANG inWn' Banone WEST SIDE BOOK SHOP FINE USED and RARE BOOKS at REASONABLE PRICES LIBRARIES PURCHASED 113 W. Liberty Mon-Sat.: 11:00-6:00 Thurs. and Fri. Nites to 9:00 995-1891 By LOIS JOSIMOVICH (Continued from Page 1) THEY SAID they would call solution adopted by the Gener- school professors and others as witnesses Robert Meserve of al Assembly this month equating Results of this week's Univer- about them. Christopher said the Boston, a former president of racism and Zionism. He also sity Housing Council (UHC) p e r s o n s interviewed included the ABA, and a number of law were finally confirmed yester- both professional colleagues of school professo'rs and others who echoed Kissinger's views in his day after more than 19 hours of the potential nominees and non- have written about the court. complaints about bloc voting by counting. lawyers in their communities. The three senators are Demo- so-called third world countries. About 15 per cent of the ap- "WE HAVE probably talked crats Edward Kennedy of Mass- HOWEVER, Moynihan went proximately 8,000 eligible stu- to at least 100 people about each, achusetts and James Abourezk beyond instructions in his cri- dents cast ballots. name on the list," he said. He , of South Dakota and Republican ticism of Ugandan President Idi said the persons consulted were Charles Mathias Jr. of Mary- Amin. GARY FABIAN won the full asked to keep the inquiries con- land. They were turned down s i hdt d i nw t a t year seat in the Lloyd - East fidential. 'Wednesday when they asked the Quad district over Tom Reeder Yesterday's meeting was theSenate Judiciary Committee to by a narrow 13 vote margin, second the committee has held hold hearings on the subject. In the Bursley district, G. J. this week. It met Sunday to The federal jurists on the F EE Giuseppe won the only avail- evaluate a list of about a latest list submitted to the ABA' able position by 14 votes over dozen potential nominees sub- -Cornelia Kennedy, 52, of De- 4' " second runner-up Jim Stern. mitted by the attorney general troit, a U.S. district judge for Frederick BoikadGe on" President Ford's behalf. five years and a Michigan cir- Wolfe were victorious inG Christopher said he made a uit court judge before that. - ~ Baits districts for one and half preliminary report to Levi on -Charles Clark, 50, of Jack- SATURDAY foritretredtris-NewfOrlensesince1969fan ats Monday. w son, Miss., a judge of the 5th NOV. 22 Christopher was a law clerkU S. Circuit Court of Appeals in 5pm & 7pm OVER in the Hill Area, Couz- in 1949 and 1950 for retired Jus- New Orleans since 1969 and a, SUNDAY ens, Stockwell, Mo-Jo) Alan El-. tice William Douglas, who left practicing attorney previously. YOV23 lison took.the one year seat by the court last weekN -Philip Tone, 52, a former 2pm a narrow margin over runner ON TUESDAY, Levi submit- U.S. district jidee named to the 4pm up Tim O'Neill. ted an additional list containing 7th US. Circuit Court of Appeals ," the names of four federal -in Chicago in May 1974.C Chetney Hieber won t h e judges, one of them a woman,' ---M lcolm Wilkey, 56, a for-t Markley - Oxford seat and in and Secretary of Housing and mer Texas lawyer the Campus district (West Urban Development Carla Hills. ----- ---------N" Quad, Barbour, Newberry, Cook The committee was called in-' and the Law Quad), Brian Las- to session to rate the additional CHARING CROSS key captured the only opening. prosoective nominees on their BOOKSHOP In the South Quad - Fletcher professional qualifications, judi- Used, Fine and Scholarly Books district, Rick David and David cial temperament and integrity.- 316 S. STATE-994-4041 Faye tied with 64 votes each. Members have been checking Open Mon.-Fri. 1.1 -9, CARETE Present UHC members will de- with potential nominees' asso- Sat. 10-6-E cide who gets the full-year and Meanwhile, three s e n a t o r s 3 0 called a symposium to discussC About 40 per cent of the vaot- criteria and qualifications to be PLATIGNUM ITALIC SET ANN ARBOR ers approved the dormitory ,used by the Senate in assessing Conraris aNun rainpenfive PHONE 971-SNOW vegetarian meal option. The the eventual nominee for con- a m65 anitnstructin amendment to the UHC constitu- firmation. ( r tion providing a succession for nati 144 oniy $5.00. the Council's vice-president was At art rnateraif &ypen shops, passed by a wide margin- MLco(leqecookstorcs...orsni cfieck to ?entaic Corp.,132 Hale Irwin, 1974 U. S. Open2,. golf champion, stood in seventh TONIGHT AT 8 O'CLOCK d5 srnn. place in PGA tour winnings COUZEN'S THEATRE francfinj. through April with $80,200._ __ _ Regarded by authorities and oficionados of the subject as one of the best performers of British songs and ballads alive today. "A Master of the tradi- tional English ballad of the shanty, of the Irish song , . . A master, in fact, of almost any kiind of fine singing. A superb performer with an extraordinary repertoire."