FORD'S NEW YES-MEN See Editorial Page a 4c .14 i tau :43-A6F t SWEATY High-73 Low-53 See Today for Details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 55 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 6, 1975 Ten Cents Eight Pages E' , .C Happenings ... ... begin in the Lane Hall Commons rm. today at noon, when Prof. David Sturtevant from Muske- gon College speaks on "Peasant Movements in the Philippines from 1840-1940" . . . There will be a preview of the Music School's production of Car- mina Burana at noon in the Pendleton Arts rm in the Michigan Union . . . The Hopwood Tea and Coffee Hour will be from 3-5 today in the Hopwood rm, 1006 Angell Hall . . . At 4 p.m. Sarah White of the Medieval and Renaissance Collegium will speak on "The Medieval Fabliaux Themes," Charles Witke, Professor of Classical Studies will speak on "The World of Carmina Burana," in the Rackham Amphitheatre, and at 8 p.m. Rudolph Arnheim, a visiting Walgreen Professor of Human Understanding, will speak on "Metaphor in the Purgatorio," and Ralph Williams, Professor of English will speak on "Boccaccio on Dante" in the Rackham West Conference rm . . . Men's Raps will discuss Masculinity and Eroticism at 7:30 p.m. in Tyler House, rm. 126 in East Quad .. There will be a Child Care meeting at the Madelon Pound House on the corner of E. University and Hill St. at 7:30 . . . A Teach-In workshop is sched- uled for 8 p.m. in the Teach-In office at 332 S. State . .. State Representative Perry Bullard will speak in rm. 124 in East Quad at 7:30 on "The Secret Police, Subversive Activities, and Drug Law Enforcement in Michigan," followed by a discus- sion . . . and there will be a meeting of the State- wide Citizen's Committee to End Political Surveil- lance in Madonna Church in Detroit, at 1125 Oak- mont Blvd. at 7:30 p.m. For more information call Tom Lonergan at 831-7444, or 965-6090. Alone again no more Students at University of Miami in Oxford, Ohio followed Ann Arbor's lead. They went to the polls Tuesday, and voted into law an ordinance which reduces the penalty for "casual" marijuana to the level of a parking ticket. (Sound familiar?) Despite the efforts of the city solicitor, the city council, the board of elections and the county prosecutor, the ordinance - $5 fine for possession - passed 3513 to 2120. Oxford also passed a law legalizing the sale of hard liquor. Before Tuesday, the only alco- hol sold in that tiny town was 3.2 beer. Now, any- one over the age of 18 can buy the real stuff at the corner grocery store. Just goes to show you can't keep a good thing down. Deadlocked Philadelphians elected a dead man to city council this week. Francis O'Donnell, 55, died of a heart attack last Thursday while seeking reelection as a council-man-at-large. And on Tuesday he was elected. Though city administrators knew his name was on the ballot (and that he had died) there wasn't enough time to change all the voting ma- chines in the city. They say that more dead peo- ple vote in Chicago than any other city, but at least they don't vote for dead politicians. Marty Mouse Marty the mouse, who gained fame and fortune because of his love of marijuana, died yesterday. The four-inch, gray-brown rodent was just your run-of-the-mill field mouse until last Christmas when he led a San Jose police department on a wild mouse chase. Marty conducted nightly raids on the marijuana stash the department used for evidence. Finally, the intrepid law officers caught him when they used the stuff he loved so much for bait. But instead of pressing charges, they sent Marty to the University of California to aid in studies on marijuana. Later he was installed as a police mascot, and lived the life of a king-without marijuana. It's a... dog? Jenny has a unique talent. Thanks to a friend she met in her youth, the combination shephard- husky can climb trees. And she has a city permit to prove it. When Jenny was a puppy, her friend, a d'trrsticated squirrel who lived in San Fran- cisco's Golden Gate Park, taught her to climb. N-w She can walk along branches as high as forty feet off the ground. When a policeman saw her rprched high above his head, he instructed her owner, Jerrv Gerbracht. to get her a permit from th Parks dena., which he did. So if you're ever tr. Sn Francisco and happen to see a dog perched in the fork of a tree .. . On the inside .. . Rich Lerner takes a look at Greg Morton, Wolverine defensive tackle, on the Sports page . . and the Editorial page presents the second of a four part series on the Teamsters Union by Mi- criael Beckman. Preferential voting wins court test Republicans may appeal judge's decision By ROB MEACHUM The hotly contested preferential voting (PV) system used in last April's mayoral race was yesterday ruled constitutional by visiting Cir .uit Court Judge James Fleming -some five months after the (case went to court becausu of a Republican challenge. But the fibal chapter in the long-standing mayoral electon feud between the local GOP and Denocra-l has yet to be written, according to sourcs within both parties. "I'M SURE we haven't heard the end of it," said William Gudenau, head of the local Republican party. An appeal to the State Court of Appeals, he said, "is not definite" because that decision "is up to the entire city committee." But Mayor Albert Wheeler contended that an appeal is "an option that they have, but they'll have a hell of a time, considering what the judge said in his opinion." "He addressed every issue that they raised, took all of their arguments-and negated them," the mayor commented. "If they have any legal brains, any political brains at all, they won't do it," he con- tinued, "but they've done some stupid things before, maybe they'll do some more." GUDENAU said that the verdict was "pretty 'much what I expected, considering the fact that he (Judge Fleming) waited so long." Under the city's unique and confusing system, each voter was given three choices for mayor. Since none of the three candi- dates received a clear majority, Human Rights Party (HRP) candidate Carol Ernst -who received the fewest votes-was elimi- nated and her second choice votes redis- tributed among the other two candidates: incumbent Republican James Stephenson and the Democrat Wheeler. Because of this redistribution, Wheeler squeezed past Stephenson by a mere 121 votes. AND THAT'S when the struggle began. See PV, Page 2 Wheeler Stephenson 'U' lilies budgeting decision By DAVID WEINBERG The state Supreme Court's recent decision to uphold the "big three" universities' au- tonomy over their budgets has been hailed statewide as a posi- tive and important decision. All sides apparently agree that the real message of last week's case is that the univer- sities, legislature and State Board of Education must coop- erate if there is to be any long term harmony between them. IN A JOINT stateMent issued yesterday, the University of Michigan, Michigan State Uni- versity and Wayne State Uni- versity officials said: "We are hopeful that the decision will assist the Universities and the legislature in continuing their cooperative working relation- ships." The university officials also expressed their approval that the State Board of Education would remain purely advisory See 'U', Page 8 Colby to stay at CAuntil1 Bush, okayed WASHINGTON OP-CIA Director William Colby plans to stay on until his successor is confirmed, and it also was learned yesterday that William Hyland, the State Department's intelligence chief, is moving over to the National Security Council as deputy director. Colby, fired by President Ford last Sunday, agreed to stay on through Senate confirmation hearings for George Bush with the understanding from the White House that his authority would remain complete in that interim period, presidential Press Secretary Ron Nessen said. HYLAND'S appointment as deputy to Air Force Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft means the two top men at the council are proteges of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Kissinger relinquished the council job in President Ford's shakeup which Schlesinger as fense. also involved the Secretary of De- Internsa the even Daily Photo by SCOTT ECCKER and residents picket University Hospital yesterday as negotiations continued through ing inconclusively. f tals stalema ted Hospital By TOM ALLEN University negotiators and Hospital in- terns and residents failed to reach a con- tract accord last night after three hours of bargaining. The bargaining session between the Uni- versity and the House Officers Association (HOA), which represents interns and resi- dents, threatened to continue into the early morning hours. A SMALL group of doctors picketed out- side University Hospital yesterday morn- ing in an effort to dramatize their demands. They are asking that provisions be made to improve the quality of patient care at the hospital. Doctors inside the hospital protested the' contract dispute by neglecting some admin- istrative duties. During a brief break from the bargaining table late last night HOA president Eric Hodeen said that no decision had been reached. He said he could not predict whether a settlement would be hammered out before morning. "IT'S GOING to be a long night," Hodeen said. Meanwhile interns and residents remained on the job, performing health care services as usual. However, they refused to bill patients