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November 16, 1975 - Image 1

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See Inside


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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 64

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 16, 1975

Ten Cents

Eight Pages



0tUSEE t52 APP(4.
Join the CIA
The CIA unexpectedly and without explanation
cancelled a recruiting sessionsatmthe University
Ilast week. Maybe the reason is more applicants
than the agency can handle. One recruiter says
job applicants at the CIA have doubled over the
past year, due to a Senate committee's investiga-
tions of the agency. The recruiter, Tom Culhane,
says his recent visit to Seattle was booked solid
with applicants eager to join the trenchcoat and
shades crew. Last year 800 persons a month were
asking about CIA jobs, says Culhane. He says that
number has since doubled to 1,700 a month. And
what is the recruiter's explanation for his agency's
new popularity? "People now see the importance
of intelligence in the world," says Culhane.
Happenings .. .
... a bit of everything today. The Third Annual
Black Arts and Cultural Festival begins at 1 p.m.
at East Quad and continues until 8 p.m. with a
photo exhibit, fashion and talent shows, and a
poetry reading . . . at 4 p.m. the Great Paper
Airplane Contest begins at Waterman Gym, the
competition pitting paper planes in mortal combat
is open to all freshpersons and sophomores in the
College of Engineering, and juniors and seniors
majoring in aerospace engineering. Only paper
and three square inches of clear tape are allowed
to make the planes . .. at 4 p.m. tomorrow Prof.
Gerard Genot speaks on "Fedrigo degli Alberghi"
and "Le Faucon" .. . at noon the SGC candidates
present their views on the Diag . . . and Third
World Women meet for a brown bag' lunch from
noon-1:30 in the Regents Conf. Rm., Administration
OSU loyalty
Wolverine fans may hate Ohio State, but there's
one man who has come all the way from Santa
Barbara, California to watch every Buckeye home
football game this season. And Robert Lint, a
1934 OSU grad, says he doesn't even understand
the details of football. He pays $450 per round trip,
plus hotel and meal expenses for each jaunt.
"Once in 40 years a fellow ought to be able to
indulge himself," Lint said. "I don't know much
about the technicalities of football. I like the
thrills, the enthusiasm."
Bring a snake to church
A preacher and six members of his congregation
have been found guilty of brandishing snakes to
disrupt church services. The defendants are mem-
bers of a religious faith that interprets the Bible
literally when it says to "take up serpents." All
seven defendants denied the charges but admitted
they took two copperhead snakes into the Calvary
Holiness Church in Georgia. The Calvery Baptist
church pastor testified that Carl Porter "hit me
in the face with the snakes" as he tried to escort
the group out of his church where they were
visiting. And JoAnn Dye said she was bitten
when one of the defendants picked up "a mass of
snakes" and flung them in my brother's face."
Beer beats milk
The beer that -made Milwaukee famous is
cheaper than milk in that city these days. And it
was milk that gave Wisconsin its fame as Amer-
ica' s Dairyland. The history-making changeover
came recently when Milwaukee-area grcers hiked
the price for Whole milk by 10 cents a gallon to
between $1.39 and $1.42. That's about 1.10 cents
per ounce of fresh milk. But a case of 12-ounce,
returnable bottles filled with beer costs $2.99 or
1.04 cents an ounce.
Basketball bride
Basketball season is underway and what better

place for two fans to get married than at mid-
court? And what better time than between the
halves? Ernest Munoz and Deborah Smith tied the
knot last night during halftime at a San Antonia
Spurs game. Munoz has become a time-out dancing
star recently and decided he wanted to get
married near the fans he calls the "baseline bums."
When Munoz has a couple beers under his belt, he
steps out into the aisle to do his specialty-a sexy
bump and grind that drives the "baseline bums"
wild. Before the wedding and immediately after
it, Munoz and bride cheers on the Spurs with
chants such as, "Rooty-toot-toot, rooty-toot-toot,
who's that ass in the referee suit?"
On the inside .
.. . the Sunday Magazine features a profile of
reggae music star Jimmy Cliff by Stephen Hersh
. . and the Sports Page tells the victorious tale
of this weekend's game against the Fighting



