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September 04, 1975 - Image 70

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-04

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Page Two


Thursday, September 4, 1975"'

s I I



Center offers wide services

Nestled in the southwestern-
most corner of the Michigan Un-
ion, adjoining West Quad on the
ground level is the International
Center, one of the more obscure
resource centers at the Univer-
Despite the wide variety of
services offered by the Center,
many students still regard it as
a facility solely concerned with
the welafre of foreign students
at the University. In reality
however, the Center provides
for several valuable( if not
unique services that can direct-
ly affect the average Univer-
sity student: it holds a wealth
of information for the American

student planning to work, study
or travel abroad.
ACCORDING to Information
Director Dennis Tafoya, the
Center maintains a library of
resource material "that is said
to be one of the very few of its
kind in the country." He termed
it "a model for other, similar
University bureaus,"and said
that information contained with-
in the Center is unavailable at
any other local source.
In addition to the comprehen-
sive library, the Center has
formed a Human Resources
Network. The Network is a list-
ing of over 1,000 persons who
have traveled abroad and are
willing to discuss their experi-



Those among the grade point
elite get the honor of Honors

ences and share their knowl-
edge of specific countries.
The International Center also
provides numerous opportuni-
ties for the incipient student
voyageur to cut red tape in ob-
taining an assortment of per-
mits and aids commonly needed
by students going over-seas.
Passport applications, rail-pass-
es, I. D. cards and American
Youth Hostel Association Mem-
bership cards can all be pro-
cured with a minimum of has-
F I N A L L Y, and perhaps
most importantly, there is
sound advice available from
John Booth and Ellen Kolovos,
both experienced counselors and
travelers. As Tafoya put it,
"You can come and say 'I want
to go to Spain and study art
for a month,' and they can lit-
erally plan out a complete inin-
erary." Testimony to the ex-
pertise of these two are the 34,-
000 students they have helped
and who are presently over-
Tafoya acknowledges that the
Center is primarily involved in
dealing with programs and
problems that concern foreign
students at the University.
Foremost in this area is orien-
tation to the many different
U.S. customs and idiosyncracies,
along with legal information,,
academic counseling and occa-
sional psychological counseling.
The Center also acts as a liai-
son with other Americans, often
helping students solve financial
and medical snafus.

Also prominent among . the
Center's activities are a number
of social events that attempt to
promote cultural interaction. It
coordinates the visits of a mul-
titude of foreign dignitaries,
frequently setting up seminars
that are open to all and cover-
ing a range of subjects from in-
ternational affairs to music ap-
regular school year, a weekly
Tuesday luncheon is held at the
Center, sometimes featuring a
speaker. At 50c for all-you-can-
eat, these luncheons are an ex-
cellent opportunity to broaden
horizons, not to mention one's
Like many other organizations
within the University, the Cen-
ter has been hard hit by recent
budget cuts that have necessi-
tated cutbacks in several of the
services offered. Tafoya noted
that"ofreign students already
are given low priority by the
University now," and he ex-
pressed hope that further bud-
get cuts could be avoided.
He cited lack of funds for the
all-important orientation coun-
selors as one major problem
caused by the cut-backs, along
with not being able to keep the:
Center open at night.
Nevertheless, Tafoya remains
conifdent that the Center will
remain effective. "The cut is
really going to hurt us, but still,
if you look across the country,
you won't find a college organ-
ization that serves as many stu-
dents as us."

The Honors Council, formed
some 18 years ago at the Uni-
versity, serves those literary
college (LSA) students who are
exceptionally w e 11 qualified
(either by overall grade point
average or high scores on en-
trance examinations) and who
desire to take courses not of-
fered to the bulk of University
Pioneering in innovative pro-
grams such as the LSA Inde-
pendent Study Programs, about
450 of this fall's incoming LSA
freshpeople will be participat-
ing in the program. Between
1,800 and 2,000 students are in
the Honors program college-
TO QUALIFY for an invita-
tion to Honors, a number of
criteria is taken into account.
For example, high school stu-
dents admitted must have re-
ceived a score of 1350 or better
on their SAT (Scholastic Apti-
tude Test), while students al-
ready enrolled in the University
must have an average of 3.50
for two continuous semesters.
Non-honors students that de-

sire to take Honors courses or
join the program should make
arrangements through Bill Sch-
rock in the Honors Council of-
fices, 1210 Angell Hall. Further-
more, a written letter of interest
for Director Otto Graf often
helps if you decide to join.
After one term, the applicant
should try to have a his or her
grade point average at least a
3.5. Exact statistics are not
kept, but turnover rate in the
program, between drop-outs and
people joining late, appears to
be small.
The Honors Council was in-
itially set up to give freshpeople
and sophomores an interesting,
challenging cor e curriculum.
The program now includes a
senior honors thesis in many
departments. Underclasspersons.
are strongly encouraged to take
honors courses and sections,
like Great Books.
Honors students are equally
divided along sexual lines, with
a slight majority of males, as
is the case in LSA as a whole.
About half of the students are
from out of state.
Outside of the LSA, few other
schools have an honors pro-

