Wednesday, November 12, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three _.. . Church opposes- Bush in CL4 WASHINGTON (A') - The Sen- ate intelligence committee chairman yesterday opposed the nomination of George Bush as CIA director, saying confir- mation would make "a traves- ty" of agency reform and threaten the CIA's ability to stand up to the White House and the Pentagon.! The chairman, Sen. Frank' Church (D-Idaho), also warned his colleagues that excessivea criticism of the. CIA could de- stroy its role as a counterbal- ance to the "frightening fore- casts" sometimes made by the Pentagon in an effort to justify larger military budgets or new. weapons systems. "ONE MUST view with some- alarm the prospect of a silenced CIA succumbing to an increas-1 ingly dominant military voice inj calculating the foreign threat to our nation," Church said in remarks prepared for delivery Juan Carlos may free many Spanish political prisoners B, AP ' . - I A CROWD of Angolan military try's independence celebration fight in the newly independent RIVAL GOVTS. C Wa rI V r .t};>> y e aa nute st up for the first time yester- MADRID, Spain - Prince day, four days after his second Juan Carlos de Borbon is plan major stomach operation, Lieu- :::::::;,l ing to free more than 1,000 po- Itenat-GnrlAglCm : litical. prisoners as one of his pn ad first acts after becomig Spains king, a source near the pre An earlier bulletin said spots reported yesterday. of'conetinFand'fludshad Juan Carlos will take power peared i Franca's lungs and officially on the death of Gen. his condition continued "very Francisco, whose latest compli- grave." The bulletin came catins point toward bronchial some 12 hours after his 26-man medical team said postopera- pneumonia. . tive breathing difficulties had THE SOURCE said the prince eased and they had disconnect- Ewill back constitutional reform ed a respirator inserted surgic- tto establish a democratic gov- ally in his throat. ernment. .,, Both actions are expected to AP Photo spark angry reaction from Mississippi seceded from the men shout and gesture with bared machetes during the coun- Spain's entrenched political union in 1861. yesterday in the city of Luanda. Rival movements continue to right, but the 37-year-old prince former Portuguese colony. reportedly feels the influence CARL ORFF'S of Franco traditionalists will be LASH: limited when the general dies. Carmina Burana Juan Carlos has been advised he will face dangerous opposi- and tion from the left unless he WILLIAM ALBRIGHT'S grants amnesty and changes te~ars A ngolafundamentalelaws under which SEVEN DEADLY SINS Franco ruled Spain for the past 36 years.- 8 p.m.-Nov. 14 &s 15 national president of the new without success. "JUAN Carlos will swearloy- 2 p.m.-Nov. 16 country on Africa's southwest FNLA troops, who receive alty to those laws when he takes POWER CENTER for coast. Thousands of persons lin- support from China and Zaire. the oath. He has to under law," the Performing Arts ed the streets to cheer him fol- were reported 12 miles north of the source said. "But he will lowing the ceremony. Luanda and a combined col- support a program to change Tickets available at umn of some 1,500 FNLA and them." UAC Ticket Central, NETO declared MPLA sove- Western - backed National Un- Political groups from center Michian Union Lobby, regt vrAgl drn ."3gop 11:30-5:30 doily reignty over Angola durig a ion UNITA troops was believ- to left have demanded the re- INFORMATION 763-2071 noisy celebration at midnight ed advancing from the south. lease from prison of Spaniards Monday, after Portugal ended The FNLA cut off Luanda's serving 2-19 years for opposing Tickets a I s o available at The NLAcutoffLuada' seving2-1 yers or ppoing powe~r Center Box Office on 500 years of colonial rule. water supply by mortaring a the Franco regime. days of performances. Fighting was reported north, pipeline 12 miles from town. M E A N W H I L E, Franco east and south of Luanda and - -- - - - "IWAS GOING NUTS WIOUT A FASCIST WITHIN FIFTEEN MILES 10BILAME. MARK VWNNEGUT In 1969, Mark Vonnegut graduated from Swarthmore College. Bored with East Coast academia, suspicious of his father's literary notoriety, and determined to stay true to the principles of hippiedom, he headed for British Columbia to start a commune. Two years later, he was com- mitted to a psychiatric hos- pital-diagnosed severely schizophrenic. THE EDEN EXPRESS is about the inconsistencies of the youth movement of the '60s, American myths and human relationships, and the Spain and stigma of mental illness. But most importantly, it is about Mark's