ROBBEN FLEMING: ei d Dyga aily Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Wednesday, November 19, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan : " VALL HAC OT7 WI; T' -ut AS FR W, G0S t *P 6CR 1NG VICE PFe ,Dc1/ v The By BILL TURQUE jN HIGH SCHOOL, Robben Fleming ran the 100-yard dash in ten seconds flat. It turned out to be propitious training for a man who has managed to out- distance some very impassioned opposition in his eight years as University president. Fleming has flatly asserted that he will leave the presidency within the next two years, and there are more than a few who will enthusiastically welcome his departure. Reviled at time by both the left and the right, he has weathered the rage of the anti-war movement, and the Black Action Movement (BAM) and GEO strikes with a recep- tive but stiff-backed cool, yield- ing to some demands but stand- ing fast on others. Cloistered in his second floor office in the Administration Building, Fleming remains a mystery to most students. He will emerge for an occasional speech, a coffee hour, or his monthly Regents meetings. Much of his remaining time is spent out of town, shaking im- portant hands and attempting to raise funds. BORN 58 YEARS AGO in Paw Paw, Illinois, Fleming's father died when he was a sophomore in high school, leav- ing his school-teacher mother to raise him through an austere mid-Depression adolescence. He was an all-around athlete, and a good enough first baseman to be offered a minor league con- tract by the Chicago White Sox, which he forsook to attend Be- loit College, and eventually Uni- versity of Wisconsin Law School. After stints in Washington be- fore and after World War II, including posts as mediator for the National War Labor Board and executive director of the National Wage Stabilization Board, he returned to the aca- demic world where he became Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1964. He succeeded Harlan Hatcher as University president in Janu- ary, 1968. Describing himself as "a clas- sical liberal," Fleming appears to find it ironically amusing that as the years go by many see him as decidedly right of center politically. Heseems to beaman of moderation, cor- mitted to laws and institutions, and to the caution with which they should be changed. IT WAS 4:00, and the end of an uneventful day for Fleming. His morning was spent in con- ference with Chief Financial Of- ficer Wilbur Pierpont discussing the University's deteriorating fiscal status. After trying to make financial aid arrange- ments with a student with un- usual money problems, he had lunch with some faculty of the Residential College. The bulk of his afternoon was spent on the since resolved House Officers and Interns dispute at Univer- sity Hospital, and talking with an official from a government agency about a job applicant who had used his name as a reference. By that time, there orce to people those kinds of de- cisions. That's not because I don't have some ideological conviction about it, but because as a practical matter it just won't work. Daily: People in GEO have said the University will fight in court to kill the union on the grounds that it is only a stu- dent group. Fleming: If there's any truth in that I don't know it. There is a legitimate legal question there. Federal labor boards have ruled that people in this category are students rather than employes, and state boards have said they are both, and they have taken jurisdic- tion over state institutions. So there is a legal conflict there, of whether federal law preempts state law when there is a con- flict. Though I have no infor- mation which leads me to be- lieve that we are preparing any- thing in that connection, I'd be foolish to say that there will never by any consideration of it. Daily: You seem to have caught hell from both ends of the political spectrum during your career here, and yet you've been able to survive some of the stormiest years in our history. How have you been able to pre- vail where other university pres- idents have folded? Fleming: I don't get very ex- cited because people criticize, or because there are tumultuous issues going on, because given my past history, I've seen that all my life. I long ago learned that people feel compelled to say things they don't really mean, and that you shouldn't take it personally. Daily: What about when Spiro Agnew called the university's ac- ceptance of the BAM demands 'a callow retreat from reality?' Fleming: That didn't bother me in the slightest. In fact, I got a call right after that from a man I can't name who knew the Vice-President very well, and who knew me. He said it was too bad it happened, and asked me if I would be willing to meet with the Vice-President in order to straighten it out. I said I would be glad to meet with him, but that I wouldn't hold my breath,because, in my view, it was a purely political statement on his part. At the time he was catering to the con- servative interests. He didn't care, all he wanted to do was capitalize on it for his own pur- poses, and I never heard a word from him. Daily: While we're talking about BAM, why hasn't the com- mitment to a ten per cent black enrollment been met? Fleming: While we were will- ing to administer admissions in a somewhat different way for minorities, there had to be what we called a threshold qualifica- tion. It doesn't make any sense to be administering a high ad- mission standard to all students, school. But you don't get it in LSA. I think it could happen, but how soon is another ques- tion. I'm sure as you build more and more minorities into the col- lege graduate structure their children will come on more strongly... Daily: You're talking about generations... Fleming: We've talked about additional steps, and a lot of our people think that for us to do that, we need to recruit heav- ily out of state. But that's hard for us to do, because the cost is significantly more. Daily: You told a House sub- committee last winter you thought that the procedures and paperwork for compliance with the federal affirmative action guidelines has gotten out of hand. Has anything changed over the last year? I might have as much as a year before I went into the army. Law firms weren't really inter- ested in taking people who were going to be drafted. And so in- stead one of my professors helped me get into one of the government agencies. I ended up working