in spired


Conquers fumbles, late threat
en route to crucial21-15 win

special To The Daily
CHAMPAIGN, Illinois -
A lethargic Michigan foot-
ball t e a m ho-hummed its
way through the first three
quarters, then hung on at
the finish to defeat Illinois
21-15 here yesterday, to set
up n e x t week's showdown
with Ohio State for the Big
Ten championship.
Two hours after the
game's conclusion, Big Ten
Commissioner Wayne Duke
announced on behalf of the
two title aspirants, that the
loser of the upcoming Ohio
State - Michigan g a m e (or
Michigan in case of a tie)
had accepted an invitation
to play the Big Eight cham-
pion (either Nebraska or
Oklahoma) in the Orange
Bowl in Miami on New
Year's night.
LEADING 21-0 after three
quarters. Michigan watched Illi-
nois strike for two fourth quar
ter scores to pull within six
points with 1:19 seconds remain-
ing in the game. Illinois tried to
regain the ball with an onside
kick, but freshman tight end
Mark Schmerge pounced on the
ball, and the Wolverines, aided
by two Illinois illegal procedure
penalties, successfully ran out
the clock.
The game was marked by
errors on both sides. Each team
turned the ball over four times.
Michigan's turnovers were all
the result of fambles, while Illi-
nois threw three interceptions
and lost one fumble.
A concerned Bo Schembechler

spoke of the impact mistakes
had on his team's performance.
"THERE WERE a few drop-
ped balls today. That's the story
of the game. There's never an
excuse for a fumble. Never.
Unless of course, someone has
a heart attack running down the
field. Otherwise, there's never
an excuse. Those were my best
men who dropped those balls."
Aniother kev element was a
strong, gusting wind, a factor
that was immediately evident in
determining Michigan's strategy.
The Wolverines won the open-
ing toss and elected to have the
wind at their backs. This gave
Illinois the immediate advant-
age of receiving the kickoff, and

the later option of receiving
again to start the second half.
Schembechler explained the
unisual move.
"WE CH/)SE to kick off be-
cause of field position. We felt
that if our defense held them
deep, the wind would keep them
from kicking it out of there."
The strategy worked. Illinois
moved for one first down, but
was unable to advance the ball
further and punted to the Mich-
igan 34. The Wolverines moved
nine yards in three plays with
fullback Rob Lytle falling inches
short of a first down, then put
the Illini back deep in the hole
with a wind-aided punt.
See BELL'S, Page 8

Frd predicts U.S.
economic recovery

AP Photo
MICHIGAN TAILBACK Gordon Bell dives past Illinois linebacker Scott Studwell to score
Michigan's first touchdown in the Wolverines' 21-15 victory, yesterday. Bell tallied twice and
freshman quarterback Rick Leach scored the Maize and Blue's third six-pointer.

Rash- of kidnapitngs hits Detroit

By AP and Reuter
RAMBOUILLET, F r a nc e -
President Ford yesterday told
the six-nation economic sum-
mit that the U.S. economic re-
covery was stronger than ex-
pected and w o u l d continue
According to American
sources, the President also call-
ed for a 'steady course in eco-
nomic policies without the stops
and starts that create a general
lack of confidence.
F R E N C H President Valery
Giscard D'Estaing said last
night the six-nation Western eco-
nomic summit made a good
start and he was hopeful it
would produce concrete results.
After a first round of discus-
sions lasting almost three hours,
the French President told re-
porters that the Western leaders
had gone to the heart of the
financial and economic prob-
lems afflicting the industrial na-
"I believe we can produce
something concrete before the
end of the summit, I am opti-
mistic," he said.
ATTENDING t h e economic
summit at the 14th century
Chateau of Rambouillet are the
heads of government of the
United States, Britain, France,
West Germany, Italy and Japan.
The official summit spokes-
man, French presidential aide
X a v i e r Gouyou-Beauchamps,
told a news conference that the
talks had got off to a flying
No details were given of the
d;scdissions, which concentrated
o'i the world economic situation,
in particular the problems of
recession, unemployment and
WEST GERMAN Chancellor
Helrut Schmidt opened the ses-
sion and each leader then re-
viewed the situation in his own

