See Editorial Page
4.4i t ig" au
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 62
Latest Deadline in the State
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 14, 1975 Ten Cents Ten Pages
UHC election
What if they gave an election and nobody ran?
The University Housing Council (UHC) - a body
of students elected to represent dormitory resi-
dents to the Housing Office - came close to find-
ing out. Today is the last day to file as a candidate
in next week's UHC elections, and so far only
four people have put their names down for 11
empty positions. All candidates are running unop-
posed and no one has filed for the open seats from
the Campus district (West Quad, Barbour, New-
berry, the Law Quad, and Martha Cook), the Hill
district (Stockwell, Mosher-Jordan, and Couzens),
Baits, or the South Quad-Fletcher district. So if
you want your voice heard in the Housing Office,
hurry on down to SGC offices on the third floor
of the Union before 5 pm today.
New thrust at sex ed
The kiddies just might have sex education come
into their classrooms. Advocates of Wednesday's
defeated sex education bill said they will try again
next year to pass legislation permitting teaching
of birth control information. "This is a terrible
setback for thousands of kids in Michigan," la-
mented Sen. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor), chief
sponsor of the bill. Bursley vowed he'll re-intro-
duce a slightly different bill in January or Febru-
ary. The Michigan Senate axed the original bill
22 to 12 on Wednesday. C'mon, fellas, get with it.
Women's conference
International Women's Year kicks off a three-
day conference on "women and Educational
Change" tonight at 8:00 p.m. in Rackham audi-
torium. Women's rights activist Bernice Snadler
will highlight the agenda with an address on
"Academic Women's Status in our Nation Now."
Happenings .. .
begin with a reminder from the University
Housing Council that today is the last day to file'
for seats in the upcoming UHC election. 11 seats
are vacant, and dorm residents can apply at
SGC offices, 3909 Michigan Union ... the Detroit
Alternative Schools are sponsoring a conference
in Motor City beginning at 10 a.m. on the Politics
of Education. The conference will be held at 60
Harper, between Woodward and John R ... there
will be a meeting for undergraduates to learn
about the Institute for Public Policy Studies at
12:30 in room 130 of the P and A Building.
people interested in the Council for Exceptional
Children should flock to room 2214 of the Edu-
cation School Building at 2 ... the research com-
mittee for the Fred Harris for President will
meet at 3:30 at 721 E. Kingsley, No. 301 ... finally,
Carmina Burana will be performing at the Power
Center at 8 p.m.
Caroline carouses
Caroline Kennedy is doing a little more than
attending art class in Lndon and Momma Jackie
Onassis wants toscurb her daughter's extra-cur-
ricular activities. London's Daily Mirror reported
that Jackie "has burned up the telephone lines
across the Atlantic," telling Caroline to "cool it."
The 18-year-old student is a frequent sight in many
of London's hot spots and has been late for class
three times in the past two weeks. That London
night-life will do it to you.
On the inside .. .
... Arts Page has Friday's Cinema Weekend
on the Editorial Page, members of the School
and College Government Task Force outline SGC
Ballot Proposal B ... Sports Page features Rick
Bonino's scouting report on the Fighting Illini.
On the outside ...
We'll get some sunshine today as drier air
moves in but the increased sun will do little for
the temperature because a storm, the same one
that gave us snow showers yesterday, will pump
down a strong flow of arctic air. Skies tonight
will be fair but temperatures will be very cold.
Highs today 32-37, lows tonight will plunge to a
frosty 17-22.
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - President Ford is almost cer-
tain to nominate a conservative or possibly a wo-
man to fill the Supreme Court vacancy caused
by the retirement of William Douglas.
The administration asked the American Bar
Association for advice yesterday on a replace-
ment for Douglas and promised the choice would
be made quickly but with great deliberation.
FORD HAS NOT yet set any special standards
for the nominee and has no time schedule for
making the appointment, Press Secretary Ron
Nessen said.
But the President once said in an interview
that he would not name a liberal should he have
to pick a successor to Douglas.
Ms. Ford has said she would try to persuade
her husband to nominate a woman.
Douglas, one of the great liberals to serve on
America's highest court, announced he was retir-
ing Wednesday because of ill health. He never
fully recovered from a stroke suffered last New
Year's Eve after a long history of heart trouble.
ATTY. GEN. Edward Levi sent a list of possi-
ble court nominees to the American Bar Asso-
ciation (ABA) for a review of their qualifica-
tions, Justice Department spokesman Robert Ha-
vel said. Havel said the list was prepared in
consultation with the White House, but he said
he could not disclose details.
Lawrence Walsh, president of the ABA, said its
Committee on Federal Judiciary has received
some names of orosnective nominees for review
but did not say how many names were received
or whether any women's names were on it.
In addition. the comnmitt A was invited to give
pddia il names fnr consideration.
"Tf!1M M eW('MTTFE'S investigation concerns
oni'- professional a"alific'tions such as his or her
See FORD, Page 7
Griffin Hills
Explosion kills one;
By AP and
explosion t o r e
11/2-mile long tu
t h i s southeast
city late yesterd
one worker an
burning a n d ti
trapping 10 othe
ness, gas andk
water 50 feet bel
The survivors
cued or found
way to safety wi
hours of the expl
police and fireme
ed a frantic res
ENS - An dead man as Uly&
Detroit, listed as
through a for the crew. His1
nnel below covered, police sa
Michigan piece of digging e
lay, killing An injured man
d seriously diately identified,
t eprriuly (erred to the Uni
emporarily, Center here, suff
rs in dark- burn injuries.
knee - deep Other workers m
ow ground. way to the surface
were res- THE CAUSE of
their own was not known, b
ithin three cials said it may
caused by methan
osion after electricity from a4
en launch- line the workmen w
cue opera- Fire Chief Edw
also speculated
identified the
ses Hayes of
the foreman
body was dis-
id, beneath a
n, not imme-
was trans-
iversity Burn
ering critical
ade their own
the explosion
but city offi-
y have been
e gas or by
440-volt power
were using.
ward Manuel
that sparks
from an underground train used
to carry workers and tools
touched off the blast.
