L ursday,' September 4, 1975, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven ' THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Course Mart offers he unique, differen n liera e ucation By BETH NISSEN When Course Mart was born in 1968, it was described as "stock market in courses" where students and faculty would rade ideas for new courses that were not offered through .stablished LSA departments. "The Course Mart will stimulate a market in courses where eachers and students may submit proposals for courses they wish to teach or to have taught," stated the program's descrip- :ion. In reality, most of the submitted proposals are initiated ,y prospective instructors wishing to teach a course, not by ;tudents requesting a course not offered elsewhere. "BOTH faculty and students can propose courses," explained Ernst Goldshmidt, member of the Course Mart Committee and he Curriculum Committee. "Faculty members propose courses )utside of their departments and students propose courses on a iariety of subjects that interest them," he said. For a course to be approved for University credit, it must be ponsored by a faculty member of at least full professional ank, and the course proposal and outline must be approved irst by the Course Mart Committee, then the literary college LSA) Curriculum Committee, and must receive the final ap- roval of the Executive Committee. Course Mart offerings add variety of both subject and for- nat to the departmental semester course listings. Course Mart s seen as an arena for experimental and innovative educa- ional courses as well, and as a source of both traditional and ransitional classes for credit. COURSE Mart courses are non-grade oriented; excepting " . . 1 ___- aL.. T«..n. n$+. a nm Cnlfn' Tuition is like taxes-always rising ' 1 { I . ,; it 4 -: C t 5 I I i i 1 By JEFF SORENSEN If anything is as certain as death and taxes, it's that the University will face financial problems every year. And ifE anything is even more certain, it's that these fiscal difficulties will be solved through a mas- sive tuition hike in the fall. Although tuition rates at the University are among the high- est of any public school or col- lege in thle nation, the financial picture for the immediate fu- ture looks even gloomier than ever. THE relative helplessness of j students in matters of the bud- get is well documented; in prac- tice the administration can suc- cessfully pass fee hikes of al- most limitless dimensions. For example, in 1973 the Board of Regents approved a 24 per cent hike despite some student pro- test. A "tuition strike" was or- ganized by a few students, but a lack of co-ordination and un- ity amoung those involved pre- vented thestrike from being ef- fective. Meanwhile the University has been the site for a great deal of union and labor activity on the part of almost every group - except for students. With, more and more organizations forming unions (such as the clericals, teaching assistants, and the tradesworkers), the University administration is ap- parently finding it even easier to take the needed funds from students, who have no organiz- ation to stand up for them, and who pose no overt threat to the University. Despite constant denials by the University's executive of- ficers that tuition increases are planned annually as almost a matter of course, it seems that a remarkably similar budget- ary picture has emerged in every year in recent memory. This past year has been no ex- ception. E. .' EVERY fall, administrators deny flatly that any sort of fee hike is likely. At most, offic- ials will admit, as Robben Fleming did last fall, that they "do not rule out the possibility of a tuition increase," although such action would only be a "last resort." Later that term, the finan- cial squabbles began in earnest as the Committee on the Eco- nomic Status of the Faculty: (CESF) came before the Re- gents and asked for salary in- creases of nearly 20 per cent "to keep up with our peer uni- versities." . The University's top offic- ials politely listenedto the re- quests, only to slash them to bits in the following months. IN EARLY winter of this year, Governor William Milli- ken made his recommendations for state appropriations to the University -- one of the school's prime sources of income. In January, Millikan told the Re- gents that the University would very likely face a jolting four; per cent sash in state funds for the 1975-76 fiscal year. With that announcement hang- ing over their heads, the ad- ministration began to hint that certain programs would have to be cut, certain personnel would have to be laid off, or that a fee increase might indeed be necessary. The University's already shaky budget was struck with another blow from the State Government during the winter term. Milliken announced a re- vised budget projection, which included an additional two per cent cut. He later cancelled the two per cent slash, and then, is a sudden