Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY I hursday, November V, ii,1V) .rte. - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- --------------- ------------- w I s FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY i . . ... ....._ ... ...... _ .._ FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL ROOM in larbe 2-bed- LEASE FOR SALE: Markley, Janu- WOMAN'S DOWN PARKA. Nearly room apartment. Available Jan.-May. ary term. Ellen, 764-9716 persistent- riew. Gerry make. 995-4531. 26B1107 Close to campus. Great landlord. Fe- ly. 24C1119 j-.- ----- -- male only. 994-6348. 6901107 OLYMPUS 35RC, leather case, ex- O O n e m r 3 FEMALE roommates needed for 5- cellent condition. $80 or best offer. OWN ROOM in 3-bedroom apart- m Neal, 994-0824. 13B1109 ment. Female only. Available Jan. woman apt. 1 single, 1 double room Nel94-8. ment. Female only.availabl aalbe. Close to campus, Fireplace, i $110/mo Call 994-5987. 70C1108 ailale Cloet camgsbreplae TAKUMAR LENS 135 mm/3.5, with diswaser,994356igbr -dC t8 ase, Dens hood, like new. $70 or WINTER TERM female lease, single persistently, 994-3566. dC11O best offer. Neal, 994-0824. 14B1109 rnnmin Rit Pa 7R R6 2 tw1 b room in salts. Pat, '3- 8bi oetween 4:30 and 8 p.m. 4401111 WINTER LEASE for female. S. Cam- pus Co-op. Suzi, 761-1058. 41C1109 ATTRACTIVE large campus effici- ency. January sublet. Call persis- tently, 662-9586. 56C1111 PURNISHED ROOM, 483-3795, 482- 7329. 27C1118 BARGAIN CORNER UNBELIEVABLE Garage Sale, An- tiques, Collectables, many items from 1920's and 30's including over 2000 recordings. Nov. 7, 8, 9. 214 S Revena, AA. 36W1107 r-----. . - SAM'S STORE LEVI'S DEN IMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionals Button Fly Pre-Washed LEVI'S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs Big Bells Western Shirts ALBERT TERRACE APTS.: 2 male QUEEN-SIZE WATER-BED with _ leases available December in fur- frame. Cheap. Call 1-476-0766, eve- nished bi-level, A/C, dishwasher, nings. 04B1109 quiet neighborhood. Near Central -.^__--_- -- --- Campus, hospital, Arb. $87/mo. 995- INDIAN JEWELRY - Large Dealer 1)154. 58C1113 closing out. All jewelry at 50, 60, - - - --- - 70%1 off. Wed.-Sat. 1915 Jackson 1 RENTING from Dec. 22-Aug. 22, Rd., Ann Arbor. K.C. Hall. 84B1108 kitchen, bathroom, two large rooms - ----- ------ - plus fireplace, $200. plus utilities. BOOK SALE Campus location. 995-9671. 3201107 Sponsored by Linguistics Library. -_-._.-- _- IMany Psychology, Sociology. Fiction', WINTER TERM: Women needed to Science Fiction available at LOW share room in beautiful spacious COST November 7, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., apt. near campus. $91/mo. Jan.- Lobby of Frieze Building. 85B1107 Aug. lease. Call 995-5438. 3301107 -- --------- ---- r ------ DOWN PARKA, HOOD. Gerry Maka- uTICKETS I. 662-4859, 769-6164. Dave. 01B1106 WANTED: 2 M-OSU football tickets. FURNITURE SALE Call collect, 513-548-1319 or 614- Dinettes $57.50, Sofabed $79, Hercu-I 846-5718. 53Q1108 lon Couch $99.50, Bunk Beds $57.50, ------ --------- - Mattresses from $27.95. 1915 Jackson 2 OSU tickets for sale. 769-0215 af- Rd., 6 blocks east of Maple, Ann ter 5. 50Q1107 Arbor. K.C. Hall. 83B1108 3 OSU tickets for sale; 1 pair, 1 LAR GE, WOODEN DESK, $30. After single. 764-1971. 49Q1106, 5, 663-8117. 91B1107 4i MIchigan-Ohio stickets,.0yr l"0obest ~offer. 3Call 764- MISCELLANEOUS' 1995. 