I TEAMSTER POWER See Inside icl, C tr t FtYi iE3 aii4 WONDERFUL High-76 Low-50 See Today for Details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 54 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 5, 1975 Ten Cents Ten Paaes Ten Cents r i r Cornbeef hazard You know those cornbeef sandwiches you swal- lowed with relish at the Vaudeveill Deli until recently? Don't gag now, but they were apparently not prepared under the most sanitary conditions, according to the County Healty Department. The Daily reported last Friday that a pile of unpaid bills had put the padlock on the deli, located on South 'U' and State St. Barry Johnson of the Health Dept. said yesterday his dept.'s routine inspection turned up four pages of violations. The list includes inadequate food protection, improper storage of garbage, general uncleanliness, bad maintenance of equipment, and a lack of hot water for dishwashing. $1000 reward offered City police announced yesterday a new program aimed at curtailing the recent rash of bank robberies. The plan calls for persons to receive rewards of up to $1,000 for providing information that leads to the arrest of holdup suspects. The rewards don't hinge on the conviction of those arrested, police say. Local bankers, alarmed at the 17 bank robberies in the past year, have been working with police on the program. Happenings .0 ... are largely political today, beginning with a public hearing on rental problems at 3 ,p.m. in Greene Lounge, E.Q. ... the Coalition to Stop S-1, a pro-surveillance bill pending in Congress, meets at 332 S. State St. at 7:30 p.m. ... relax at 8 p.m. at a free meditation and Yoga class in rm. 224. E.Q. also at 8 p.m. Second Ward dems discuss possible council candidates at 1553 Broad- way; rides leave the Hill from the front door of Mosher Jordan at 7:45 ... and there will be an 8:30 p.m. HRP mass meeting at 516 E. Williams. The truth comes out Republicans in Kingston, New York opened their newspapers just two days before a local election and were shocked at what they read about their party. In large bold typeface, an ad in the King- ston Daily screamed, "We don't believe in telling the truth. We do believe in false accusations. We do believe in character assassination. We don't believe in telling it like it is." The newspaper claims the ad was the result of a mix up among the do's and don'ts in the paste up department and not the work of subversive Democrats. In a front page editorial Monday, the Freeman apologized for the mistake and ran the corrected ad. Crime pays Two St. Louis criminals are being treated to catered lobster dinners and plush hotel lodgings instead of jail house bed and board - all at the city's expense. The county sheriff, who apparently wanted to dramatize the shortage of cell space at the city's jail and workhouse, checked the two prisoners into the Chase-Park Plaza hotel Mon- day after they were refused entry into the work- house because of overcrowding. Sheriff Raymond Percich has been forced recently to house city prisoners in jails all over Missouri. The fancy hotel doesn't like the idea of servicing two men in shackles, and it is seeking an eviction order. The sheriff is billing the city for the $56 lodging bill for the two prisoners, a bill for $32 for six lobster dinners, and $2 for the tip he gave to the bellboy who delivered the dinners. It's incentive enough for any honest citizen to turn to crime. Sinners all The nation's going to get kicked around one day for kicking around former President Richard Nixon, predicts Nixon's staunch defender Rabbi Baruch Korff. "I have a vision that one day this nation will create a day of atonement to atone for its sins against Richard Nixon and his ad- ministration, the news media and liberals de- stroyed Nixon "body and soul," Korff said. e Earthbound beauty A fairytale landmark in France sometimes called the eighth wonder of the world is in danger of losing its mystique. Mont St. Michel, a monas- tery set on a tiny rocky island, in a quirk of maritime evolution, is experiencing the reverse of the phenomenon affecting Venice. While the Italian city is gradually sinking in the Adriatic Sea, Mont St. Michel is becoming earthbound. "The process is irreversible, Monsieur," tourist officials say. Mont St. Michel has been a mecca for visitors since the middle ages, attracting some 1,500,000 tourists a year. British author Barbara Whelpton described the fortress-abby as "a dream castle suspended in an indigo sky." In an effort to save Mont St. Michel, the French government has begun scientific tests. " On the inside .. . Marcia Merker talks with Benny Oosterban, former Michigan football great and coach, on the Snorts Page- ... on the Arts Page. we review some Swainso LANSING (UPI) - Ignoring calls for his imme- diate resignation, Justice John Swainson said yesterday he will remain on the state Supreme Court while he appeals a perjury conviction that has left him "pub- licly humiliated and financially ruined." The public pressure for his resignation spread