Friday, November 14, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pevem Mims I THE MICHIGAN DAiLY Lb.,pa Kt... -vge i v i r rta Gunman flees. with 'Ore ship $100,000 ransom believed i 'Democratic Union' clericals win in bylaws controversy Au .1l x U t j j - tn an Saran afterwards, police saui (Continued from Page i) tween the factions in time for( proposed bylaws have not yet; abduction operation that took Ms. Zedan was driven in her 0 1 1 time officers would lose contact the local officer and steward been voted on by the local. But only about 30 minutes, a gun- car to Zedan's car and freed un;f o u n d with their constituency. elections ahead.; both sides consider the four marl fled yesterday with a re-' harmed. TE MEIN to rrv clauses passed last night to be pre$1000rno exotd Police said they had no sus- CLEVELAND (;' - A Navy OeUiyCuu upre the most crucial in the struggle from the manager of a Manu- pcs u adte r ekn ln on htmyb h expressed displeasure at the should be a very good one, saidbew nthm factitr~outcomonaloBfthbrameeting, saying, IWeeks. It'll help tie up loose ftrrsNtoaBakbnc.a slim man in his early twenties; wreckage of the ore-carrier Ed- "Only one percent of the mem-! ends and insure that the region- The Unity Caucus might, how- eodsuhic-?wthafl er. on izealwihsn debt involving the bank in 18 besi istruhths et lbracrt tyoto o ver, try to amend the bylaws das IIA xoto ceeMonday in the stormy waters Eigs fthsi cal busins. etospse atngti das IIA xoto ceejof Lake Superior with 29 crew- ns f hsi democracy, I'd mes"scin ase atngti IN THE LATEST case, a gun- occurred Oct. 27 when gunmen ;men aboard, U.S. Coast Guard rather have a dictatorship." however Jean Jones, former:I such a way as to make them man invaded the Grosse Pointe invaded the home of another officials said yesterday.I Bob Dale, another Unity Can- head of the Union's local bar- fall in line with their positions. Farms home of George Zedan Manufacturers National branch cus member, indicated that gaining team and a supporter { But should the group do this, about noon, seized his wife and manager, R i c h a r d Bachman, The crew of the P3 aircraft supporters of his faction might of the Unity Caucus position,I they would run the risk of fur- telehond a ansm' dman toand demanded $200,000 in re-, spotted debris and a slight oil consider dissolving, or decertify- expressed uncertainty about to- ther alienating union members tehisoned asm eadt turn for the safe return of hisj slick some 1.8 miles from the ing h no.Imro n h oedsatwoarayaeuhpywt "He said he wanted $I mil- wife, daughter, a 'niece and a last reported position of the ig h nomro n h oedsatwoarayaeuhpywt Hy nephew."IF THIS continues, I'd prob- future.i both factions of the lengthy andi_ lion," a police spokespersonnehw Fitzgerald about 13 miles westaby sg a derticio "I don't know where we're bite dspt said. The gunmen left after Bach- of Coppermind Point. cr~ adDl."fw o' going from here," said Jones. p _ Zedan told police, the man man paid about $65,000 taken °' A Ca ur pksesndcriy ~dokwl rb~"What can we do? We're in a I ordredhimto eav th moey romtheban an let i inanin Cleveland said confirmation ably tell us to decertify- he vacuum, we're told you can't'ASCAINO in his car, park it in front of a! alley in suburban Hamtramck. would be attemptedtdywntwn satrti. take authority, but you can't: EIHGA.SUET chrhtobok frm hs Five men and one woman through the use of sonar equiip-~A meig wt e take the steps (passing bylaws) bank, leave the keys in the igni- have been arrested in that case, me odok eadg ofitheonardGWd Bru mert.Wodcckhed f heUA ito give the authority to some- I G a . B u c tion and walk away. and the FBI said it recoveredboyes.E" ZEDAN obeyed. more than 550,000: The spokesperson said the with bath factions of the clei- bodyESe.inso he U . O .1 O O- - -_- vessel may lie in about 370 feet cats union, is scheduled for to-!NMRU etoso h U . O .1 owae.;day. - ___11 A.M. TeFtgrlwalathad Weeks expressed hop that AT CH -JARING CROSS BOOK SHOP USED BOKS i L 316' S. STATE 994-4041 PLEASE NOTE THE NEW HOURS 06 Thurs, and Fri. Niqhts Till 8:00 p.m. Mon.-Sat. l( _1 "- v SHARE THE RIDE i Zionism resolution from Monday night when it was about 20 miles north of Mich- igan's Upper Peninsula. L1Le enco.'