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September 04, 1975 - Image 74

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-04

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Page Six


Fhursday, September 4, 191 '

THE MiCHIGAN DAILY fhursday, September ~I, 1913


Opportunity Program counsels, aids minorities



Since 1964; the Opportunity
Program has been counseling
minority and disadvantaged stu-t
dents at the University and aid-;
ing them in pursuing their edu-
cational goals. The program,
originally started for minorities
only, was noticeably absent
from the campus in the early
sixties. But since that time, the
Program has expanded to in-
clude almost any student who
might be in need of special
"We provide counseling serv-
ices with referral to other units
for students whose ethnic and
cultural groups aren't well rep-
resented on campus," said As-

sistant Director Gloria Perez.
"Many other offices just say
they don't provide a service, we
give specific information so that
students can get what they'
need," she continued.
SHE SUMS up the program's
services as: "Whatever students
need to stay on campus."
"Ten to 15 per cent of the
students in the Program aref
non-minorities," P e r e z said.
She cited an example of a
white student whose parents are
on a limited income. From the
Program's original 70 students,
it has now grown to nearly 1,6001
Students become involved inj
the Program in various ways,

self-referral being the most to change. "We do have a
common. When applying for ad- stereotype of being for 'disad-
mson. to the University,su- vantaged' students," Perez con-
. tinued. "It's for non-traditional
dents can indicate interest in students also. Our students
the Program by checking a box. haven't had the breaks - like
Others are referred to the Pro- hrivate schools or professional
gram by high school counselors, families."
Other services that the Pro-
PEREZ indicated that many gram offers are financial aid,
similar programs measure their academic and personal counsel-
success by the number of stu- ing and tutorial services.1
dents they admit, but "we are Perez spoke of the many
concerned with how many stu- problems facing the non-tradi-
dents graduate." tional students entering the
She adds that many students University. "Fifty per cent
become so involved in the pro- come from the inner city of4
gram that they volunteer their Detroit. It's quite a change forI
services in return. most students to come from a
The image of the Program is place where they are a major-
something its staff would like ity to the University," she said.




(Continued from Page 2)
and meeting space for campus
political and service groups.
Part of the first floor of the
Union houses the University
Club, a private dining facility
operated by the Housing Office.
Chikofsky said that the Union
board plans to expand the club's
bar into a "Rathskeller" beer
hall for students, pending ap-
proval from the state Liquor
Control Commission and all ,ca-
tion of approximately $150,000
for construction expenses.
The League's most prominent
feature is the Lydia Meadels-
sohn Theater, a medium sized
proscenium auditorium t. h a t
services both professional and
student productions. The League
also houses rehearsal roams and
offices of the University's thea-
tre program.

THE NATICE AMERICAN Students Association protested "the treatment they have received
from the University" in a demonstration last May on the Regents' Plaza. Inside the Adminis-
tration Building, several of the students addressed the Regents meeting.
Native Americans protest

(Continued from Page 3) $
liked the people, I liked the
drugs," he added. j
S"Things have really straight-
ened up," he says. In 1971 when
Madaj was a junior in RC, he
Shearda rumor "that they have
changed their priorities and
were trying to bring more sta-
ble people here."
Robertson sees a paralleled
AGAN evolution in the curriculum say-
ing, "We are trying to better
coordinatewhat we're already
doing and match the avocation
balmy with a vocation in such areas,
as the arts."

Two Native American groups protested last
May at the monthly meeting of the University
Board of Regents calling for the establishment
of an American Native Studies program.
The demand was made by Roz McCoy, a
former student at the University, in the public
comments portion of the meeting.
McCOY PRECEDED the demand with some
genreral comments on the position of Native
American students at the University.
McCoy declared, "You are insensitive to
the fact that we are another nation, another
culture." She further commented that "the
University is a white institution teaching non-
white people how to be white."
Victoria Barner qouted Vce President for
Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes in citing the
University's "moral and legal obligation" to
increase minority enrollment. Barner also
read excerpts from the writings of Black
Elk, a noted Native American author.
A LIST OF EIGHT demands was read by

James Pego including requests for Native
American staff members in admissions, fi-
nancial aid and housing, as well as a Native
American cultural center and a hiring com-
mittee composed of Native American staff
members, Native American students and
Native Americans from the community.
An "attitudinal change" on the part of the
University administration was asked to take
a "positive stand in the change of attitudes
of professors." In addition, the demands
insisted on a "minimum of Native American
courses,'' in the Schools of Education and
Social Work "to increase the awareness and
seusitivity" of students.
Kevin Hart, the Native American Advocate
remarked on the "high attrition rate" among
Native American students at the University.
He contrasted the University's program of
students with the "excellent" program offered
at the University of Minnesota.
Hart also referred to the drummers, and
singers that protested in the Regents' Plaza
before the meeting, describing it as a "show
of concern" by the Native American students
at the University.

The Parthenon?
A solitary student sits with his books on the steps of Angell Ha 11, the University's largest classroom building. On most
days these steps are scattered with students soaking up the sun, which is rarely seen in Ann Arbor.

r. I

Pilot: Alternative to LSA The GPA

(continued fro
the program's
"The best thing a
ideology. At leastt

mn Page 2) honest attempt to promote some
advantages: community spirit."
bout it is its "NOT ALL of the people get
there was an involved - it's not mandatory
you take the courses. There's
some people who won't take
them and it ruins the unity,"
said Harriet Kerwin, another
former resident of Alice Lloyd,
Ion the drawbacks of the pro-




Schwartz concurred, saying,
"People weren't devoted to it.
You just have to have people,
willing, and some weren't."
For the most part, though,
the Program is rated a success
by those who know it best.
Looking forward to this fall,
Munsonbeams, "They're going
to lookat 'commitment and com-
munity' in terms of American
He added, citing the People's
Yellow Pages, that "I think
this year there needs to be em-
phasis on what he can get

e/Ile get'
(Continued from Page 2)
the last day of Winter Term
exams. An Honors official will
countersign your form.
Then, take off. Complete the
work over the summer and take
a final exam in September. If
the work gets to be too much
for you, drop out up to July 14
and get your enrollment fee
back, less a service charge.
After that, unofficial drops will
be graded as an 'E'.
Although the summer program
sounds like more hassling than
it's worth, it's not. The credits
are significantly cheaper than
the ones you earn during the
year. Plus, you can progress at
your own pace. Many students
have found it well worth the


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