40Q1 109 - $15 oud-PINBALL CA LIFORNIA DC-8 JET. $175 roun d- P B LL trip Dec. 20-Jan. 4. Open UM stu- W IZARDS dents. faculty, staff. Call Marla af- ter 5:30, 665-7988. 60Q1112 TEST YOUR SKILL ON THE ---- -- -------- PIZZA MACHINES AT OHIO STATE-Mich. game, 2-4 tick- TOMMY'S HOLIDAY CAMP ets. Must be good seats. Call col- Packard and State lect. Ed Kelley, 313-349-4179. High score for the week wins 23Q1115 pizza from Pizza Bob's - - - - - -- - - -cM 1007 OSU Tickets for sale. Block of 11 together, Sec. 29, Rows 66-7, great CLASSICON-a pulp science fiction, seats, highest offer. Call 764-46821 mystery convention at the Ann Ar- or 764-5682 nights. 28Q 1106# bor Inn, Friday, Nov. 7, 5-10 p.m., -- ----------- Sat., Nov. 8, 10 a.m.-10 p.m., FOR SALE: 2 OSU tickets. Call Sun., Nov. 9, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Movies, eves. 663-1861. 10Q1106 art, auctions. SAM MOSCOWITZ, INEED 30 M-OSU seats. No singles GUEST OF HONOR Admission 1 please. $20-25 ($35 if between 30-j day $3.50, 3 days $7.00. 37M1108 50 yd. line). 1-614-888-4082. I BIG BROTHERS needed for big- 06Q1112 little brother program. If you have Wc2 hours a week to devote to a child WANTED: (2) tickets, Ohio State' contact the Ann Arbor "Y," 663- Will pay $100. Call collect, (415- 053666M1106 661-9726). 85Q1108 -1 BUSINESS SERVICES I PAINTING, Wallpapering, and small repair services. Experienced College Students. Call Gene at 487-3517 or Dorian at 487-3679. 31J1107 TYPING DONE in my home. Accu- rate, speedy, cheap. 973-9618. 08J1107 I AM a full-time, free lance typist with considerable experience typing books, dissertations, papers. I type over 100 wpm., perfect accuracy guaranteed. Base rate 70c per page. IBM Correcting Selectric. Call Bill, 665-0166. cJtc TYPING, Copying, Binding, Editing, Keypunching, Notary Service. THE SECRETARIAT Dissertation Specialists 812 S. State Street 8 a.m.-10 p.m. 994-3594 TRANSMOGRIFYING TYPING All electric. Serving the academic, professional and business communi- ties for 15 years. PRINTING, RESU- MES, EDITING. TASK, 761-4146. cJtc MASSAGE: Attractive college girl with gifted hands will give full body massage. 764-5943, 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Legit. 88J1107 WANTED TO BUY ORIENTAL RUGS: we buy used and new. 769-8555 or 995-7597. cKtc MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS ALTO SAX: professional horn. Great shape. Cheap. 763-6241. 59X1108 GUITAR - Martin 00-18. 995-4558. 61X1106 LESSONS AVAILABLE - Strings, percussion, percussion and band Instruments, tap instruction. Apollo Music Center, 323 S. Main, 761-9340. cXtc NEW SHIPMENT of Upright Pianos from $175. Apollo Music Center, 761- 9430. cXtc TUESDAY SALE: up to 25% off, must mention ad. See Don, Apollo Music Center, 323 S. Main, 761-9430. exte DREADNAUGHT GUITAR SALE. Used guitars starting at $49.95. Ap- ollo Music Center, 323 S. Main. cXtc -~ , ,, HELP WANTED CASHIER needed full-time food ser- vice experience required. Apply Un- ion Station, Michigan Union. 65111106 TOP SPARE-TIME earnings selling sterling silver jewelry. No invest- ment. Write: Highlights, Inc 121 Cameo Ridge Rd., Monsey, N.Y. 10- 952, Att: Mr. E. Fishman. 52H1109 OFFICE MANAGER, half-time. GEO 514 E. William, upstairs, 995-0221. General office coordination, typing 50 plus wpm, hours flexible. Salary $5/hr. Applications 10-2 at office through Sat., 8 November. Affirma- tive Action Employer. 