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November 20, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-11-20

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See Editorial Page

ri i


See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 67 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 20, 1975 10 Cents T P

en Pages




G-, a
1 err-SEE HAPR CALL xMty
Trivia test
For those who have a few-hours to kill before
exam time rolls around, Arts page features a
"Campus Flicks Trivia Contest," in which movie
freaks are invited to test their knowledge of films
and filmmakers of the past 15 years. The most
trivial person will walk off with fifteen freebies to
every commercial theatre in Ann Arbor. The con-
test ends December 1.
Avid fan
A lot of people like football (especially when it
comes to Michigan vs. Ohio State) but some people
are ridiculous. People like Rasin Tek, for example.
He's going to fly 12,000 miles just so he can get a
ring side (or field side) seat for the big event.
He's coming in from Sydney, Australia, where he
teaches at the University of South Wales. He's
on leave from the University and has been in
Australia since last July, and will probably be
there for another year. Except for the big game,
of course.
Happenings .. .
. .Are coming out of our ears today. At noon
the Ann Arbor Recorder's Society will play on
"The Open Hearth" in the Pendleton Arts Informa-
tion Center, on the second floor of the Michigan
Union . . Don Canham, the University's athletic
director, will speak on the "Marketing of Inter-
collegiate Athletics" at 3:30 p.m. in Hale 'Audi-
torium in the Business School. There will be a
reception following the talk . . . The weekly Hop-
wood Tea and Coffee Hour will be held from 3-5
p.m. in the Hopwood Room, 1006, Angell Hall.
There will be coffee, tea and, of course, good
conversation . . .. There will be a meeting for
students concentrating in sociology at 7 p.m. in the
Union Station in the basement of the Union. The
meeting is for people interested in joining the
sociology club . . . Students for Fred Harris will
hold a organizational meeting at 7:30 p.m. in
Rm. 3205 of the Michigan Union . . . There will be
a poetry reading by Joseph Brodsky at 7:30 p.m.
in Auditorium C of Angell Hall. The reading will
include poems written since his exile from the
U.S.S.R. in 1972 . . . Men's raps will hold their
session at 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 226 of Tyler House in
East Quad and will rap about "Why Men are
Afraid to be Gentle, Caring, Sharing, Loving" . , .
The Free Spain Committee will show a movie,
"Dreams or Nightmares," and hold a panel dis-
cussio in Rm. 231 of Angell Hall at 7:30 p.m. .. .
The Spouse Assault Task Force of sthe local Na-
tional Organization for Women (NOW) chapter
will hold a meeting with Rosalie Novara as a
speaker at 8 p.m. at 1917 Washtenaw Ave. in the
Unitarian Church . . . A forum for the New York
City budget crisis will be held in the Kuenzel Rm.
of the Union at 8 p.m. sponsored by the Young
Socialist Alliance . . . Theta Chi and Sigma Alpha
will hold a Michigan vs. Ohio State pep rally in
the mudbowl on the corner of Washtenaw and
South University at 8 p.m. featuring Bo,the band,
and the players (an unbeatable combination) . . .
The Couzens Ensemble Theatre presents Michael
Weller's "Moonchildren" at Couzens Theatre at
8 p.m. Tickets are $1.75.
Turkeys in the White House
There's going to be more than one turkey in the
White House this Thanksgiving. Three turkeys, one
live one (weighing in at 35 pounds) and two others
(25 pounds) will be presented to the First Family
today. And all three birds are gifts from our
Jerry's home state. The two dead .birds will be
dressed and wrapped in plastic with'a bicentennial
motif painted on the outside proclaiming "The
All-American Bird, 1776-1976." This is the first
time a president has gotten a Michigan turkey, say
Michigan State University poultry experts. Before,
they came from California. But then, so did Nixon.

On the inside .. .
.. The Arts Page presents a Movie Trivia
Contest... Steve Weissmnan writes on Spain on
the Editorial Page . . . and the Sports Editor of the
Ohio State Lantern, Greg Kirstein, writes on the
big game on the Sports Page.
On the outside . .