gram, the Music School being
one exception.
The Honors Council originated
a number of programs, like
Women's Studies and Individual
Concentrations. They establish-
ed the Summer Reading Pro-
gram some 15 years ago.
Summer reading was designed
to serve students away from an
established University campus
for at least one term, but want
to pick-up some cheap credits
during the summer. A course
outline must be established be-
fore leaving, and a number of
steps must be followed to make
your course official.
First, pick up a Summer
Reading Election Form and an
instruction sheet in the Honors
Counci loffice. Next, find a pro-
fessor (Teaching Fellows and
Lecturers don't count) to spon-
sor you. Any course in the LSA
Bulletin that you can accom-
plish, without supervision, is
eligible. Literature courses are
recommended, while courses
that require lab work, such as
chemistry, may not be feasible.
Professor Konigsberg of the
English Department and Pro-
fessor Papsdorf of Psychology
are good contacts.
Once you've decided on a
course and have talked a prof
into sponsoring you, you must
then get a counselor's signature.
Also, contact someone in your
unit if you're not an LSA stu-
dent or in the Residential Col-
lege. Taking courses in a dif-
ferent school than the one
you're enrolled in can be sticky.
It could involve getting a de-
tailed letter from the Dean of
the College you want the class
in to get a course approved.
If you're a non-honors stu-
dent, you must get a copy of
your transcript from 555 LSA
Building. This will take a week
and cost you one dollar. If your
grade point is below 2.5 or you
have incompletes, make a stop
at Director of Academic Actions
Eugene Nissen's office.
Take heart, though, you're
close to the end. Gather your
papers and take your weary
body over to the Honors Council
office again, some time before
See THE, Page 6

Doily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
VICE PRESIDENT for Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes appears to be distressed by these two
students protesting during last winter's Graduate Employes Organization (GEO) strike. The
campus-wide strike lasted for nearly a month, cutting class attendance by an estimated
SO per cent.
University lbok

Student activity
abounds at Union

Three groups from disparate areas of Univer-
sity life, graduate student assistants, clerical
workers, and nurses, have realized a common


goal in the past year-unionization for higher
By DAVID BLOMQUIST w sadbte okn odtos
When the University constructed the Michigan Union and Michi- wages and better working conditions.
gan League in the 1920's, it envisioned the two impressive, slate- The rise of the Graduate Employes Organiza-
roofed structures as lodging and banquet facilities for visitors to tion (GEO) undoubtedly had the most direct
the campus. effect on student life. Formed in Fall, 1973 as
But today, both buildings occupy an additional and perhaps the Organization of Teaching Fellows, GEO re-
more important role: they serve as centers of specialized politi- ceived state certification the following spring as
cal, educational, and social activity within the University com-bf
munity. the official bargaining unit for all of the Uni-
versity's graduate teaching, research, and staff
WITHIN the Union, for example, students can talk over assistants (dSA's).
problems with counselors from the Office of Student Services,
shoot a few games of pool in the only campus billiard room, WHAT FOLLOWED was eight months of
purchase a guide to yoga technique at the student-operated Uni- fruitless, and at times heated, contract nego-,
versity Cellar department store, or attend a seminar on CIA tiation. GEO's original proposal called for an
activities in Latin America in student organization meeting eight per cent salary increase retroactive to
rooms. September, 1974, and a seven per cent hike
And a the League, browsers can find almost everything from effective this fall. In addition to affirmative
the headquarters of the Graduate Employees Organization to a action and non-discriminatory clauses, GEO
newsstand stocked with the latest issues of Foreign Policy and asked for a $200 fee in lieu of tuition for
the Yale Review. all GSA's.
Each building is operated by a professional management team On February 10, GEO voted 689-193 to strike
working under the supervision of an independent board of direc- -disrupting classes, particularly in the Literary
tors composed of faculty, alumni, and student representatives. College (LSA), for nearly a month.
When the smoke cleared, GEO's contract
ELLIOT Chikofsky, president of the Union board, sees the called for a 5.6 per cent retroactive salary in-
Union facility as the main activities center for all University crease, and an 8 per cent hike effective Sep-
students and staff. "Many of the most important studen activi- tember, 1975. A $440 fee was set in lieu of tui-
ties and recreation areas on campus are located a the Union," tion for GSA's with eight or more credit hours.
he noted.
In addition to the billiard room, the building contains an art THE CONTRACT'S affirmative action clause
galery, a bowling alley, several pinball machines, and music calls for the University to make a good faith
practice rooms. effort to recruit more minorities and women
The Union also serves as the headquarters for most University for GSA positions. A non-discrimination clause
student organizations. Most of the fourth floor is devoted to office prohibits discrimination in hirng on grounds of
See UNION, Page 6 race, creed, sex, or sexual preference.

"Class size is one of the weak parts of the
contract but we'll be working on it when new
negotiations begin in February," said Sandy
Wilkinson, GEO secretary.
According to the existing contract, the Uni-
versity is only obligated to "consult" with GEO
regarding class size. Wilkinson indicated that
a stronger class size clause will be just one
part of a new demands package that will be
drawn up this fall.
"WE ARE considering affiliation with a ma-
jor national 1 a b o r union," added Wilkinson.
"We'll know more about that when our affilia-
tion committee reports in the fall," he added.
The University's clerical workers-Concerned
Clericals for Action (CCFA)-opted for affilia-
tion with the United Auto Workers (UAW) be-
cause, according to UAW spokesperson Carolyn
Forrest, "Their wage structure is way out of
line, and their grievance procedures are in-
As this article goes to press, the clericals'
contract with the University is still under nego-
tiation. A vote taken last spring indicated that
a strike was a possibility if the University's
offer was not acceptable.
According to Forrest, the union, which in-
cludes all secretaries and clerks on the Ann
Arbor, Dearborn and Flint campuses, will be
asking for a "substantial wage increase," more
holidays, and better provisions for leaves of
absence and promotions.
Last January nurses at the University Medical
Center voted 361-124 to align themselves with
the Michigan Nurses Association (MNA). A
spokesperson for the MNA s"a i d "the nurses'
greatest concerns are in the area of better pay
for night shifts, more input into staff decisions,
patient care, and patient-nurse ratio.






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