The impact from the explo-
sion blew out metal hatches at
both ends of the sewer project,
which is about 10 feet in diame-
ter and between 2 miles to 3
miles long.
GAS SEEPED out of the tun-
nel following the explosion.
The tunnel is being built un-
derneath the city to carry rain-
water to the city reservoir.
The workmen were emploves
of Greenfieli Construction Co.
of Livonia, a Detroit suburb, in
a water pollution control nroiect
underway in Mount Clemens.
THE COMPANY was the same
one involved in a 1971 tunnel
explosion that killed 21 work-
men near Port Huron.
The explosion occurred on the
city's southeast side, a n d
brought scores of police and
firemen to the scene to control
crowds, seal off streets and
lunch a frantic rescue opera-
The tunnel, said City Man-
ager Ed Whedn, was nine feet
in diameter and 54 feet below
gro'md. He said it runs almost
the full length of Mount Clem-
RESCUERS described the
scene underground as night-
"1 couldn't see a thing," one
rescue worker said. "There was
no air, no light. Just lots of
smoke and water knee-deep."
A fire at the Law Quad
last night caused temporary
evacuation of stu'dent hous-
ing See story, Page 7.
.:" ^
Pagent held }i::as night in ::{C";uzens. .ca v.Ueteria3. edfrom'eft t igh'ar.O{'HarC.tev
BorkanSteeJhstn mi teShe"Ha ,ad Ro Vd"
ti S
By PAULINE LUBENS his body glazed by olive oil.
S Flexing their muscles and shaking their hips, "I ruined my best shirt with the oil," the
Sseven saucy male specimens promenaded be- annointed hero said. "But an olive oil dis-
fore a panel of twelve judges, battling for the tributor has promnised to sponsor me in the
crown in the Male Beauty Pageant held in state competition."
SCouzens cafeteria last night.
SStrutting down the wooden walkway, the ,RED-BEARDED bombshell Steve Spolar, the
Ssexy septet was greeted with whistles, cat- contest's first runner up, said simply, "I was
Scalls and cheers by about 150 people. dynamite."
Second runner up Dave Johnston, a trom-
SCONTEST winner S t e v e O'Hara gushed, bone player for the Michigan Marching Band,
Icinm just so thrilled I could float away," as said, "It was the biggest thrill of my life."
She was presented a bouquet of roses by his The beauties attempted to show they were
Sescorts, Jane and Linda. also part brains as they dodged questions about
|$The crowd's favorite, Amir "the Sheik" educational experience, the implications of
Hafiz, thrilled the fans as he appeared with See SEXY, Page 7
K 4: ex~em:::ms::::::::::::::::m staname~mmommmissi#lmm m aMEviM~mM E
CIJU clericals win
in bylaws dispute
A three-month bylaws dispute within the University clericals
union ended last night in a "Clericals for a Democratic Union"
(CDU) victory.
CDU won approval of four bylaws which tightly restrict the
power of local union officials, defeating the proposals of its
opposing faction, the Unity Caucus.
THE UNITED Auto Workers (UAW) local 2001 ratified its first
contract with the University in August. It has since become torn
with controversy over certain sections of the bylaws which estab-
lish the local's political structure and set the salaries of elected
CDU defeated proposals which would have allowed the local
to hire three full-time officers with salaries and benefits totaling
over $50,000 annually.
A Unity Caucus proposal to vest the ultimate authority of the
local in a body called the representative council was also turned
INSTEAD, the general membership will retain the ultimate
power in the local.
And the three top local offi- ---
cials will work part-time for the
Union while continuing their
University jobs in a part-time
No official will make more
money than he or she formerly
did as a full-time clerical.
"It's disappointing. You have
to have full-time, well-paid of-
ficers if the local is to run,"
protested one Unity Caucus
BUT according to Carolyn
Weeks, a CDU member, full-
500 protest
In Diag rally,
About 500 people rallied on the Diag at noon yesterday to pro-
test against the recent United Nations (UN) vote equating Zionism
with racism.
The mood was somber and the largely Jewish crowd listened
thoughtfully to a series of speakers who vehemently condemned
the UN resolution.
UNDER LEADEN-GREY skies and near freezing tempera-
tures, the crowd sang "Hatikvah," the Israeli national anthem,
and other nationalistic hymns. Members of B'nai Brith and Hillel.
two Jewish organizations, brandished picket signs and waved a
Israeli flag.
Psychology Prof. David Gutmann, the first of the four speak-
ers, assailed the 69 nations which had supported the UN resolu-
"When they attack Zionism," he said, "they attack your claim
The union representing intern and resident
physicians at the University Hospital ap-
proved Wednesday, in a landslide 190-14
vote, the contract hammered out last week
by union and University representatives.
of technical personnel obligates physicians
to perform technical duties, thus lengthen-
ing their work week and cutting down the
amount of time they can spend with patients.
The union members also alleged a lack of
affirmative action hiring at the hospital, and
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