-N.Y. Times 1421 HILL 761-1451 11 I t . - I i ATTENTION ALL SKIERS! No Affinity Groups or Clubs to Join! anowmassva81aspen , VIA UNITED AIRLINES CHARTER FLIGHT DEC. $239 DEC. 30- $289 16-23 Per Person JAN. 6 Per Person SKI TOUR INCLUDES Round-trip, Detroit-Grand Junction iet transportation; Gd. Jct.-Snowmass charter bus transfers; deluxe loda~inq seven nights -- STONEBRIDGE INN or WILDWOOD INN; three "Get-Acauainted" parties; tips and taxes; fully escorted;. lift tickets are optional; meals Aot included. MUST BE BOOKED 16 DAYS BEFORE DEPARTURE a ........-m'm mi*m. * mm. ----------------" ..m Mail to: MD M. GUERIN TOURS, INC. WRITE OR CALL: 4145 Gratiot Ave. 41?3532 Port Huron, Michigan 48060 (313) 385-3521 Gentlemen: Please send me your new O.T.C. Colorado brochure. Name Address. City, State and Zip Code I I 1 } k f SUnda, Nov. 23 at HLE 11:00 A.M.-BRUNCH SPEAKER--Leono Forman TOPIC-"The Jewish Community inttentzin China-1900-1950 Bagels & Lox-75c 12:00 P.M.-ISRAELI DANCING LOWER EAST SIDE NIGHT 5:30-6:30 P.M.--DELI 7:00 P.M.-MOVIE- "THE DYBBUK" Greatest Yiddish Film ever made. (English subtitles) Deli only-$2.00 Deli & Movie-$2.75 Movie only--$1.00 all at H IL L E L-1429 Hill 663-3336 w r i i IN JOINT CONCERT The University of Michgian Men's Glee Club LEONARD JOHNSON, Director AND Cornell University Men's Glee Club THOMAS A. SOKOL, Director Saturday, Nov. 22-8 p.m.-Hill Auditorium Tickets $3.50, $2.50, $1.50: at Hill Box Office 'An inside look at worldwide business: How the U.S. and foreign governments regulate the business we do abroad has a direct bearing on jobs and paychecks back home. When voters understand the basics of our economic system-and act on that understanding-government listens. Since every citizen has "the responsibility to know", The Business Roundtable is spon- soring a series of messages about the fundanental workings of our free entgrprise system. Their "mini-course" appears monthly before the country's largest reading audience in Reader's Diget. ADVERTISEMENT ,Why Companies Do Business Abroad Despite the extraordinary contribution of multi-national corporations to our standarq of living, the clippers are out in Washington CO4V to shear their worldwide operations LOAD, AIM, & SHOOT' (Even with a Brownie, you can bag big Przs) THE MICHIGANENSIAN PHOTO CONTEST NO THEME NO FEE ENTER ANYTHING & EVERYTHING BW AND COLOR ENTRIES DUE d Q DEC. 10 PRIZES FROM BIVOUAC Big George's 8sBckakig SUPERMARKETOF Mountaieering Ndon.. APIANCES TV Climing r pnent -.STEREO-CAMERAS p Horne Applance Mart a j'Z' l wMATRIX . ss+rra* W tTHEATRE MIERICANs are hearing a lot these days about multi- national corporations, but for some reason we rarely hear what they mean to our economic growth and prosperity, or even what they are. A multi-national is a corporation that does a substantial amount of its business in other countries, either on its own or in partnership with host-country corporations. Multi- nationals, American and foreign, are everywhere. They mine bauxite in Australia, make sewing machines in Britain, sell insurance in Bang- kok, operate banks in Iran. There are thousands of them, but general- ly the term is reserved for the larger, more successful and, so, more con- spicuous companies. They also tend to be the corporations that pay the highest wages, and sell products for the lowest prices. In an earlier era, corporations often set up overseas operations for strictly economic reasons-lower transportation costs, for example, or a break on wages. Today, however, many companies find that they can't enter, or remain in, a foreign market unless they build a factory or set up an office there for at least a part of their operations. Mighty General Electric, for ex- ample, was called in not long ago gotiated a compromise. Now, in an assembly plant in. Brazil, local work- ers put on the wheels and other outer parts. The drive assembly and controls 'still come from Erie. Both sides got what they wanted: Brazil saves on dollars and gets factory jobs, while GE keeps the high-wage, high- technology part. If the company had not cooperated, says chairman R. H.. Jones, "complete locomotives would now be made in Brazil in plants financed by a Javanese or European company." When companies establish foreign operations, it