68111108 WE ARE putting together one of the most wonderful catalogues any- where. The Guitar's Friend. The catalogue is centered around music and our farm. We need some addi- tional artistic help. The only re- quirements, outside of being able to communicate with, graphic art, is to have a car to get out of here, about 1 hour NW of Ann Arbor. Call 5177-851-8321 in the evening. Ask for Laurence. 48H1108 SUBJECTS with 20/20 vision needed for psych. experiment. $2.50/hr. Call 764-4209, 9:30-4:30. 62H1114 TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Needed immediately: two full-time and 5 part-time. Hourly plus com- mission plus bonus incentive. Must be outgoing and have excellent tele- phone voice. Phone 995-1882. 12H1115 WORK FOR A L U N C H MON. - FRI. NOON. CALL RICK, 761-6281. 301111-- SALESPERSON wanted for Old World Village Mall Boutique. Eve- ning and/or weekend hours. Salary plus commission. Call 994-9120. 07111108 C. TED STANDARD. 1220 S. Univer- sity Part-time mornings. Apply in person. 81H1106 NEEDED: temporary guard(s) for next 60 days 4 p.m.-8 p.m. weekdays and 24 hours Sat-Sun. Call 995- 4433. 09H1107 PHOTOGRAPHER NEEDED IMME- DIATELY: Person experienced in journalistic photography to show a creative interpretation of a variety of University Life related assign- ments. Paid position. MICHIGAN- ENSIAN YEARBOOK. Call Gordon, -at 764-0561 or 995-8939, soon. dH1107 COORDINATOR-%2 time, for Local Motion, alternative fund raising and community education cooperative for human services. Organizing skills and knowledge of Ann Arbor required. Send resume to Local Motion, 225 E. Liberty, Ann Arbor, 48108 or call 994-0370. Deadline Nov. 14. 41H1111. PERSONAL WISH to get hold of copies of KRAITH, 764-9668 between 5:30 and 7:30. dF1108 FEETIES: Breakfast of Podiatrists! dFl""6 BYE BYE BIRDIE! (and Slinky)- Curvaceous. 55F1106 DIANE MARIE LUTZ is back in town, and she's still seldom boring to be with. WELCOME! dF1107 Cecille- How about lunch? -Mr. I. OUS dF1106 TODAY: All-Campus Paddleball Tournament. Sports Coliseum (near corner of Hill and Fifth). Qualify- ing 3-6 p.m. Finals, 7 p.m. All stu- dents eligible. Grand prizes: trips to Chicago and Jamaica, courtesy of Sunbeam. dF1106 UAC~Soph Show presents "CELEBRATION" words by Tom Jones music by Harvey Schmidt Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre November 13, 14, 15 Advanced tickets can be purchased at the UAC Ticket Central. 51F1112 IF YOU don't need your hair trim- med, come on in anyway, read a newspaper, or better yet, talk to us. U-M STYLISTS at the Union. cF1106 PERSONAL Turtlenecks ......$4.98 Painters Pants ... $7.98 Sweaters from . .. $7.98 Heavy Fiberfill I1 Coots from......$26 207 E. Liberty 663-8611 CLASSION-a pulp science fiction, mystery convention at the Ann Ar- bor Inn. Friday, Nov. 7, 5-10 p.m., Sat., Nov. 8, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sun., Nov. 9, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Movies, art, auctions. SAM MOSCOWITZ, GUEST OF HONOR Admission 1 day $3.50, 3 days $7.00. 57F1108 $100 WEEKLY possible addressing, mailing circulars for mail order firms. Send self-addressed, stamped envelope. Barlow Enterprises, Dept. TM, 16447 ElCamino Real No. 4, Houston, Texas 77058. 