Poe Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, November 6, 1,975 - WORKSHOP' ON THE Psychological Types of C. G. Jung SATURDAY, NOV. 8 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. (A LIGHT LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED) AT the t ACO a 4 , A 'fot f onLtort 211 n. dw95i04 awn arbor, m'a 18105" tdephone 665-0606 1.I TH ICIANDIY hrsa, oebe , .7 Negotiat (Continued from Page 1) an 80 hour maximum work' week. "We'll work longer whenI necessary," Dr. Hodeen said,1 "but working more than 100 hours per week, as some of our members do now, obviously has, a detrimental effect on patient care. " ions bog "Much of what the House Of- ficers want . . . constitutes goals which management is alsoj pursuing," stated Dr. Dalston.i However, Dr. Dalston added that the multitude of groups competing for funds, and the limited resources of the hos- pital, would force the University to use restraint in their nego-) 1 i" i ,' IN RESPONSE to yesterday's tiations wit job action by the HOA, the Uni-_ versity issued a statement, con- taining comments by 'U' Hos- Accordin pital Director Dr. Jeptha Dal- Automobile ston, which indicated that "se- ingredients vere cost restraints" and "in- of an auto tense p r e s s u r e from other groups" were dictating the Uni- gredients i versity's austere bargaining po- steel, car sition. chemicals. th the HOA. g to the National e Club more than 50 go into the making omobile tire. The in- include fabric, rubber, bon black, oil and I I { I University of Michigan STUDENT BLOOD BANK " NOV. 3,4,5, 6,&7 UNION BALLROOM 11I a.m.-4:30 p.m. i { i i PV ruled asga ada (Continued from Page 1) States Constitutions." voters not to make a second or i The case first went before Fleming also reaffirmed the third choice, since it would work Fleming on April 15. The Demo- assertion that PV is essentially to defeat that voter's first' crats wanted a powerful writ a method of eliminating run-off choice." of mandamus ordering City elections when no candidate re- He also noted that "each voter 1l lI Clerk Jerome Weiss to issue a ceives a majority of the votes will have one of his or her pref- certificate of election to Wheel- cast-a position held all along erences counted if he or she (Continued from Page1) er, who they said was "the duly by the HRP and some Demo- elects to make more than one elected mayor of Ann Arbor," crats. preference. The fact that a few ; were met with silence. and the Republicans suing Weiss HE SAID that the PV charter voters may decide not to make Sadat said the Palestinian and the Ann Arbor Board of amendment, p a s s e d by the more than one preference, he problem is the core of the en- Canvassers in an attempt to voters one year ago Tuesday, said, "does not render the sys- tire Middle East dispute. "Once prevent them from certifying "consolidates two elections into tem unconstitutional. solved, all other outstanding is- Wheeler. one" and does not discriminate The ruling, then, has settled sues can be solved," he said. THE CITY and county Boards against any group of voters, as the constitutionality of PV until Saying he emphatically urged of Canvassers, in emotion-pack- Stephenson contended. Further-' such time as Fleming's decision :the United States to lend the ed decisions, refused to certify more, "it possesses a monetary is overturned by either the court Palestinian people "your under- Wheeler. In each case, the two savings to the municipality in of appeals or the Michigan state standing and support," Sadat Republicans on the bi-partisan question and is not a factor to supreme court. added: "The continuation of ne- boards, would not sign a certifi- be overlooked," he asserted. TWO OTHER options appar glect and defiance is but an cation document. "Basic to all," Fleming con- to be open to Stephenson and open invitation to violence, neg- But Fleming ruled that Wheel- tinued, "is the right of self-de- the GOP at this point, however. ativism and extremism." er should not be denied the termination by the Ann Arbor He asked fora recount shortly office of mayor, and directed voters." The fact that the city's after the first decision, but was SADAT HELD a final meeting the city and county clerks to PV system is different from refused pending yesterday's de- with President Ford in the aft- jointly issue him a certificate of "the system of voting we have cision. Presumably he can now ernoon. After the meeting, re- election. come to know in this State, does ask for the vote recount, but as porters were told that no spe- Former M a y o r Stephenson not affect its validity," he Mayor Wheeler claimed last cific commitment was made on then took the offensive, trying added. night, "I think he knows, just providing U. S. military aid to to have PV declared illegal. As for the contention by Ste- as well as I, that I'll get more Egypt. THE GOP had said that PV phenson that PV gave some votes if there's a recount." But Deputy Secretary of State was unconstitutional because it persons more than one vote, Another option, and a matter Joseph Sisco said "obviously violated the concept of 'one-per- Fleming noted that "no one per- which Fleming didn't discuss in this is an issue that in time will son, one-vote,' gave different son or voter has more than one his ruling, is the issue of ballot have to be confronted." weight to voters for different effective vote for one office. No box security. Allegedly, some of The United States and Egypt