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November 20, 1975 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1975-11-20

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A rts & Enterta inm ent Thursday, November 20, 1975 Page Five

Sharpen your pencils and dust off,
those movie memories, for here to
challenge your cinematic intellect (and
your patience) is the "Campus Flicks
Trivia Contest.";
Listed below are SO questions that
deal with motion pictures made after
1966. The questions deal with trivial}
atters concerning actual film content
and the filmmakers themselves. You
may employ any means available to
obtAin the answers, keeping in mind, of
course, that blackmail, kidnapping and1
bribery are strictly illegal, with the lat-
ter being less illegal than the others.
Each question must be answered in
its entirety, as no partial credit will
be given for questions with more than,
one part.
The logistics of the contest are as
-Any6ne may enter who can read
the questions with employees of the
Boa d of Student Publications and em-
ployees of the sponsors who donated
prizes being exempt from the contest.
--Entries must be received by The
Michigan Daily in a sealed envelope by
9 Pmn, Monday, December 1, 1975. En-
tries May be brought in persbn to the
2nd floor of the Student Publications
Buil4ing on 420 Maynard and denosited
in the "Campus Flicks Movie Trivia"
box, or may be mailed to: Movie Tri-
via Contest. The Michigan Daily, 420
Maynnrd, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105.
All entries rn'st be accomnanied by
name, address, and phone number.
-The decision of the judges (myself
And members of the Arts and Enter-
tainment staff) is final.
- Tn the case of a tie, a runoff will
be held consisting of five additional
--The winners of the contest will be
'OIuneed Thursday, December 4, 19753
in -he Daily (Campus Flicks column).
The prizes for the contest are as fol-
ldws: 1
First Prize - Fifteen comrlimentary
passes valid at .the following theatres:
Camnus, Fifth Forum, Fox Village,
Matrix, Movies at Briarwood, State.
Seend Prize - Two complimentary
passes to each of the following thea-
tres: Campus, State, Fifth Forum.
Third Prize -- The official poster
from one of the following films: Battle
of the Amazons, The Golden Voyage of
Sinba dor MQ.
All complimentary passes were do-
nWted by the respective theatres, and1
the Michigan Daily extends a sincere
note of thanks to all those who contri-


buted to make this contest a reality.
I personally wish to thank David
Blomquist and David Weinberg for
their assistance in completing and
executing this contest.
Here are the 50 questions, and may
the most trivial person win:
1. Names the film that stars Roy
Scheider, Robert Shaw and Richard
Dreyfuss, just so everyone can have at
least one point.
2. Name the cinematographer who
did the work in a Sidney Rosenberg
film that starred George Kennedy..
3. The main characters are brothers
David and Jason, and the film's
screenplay is by former Esquire critic
Jt'roh Rakmkan. What is the film?
4. Film editor Sam O'Steen and pro-'
f-1tirnn deszip.,r Richard Sylbert are
k,-rw ' nr working with what film di-
C "n -enid. alt in what movie, this
"--" Ui-- "Trwin, we're gonna have
to kill em!"

driver in Bullitt?
15. Name the film directed by
Hellman that featured Warren £
16. Name the Cinerama epic1
starred Yves Montand.
17. What makes up the titli
(the credits) of My Fair Lady?
18. Name the film by the div
Joe that co-starred Jack Gilfor
19. Name two films that starr
abeth Wilson and Jon Korkes.
20. The screenplay for this w
a co-effort by Waldo Salt andT
Wexler. What was the film?
21. This was producer Ton
first major role. Name the film.
22. What is the famous licen
that appears in American Griffi
23. Name the film and the<
from which this line appears:
out, Haskell, it's real!"
24. Paul Newman's wife an
Van Devere's husband headlin
cast of this film directed by
Harvey. What is it?
25. Name the film from wh

this tremendous cast: Bing Crosby,
y Monte Maurice Chevalier, Peter Lawford,
)ates. Janet Leigh, Jack Lemmon, Donna
that co- Reed, Frank Sinatra, Debbie Reynolds
and Jay North.
e shots 34. Name the film editor of Alice's
? Restaurant.
ector of 35. Name the director who did an
dd. earlier film with Lee Marvin and An-
ed Eliz- gie Dickenson, and later worked with
Charlotte Rampling.
ork waS 36. Name the cinematographer turn-
Norman ed director whose first major work
was a co-effort with Donald Cammell.
y Bill's 37. In Everything to Know About
Sex . . ., what is the name written by
so plate h guest on the blackboard at the be-
director ginning of the "What's My Perversion"
38. List seven movies Elliot Gould
d Trish has anneared in from 1970 or earlier.
e the 39. The screenplay was by Robert
Anthony Bolt, the cinematography was by Fred-
die Yong, and one of the co-stars was
ich the John Mills. What is the film?
40. What words dues William Holden
utter in the beginning of The Wild'
Bunch just prior to the credit "direct-
ed by Sam Peckinpah"?
41. Name the film, director and.
screenwriter of the film from which
the following lyricnwas taken: "Alexei,
Alexei, musn't run and musn't play,
musn't jump and musn't climb - must
be careful all the time."
42. Name the street on which Faye
Dunaway's housekeeper lived in China-
43. What is Jan Kadar's lesser known
film about a fisherman whose life is
interrupted by a woman from outside
his village.
44. What film contains the following
line: "Morons, I've got morons on my