reversal announced that the twoper centcut was in- deed effective for this'year. The state budget appropriation pro- jection finally totaled a six per. cent cut. IN spring, the governor's re- commendations went before the state legislature where the funds are tradtiionally cut back even further as legislators snarl at the "fatcat University." And, finally, in summer, when most students are out of town, the Regents actually approve the fee increases, almost as an anti-climax to the full year of hassles surrounding the budget. As a resut most student, par- ticuary those from low income groups, find themselves in a tough financial bind every fall since they receive very little warning about the fee increases until their own personal budgets are long since planned. This long tradition of moder- ate to massive fee increases suggests thatdthe well-prepared student would do well ,to plan on shelling out. an ever-increas- ing number of green backs to the big University for the next few years - at the very least. NEW TRENDS FOR 1975 Trims-Shags and Razor Cuts -2 SHOPS- Dascola Stylists 611 E.EUniversity 615 E. Liberty Doily Photo by PAULINE LUBENS STUDENTS CRAM around the computers used f or CRISP last winter. This scene portrays the first, and so far only computer breakdown us ed in the new registration process. Most stu- dents have only good things to say about CRISP, the one step means to getting classes. CRISP: Crunch-free?, : R " ourses taught by law students at tne University's Lawc , By JEFF RISTINE four CRISP schedule - printers I THE SECOND and third -ourse Mart courses are pass-fail exclusively. Today we live in a world in- to pull data from their central steps - which can be taken at "I like the absence. of competition for grades, said one creasingly dominated by com- information center on a line-by- one's leisure - involve approv-i enior Journalism major. "I take as many Course Mart courses pters, the spawnof an im- line basis, rather than all at al and checking of course selec- is I can. The subjects are far out and I relate to peer teachers mense technological explosion once, long lines formed at the tions.. >etter than I do to stand-up-and-lecture authority figures."over the last two decades. Com- terminals. Luckily, officials The. last step is the heart of Who instructs Course Mart courses has been an issue of puters manage bank accounts, were able to fix the mistake CRISP - registration (at the ontroversy among administrators and a source of both, praise send the all-too-frequent in- overnght, time on the appointment tic- prdodu Anthe problem - the rela- ket) at 215 Old Architecture and nd criticism from Course Mart students.j voices for mail-order pout Another polm-terl-kt t25OdAcietr n Sandseven inform high school tive inexperience of the stu- Design Building. In the eventl fseniors of their accetnceto dents operating the terminals- that courses or sections arer A"97excted te m - 'heniversty. acorrected itself over time, as closed, students can changej ourse Mart stated that instructors were "-practice made perfect. their schedules without leaving ers of the LSA faculty on a regular or lecturer basis," and de- Now, computers have even But as every engineering their chairs. The greatest ad- ated whether or not teaching fellows would be allowed to in- taken over much of the time- student knows, there are times vantage of CRISP is that stu- truct classes. Yet many Course Mart courses have been or- consuming labor involved in an- when a computer system simply dents can have immediate con- =anized and instructed by undergraduate University students. other bit of University business: I goes "down," or malfunctions, firmation of their selections. In ['he Executive Committee was concerned and dissatisfied with registration for classes, for minutes, even hours at a fact, students leave the build- he large percentage of 1973 Course Mart courses taught by T H E SYSTEM. is called time. Then, the computer is to- ing with acomputer-printout of dergraduates.CRISP ComuterRegist tally useless and anyone de- all selections. mderradutes-CRISP - Computer Registra- In a May 21, 1973 memo, LSA Dean Frank Rhodes, Chair- tiong Involving Student Partici- pending upon it must wait . . . LSA offers up-to-the-minute, an of the Executive Committee, wrote: "no undergraduates n - and was designed to and wait . . . and wait. generalized information on ould be used to teach courses for academic credit in e t pa he old, two-step (ad- CRISP procedures with re- ourse Mart." This was later amended to allow exceptional rvance classification and early "WHAT YOU do is hope it's corded telephone messages by dergraduate students to instruct classes. "But what's meant registration) process with afrshoirme,"he sM- exceptional'?" asked Goldschmidt. "You can't define it; ex- shorter, one-step procedure. plementation Group, said last Taken as a whole, the new eptional to what? You have to say that either undergraduates