for the War Labor Board. Daily: Do you have any de- sire to return to Washington? I've heard it said that you could become Secretary of La-. bor with a phone call. Fleming: It's not something I certainly hanker for. I've been approached by other adminis- trations which shall remain nameless. But you know the way these things work. The ad- ministration will not procede without checking with both management and labor people. behind the calm people with a total lack of re- spect. I suppose that I have a streak of stubbornness in me which would say to me at those times "I will not let this beat me." I might get thrown out, but that's alright. I never cared whether I remained as a univer- sity president or not. Daily: You never really cared? Fleming: I was a very happy professor of law, and I still look upon those years as the hap- piest of my life. Don't misun- derstand me, I'm not saying that I'm unhappy, but I believe I could be perfectly happy in any one of several roles. If you get asked to be an administra- tor, I guess you say to your- self, "Well, somebody has to do this. If my colleagues think that I have abilities in that d Ruling signals awareness THE WOMEN'S MOVEMENT has gained a substantial victory with the Supreme Court's ruling that states may not refuse unemployment benefits to women during their last three month of pregnancy and the six weeks following delivery simply because the states presume that all such women are unable to work. The Court wisely noted what many women have known for years. "It cannot be doubted that a substantial number of women are fully capable of working well into their last trimes- ter of pregnancy and of resuming employment shortly after childbirth," It stated. It is impossible to hand down an iron-clad rule on how long pregnant women can work. The court asked that individual means be found to determine whether or not a woman is able to work and thus eligible for unemployment benefits should she be out of a job. THE COURT'S DECISION came in the case of Utah woman Mary Ann Turner, who contested the Utah employment law in state courts, only TODAY'S-STAFF: News: Gordon Atcheson, Lois Josimo- vich, Anne Marie Lipinski, Jim Nicoll, Cheryl Pilate, Tim Schick, Stephen Selbst. Editorial Page: Michael Beckman, Paul Haskins, Jon Pansius. Arts Page: Jeff Sorensen. Photo Technician: Scott Ecckler. to be told by the Utah Supreme Court that what she should do is work for the repeal of the biological law of nature. That would seem a trite and insensitive order. Even more facetiously, the court added that if Turner "prevail upon the Great Creator to so order things, she would be guilty of violating the equal protection of the law unless she saw to it that men could also share in the thrill and glory of motherhood." The Court has no right to classify motherhood as a "thrill and glory" for all women, so overwhelming as to eliminate the need for outside stim- ulation and financial support. Wom- en are now asking to share in the "thrill and glory" of both mother- hood and the career world. More and more women are rais- ing children by themselves without a man to share the burden. It is essen- tial that ,these single women be rul- ed eligible for unemployment benefits should they need them. The old as- sumption that motherhood is an all- encompassing experience requiring long periods of time away from work is fading fast as more and more wo- men enjoy the last months of their pregnancy as active, working mem- bers of society. JN FACT, TURNER'S lawyer, Kath- leen Peatis, of the American Civil Liberties Union, pronounced her own delight with the ruling. She had a special reason to be pleased and said, "I'm pregnant myself." Daily Photo by KEN FINK Fleming: Yes, a good deal has changed. One of the things HEW did that most of us thought was wrong was that they be- came entranced with numbers. So they came up with something called the Berkley plan, which was an extraordinary set of numbersanalyses. It was criti- cized sharply by women and minority groups on the grounds that it didn't produce anything. Daily: So how has it changed? Fleming: They have backed away from the whole Berkley thing and have agreed on a much simpler kind of analysis far less costly. They've had hearings this fall, as you know, and out of those hearings they've not yet come up with what is presumably their next step. Daily: Some people involved in the affirmative action pro- gram here feel that the Labor Department hearings may be the beginning of a move by the federal government to hedge on enforcement of the guidelines. Fleming: The hearings repre- sent an interest in changing the policy. I don't think you can call it hedging since the policy they were trying to administer never worked anyway. It's much too earlyrto tell what the changes are going to be. Daily: Do you think the af- firmative action program here has been a success? Fleming: It's hard to know how you define success. If you just look at numbers, it is very easy to conclude that it is not working very well. If you look at both the supply and the num- bers, it looks a little better, be- cause you then realize the lim- ited pool that there is in a good many kinds of cases. Daily: What about all the grumbling over Title IX? What effect do you think it will have on intercollegiate athletics? Fleming: I don't believe that Title IX is a disaster. There are some difficult problems in administering it. I'm a strong supported of college sports, though sometimes I think it gets overdone. Daily: Do you think the foot- ball program here is overdone? Fleming: I think-it's not over- done if you compare it with the league in which it is expected to compete, the NCAA. But I would support significant cut- backs in athletic expenditures if the rules would be applied to everybody. I think too much is spent. So it isn't long before they check with somebody I know. No, I decided very early in my career in Washington that I didn't want to work for a gov- ernment agency because I thought they were just giant bu- reaucracies in so many ways. Daily: As the highest-paid public official in the state of Michigan, do you think you are overpaid? Fleming: I think you can only judge that on what presidents of similar universities are paid. I'm paid far less than the presi- dents of the prestigious private schools. I agreed to come here and was offered x amount of dollars. I assume they knew what they