candidates and allowed certain voter's vote can be counted the ballot boxes were found i Unitial an agreement that is votes to be counted more than more than once for the same either improperly sealed, un expected to lead to the Egyp- occandidate. In the final.aayss sealed or found "insecure" by epce.t edt h gp once. addt.Ithfia analysis, dnofca uig ni tian purchase of two American But Fleming, ruling in a 12 no voter is given greater weight election officials during counting tuclearpower reactors. page opinion for Wheeler again, in his or her vote over the vote procedures. refuted each charge and con- of another voter." j-SISCO ALSO told reporters cluded that "the form of ma- IF EVERY second choice after Sadat's strong appeal to jority preferential voting em- vote was counted, as Stephen - ren dCongress for U. S. support of ployed in the City of Ann Ar- son urged, instead of the candi- a Palestinian solution that "our bor's election of its Mayor does date receiving the least number position has not changed." not violate the one-man, one- of votes as it is done now, Flem- lie said that position is that vote mandate nor does it de- ing asserted that it "would make' negotiations with the Palestine prive anyone of equal protection the system self-defeating and Liberation Organization are in- under the-Michigan and United I in essence w o u l d encourage hibited by the PLO's refusal to "" * (nt"nu*d fromPa1)-- Special Ring r r s T r t t- 0 I Up to 50% off WITH HIGH SCHOOL RING TRADE-IN I Dates: Thurs.,, Fri., Nov. 6 & 1 Time: 11:00 - 3:00 6T(dk *r *.* To Esta blish Justice . . ." PETITIONS ACCEPTED NOW FOR 5 VACANCIES ON CENTRAL. ISTUDENT JUDICIARY'E (ALL CAMPUS SUPREME COURT) PETITIONING CLOSES NOV. 6, 1975 en, Women, & All Minorities of All Colleges Are Encouraged To Apply. Stop by SGC Offices, 3rd Floor Mich- igan Union to pick up a petition and sign up for an interview. FRIDAY NIGHT at HILLEL 5:15 - MINYAN DAVENING Ramah Davening 8:30 p.m.-OPEN FOREMAT SERVICE DINNER at 6:30 p.m. Please make reser- vation by 1 p.m. Friday. Call 663-3336. 9 p.m. - ONEG SHABAT All at H I LLEL-1429 Hill IT WAS then that Brenda met No formal communique was St. John on the ski slopes of Sun ! issued at the end of the Sadat Valley, Idaho, and their ro- visit. U. S. officials said every- mance began.j thing that would have been coy- Messick's d a i 1 y routine is ered in the document was pub- exacting for a woman who will licly stated during Sadat's U.S. be 70 next April. "You have to tour. Secretary of, State Henry have a lot of self-discipline to Kissinger said "the United draw a daily strip. To meet States government is very sat- deadlines I have to work 2 / isfied with the. visit." months in advance." - What wll happen to Brenda " after she finally does marry? Fm in F10M L MOLETr S 332 S. STATE NOON LUNCHEON HOME-MADE SOUP - 50C FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7th Claire Jeonette ASSISTANT TO REGENT SARAH POWER "Liberation from a Women's Perspective" GUILD HOUSE-802 Monroe (Recent Sarah Power's presentation as originally planned for this date will be rescheduled for early Jan. 1976.) "I DON'T know but the pos- sibilities are endless," Messick said. "I start a story and don't really know where it will end." Brenda could become preg- nant and naturally she and Ba- sil could be separated as he seeks the serum from therare black orchid, the only antidote for the nameless fatal disease he suffers from, Messick specu- lated. But one thing is for cer- tamn: Brenda won't turn 24. "Most people are real live dolls. They grow old," she said. "Brenda is a paper doll and won't." 0 "VS (C SGC Continued from Page1)' a / groups asking us for money," Fleming said. TEACH-IN speakers warne of the emergence of a polic state. One issue discussed w an alleged cover up of the as sassination of former Presiden John Kennedy. Fleming said he had "Ap in terest in a "rehash of assassin- ations as a topic" but defended the Teach-In's "leftist" focus. Fleming supported the con- cept of student participation in University decision making but when asked why there is "none," he said, "It's never been raised significantly be- fore." VICE - PRESIDENT for Stu- dent Services Henry Johnson and his assistant Tom Easthope also attended yesterday's meet- ing at SGC chambers, but Flem- ing was the center of attention for the group of 30 students. Fleming was asked if he had qualms about a CIA recruiter interviewing students on cam- pus next week. "No, because I don't believe it's my position to tell students who they should work for," he said., He added, "I'm as unhappy as you are to learn about some of the activities they've been engaged in. I believe there's greater damage to intervene than not to intervene. There's great value in letting the indi- vidual decide." FLEMING did not have a firm response on the question of a tuition hike next term. He said a hike would be "wholly dependent on the question of whether we get further signifi- cant cutbacks. At some point, I suspect this might be." Council member. Lisa Yellin claimed that minority groups do not know where to obtain University funding because the necessary information is not well publicized. Fleming responded with a s.gQestion that SGC members meet with him to discuss a way of compiling the needed data. The Feathered Serpent IMPORTS & CRAFTS FROM THE AMERICAS 309 E. Liberty Ann Arbor, Michiaan 48103 Telephone (313) 995-4222 I WEST SIDE -,.. -. . ... - w w it