nearly always means a surge in the number of their U.S. employes. In 1950, Caterpillar Trac- tor Co. was struggling to fill its U.S.. and foreign orders from two Ameri- can plants with 25,000 employes. To- day there are 12 overseas Caterpillar plants employing 27.000. But, mean- while, the company has grown to 14 U.S. plants employing 62,000-of whom some 24,000 owe their j bs solely to foreign orders. A promising foreign market can be lost irretrievably by not setting up a foreign factory at the right time. In 1964, Du Pont was exporting 34 million pounds of polyethylene to, Europe, but decided not to build a plant there. Its European sales of polyethylene soon dropped to the vanishing point, while its foreign subsidiaries or affiliated companies employing nearly 32,000 people. Total 1974 sales outside the United States amounted to $2.17 billion, of which over $8oo million were U.S. exports. As a result, at least 15,000 new jobs were created in the Unit- ed States. These and numerous other ex- amples underline the fact that mul- ti-nationals are good for the U.S. economy, consumer and worker. A U.S. government study covering 300 of the major multi-nationals reveals that when these companies were rap- idly expanding employment abroad, they also raised their U.S. work force at a rate of 2.7 percent a year -well above the average growth in American industry. At the same time, they averaged paying their U.S. workers substantially more per hour than U.S: companies without foreign operations. This is only part of what multi- nationals do for us. They are in the forefront of helping the nation com- pensate for rising costs of basic raw materials we must import, particu-: larly petroleum. By selling abroad,' they earn large amounts of the for- eign currencies we need to buy scarce materials from other coun- tries. In addition, in 1974 Ameri- can companies operating abroad returned home royalties and foreign . earnings of $21.4 billion-three times the outflow of dollars for new foreign investment. All in all, without multi-nationals the extraordinary worldwide rise in living standards would have been ,slowed. As U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Daniel P. Moyni- han has declared: "The multi-na- tional corporation, which combines modern management with liberal trade policies, is arguably the most creative international institution of the 20th century." Indeed, those countries in Europe and Asia making the most progress are, the ones that have encouraged multi-nationals-theirs as well as ours.* Despite this, the clippers are out to shear the U.S. multi-nationals of their foreign connections. A while back, the hue and cry was that multi-nationals "export American jobs." When this proved unfounded, critics seized upon the issue of bribery of foreign officials by the multi-nationals. It is true that some U.S. corporations have been in- volved in payoffs abroad-usually to avoid confiscation or loss of business to foreign competitors. This is cer- tainly a practice contrary to good business ethics. But unethical prac- tices by -a few companies hardly justify punitive tax proposals now coming to the fore in Washington, which. would all but put multi- nationals out of business. Currently, U.S. overseas businesses pay the full 48-percent U.S. corporate income-tax rate when they bring home their profits after paying all taxes in the countries where they op- erate. These taxes generally are now as high as ours, and companies are allowed 'to offset them against the taxes on foreign, but not domestic, income that would otherwise be paid to the U.S. Treasury. This avoids double taxation. Foes of the multi-nationals would have them pay the foreign taxes and immediate- ly give almost half of what was left of their earnings to the U.S. Treas- ury. This would mean an effective tax rate of almost 75 percent. Since no other country does this, our multi-nationals could not survive under the burden. The economic effect here and abroad of such a move is dismal to contemplate. The value of our vast foreign investments would be sharp- lv 'reduced, and world trade un- doubtedly would suffer. As the recent global recession has reminded us, when business turns down, no man is an island. We must keep in mind that multi-national corporations are nothing more than business organizations which make up for the fact that raw materials, products, services,' know-how and labor are very unevenly distributed over the globe. They bring together all these economic resources to help all people work together to create a peaceful and prosperous world. I