President Ford told the other
heads of government they should
set as their .goals vigorous eco-
nomic expansion, high levels of
employment in 1977 and a re-
duction in the inflation rate
coupled with increased world.
trade, U.S. sources said.
By mentioning 1977, Ford con-
firmed forecasts that unemploy-
ment in 'the major countries
could not be cut substantially
next year and that it would take
another year before major in-
roads could be made on this
I believe we can pro-
duce something con-
crete before the end of
the summit, I am op;
-French President
V alery Giscard
HE REJECTED the view that
U.S. economic growth was im-
possible to sustain. He said he
believed that economies could
prosper while cutting back on
the use of scarce natural re-
sources such as oil.
Presidential spokesman Ron
Nessen said Ford brought along
papers to Rambouillet on plans
for rescuing New York City
from its financial difficulties,
and has been studying them
with L. William Seidman, White
House economic policy coordi-
nator, and other aides.
In another development at the
six-nation talks Japanese Prime
MinisterhTakeo Miki,hwhobre-
ported his country has been
hurt by a decrease in world
trade, began pressing immedi-
ately for a freer flow of inter-
national commerce.

DETROIT (UPI) - A series of 'abduc-
tions that police blame on the power of
suggestion may have turned the Detroit
metropolitan area into America's kidnap
Authorities report five kidnapings since
Sept. 29 in the Detroit area alone, with vic-
tims paying $375,000 in ransom.
THREE OF the cases were solved within
days and all but a few thousand dollars
recovered by the FBI, State Police and
local authorities.
But the reason for the outbreak is not
completely clear to authorities.
"These things come in bunches," a De-
troit .police intelligence officer said. "One
guy hears somebody got away with a bun-
dle and nobody got hurt, so he decides to

try it too."
OFFICIALS generally discount another
theory, that the high level of long-term un-
employment in Detroit inspired the abduc-
tions. The Detroit area unemployment fig-
ure for October was 14 per cent and in the
city's black neighborhoods it runs as high
as 30 per cent.
"None of these kidnapings happened in
Detroit," one city official said. "They all
happened outside the city so it's kind of
hard to blame us for them."
Police privately describe the latest ab-
ductions as amateurish in planning and
execution. They note the kidnapers spent
marked ransom money within hours of re-
ceiving it, left fingerprints and engaged in
give-away conversations with their victims.

"PROS don't do this kind of thing," an
FBI source said. "And that's why we've
caught almost all of them."
The biggest payout was $150,000, left near
the western Wayne County suburb of Ink-
ster by Robert Stempel, a General Motors
Corp. executive, for the safe return of his
13-year-old son. '
The payoff was made Wednesday night
and less than 48 hours later, the FBI and
State Police arrested two men and an-
nounced they had recovered most of the
ransom money.
"These kidnapings happened to come so
quick it looks like a crime fad," a State
Police officer said. "If it's like all the
other fads we've had, it'll disappear pretty

SGC hopefuls reflect
variedpolt11ca views
Twenty-two candidates, including representatives from four
parties and three independents, offer a wide spectrum of political
views in the Student Government Council (SGC) election set for
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
ACTION, termed by party member Irving Freeman as "fairly
liberal to radical," supports three major issues: lower tuition
rates, improved University housing, and the implementation of
affirmative action goals.
FREEMAN STATES, "We're coming in on two different things:
campus-SGC issues and student parity on University committees.
We want student input on all committees."
Charles Holman, ACTION candidate and president of the new
campus chapter of the National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People (NAACP), comments, "I would like to see black
people more aware of SGC, and would like to have people know
what it's about."
"Because of our political stance, I think we'll lose some sup-
port since we're basically the same as SOC (Student Organizing

confer on
Feminists from all segments
of the academic community
gathered yesterday at arsym-
posium sponsored by Interna-
tional Women's Year (IWY) to
tackle problems such as sexist
professors, child care, and the
University's failure to imple-
ment affirmative action guide-
A small but enthusiastic
crowd of men and women met
at the Modern Languages Build-
ing for the first half of a two-
day conference entitled "Wom-

.....:... . a .

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