struggle to stay alive and significant. A FRANK E. TAYLOR BOOK $8.95 . wr,. PRAEGER PULISHERS 1Il Fourth Ave., N.Y. 10003 By AP and Reuter on the Senate floor. LUANDA, Angola - Rival black nationalist movements set "H o w e v e r," Church up two competing governments added. "it is not only a matter for this former Portuguese col-; of standing up to the Pentagon. ony yesterday and battled for; We need a CIA that can resist control of the capital. all the partisan pressures which Soviet - backed troops of the' may be brought to bear by var- Popular Movement (MPLA) ions groups inside the govern- hold Luanda and are fighting, ment - including partisan pres- two other groups that have both sures from the White House it- Western and Chinese support. self." The upsurge in fighting was re- DAILY CLASSIFIEDS BRING QUICK RESULTS Noting Bush's background as ported just one day after Portu- the U. S. State Department in a former chairman of the Re- gal granted Angola independ- Washington said American re- publican National Committee, ence and withdrew without re- cognition would be delayed un- Church asked, "If CIA assess- cognizing any of the three lib- til the situation is more stable. ments should collide with a .fa- eration movements. vored course of action at the THE PEOPLE'S Democratic . UGANDAN President Idi Am- White House, would a dedicat- Republic was formed in opposi- m, as head of the Organization ed party man like Mr.Bush be tion to the MPLA's Luanda-bas- { of African Unity, asked more able to stand up to pressures ed government by the National than 45 African countries yes- from a Republican President in Front for the Liberation of An- terday to send troops to a joint an election year?"i gola (FNLA) and the National Angolan peacekeeping force un- Union for the Total Independ. der his control. He has made EARLIER, speaking to re- ence of Angola (UNITA). similar requests in the past porters, Church referred to Its constitution provides for a President Ford's refusal to rule revolutionary council to govern out Bush as a possible vice'the country in the name of MP-,j r presidential running mate in LA until it becomes "totally Tow Er 1976 and said, "We just can't liberated." have a director of the CIA who Radio South Africa reported is under active consideration in Johannesburg that MPLA sol- for higher political office." diers arrested a man apparent- ly involved in an assassination - -- uTHE MICHIGAN DA, attempt on MPLA President W ume LXnesIy N Ne 61 5 Agostinho Neto.! W EST SI DE is edited and managed by students THE RADIO said the man at the University of Michigan. News was wounded in one arm when BOOK SHOP phone 764-0562. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. he opened fire on a limousine I Published d aily Tuesday through he apparently thought Neto was FINE USED and RARE BOOKS Sunday morning during the Univer- riding in, but the- MPLA leader at REASONABLE PRICES sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Annw. Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription was not i the vehicle. rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes- It gave no other details but LIBRARIES PURCHASED ters); $13 by mail outside Ann Ar- fueled speculation the attacks," bor. Summer session published Tues- may have been staged by the 11 3 W. Liberty day through Saturday morning. FNLA, the MPLA's chief rival Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann in Angola's civil war. Mon.-Sat.: 11:00-6:00 Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann The incident followed the Thurs. and Fri. Nites to 9:00 Arbor.g995-1891 _____________________MPLA inauguration of Neto as - 9 51 9 THE SUN Presents THE AFTER MIDNIGHT SERIES . ..'. BOBBY BLAND & LUTHER ALLISON SATURDAY, NOV. 22 MICHIGAN THEATRE LIBERTY AND STATE, ANN ARBOR SHOWTIME: 12 MIDNIGHT TICKETS $4, $5, and 6 Available at: Mr. Music at Briarwood, Tom's Party Store, Ypsi., Ann Arbor Music Mart, Michigan Theatre, Michigan Union-UAC Ticket Central and White's Records, Detroit. NO SMOKING OR DRINKING INSIDE THE THEATRE, PLEASE Presented by the SUN newspaper in association with Daystar and Brass Rinci Productions I I I I Washtenow Community College offers AUTOMOTIVE MINI COURSES at AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE CENTER 5115 Carpenter Road Ypsilonti, Michigan BASIC TUNE UP 043 $20.00 MEETS Saturdays, Staring Nov. 15, 1975 for Six Weeks. TIME: 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Class will be involved with proper installation of plugs, points, and con- densers, and necessary adjustments that go along with the installation of I! I