54F1111 PLAY BILLIARDS, a game you will want to give up. Billiards at the Union. cF1106 FIFTY MILLION people do it at least once during a year. BOWLING at the Union. cF1106 DEAR CATHOLIC: Birdie boogies, backgammons and boozes with the best! dFll6 TO Jewish woman who hasn't crack- ed any mirrors yet. Neither have I. Leave full name and number at Box 45. 43F1106 TODAY: All-Campus Paddleball Tournament. Sports Coliseum (near corner of Hill and Fifth). Qualify- ing 3-6 p.m. Finals, 7 p.m. All stu- dents eligible. Grand prizes: trips to Chicago and Jamaica, courtesy of Sunbeam. dFll6 CALIFORNIA DC-8 JET. $175 round- trip Dec. 20-Jan. 4. Open UM stu- dents, faculty, staff. Call MarIa af- ter 5:30, 665-7988. 61F1112 "MAKE LOVE-NOT WAR" (it's good for our business) AUSTIN DIAMOND 1209 S. University, 663-7151 cFtc YOUNG MAN yearning love from young woman. Rich, 663-5877. 95F1108 XEROX AND OFFSET fast, low cost duplicating COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-0560 cFtc OZONE PARADE Photographers: color slides wanted for copying by Photon Drive Light Show. Please call 668-7385 after 5:00. 18F1109 THANK YOU for picking up that stray kitten. You're beautiful! 21F1106 DEAR DAILY PERSONALS: You make our mornings! Love, Frank- lin's Cat House. dF1107 SPACE FOR TWO, maybe more in Ypsilanti. Cook for and encourage elderly man. No smoking. 482-2470. 20F1106 DORM RESIDENTS interested in policy concerns may file for 11 available seats in Univer- sity Housing Council Election (Nov. 18-20). Filing deadline is Nov. 14, S.G.0. offices, 3909 Michigan Un- ion. 16 Delegate positions for pos- sible Constitutional Convention are also available, deadline Nov. 11. 16F1108 ATTRACTIVE well-bred young wom- an looking for attractive well-bred young man. Prefer aesthetic look- ing and thinking type. I discrimi- nate against jocks. Talking, first, before considering ANYTHING else later. Box 3 Michigan Daily. dF1106 Set a New Record on any of our Pinball machines and win a free Submarine Sandwich. Tommy's Holiday Camp, Packard and State and The Crosseyed Moose, 613 E. Liberty. cF1108 SEPARATED? DIVORCED? Residential weekend workshop for 10 men, women in transition from be- ing coupled tobeing single again. Nov. 14-16. Bob, Margaret Blood, 769-0046. 06F1114 FIGURE MODEL with liberal out- look needed. Pay negotiable. Relaxed atmosphere. Box No. 420. 82F116 LITTLE DIPPER CANDLES is one year old! Come down and celebrate. Bring this ad with you and dip a pair of critter candles FREE! Free cookies, too. Whoopie! 415 N. Fifth Ave. In Kerrytown. Birthday cele- bration Nov. 1-7. 67F110 STATE . PERSONAL CON FE RE NCE WEDDING INVITATIONS - Mod or traditional. Call 761-0942 anytime. ON cFtc RATIONA EMOTIVEPERMANENT weight loss, smoking RATIONL EM TV reduction, study efficiency, tension PSYCHOTHERAPY control, through behavior modifi- NOV. 14, 15,AND 16, cation. Call 994-0019. cito HELD AT THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO. and ANN ARBOR INN Auto-Owners Insurance Co. offer auto and renter's insurance at lower NUMEROUS WORKSHOPS USING rates in Ann Arbor. Call Mrs. Spears R.E.T. IN DEALING WITH: Jealousy at 662-3107 for a quotation. Spring- & Possessiveness, Couple & Family er-Kleinschmidt Agency, Inc., 206 Counseling, Substance Abuse, Group E. Huron. cFtc Psychotherapy, Clinical Practice,-- - -_-- Biofeedback, Brief Psychotherapy, COPIES - 2%c each Physical Disability, Hypnosis, Hu- Lowest Prices Anywhere manism, Teaching, Sex Therapy, IMPRESS, 524 E. William, 665-4321 etc., etc. . . . -cFtc DR. ALBERT E L L IS WE GIVE super discounts