Po 4e Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, November 20, 1975 Paqe Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY . w e FBI admits no legal unieste basis for King probe AT uni\/ ( t$ (lla (Continued from Page 1) point that continued FBI inter- - Adams said the wiretaps were est in his activities arose outr authorized by then-Atty. Gen. of a fear or a suspicion that het Robert Kennedy. was being influenced by some-t L A T E R, committee staff one the bureau felt was sub-i FREE. members said the FBI had jus- versiv~e. tified the bugs under what it, considered to be its general in- The state of Iowa has soil vestigative authority, that is considered the finest in Y Staff members said Kennedy America and the state accounts1 SATURDAY and his brother, then-President fo n-et ftento' NOV. 22John Kennedytold King at one food supply. _ 5pm & 7pm- - - -- SUNDAY THE ALL NEW, COLORFUL NOV.23 " 2pm& 4pm " ~WASHTEAW They started again in California and now everyone wants'em. Plastic makes them possible, and that's our middle name -- no wonder they're selling fast. Made of good looking Plexiglas with wild, wayout PAejeO random patterns, Urethane wheels for greater CARPENTER stability and genuine Chicago Trucks. _C ( C pluss3.0 aor postage and hanlng onh$ 9 5(Michigan residents add 4% sales tax) 3150-CARPENTER Send check,money order or ANN ARBOR BankAmericard number to: PHONE 971-SNOW GET 'EM FROM: Cadillac Plastic and Chemical Company CADILLAC PLASTIC Detroit, Michigan 48232 ~§N~JGeneral Nutitio1n rtr N01 CCets1iCAeC_ BR I ARWOOD MA L L-994-9609 SALE ENDS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28 Fromme's dismissal bid denied by judge By AP and Reuter I here on September 5. SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Ly- District Judge Thomas Mac- nette Fromme lost her bid yes- Bride denied three separate de- terday for dismissal of charges fense motions for dismissal ofI that she attemtped to kill Pres- the charge, for a mistrial and' ident Ford. A federal judge for the quashing of the federal ruled evidence withheld from grand jury indictment under her defense was "a bit of a which Fromme, 27, was brought, mish-mash." to trial. Fromme's lawyer, John Virga, But MacBride sharply criti- had requested the charge be dis- cized the federal prosecutor's missed on the grounds that the conduct before ruling that the prosecution h a d deliberately trial should continue. concealed a witness who would HE THEN recessed court un- have helped her case. til tomorrow to give Virga time VIRGA CLAIMED the govern- to reorganize Fromme's defense men had "effectively destroyed" in light of the withheld state- his case by failing to reveal the ments of Damir. existence of a witness, James MacBride said Asst. U.S. Atty. Damir, who heard Fromme say Donald Heller's actions were "it's not loaded anyway" after "not a model of prosecutorial she pointed a pistol at Ford zonduct." YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT SGC-UHC-Michigan Union Elections NOVEMBER 18-20 4 SGC BALLOT ISSUES A. Voluntary funding of SGC. C. Constitutional convention call. B. Michigan student assembly D. Release $12,000 of plan. S.L.A.P. funds for use by SGC. 7 at-large seats l11 constitutional convention delegates 3 UIC BALLOT ISSUES By DA A panel sioners vot a i t i t Panel votes continued support for Consumer Action Center ANA BAUMANN of County Commis- ed 10-3 yesterday to -h Consumer Artin "IT LOOKS LIKE we have a MURRAY VOTED in favor of victory for the CAC in its pres-y ent state," said CAC Directorp John Knapp. ' There remains ai malnQa LH Ue%-U 115U111L SSjU.,S - L r -- Center (CAC) at its current slight possibility that membersh funding level under the jurisdic- may change their minds be-n tion of the prosecuting attor- tween now and the final vote,a ney's office. j but this doesn't appear too The decision by the Ways and likely."o Means Committee followed a The new proposal will be re-t controversy sparked by the viewed with the entire budgeth Board's recent 1976 budget pro- by the Committee of the Whole. posal to merge the consumer of- before Nov. 26 and will then bet fice with the Department of presented at a public hearing Weights and Measures. The pro- Dec. 4. The revised budget pro-t posal would have eliminated the posal will be voted upon by the positions of director and media- Board in its entirety on Dec. 19.r tor, retaining only one investiD Prosecuting Attorney ril-- gator for the renamed Depart- iam Delhey said the new pro- ment of Consumer Services. posal would cause no majors planning difficulties. Provisions' - for the CAC had already been I incorporated into his office's' E ONE FREE BOWL uinitial budget proposal. OF BROWN RICE "HAVING THE CAC remain1 SiIin this office will facilitate the1 'With this coupon consumer more efficiently be- and any purchase at the * cause we have the mediation3 : VEGETABLE UNION :necessary to decide whether a1 S n MICH.UNION :i case is criminal or non-crimin-' in the .U al," Delhey said. ooen 11-1:30 p.m. But the source of funds for: S l e CAC remains unclear. Due tor m s its non-statutory nature and low: Expires November 30 budget priority, the CAC