By AP and Reuter
MADRID, Spain - Gen-
eralissimo Francisco Fran-
co, dictator of Spain for 36
years, died last night at the
age of 82. He had been
gravely ill for more than a
Franco's w i f e, daughter
and private chaplain had
rushed to the hospital ear-
lier after doctors announced
that the old general's brain
activity had virtually ceased
and that "all hope is lost."
varro was among the first gov-
ernment officials to arrive at

the hospital a f t e r Franco's
death was announced.
First news of the announce-
ment came in a three-word dis-
patch from the Cifra news
agency-"Franco ha muerto"-
Franco has died.
Moments before the announce-
ment the general's household is-
sued a statement saying he had
entered "the last moments of
his life."
SPANISH National Radio read
the first statement in its regular
11 p.m. (EST) news bulletin, but
continued to play light music
and did not immediately an-
nounce the general's death.
THE SPANISH news agency

Europa Press said the three-
man regency council, set up by
constitution to run the nation
until Prince Juan Carlos de Bor-
bon is installed as king, had
been assembled. The prince be-
came acting chief of state when
it became evident Franco would
not recover.
Juan Carlos' installation -
which " must come within eight
days of Franco's death - is
expected to generate a show of
power by the right-wingers who
ran the country under the gen-
eralissimo and who fear the
new king may choose a more
moderate course.
In Washington, the Ford ad-
ministration was expected to
watch closely political develop-


ments and power alignment in
Spain following Franco's death.
THERE WAS no immediate
comment from the White House
on the news of the general's
death. A spokesperson said
Ford would probably issue a
statement later today.
The semiofficial Cifra news
agency said Franco died at 4:40
a.m. (10:40 p.m. EST). Justice
Minister Jose Maria Sanchez
Ventura arrived at the hospital
at 5:30 Madrid time to certify
that the nation's leader was
Franco died of "heart arrest
following toxic shock from peri-
tonitis," Information Minister
Leon Herrera said.
help. fc

NAVARRO scheduled a broad-
cast to the nation later in the
It was expected that Franco's
body would be transferred dur-
ing the day to the Pardo Pal-
ace, his residence north of Ma-
Informed sources said the
body would be brought to the
National Palace in downtown
Madrid to lie in state there un-
til funeral services Sunday. Bur-
ial will be at the Valley of the
Fallen, the monument to the
dead in the Spanish civil war
which Franco built 35 miles
from Madrid.
Carlos would be installed as

permanent head of state and
Spain's first king in 44 years on
Aided by a score of doctors,
Franco had held on to life
tenaciously since he was first
stricken Oct. 17. His heart, lungs
and kidneys began failing in
quick succession, but his stay-
ing power astounded even his
own medical team. His body
wasted away, but he still strug-
gled back from three major
stomach operations to remove
ulcers and stop massive internal
With the help of Hitler and
Mussolini, Franco came to pow-
er in the 1936-39 Spanish Civil
War that left about a million
See FRANCO, Page 3



Sdecide on



state, assembly

By AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - President
Ford said yesterday he will
wait until after the New York
State Legislature acts on rais-
ing taxes before deciding whe-
ther to support any bill to keep
New York City from going bank-
"The bail-out bill now before
the House of Representatives is
irrelevant because it does not
address the current situation
and I would veto it," Ford said
in a statement. But he pro-
mised to look at the situation
again next week after the legis-
lature acts.
FORD ASKED Congress "in
the meantime" to pass a bill to
facilitate an "orderly" bank-
ruptcy should New York City
} Chairman Henry Reuss of the
House Banking Committee, re-
acting to what he called "the
bombshell from the White
House," cancelled floor action
on a bill that would have pro-
vided loan guarantees of $3 bil-
lion over seven years to$New
York City.
New York Gov. Hugh Carey,
pointing to Ford's promise to
review the situation if the state
takes further steps, promptly
declared that "we're going to
take him up on it."
HE CONVENED a meeting of
the state's legislative leaders in
to Albany. to press for prompt ac-
tion on an increasein city tax-
es. A Ford administration
ra source said the President's key
he demand was that the state act
on a $200-million tax increase

for the city.
The likely choice was a one-
cent increase in the city sales
tax, raising it to a combined
state-city levy of nine cents on
the dollar. Carey, returning to
Albany from Washington, said,
"I'd like action in an hour if
I could get it," and promised
legislation by the end of the
Time for averting default
through federal help may be
running out, however. New York
City could default on its debts
as early as next week, and
Congress is scheduled to begin

afte r
a Thanksgiving recess this week
without any aid legislation.
Carey said, however, that he
was "confident" the state would
find a source for some $150
million in borrowing needed to
keep the city afloat through
Dec. 11.
A F 0 R D administration
source said, however, that if
the state legislature acts on the
city tax increase, Ford may
consider a planto help the city
obtain cash over a three-year
period, presumably through loan