Instead of recording ;course April. He added, however, that computer registration system an teach courses or that they can't" selections on pa er, traie w- Data Systems - CRISP's moth- thI seems somewhat preferable to Undergraduate instruction has drawn less criticism from erators type the course and sec- er- goes down about once a ymnasiu, if for no otherran tudents. "Peer teaching is a fulfilling experience for both stu- tion numbers directly into a month for a period longer than son than it actually can, at lent and instructor," said a student enrolled in a science fic- computer. The computer term- 30 minutes, sometimes as long times, be quicker. Also, the sys- ion course. "They're on the same wave-length; they come inal then iforms the student, as four hours. tem allows a freer use of the am the same time warp. I related to the teacher as a person, right on the spot, whether his or CRISP also introduced a new, often-painful "Drop-Add" pro- d I think I was more receptive. When you're receptive, you hrelectiona osed. U almost Pentan-ylestarg cedure. In any event, a CRISP ~et more out of the class.?' der ideal conditions, the regis-1 Before one can register, stu-ispoal betr hn a et more out of the class.y m b wtration process can be as short dents must learn the meanings CRUNCH (Class Registration "Why should faculty members want to teach a Course as 15 minutes. of terms such as "Biographical Utilizing No Coinmpetent Hu- kart course?" asked a former undergraduate Course Mart In- But when CRISP premiered Data Verification Form," "op- mans). :uctor. "They don't get paid any extra by their departments last spring, students often found tional counseling stamp," "mo-_- or the extra work, and Course Mart can't pay them anything. themselves waiting up to an bility limitations," "entry re- 'ourse Mart doesn't have funding. Even undergraduates have hour and a half to register as striction," and "override form."-- teach for the sheer love of it. Undergrad teachers don't get several problems forced pain- For literary college (LSA) stu- edit for teaching, or pay. Sometimes all they get for their ful delays. Opinion was divided dents, CRISP basically involves' ork is a lot of frustration." concerning the desirability of four steps, described in full de- the computer over the process tail in the "Checkpoint" news- Some Course Mart instructors complain about student at- it replaced and some officials letters available at 1221 Angell itudes toward Course Mart courses. "I felt as if everyone in warned that a complete system Hall. First, the student must lass was there to learn only what they had to to pass," said a malfunction could cripple the stand in line (at an appropriate ormer Course Mart instructor. "The papers I received were, for entire registration procedure. day and hour) to get a CRISP a e most part, atrocious. I went into this Course full of enthu- ' appointment ticket - the ear-;' I iasm, but it was a disappointing experience for me. After a G R A D U A L L Y, how- lier the date and time on your int, I didn't even care about my own class." ever, many of the problems ticket ,the greater the chance were corrected. When computer of getting into the courses you "I'M GLAD the University offers alternative classes," said technicians programmed the want. I TIRED FEET? Course Mart student. But "course Mart courses are obvious isy-A courses, except for the law classes." To strengthen some of the weak aspects of Course Mart, ie Course Mart Committee is making an effort to more closely valuate initial course proposals and their prospective teachers, nd to encourage faculty sponsors to better support courses and ive guidance to the instructors. "I never knew there was a faculty sponsor," said a student i a Course Mart media class. "He never attended class once. dl the burden of the course was on the instructor." EVEN WITH Executive Committee criticism of the Uni- ersity's academic course market, the 1974 Commission on rraduation Requirements recommended continuation of Course tart, and the Course Mart shows indications of survival for at east another year. "If anything is the death of Course Mart, it will be apathy," oted Goldschmidt. "It will be lack of interest on the part of te faculty, who are hesitant to teach or to sponsor courses. But te students are interested. Every Course Mart Course offered sems to fill up fairly fast." "Course Mart has a lot of potential to be a forum for differ- mnt ideas and a source of classes on topical subjects," said a veteran of six Course Mart classes."But it needs some effort gn the part of faculty and the support of the College to work well, and it needs some caring on the part of the students who 'ign up for the classes. This program is for them, and if they lon't start taking it seriously,it is going down the drain with ll that promise." WATERBEDS c E a I Hare's Ear ° , . expires Sept. 12, 1975 -.-------COUPON------- 1112 South University rII *1 1 III