.unter witl neapJ UJ ion out unresolved differences be- ".U" lowersI HILLEL 1429 Hill 75c, An earthquake at Antioc'h, (Continued from Page 1) STUDENTS attending the4 Syria, caused the death of 250,- 000 in 526. rael, by writing legislators and demonstration seemed to echo; newspapers. It's the dluty of all!'this point of view. Jews, he said, to inform them- One commented that the ral- Nov. 26-27, 1703, a great storm selves on this issue. ly had aroused in him an aware- swept England, killing 8,000. ness tat"w're going tohv'._ A student speaker, Barryj to stand tbywourselves." tLoIGhaveALI-SE Bennet. admitted that he had LTGNUM17AISE had questions in his mind about lHe added that "this is the cmratns a fountain pen ive the validity of Israeli border first political thing I've been tot p claims, but he saw the impli-I for Jews." (I .tahce nibs, andjstuC601 cations of the UN resolution as: Others at the rally professed n<' ma L d< fronfy $5.00... separate from any political; to have done little investigation At art rnattri £f &pen shops . questions, iinto the subject of Zionism. iEII t r F- . h The Comic Opera Guild's COMEDY DOUBLEFEATURE A Hilarious ONE-ACT OPERETTA by Sullivan THE ZOO and the MAD NEW SILENT MOVIE THE SHLAMOZZLE NOV. 14 F 15 ONLY . 7:30 p.m. Michigan League MICHIGAN ROOM $2.00 adult, $1 .00 child "This resolution' has nothing! to do with pulling back on - boundaries," he said. "This has to do with the legitimacy of a national liberation movement. This says that the Jews cannot be a people." One woman wanted to know ex- actly what it was. Another student said the vote was "the result of Arab eco- nomic pressure." "I think it's abominable," he added.. j LVcoL1e a Pock stores. *.UT r(TuI chckto' entafic Corp.. 132 West 22 St,N.Y,N.y. 10011 A dcocents for handfinq. AVEL MICH.UNN763-214 DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA AT (E CHRISTMAS TWO TRIPS TO CHOOSE FROM Departing " DEC. 20-DEC. 29 " DEC. 27-JAN. 5 WE FEATURE: " Chartered Greyhound Bus Service to Daytona Beach departing Mich. Union " Accommodations at the Americano Beach Lodge " $1 19/Quad # 9* $139/'Double SIGN UP DEADLINE NOV. 19 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 763-2147 or COME TO 2nd floor-MICH. UNION 0WITH US THIS THANKSGIVING AND GET ON TO A GOOD THING. Us means Greyhound, and a lot of your fellow students who are already on to a good thing. You leave when you like. Travel comfortably. Arrive refreshed and on time. You'll save money, too, over the increased air. fares. Share the ride with us on weekends. Holidays, Anytime. Go Greyhound. GREYHOUND SERVICE TO ONE- ROUND- YOU CAN WAY TRIP LEAVE Enjoy Yourself - Coln Chicago Kalamazoo Detroit Jackson Battle Creek $ 12.95 $ 5.45 $ -2.60 $ 2.20 $ 4.20 $25.00 $10.40 $ 4.95 $ 4.20 $ 8.00 5:35 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 5:20 P.M. 2:10 P.M. 2:10 P.M. You ARRIVE 10:50 P.M. 4:40 P.M. 6:35 P.M. 2:55 P.M. 4:00 P.M. The Daily Staff Today! STANFORD M. WELLS U-M UNION, 530 S. State-662-4431 . ... _ a!2a\the mO~kiAT BRIARWOOD ADJACENT TO .C. PENNEY 0764.87800 1-44 & S.STATE. ANN ARBOR FRIDAY NITE LATE SHOWS $1.50 EVERY FRIDAY NITE AT 1 1:00 P.M. 1 M E ___ ___ , ._.. GO GREYHOUND. ...and lease the driving to US" - - IL -- - --N 14 -I- C Our nation, united in goal and wxorth a lot--worth giving our lives ideal . .. but divided in so many to lbring about. way s.' We do this everyday through D~ivided by doubts, prejudices, the conmuntication arts-books, Pub- feas, iolnce inustc, ovety. lications, television and radio-on feas. iolnce inuste, ovety, college camnpuse s, in parishes, in Thle Paulists have been bring- missions in the U.S., in downtown bug Americans together for over aI centers, iu working wvith young and (e~n tiory now, trying to overcome '0old. the barricades men erect b~etween' If you would like to help us each otlher.,\We work to ,einte be-? in our venture of healing American liever to believer, b~eliever to non- wxomidsNvl ith the Gospel of Christ believer, than to unan. As Catholics as a Paulist priest. mail the coupon and Americans, we know - tyis belowv for information. 0f1 ' +Cap. f our 0 great 0 C-. F H A "M~t II DA UU3A c =Mind BlowinQ Rock ConcertrC m AorsNOV. FRED C RANK ___ 28 ASTAIRE SINATRA Pris i at DEC. 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