FBI SPIED ON KING See Editorial Page :Y A& !44tr4t g a n D~ait SNOW High,-45 Low-24 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 68 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 21, 1975 10 Cents Ten Pages _ Student points toy gun at Reagan Come to Ann Arbor, land of'... The Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce yester- day unveiled a new visitors bureau to attract tour- ists and business conferences to the city. The pro- gram revolves around a PR campaign that pushes the dope capital of the midwest as the ideal con- ference sight in central Michigan. But perhaps the most helpful gimmick - for both visitors and lo- cals - will be an events hotline that provides a list of goings on about town. The 24-hour number will be in operation shortly. Heading up the entire project is David Scully, who ironically graduated from Michigan State University. That's a little better than being a Buckeye, we figure. " Nurses get-together Tickets for the annual Dinner Meeting of the University's Nurses Alumni Association go on sale today. The dinner will be De'c. 2, and will be held at the Zal Gaz Grotto Club at 6:30 p.m. The cost is $5.50 per person. Reservations will be accepted until Nov. 30, and can be sent to Nancy Nelson at 2311 Eton, Ann Arbor 48103. Bon appetit. "I Happenings... . ..have no homogeneous theme for today .. . They kick off with a panel discussion on "The Press and Government: Problems of Political Re- porting." John Puravs of the Saginaw News, Remer Tyson of the Detroit Free Press, and Wil- liam Meek, a former Free Press reporter, will appear. This goes down at 3:00 in the Assembly Hall of Rackham . .. Rep. Marvin Esch speaks at 3 p.m. in Aud. C, Angell Hall . . . Butler House in Markely is sponsoring a Kill Woody Hayes dinner in dishonor of the Fat Man, from 4:30-6:30. Any dorm resident can get a meal transfer and at- tend . . . East Wind is sponsoring a mass meeting and potluck dinner at 6:30 in the International Center. Food goes on at 6:30, the meeting begins at 8:00 . . . Cosmic transmitter Tyagi Ji gives a free broadcast at 7:00 at the Friends Meeting House, 1420 Hill . . . Hebrew House sponsors an Onegshabbat with Israeli dancing at 8:30 at 800 Lincoln. Pick and choose, you'll be amused. " Political propaganda Television stations which show such cinematic epics as King's Row, or Bedtime for Bonzo, or even reruns of Death Valley Days, may be liable for equal time claims by other Republican Presi- dential candidates. What's the tie between all that Grade B drivel? All featured Ronald Reagan, the pretty-boy movie star, who has now set his sights on the biggest Oscar of them all. Milton Gross, head of the Federal Communications Commission, ruled yesterday that any identifiable performance by a candidate applies to the equal time rule. Going ape "So far they're getting along pretty well 's he grabs her foot and pulls her around a little. She nips him on the arm." Yes, Meg and Hatari (their last names have been withheld - presum- ably at the behest of their parents) are exhibiting normal courting habits in this permissive era. It's none of this quick-between-the-sheets stuff with them. Meg is 13-years-old, and her pal Hatari is 12. Both are residents of Cincinnatti, Ohio. The blush- ing couple has been together for two glorious and fun-filled weeks. but one observer, Pep "Peeping Tom" Wilson, noted, "I don't think anything real- ly exciting has happened yet. Right now they're in a get-acquainted stage - a cautious courtship." Meg nearly died of a broken heart when her boy- friend died this past summer in Tampa, Fla. But her change of location and hot times with Hatari seem to be just what the doctor ordered to renew her high spirits. Oh, by the way, Meg and Hatari are gorillas. " Where's Jimmy? U.S. Senator Robert Griffin (R-Mich.) yesterday urged the Senate to appoint a special committee to investigate the disappearance of former Team- sters President James Hoffa who flew the coop or had his coop flown for him last July. Griffin said the special panel should also look into allegations that the union's pension fund has been misused. "The mystery of what happened to Jimmy is in- triguing," Griffin said. "But even more import- ant is the question: why?" That's what a lot of people would like to know. On the inside . . . Arts Page features Stephen Hersh review- ing Frank Zappa . . . the Editorial Page highlights Debra Lipson writing on the sex education bill be- ing debated in the Michigan Senate . . . and Sports has Leba Hertz writing on Bo's press conference. On the outside ... By AP and Reuter MIAMI - A 20-year-old college student was beaten to the ground by Secret Service agents yesterday when he pointed a toy gun at Ronald Reagan just six hours after the former California Governor announced a bid for the presidency. The agents had been appointed to guard Reagan yesterday just after he made his announcement that he would contest President Ford for the Republican presidential