for medical services, a duty they ,ormally perform. The University conceded the administra- tive slowdown has had "some effect" on hospital operations. But University spokes- man Joseph 0 w s 1 e y indicated clerical changes were compensating for the doctor's action and that normal billing operations were continuing. IN A STATEMENT released yesterday morning, HOA cited "improved quality of patient care and greater opportunities for women and minorities" as the "key issues" among those still unresolved after three months of contract negotiations with the University. In addition to the patient care and affir- mative action requests, the HOA is asking for more intern and resident involvement in hospital decision-making, and a 12 per cent salary increase (the 'U' has offered six per cent). According to Dr. Barry Carlton, chairman of the HOA bargaining committee, "wages are not a major issue." He went on to say that the HOA "would be willing to settle for less money if the University will put part of the difference in a Patient Care Fund, which Association members would direct." THE PATIENT Care Fund would be used to purchase hot meal carts, and to hire additional personnel for x-ray, blood-draw- ing, and intravenous teams - personnel which the HOA feels are sorely needed at the facility. As of now, interns and residents are fre- quently responsible for the above-mentioned technical duties. HOA members contend that this responsibility often prevents them from affording high quality health care to their patients. "Patient care at the University Hospital," Hodeen continued, "simply does not live up to the standards that the public deserves and expects." SINCE SOME of the doctors work over 100 hours per week, "overwork" is a promi- nent HOA grievance. They have requested See NEGOTIATIONS, Page 2 Hyland, 46, is a former chief of staff for Soviet affairs in the Central Intelligence Agency and was with the council from 1969 to 1973, working at the White House as a staff member for Soviet and European affairs. KISSINGER then drafted him to succeed Ray Cline as direc- tor of the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Re- search. He is a native of Kansas City, Mo. Nessen said Colby. agreed to remain on the job after meeting with Ford in the Oval Office. No date was set for the changeover, but it was under- stood Bush would need time to return from the Chinese liaison office in Peking and undergo Senate confirmation hearings. Nessen predicted Bush would be "overwhelmingly confirmed." SEN. FRANK Church (D-Ida- ho), chairman of the Senate in- telligence committee, and sev- eral CIA officials have said they are worried about Bush's political background. In the meantime Nessen said Colby "will have the full author- ity that he has always had at the agency," and will continue working with congressional com- mittees probing the Central In- telligence Agency. See COLBY, Page 8 dismissal of Colby and of James Sadat says U.S. neglects Palestine By AP and Reuter WASHINGTON - Egyptian President Anwar Sadat accused the United States yesterday of neglect and defiance on the Pal- estinian problem and said,it is an invitation to violence and extremism. Sadat left with a pledge from President Ford that the United States will try to open negotia- tions between Syria and Israel on a new disengagement pact for the Golan Heights. "THE aggrieved cannot be expected to wait long," he told a joint meeting of the House and Senate on the last day of his 10-day visit to the United States. He received friendly and sometimes enthusiastic ap- plause, although his comments on the Palestinian problem See SADAT, Page 2 Fleming talks with SGC By GLEN ALLERHAND University President Robben Fleming's style yesterday dur- ing cookies and punch with the Student Government Council (SGC) was diplomatic. He responded non-comittally to questions on the recent Teach-In, student participation in University policymaking, and CIA recruiting on campus. FLEMING'S . VISIT marked Brenda Starr to wed mystery man' CHICAGO 0?)-After three decades of near misses, Brenda Starr is getting married. Will it be a blissful relationship for the forever 23-year-old woman reporter and her elusive mystery man, Basil St. John? DON'T COUNT on it, says Dale Messick, creator of the redhaired, long-lashed La Starr, whose comic strip foibles are syndicated in about 100 newspapers from South Dakota to Chile. Brenda and St. John, eyepatch and all, will finally say "I do" on Jan. 15, said Messick. "When people ask me 'Why should Brenda get married?' I answer 'Why not?' I've been repeating myself for years, I needed something new," said Messick, who has dyed her hairito rmatch Bire~nda's. ____________**s