was; one of the first offices to feel -~effects of the budget crunch. ROSICRUCIAN "I was never opposed to the; ORDER, AMORC CAC," said Board Chairman; Rosicrucian Order, AMOR, a IMeri Lou Murray. "My real nonsecrtarian fraternalo abod y concern in supporting the mer- , devoted to the investigation, ger was to retain as much serv-j study and practical application ice for the conisumer as OSS01-' of natural and spiritual laws {ble. It seemed that, faCed with will have an open meeting at lItse dth.fadwih the Ann Arbor Public Library losing th° whole office due to corner of 5th Ave. and Wil- b1deet clts. the merger was! .iam) at :00 p.m. on Friday, r yesterday's motion, but still ex- pressed worry over its financial implications. She proposed ask- ing several local groups for fi- nancial support or services to aid the CAC. "I'm going to write the cities of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti and the Chamber of Commerce for help on this. Almost 60 per cent of CAC's clients are Ann Ar- bor residents, so it is an issue which definitely concerns them," said Murray. Catherine McClary, chairwo- man of Ways and Means, cited the overwhelming public outcry expressed during the controver- sy as the decisive factor in the committee's vote yesterday morning. "THERE HAS BEEN a tre- mendous amount of public in- put about the proposal. Many letters and calls have come in and there was a high public attendance at the Ways and Means meeting today, which is highly unusual," said McClary. McClary, who voted against the motion, maintained her stand in favor of merging the of- fice with the Sealer of Weights and Measures. She believes Del- hey does not have the interest in consumer protection that Sealer John Harter has demon- strated. She also says combin- ing the offices would make the handling of all consumer serv- ices more efficient and econom- ical. "The major threat to the CAC seems to have been re- solved, Knapp said. "The vote today showed support by both T~annrtc dtiRe btlicans_ sn 1. Continue lettuce/grope bovcott. 2. Vegetarian option 3. Vice-Presidential succession 11 Dorm District Seats POLLING PLACES OPEN 9-5 FIVE SITES: Washtenaw Bus Stop, Dian Fishbowl, Old A&D Blda., South & East Univ. & Much. Union. titled n Amel A STUDENT N I D MANDATE IS NEEDED lter -- the mbr21st. A lecture n d "Roots of Psychic Phe- ena" and movie "Domain estiny" will be featured. e will be no charge and public is cordially invited. 3Democrars ana epume mi, b rHE Mi('hIrA PAIT V it no longer seems to be a par- Volume LXXXV. No. 67 tisan issue. The broad-based Thntxsdav, November 20, 1975 is editedand managed by stud ntc. support we have received from at the TTniversity of Mieh1ant. News community groups and organiz- ne 764-05#2. second clas n'tAge. ntions and from the three area n,,ttl at Ann Arbor. Mtehlimaf 48106 Published d a l yTuesday throntrh daily paners demonstrates the S irav m nr-rni rlurne h+e T~ntver- eytent of public interest in 41tv rear at 4?0 Maanntd street. Ann'maintainig the office for con- ; Aztor. Viehigan 48104. FSltbscrlpi ion ne oet~ adKap rates: *12 Sept. thru Anril (2 m s merprotection,"si Kap t~rs); 513 by mail outside Ann Ar- bor The first Nobel Prize for 100 l.U. 100 CAPSULES PAVYONLY EVERY DAY LOWPRICE! F00-O.79 49C 150--$1.98 FOR FIRST BO"TTLE!0-39 200 I.U. 100 400 I.U. 1000 IU. 100 100 $399 $899 1 I i i, G I I i l E i ( I , E - ENJOY THE FINEST CHINESE FOOD WEST OF NEW YORK AND EAST OF SAN FRANCISCO IN A QUIET ELEGANT SETTING LUNCH 0 DINNER * SNACKS 0 COCKTAILS FOUR SEAS THE RESTAURANT IN THE WOODS 4905 WASHTENAW, ANN ARBOR JUST WEST OF GOLFSIDE Ii lIl ! 1II I IIil1I _________________________ I~i~~iiiii~if ~ C~ ~~~~~'i E k ii lJ{! a ,:4IImt")k'1" r n t ~ihllshed loec- :lay thrmigbth 't urdav mI Ir)i*1 Subscription rates $6.50 n Ann IArbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor. miedicine fIs rAwarrded to Emil A. :onlBehrirg, a German, for his work on diphtheria antito- xin. Mental Health Research Institute SEMINAR SERIES RAMON GREENF CR, M.D. Boston VA Hospital, Psychiatr Research, Boston, Mass. "REM SLEEP AND INFORMATION PROCESSING" A number of studies have demonstrated the role of REM (dreaming) sleep in the processino of new information. These studies, in both animals and humans will be de- scribed. An attempt will be mode to lead to a discussion of how dream content mioht be a possible clue to how such information is recorded and organized in the nervous svstem' THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1975 SEMINAR! 3:45 p.m., Room 1057, MHRI TEA: 3:15 o.m., Room 2059, MHRI vita in c ooo0Mo1$349 with Rose Hips 250$-8.39 100 TABLE with Rose Hips $.199 250-$4.75 100 TABLETS 250m. 100mg- 0 250- 100 250- 0$2.39 $1.39 Famous Diet FOula the All*in*ONE Kelp, Lecithin, Cider Vinegar, Vitamin 3*6 Tablet, America's Most Wanted Formulation! COMPARE 100.199 AND - SAVEI 500- 9.75 e]k'i1.k11 r" 1 t Compare with Squibb Theragran M. Suoeriron $~ es Therapeutic MULTI- 1 VITAMINS with 100 TABLETS VIAMINSwA $6.99 VALUE! MINERALS .... Compare with Squibb Theragran. TherapeutiC 100 TABLETS multi VitaminsU A $6.10 VALUE! 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