nomination. THEY were called into action on Reagan's first campaign stop, a two-hour visit to Miami. Reagan had just finished a campaign speech and was shaking hands with the crowd when Michael Carvin pulled a plastic pistol out and pointed it at him, Secret Service agents said. Four Secret Service agents leaped at him, knocked him to the ground and then dragged him through a clump of bushes to a nearby motel for questioning. A SECRET Service spokesman said he would be charged to- morrow with assaulting a federal officer and possibly other charges. Reagan flew to Miami after formally announcing his White House candidacy in Washington-the city where, he said, many of the nation's woes are being generated by a federal govern- ment that is too big but "powerless to solve problems anymore." That was the theme of his Miami speech to about 400 sup- porters in the ballroom of the Ramada Inn. REAGAN was pulled away from Carvin by Secret Service agents and, in the process, dragged to the ground momentarily. But he was smiling and did not appear shaken when agents led him upstairs to a hotel room. "I feel fine," he said later at a news conference. ". . I just thought someone had fallen down. It seems the man pulled out a toy gun." Reagan declined in announcing his candidacy to criticize Ford directly, declaring his own ideas are "in the mainstream of the thinking of the people of this country." He said he had dismissed in his own mind the prospect of being knocked from the GOP race in early primaries. FOLLOWING the rally in Miami the one-time movie star flew to Manchester, New Hampshire, and then planned to head today for Charlotte, North Carolina and Chicago and return to a "home- coming celebration" rally at the Hollywood Burbank Airport out- side Los Angeles. Reagan said he would either campaign in or be represented in all 30 GOP primaries but declined to predict victory pledging only "to do my best to win". He made it clear he will build his campaign around a chal- lenge to a federal government that he charged has become "more intrusive, more coercive, more meddlesome, and less effective in dealing with the energy problem and a weakening defense. "IN MY opinion," Reagan declared, "the root of these prob- lems lies right here - in Washington, D. C. Our nation's capital has become the seat of a "buddy" system that functions for its own benefit - increasingly insensitive to the needs of the Ameri- can worker who supports it with his taxes." And he said "it is difficult to find leaders who are independent of the forces that have brought us to our problems - the Con- gress, the bureaucracy, the lobbyists, big business and big labor." CIA hatche Castro death plot State prison built to be outside city By JIM TOBIN The Michigan Department -of Corrections is developing plans for a new prison in nearby Pittsfield Township which officials hope will help accommodate the state's burgeoning prison population. The Department hqd originally intended to build -a "reception- diagnostic" center at the 180-acre site, but has instead opted to construct a facility housing more long-term convicts. CURRENTLY, all state prisoners are housed at the over- crowded reception center at Jackson State Prison before being transferred to other penitentiaries to serve out their terms. Officials saw the need for a new facility and decided to build it in the southwestern part of the state, which produces roughly Senate panel. riocurneni reea sed By AP and Reuter WASHINGTON - T h e Senate intelligence committee reported yester- day it h a s uncovered "solid" evidence that the CIA plotted to assassinate Suban Premier Fidel Castro and. Congolese leader Pa- trice Lumumba 'and is "implicated" in the killing of Dgminican dictator Ra- fael Trujillo. half of the state's convicts. SGC UHC vote tally " continues The absence of one ballot counter and an unexpectedly high voter turnout in the Alice Lloyd-East Quad district caused tallying for the University Hous- ing Council (UHC) elections to drag on into the wee hours last night, with only incomplete re- turns available as of early this morning. At that time the talliers had not yet begun to count the Stu- dent Government Council votes, or those on the UHC ballot issues. Elections Director Tim Kunin estimated that final re- sults for both elections would not be determined until late to- day. "There's really nothing con- clusive we could say right now," an SGC spokesperson said last night. There were seven Council po- sitions to be filled in the SGC election, and 11 spots in . the UHC races. Also on the ballot in the SGC See VOTE, Page 10 The institution will hold ap- proximately 540 beds,a small capacity compared to most state prisons, and will cost an estimated $18 million. But the prison will cost some $1 million less than the proposed recep- tion-diagnostic center. DEPUTY Director of the De- partment of Corrections Paul Chase expressed worries con- cerning the crowding in state prisons. He said the state con- vict population - currently es- timated at 10,600 - may rise to 12,500 within two years. "The pressure is on us now for beds," he 'declared. "There's an economic squeeze. We need beds now more des- perately than we need our re- cention center." Initial planning for the facil- ity is now underway, and Chase said he expectstarchitects to begin designing the building in January. Building contracts will be signed by the end of next summer and construction - probably requiring 12 to 24 months will begin in the fall. CHASE stressed the benefits of a relatively small peniten- tiary andsaidna huge prison such as Jackson, with ten times as many inmates as the pro- posed Pittsfield prison will hold, does not allow for the segregation of different types of prisoners. See STATE, Page 10 Eat 'em up Nolan Ragsdale adds the final touches to his crocodile friend's cavernous mouth before the giant paper lizard off to downtown Detroit where it will be part of a display at the C Christmas Carnival which begins December 6. Sor Sp iitmount s for OSU cla By JODI DIMICK Nearly 3,000 avid football fans braved the cold, rainy weather last night to attend a pep rally held at Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, in an- ticipation of tomorrow's Ohio State game. With the Michigan Pep Band and a contingent of cheerleaders to egg them on, the crowd gen- erated a plethora of excitement as they kicked the rally off with a rousing rendition of the Mich- igan Fight Song. THE ENTHUSIASM heightened as the group shouted such slogans as, "Fuck the Bucks!" "Go Blue" and "We want Bo!" And an elated Coach Bo Schembechler made an appearance before the frenzied assemblage. "I really feel," he said of the rally, "that this is the greatest thing that has happened to me since I've been at Michigan." THE CELEBRATED coach noted that the foot- ball team has "worked hard this week," and promised, "We're going to be con hard." Bo summed up his feelings about S saying, "No matter how the game begi happens to our team, if you stay w will prevail!" The crowd, bathed in ,the glow of blazing in front of the fraternity hou excitedly and then began to chant, "W ber One!" "WE'RE HIGHLY motivated," ,rema Kadela, a player on the football te member of the SAE fraternity. "WI those flames blazing and heard the figh spirits rose to unmeasurable heights." Junior Jeff DeClaire declared, "The turnout here are just phenomenal. It thing that could ever happen to Mic ball." See PEP, Page 10 The 346 - page report, unique in American his- tory, also said some evi- dence had been found of CIA involvement in plans to assassinate President Sukarno of Indonesia and AP Photo Francois "Papa Doc" Du- valier, president of- Haiti. shipping Cobo Hall IT DESCRIBED U.S. partici- pation in events which led to -- __ the killings of Chilean Gen. Rene Schneider and South Viet- namese President Ngo Dinh Gsh Diem but said U.S. officials did t.7 not intend to have either man murdered. ing damn It found the strongest evidence of presidential authorization to aturday by be Dwight Eisenhower's role in ins or what the Lumumba affair but stopped rinhs wa just short of concluding beyond ith us, we doubt that he authorized the plot., a bonfire In no case did a U.S. assassi- use, roared nation plot actually succeed, the Ve're Num- report said. Those leaders who died were either the victims of arked Dave others or were killed in events am and a that went beyond the scope of a and a either U.S. involvement or of [en I saw U.S. intentions. The Trujillo plot it song, my was not initiated by U.S. of- ficials, but the plotters were spirit and supplied with U.S. arms. 's the best OF ITS efforts to trace the higan foot- chain of command in the CIA plots, the report said: "The See CIA, Page 7 REGENTS HEAR MINORITY REPORT Black enrollment falls By BILL TURQUE The Board of Regents was told yesterday that black en- rollment remains slightly under seven per cent of all students this year, still short of the 10 per cent total the University pledged to meet by the fall of 1973. In a report made public ear- lier this week, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Richard English told the Board that black enrollment on this eral government as U. S. citi- zens who are black, Oriental, or native American, or have Spanish surnames. "Our conclusion," said Eng- lish, "is that the University of Michigan compares favorably with other institutions in the state with respect to minority enrollment." The report shows that of the 13 four-year institu- tions in the state, Wayne State University has the highest per cent of minority enrollment, He attributed this decline to "serious competition with other schools," particularly "urban public institutions such as Wayne State." George Goodman, director of the University's Opportunity Program, which recruits and counsels minority students from disadvantaged backgrounds, told the Board that more of an ef- fort was needed on the faculty level to make the University more viable for minorities.