were doing at the time in terms of competition from other schools. I was si- multaneously being offered the presidency of theUniversityrof Minnesota, so that was prob- ably a factor. Daily: Why did you choose Michigan? Fleming: I thought that Mich- igan was much more the type of university I understood. It is primarily a residential school, while Minnesota was basically a commuter school. I never liked big cities very well, and I knew that Michigan was the more prestigious school. Daily: Do you find yourself becoming more conservative as you get older ? Fleming: I'm not so sure that's really as true as is the fact that I view myself as a classical liberal, and I don't mind it when people say that about me. The liberal image among some people is a bad image. They say "Well, liberals don't really believe in any- thing, that they always find some accommodation with the system, and you never really progress that way." That might be true in that you don't make* enormous breakthroughs. Well, show me where some of our highly activist friends who see themselves as revolutionaries have made any progress? Daily: Looking back over the anti-war movement, do you think it helped to end the war any sooner? Fleming: Yes I do. I think it had an enormous impact on the country at large, and the thought at the time. I still think that the violence and destruc- tion turned off more people than it turned on. But I think the widespread attitude of the futil- ity and the plain wrongness of area, maybe I have some obli- gation." Daily: You've president should than ten years. said that no serve longer Fleming: Yes, that's true. Daily: Would you consider any other university presiden- cy? Fleming: No, my wife and I thought that one out thoroughly when California came along last year. There were some person- al reasons why California was so attractive. But the more we looked the more we realized that those were the wrong rea- sons. They were personal, and had nothing to do with educa- tion or the institution. But now I think we've firmly made the decision that we're not going elsewhere as 'president. Daily: Would you want to go back to teaching? Fleming: Yes, that's a possi- bility. I am a professor of law here. I wonder whether it's good for one's successor to have the ex-president around. That cquld be something I'd have to think about. Daily: What is the university president of the rest of the sev- enties and the eighties going to be like? Fleming: I think it's going to require a president with some real experience or knowledge of how to cope with very difficult budget problems. If you look at the economic and demo- graphic factors, universities are in for a hard time until the end of the century. But I hope that the budget will never complete- ly dominate what you do at the university. I do want to see somebody who is basically an educator, and who will always believe that some new and dif- ferent things should be done even in hard times. Daily: In your inaugural speech in 1968, you expressed the hope that Michigan gradu- ates would become compassion- ate people. Looking back over the last 20 years, do you think our generation has shown any more compassion than others? Fleming: I think it has in some ways. The trouble with us all is that we behave so in- consistently about things. We can be terribly compassionate within selected areas and ter- ribly unconcerned in other areas and not see any inconsis- t2nv. The question is almost Letters t0 the Daily To The Daily: ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT, GEO will be- gin a 10-day referendum vote on whether to continue to investigate affiliation with AFSCME, to continue to investgate affilia- tion with AFT, or to discontinue the affila- tion investigation. Discussions have cen- tered on such questions as whether afflia- tion warrants the extra dues involved, the fate of our local autonomy, and what bene- fits GEO will receive in return. We feel that after weighing the pros and cons of these issues that it is in the long and the short range interest of GEO to affiliate with the American Federation of Teach- ers. We successfully negotiated our first con- tract after a long, cold, 4-week strike. However, we are facing further negotia- tions every year. Affiliation with a na- tional union will provide us with a strong- er position at the bargaining table as we will be backed by resources which include expertise in bargaining techniques and law, money, and people. The AFT could provide us with valuable expertise on is- sues pertaining to working conditions as tive bargaining. This past summer the AFT lobbied against teacher strike legis- lation which would have affected all K-12 teachers as well as everyone in our bar- gaining unit. We also feel that there are a number of specific benefits to be derived from affiliation with AFT. These include: 9 Compatability of interest. The AFT already represents 2 other GSA unions, Wisconsin and Pittsburgh. It represents 45,000 members in higher education, 1,240 in Michigan. 0 Local Autonomy - local autonomy is guaranteed to all AFT locals. There are absolutely no provisions for trusteeship. Further, disaffiliation is totally the deci- sion of the local. They have offered to further guarantee these issues by putting them in a contract with us. * COST BENEFITS. The AFT dues are lower than AFSCME's - $4.20 per month compared to $5.40 to $6.40 for AFSCME. They will pay all our legal and court costs, which in the past have been con- siderable. After a careful examination we feel that was a stack of phone messages to be returned. Daily: Over the last eight years, what kinds of issues have you felt you could never com- promise on? Fleming: In the field of col- lective bargaining, I think there is something called a manage- ment function that adheres in any organization. Somebody has to make the decisions. In a place like the university where you have all these conflicting interests, there isn't anything Daily Photo by PAULINE LUBENS and to admit a group with such lower standards and force them to compete with all others. So that brings upthe next question of whether we're discriminating the other way. We decided to state perfectly frankly that we were. Daily: But more than two years after the commitment was to be met, black enrollment is still only around seven per cent. Fleming: We have always been able to get enough appli- cants to meet that goal, but