to the state legislature, with one top Republican leader warning that an attempt to remove Swainson from office is "inevitable" if he does not step down volun- tarily. "I WOULD hope that he would choose to resign and I would predict that he ultimately will decide to do so," .said House GOP Leade' Dennis Cawthorne of Manistee. "If he does not resign, it's inevitable that considera- tion will be given in the legislature to impeachment or removal." Swainson announced his plans in a letter to Chief Justice Thomas Kavanagh that underscored his deter- mination to remain in office. Swainson, 50, a legless World War II hero and the state's last Democratic governor, said he wants his1 $43,500 a year Supreme Court salary placed in escrow until his "eventual vindication." He has not participated in deliberations or deci- sions since his indictment on bribery conspiracy charges July 3. He was acquitted on the bribery charges by a Detroit jury Sunday night. TWO PROMINENT Republicans, Senate GOP Leader Robert Davis of Gaylord and GOP Floor Leader Jack Toepp of Cadillac, called in a formal statement yesterday for Swainson's resignation "to protect the credibility of justice in Michigan." However, House Speaker Bobby Crim, (D-Davison) said he saw no necessity for Swainson to resign or for the legislature to try to remove him from office while the case is under appeal. Crim told a news conference that if there is any attempt to remove Swainson it should come from the Supreme Court itself at the recommendation of the watchdog Judicial Tenure Commission. SWAINSON, in his first public statement since the perjury conviction Sunday, told Kavanagh: "Because of the misuse of a grand jury, I have been publicly humiliated and financially ruined. My career has been threatened, but I have no doubt of my eventual vindication, because I am innocent. battles to retain "I have been found guilty of failing to remember a specific event totally unrelated to the inquiry of the grand jury, and two telephone conversations that oc- curred two and one half years prior to my appear- ance before the grand jury. I have not been convicted of bribery or found to be in any way involved in a conspiracy to bribe. "THE INTEGRITY of the Supreme Court remains unsullied and the reputation of its members unchal- lenged." Kavanagh declined to comment on the letter. Another bail bondsmen charged in the case who has yet to stand trial, Charles Goldfarb, said yester- day that his attorney will probably seek dismissal of the charges against him. Davis and Toepp were the first lawmakers to call publicly on Swainson to quit. They said his continued presence on the court "could seriously undermine in- dispensible public confidence." Similar pleas have come from George Bushnell, president of the State Bar of Michigan, the Wolverine Bar Association, the Detroit Bar Association and the Detroit Free Press. Y'r } -. 'iti 'Because of the mis- use of a grand jury, I have been publicly hu- miliated and financial- ly ruined.' -justice john Swainson w',:tti Ysi"i:,im 'i:;;:r:?:?si' tii : , rr; ;: Soi seat HOA to protest offered contract by ' Hospital Daily Photo by PAULINE LUBENS JEREMY RIFKIN, a member of the People's Bicentennial Commission, addresses a crowd at Hill Auditorium last night during the final seminar in the Ann Arbor Teach-In. Rifkin spoke on restructuring the American corporate system. Teach-in ends wit concern for U.S., Third orld future By TOM ALLEN Beginning this morning, intern and resident physi- cians at the University Hos- pital will refuse to bill pa- tients for services and will s e t up an informational picket line outside the fa- cility in an attempt to re- solve their contract dispute with the University. The interns and residents, who perform approximately 9 per cent of the patient care services at the hos- pital, will, however, remain on the job and will not cur- tail their health care duties in any way. THE PROTESTING doctors are members of the House Of- ficers Association (HOA), which also represents interns and resi- dents at the Ann Arbor Veter- an's Hospital and the Wayne County General Hospital. Votes by HOA members taken at Wayne County General and Uni- versity Hospitals resulted in what HOA President Dr. Eric Hodeen termed "good majority support" for today's "job ac- tion." The executive officers of the HOA have asked their members to restrict the present job action' to an administrative slowdown, primarily in the area of billing patients. Ordinarily the doctors, after treating their patients, assess the charge for that treat- ment and record the amount on the patient's health chart. However, beginning today, the interns and residents will refuse to execute their billing duties. Hodeen, a resident physician in the hospital's arthritis unit, said yesterday that "it has been recommended that people (HOA members( write 'no charge' or 'minimal charge' on the charts." DESPITE the apparent mild- ness of today's job action, Ho- deen indicated that the HOA may resort to more drastic ac- tions in