25. Name the film from which this scene was taken.

3. The main characters are brothers
David and Jason, and the film's screenplay
is by former Esquire critic Jacob Brack-
man. What is the film?
14. Who played Steve McQueen's cab
driver in Bullitt?
20. The screenplay for this work was a
co-effort by Waldo Salt and Norman Wex-
ler, What was the film?
22. What is the famous license plate that
appears in American Graffiti?
{{..",,"ess mmmqsam gip;. ""a ass

It Pays to Advertise
in The Michigan Daily

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We Are Serious
About Your Hair
UM. Stylists
at the Union


6. Name the screenwriter (from De-
troit) whose credits include In the Heat
of the Night.
7. In what musical did the following
song lyric appear: "Sooner or later,
just like a potato, we're planted in our
8. Name the film in which Max von
Sydow is done in by a parrot.
9. Name the actor common to both
Conrack and Midnight Cowboy.
10. Name the first Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
novel to be made into a film and its
11. The film critics for the Chicago
Sia-Times and The New Yorker maga-
zine both have written screenplays for
motion pictures. Names both critics
and their respective films.
12. Name the film narrated by Spen-
cer Tracy that reauired the talents of
three major directors.
13, What was the only James Bond
fl;^k mate nrior to Live and Let Die
th-t didn't feature Sean Connery? (Ca-
O '?ovale not accentable.)
14. W'io niaved Steve McQueen's cab

aIccomrnanvinflT rhoto was talkn.

26. This film was directed by Robert
Mulligan and starred Chris and Martin
Udvarnoky. Don't name the film --
name the screenwriter.
27. Name the Stanley Kramer bomb
that starred Ann-Margaret.
28. In 2001: A Space Odyssey, what
was it that Dr. Floyd's daughter want-
ed for her birthday when he talked to
her on the phone while en route to
29. Charles Aznavour, Richard Bur-
ton and James Coburn are part of the
unlikely cast of this film. Name the
film and its screenwriter.
30. Who was the actor who played
the lead in The Seven Faces of Dr.
31. Name the two notable directors
who had small parts in Andy Warhol's
32. Jack Nicholson played a bit part
in a Roger Corman film about a plant
that devoured humans. Name the film
and its male star.
33. Name the only film to assemble

'Chorale' hits highs, lows
hy CATHERINE REUTTER An echo effect presented an and prior to each piece, Craw-
interesting facet to the piece. ford presented a short explana-
The conductor did not wear Soloists Hannah Jo Smith, Moh- tion and some sidelights to the
tails. Richard Crawford's grey ler, Lambert and Lalli disap- works. His first briefing outlined
pin-striped suit set the tone for peared inexplicably during the the Bicentennial-inspired selec-
ai informal rendition of Choral piece. Soon they could be tion, which ranged from com-
Music in Nineteenth - Century heard, hidden behind the choir, poser Arthur Foote's "Herper-
America by the Arts Chorale answering them phrase for us" to the familiar but forget-
Tuesday night' phrase. table "Tenting on the Old Camp
The highpoint of the program At the opening of the concert, See ARTS, Page 7
was Arthur Foote's "The Wreck ------
of the Hesperus." The sea sa-
ga's mellow lulls describing aFRIDAY NIGHT at H I L L E L
fair maiden contrasted well F IA I H tHL E
with the staccato descriptions of NOVEMBER 21
the storm. Soprano Linda Moh-
ler sang in a suitably frightened 4 :45-M I NYAN
little girl's voice. Randy Lam-
bert and Richard Lalli's sailor 5:30-RAMA H SERVICE
solOs were fittingly stoic.
The lowpoint, however, was DINNER-6:15 P.M.
George Root's "The Haymak- 8:00-OPEN FOREMAT
ers, Part lI". The moralistic
wh~le~a virtue and content-
ment from a sense of fulfilled HILLEL. 663-3336
duty. A subplot which was de- - - -- -
leted from this version, Craw- *.PREPARE FOR *******9s .
ford told his audience, portray- E C' FM G F
id a stupid city slicker named {*F L E
fir;E r 5 1945 PAULINE
*e 90N ANN ARBOR, MI. 48103
9*. 662-3149
NOV.22 **9*... A N H e E e N P U 'S'i0s9900 94
5pm & 7pm -
WASf eu4W
trmr - -

[ .

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