on quan- tity wine purchases. Village Apothe- cary, 1112 S. University. oFte ADVANCE REGISTRATION $20.00 DOOR REGTRATION $25.00 ANNUAL DIAMOND SALE-now in MAIL TOR progress. Sale began January 1 and MAIL TO:will end December 31. Austin Dia- Institute for Rational Living of mond, 1209 S. University663-7151. Michigan, 2512 Carpenter Rd., Ann cFtc Arbor, MI 48104, 973-1480 or 971-5080 cFlll3 2FE G E11S ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 2 FEE AME *A LP S G A 0 1. E M E N D CAMPUS PINBALL EAP EDDA M AN R 1217 S. University N E R N I S T E R NilE 1adperpersont A T EHLETE HAR VARD eFtc A BUMPER STICKERS. Custom print- SEEMLY N A P 0 N ed while-U-wait! MBL PRESS, 1217 U E D EN T W 0 Prospect, Ann Arbor. 761-0942. N A G A I N Z U N I cFtc E N 8 L A S T I D E S DRY G OD S AMPERE HE NET R0M Read and Use S1fARWETECH~ROMOS M E R C I S PR E D UT {Dail Classifieds E R G O N G T I. N E l o W RON G TO0P S S EE PERSONAL DEAR BIRDIE: All that is very nice, but are you a Boogie Birdie? -Catholic. dF1106 POCKET BILLIARD TOURNAMENT ACU-I. Sign up now-for women and men. Winners go to Ohio State. Billiards at the Union..cF. O7 WILL YOU have a visitor from Stanford in your department dur- ing 1976-77? I will be there and would like to exchange houses. Contact E. S. Valenstein, 763-4360 or 761-1738 (evenings or weekends). 58F1106 BOARD EXAM TUTORING: enroll- ments now being accepted for S. it Kaplan Tutoring Courses to prepare for the Med Cats, DAT, and LSAT board. Call (313) 354-0085. cFtc "DEAR GERTIE' Is a personal advice column for those who want an objective, un- biased opinion from an experienced source on a troublesome situation. Inquiries should state EMPHATIC- ALLY if they are NOT to be print- ed. NO REAL names will be used,' all information is strictly confi- dential. Write "Dear Gertie," c/o The Michigan Daily, Box 909. dFtc HELP YOUTH in crisis. Be a tem- porary parent. 1 day-2 wks. Call Ozone House,' 769-6540. 85F1210 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before- publication (4 p.m. Fri. for Sun.) including corrections and cancellations. The Daily is not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad. Advertisements may be removed from publication but will be billed according to original num- ber of days ordered. This policy is also applicable to ads requir- ing pre-payment. i.e., no refunds. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot be dis- closed prior to publication. Ad- vertisers names may never be revealed. Number of lines - in advertise- ment is determined by total number of words-5 words/line. "Help Wanted" ads cannot dis- criminate on the basis of sex, color, creed or national origin to any extent (i.e. "preferably" is still discriminatory). "Found" ads are run free-of- charge to a maximum of 3 lines for 3 days. a ROOMMATES r iA vu-- - CITTINGUITAR - -- - NEW CITATION GUITAR: Damaged __-- -_ ___ --- AKC Springer Spaniels. Excellent in shipment. 1z Price. Apollo Music. FEMALE TRANSFER student desires male pups, wormed, shots. 761-0614. Center, 323 5. Main, Ann Arbor. roommate(s) and apartment for 0T18ct winter semester. Write ElainerNo- OSTliOB cXtc wak, 895 Alpin Bch., Bay City, MI 48706. 46Y1111! WANTED TO RENT USED CARS WOMAN GRAD wanted to share 2- SINGLE GIRL wants own room in MERCURY '70, No. 550. Four new bedroom apartment. $100/mo. Call North Campus apt. Call 662-7017, tires, new brakes, engine in good i Ann, 665-9308. 