the future if continued negotiations with the University fail to produce a settlement. See INTERNS, Page 2 By ELAINE FLETCHER The three-day "Who's in Control" Ann Arbor Teach-In officially ended last night with a semi- nar featuring such speakers as Jeremy Rifkin speculating on the future of the United States and the Third World. Rifkin, a spokesman for the People's Bicen- tennial Commission and noted theologian Wil- liam Stringfellow called for the democratization of corporate structures in an attempt to harness the power that large corporations now wield. "THERE'S 100 powers in the world right now, and 36 of them are American corporations," Rifkin exclaimed. "You've been done in by Colgate-Palmolive. But there's an alternative to corporations - extend democratic principles to the work place." In response to the often voiced criticism that democracy "takes too long" if used in business, Rifkin cited the example of an insurance com- pany in Washington. "There's an insurance company in Washing- ton -- it started with a few thousand dollars and now handles millions. Everybody has one vote, from the secretary to the president," he ex- plained. See SPEAKERS, Page 7 Panel compromises on Kissinger memo By AP and UPI WASHINGTON-The House intelligence committee, voting against the advice of its chairman, averted a confrontation with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger by accepting a compromise yesterday over a memorandum critical of his actions in the Cyprus crisis. Under the agreement, approved 8 to 5, an operation officer's memo will be mixed in with paragraphs from other documents, with all names removed. THE COMMITTEE had subpoenaed the memo, but Kissinger said that submitting it verbatim might discourage other aides from making candid recommendations. Chairman Otis Pike (D-N.Y.), who joined with four of the seven other Democrats on the 13-member panel in opposing the resolution, warned that the vote might result in future intelligence documents and facts from the administration "coming in a blender." At the same time, committee leaders said they hope the panel is not responsible for word leaking out that Kissinger had the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) supply arms to Kurdish rebels in Iraq. See PANEL, Page 2 POLITICAL OBSERVERS DIVIDED: Will shakeup hurt Ford? By AP and Reuter WASHINGTON-Political ob- servers were divided yesterday over whether President Ford's stunning shakeup at the top level of his administration had helped or hurt his relations with Congress and prospects for elec- tion next year. At the same time, however, the sources said that Vice Presi- dent Nelson Rockefeller with- drew as a candidate for Ford's 1976 ticket because he felt he was being shunted out of administration decision-making and might be dropped anyhow. IN ANOTHER development, Army Lieutenant General Daniel Graham has resigned his post as chief of the Defense Intelli- gence Agency (DIA), govern- ment sources said yesterday. General Graham's resignation was directly linked to Ford's dismissal of Secretary of De- fense James Schlesinger, the sources added. They said Graham quit volun- tarily because of his close as- sociatinn with the Schlesineypr tions, for the Pentagon, and because he was concerned over George Bush, U.S. envoy to the erosion of his own power China, as the new CIA chief, base. denying that politics or policy Ford faces a serious threat to differences motivated him. his bid for the Republican presi- The President seems highly dential nomination from former amused by speculation that he California Governor Ronald Re- had purged the Pentagon be- gan, a staunch conservative. cause of a power struggle be- The President's disarming at- tween Schlesinger, who was sus- titude and simplistic responses picious of the Russians, and to press' conference questions Secretary of State Henry Kis- did little to counter a wide- singer, an ardent advocate of spread belief that the explana- detente. tions were not as easy as he HE ALSO rejected theories made then out to be. that the upheaval came about A WIDELY accepted theory was that Ford was running scared because of the threat from Reagan, disarray and res- ignations in his election com- mittee, and his relatively lcw standings in public opinion polls. Others thought he had divided the already feuding Republican party and underlined the shaki- ness of an administration headed by a president who has not conducted a national election campaign before. THE CONTINUING divisions in the Republican party were See MOVE, Page 7 Wh e W S"ROSO Whtewi'ns in, Boston By AP and UPI Gov. Julian Carroll of Kentucky and Mayor Kevin White of Boston, two Democrats considered in electoral danger because of controversies stemming from court-ordered school busing, won new terms last night. And in Mississippi, Republican businessman Gil Carmichael swept into a lead of nearly 10,000 votes over attorney Cliff Finch in his bid to end a quarter century of Democratic control in the Deep South state. .c _. _ .. .. ". .