) ack enrollment
declines in '752 76
The University's black enrollment declined to 6.93 per cent of
all students this term, decreasing for the second straight year
and remaining short of the ten per cent goal agreed to by admin-
istration officials during the 1970 Black Action Movement (BAM)
Despite the decline, the overall minority enrollment on campus
rose to 9.11 per cent over last fall's 9.63 per cent figure, accord-
ing to a report released this week by Richard English, associate
vice president for academic affairs.
ACCORDING TO federal guidelines, "minority" includes any
U.S. citizen who is Spanish-surnamed, Oriental, Native American
or black.
Pat Wilson, assistant director of undergraduate admissions,
claimed the stalemate ip the University's effort to reach the ten
per cent BAM goal, was due to a lack of black students in the
state who meet the admission standards plus competition from
other universities and black colleges.
However, both Bazel Allen, a member of the Graduate Em-
ployes Organization (GEO) and Black Advocate Richard Garland
attributed the decline in black enrollment largely to what they
termed the University's failure to create an atmosphere attractive
to black students. They pointed out a lack of black cultural activi-
ties and facilities.
"THE BICENTENNIAL lectures are by white males," Allen
said. "This University is oriented to a certain class of people and
See 'U,' Page 3

AP Pho
Tops y-turv1y
Jim Campbell, of Boulder, Colo., demonstrates a method of skiing on his head at Lake Eldo
ski area near Nederland, Colo., where he is a ski instructor. He calls his skiing method t
"Header" and doesn't recommend it for beginners.

Regents to vote on CSSG plan

The University Board of Re-
gents tomorrow will consider a
recommendation of the Commis-
sion to Study Student Govern-
ance (CSSG) that would create
a non-voting student seat on the
Board. Comments from admin-
istrators and Regents indicate
that the proposal will probably
not pass.
CSSG was created by a Re-
gental resolution in October,
1973, to examine student govern-
ment at the University, and to
make recommendations on how
it could be overhauled.
ONE OF these proposals calls

for a "student executive officer"
to participate in Board meet-
ings without a vote, similar to
the six University vice-presi-
dents and two chancellors who
do so now.
The most frequently-cited ar-
gument against the non-voting
student seat is that, if granted,
other constituencies on campus,
such as the faculty, will want
similar representation.
University President Robben
Fleming contends that the pro-
posal is unworkable: "As a
practical matter," he said, "I
don't see how we can do it. I
don't see how we can grant this

request from the students, and
not from the other groups on
campus." Beyond the faculty,
Fleming mentioned s t u d e n t s
from the Dearborn and Flint
campuses, non-academic staff,
and alumni as groups he thought
could make claims for a seat.
dent Services Henry Johnson,
who oversaw much of CSSG's
work, supports the recommenda-
tion, but concedes that "me-
chanics" could be a problem.
He does not, however, think pos-
sible future claims for repre-
sentation by other groups should
impede the Regents from ap-

proving the recommendation.
"Students pose a viable con-
stituency on this campus, obvi-
ously the largest," Johnson said.
"Students feel that they are con-
sumers and should have the op-
portunity to participate in dialog
relevant to decisions that will
affect them. They don't want to
run the University, they just
want to give a consumers per-
spective on the discussion."
"If we could solve the problem
of the various constituencies,
then I think we ought to ser-
iously consider it," said Regent
Robert Nederlander (D-Birming-
ham). "I wish we could work it
out so that all groups had an
opportunity. T h e r e' s nothing
secret about the Board meet-
Flint)Gsaid he did not think stu-
dents as a group held a unique
claim to a seat on the Board
and argued that "the Regents
were elected to represent the
people, and students are part of
the people." Asked if he thought
the symbolic value of a student
seat was a significant considera-
tion. he renlied "it's value is

FBI admits no legal basis for
attempts to discredit Rev. King

WASHINGTON (P) - A top FBI official testi-
fied yesterday there was no legal justification for
the 25 separate attempts by the bureau in the
1960s to discredit the late Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. as a civil rights leader.
.Tam CAdn A ' orin at-P TT Aprer ,'

clusion that the
recording that

FBI-prepared letter and the tape
accompanied it suggested King

kill himself. But he acknowledged under ques-
tioning that interpretation is "a possibility."
"I certainly would say it was improper and I
can't justify its being prepared or sent," Adams

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