29Y1107 evenings. 03L1106 condition. Needs a little body work. - --_-_-_- Call 995-9351. 42N1116 1971 OPEL MANTA urn R lE N T A B E E T L E FUN TO DRIVE WEEKEND SPECIAL $24.95 - 100 FREE MILES - THEN 10¢ A MILE RENTAMEL $7 A DAY 10c A MILE NEW YW $UPER BEETLES MINIMUM AGE 21 RENTA BEET LE --- 1820 PACKA RD R D. ANN ARBO 994-9300 EASY ON GAS R E N T A B E E T L E Great engine and body. 973-0836 eves. 63N1109 1971 DODGE Window Van. Carpeted, new tires, no rust, auto. trans. Ex- cellent condition. 995-5082. 52N1106 LOST AND FOUND CAT LOST: gray and tan female, near Gott St. and N. Summit Re ward. 662-5155. 39A1108 $100 REWARD. Female German Shepherd, part Husky. 50 lbs. black, tan and white. 3 yr. old. "Emily." 995-0776. 96A1108 SUBLET SUBLET for 1-bedroom apartment, on campus for January. Free park- ing. Call Jan, 995-9527. 45U1112 CAMPUS EFFICIENCY - January sublet-Modern E. Washington apt. 995-4406. Call persistently. 70U1106 SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED housecleaner with good references would like to help you keep house clean. $3.00/hr. Monday, Wednesday or Friday. Call 662-6450 and ask for Debbie or leave a message. 6501106 HELP WANTED COUNTER HELP for coffee shop. Full-time. Call after 5, 971-8469. 67H1109 CROS$WORD PUZZLE 1975 LOS ANGELES TIMES WEEKLY $39.95 - IOc A MILE MONTHLY $199.95-500 FREE MILES THEN 8¢ A MILE a ar. ,Az V gardpneeexi Fbe Bit .1 . !w A -&b ff 11 gowr 6aWt - . C. vl 4d~kt >hj {N fit ., tin~5 PUT ON YOUR DOORSTEP! ACROSS 1 Impress 7 First-born 13 Graduate student, perhaps 14 Land, as a fish 15 Standards 17 Demand -18 Part of a cheer 19 Kind of paper 21. Pack away 23 Escutcheon border 24 Mohammedan month 28 Young animal 30 U.S. agency: Init. 32 City in Kansas 33 Faux pas 35 Never-failing: Colloq. 37 Exclamation 38 Bunk 40 Wartime vessel, for short 41 Iron or cop. per pyrites 43 Deteriorates through disuse 45 - Tage (every day): Ger. 46 Army storage place: Abbr. 47 More than a little 48 Cut again 50 Wife of Esau 52 Part of a sen- tence: Abbr. 55 Spend on trifles 58 Skate 59 Have- 62 Honshu port 64 Commit theft: Colloq. 65 Did a tailor- ing job 66 Horses 67 Fears DOWN 1 Written: Fr. 2 Katherine Anne Porter opus: Phrase $ Little one 4 Hebrew letter 5 Shade of red 6 Earlier 7 A king of Sweden 8 Namesakes of Helen 9 Loss of hope 10 Man's name 11 Family member ,12 Explosive 13 Academies: Abbr. 16 Ancient cus- tom: Phrase 20 Place, in horse racing 22 Woman inuni- form: Abbr. 25 Profitless undertaking 26 Willa Cather's "- Lady' 27 Floats 29 Meshes 81 Diminutive suffix 33 Achieve success 34 Burn-in one's pocket 35 Like certain scents 36 Fire: Prefix 39 Turkish title 42 Foliage 44 Ref.'s counter- part 47 Device for mixing 49 People in general 51 In - (briefly) 53 Former diva 54 Half of a tetrad 56 Natives of: Suffix 57 Sailboat of Shetland islands 59 Not at schook Abbr. 60 Small cabin 61 Before 63 Hawk parrot . . . Why wait until the afternoon to find out what's happening when THE DAILY can be on your doorstep in time for breakfast? Read THE DAILY and keep up on world, local and campus news, and sports. ONLY X12 " a . a * - * - m a * - 2 3 6 T a -0 7 18_ 9 10 11i 112 14 i i i i i i i 15 18 21 __.._ 19 23 H- 22~ i FWMW9 bsmmw i 28 29 30 -+-1 1 4' r -a 1 -1a -- 35 I 36 i 'aseer' - 4 -z * °° ='= i- , -. -,-.. FOR BOTH SEMESTERS lrrar unur ciihearintinn nnw- (37 F38 39- I I 41v 42KT 44 40 11 I I L mm I-- i I ~_