SUNDAY MAGAZINE See Inside Y AOlint A19F I m 4 A 46PP w ai Ah6--. ROTTEN High-55-60 Low-35-40 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVi, No. 52 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 2, 1975 Ten Cents Eight Pages 1 l Body english Men: are you longing to exhibit your body but can't find an appreciative audience? Do you find yourself flexing your biceps in the bathroom mirror every morning? Well, your golden opportunity to reveal some skin and sinew is just around the corner. The "Fourth Floor Foxes" of Couzens Hall are sponsoring a shale beauty contest to raise money for Maxey Boys Training School. The con- test, scheduled for Nov. 13 in the Couzens cafeteria, has already attracted 35 entrants, but more are certainly welcome. The highlight of the event is, of course, the traditional bathing suit competition. Contestants will be judged on poise, personality, physique and intelligence. Chlarita Blair, one of the event's organizers, urges men "not to be shy" because it is all for a good cause. So hurry on down to Couzens men, and sign up-you have nothing to lose but your shirt. Bean biz Is nothing sacred? For the past umpteen years, the famous navy bean soup served in the House and Senate dining rooms in Washington has always been made with Michigan beans. But Congressman Bob Traxler (D-Mich.) found out earlier this week that it ain't so anymore. He lunched in the House dining room with the executive secretary of the state bean shippers association who immediately spotted the inferior product-now made with beans grown in the western United States. Traxler has sent letters to Senators Phil Hart (D-Mich.) and Robert Griffin (R-Mich.) asking them to investigate the Senate bean soup. " Magnum opus The man who robbed a branch of the Detroit Bank and Trust Co. thought he owed his victims an explanation so, police said Friday, he handed a 78-word note to a teller. In the note, the man said he needed the cash for his own safety, warned the teller against jeopardizing the safety of bank customers, asked for spiritual help to assure nothing went wrong and concluded "P.S. Thank you." The teller gave the man the money. And the police remarked "it probably took the guy longer to write the note than it did to rob the bank." Time flies A computer engineer, formerly of Ann Arbor, was arraigned Friday in Los Angeles for allegedly stealing time. Marvin Maki was charged with grand theft and forgery in an alleged scheme to use his former employer's computer to bill clients for computer time they never used. Maki, who worked for Data Systems, Inc. of Ann Arbor, supposedly used secret codes belonging to the film's clients in Paris and London, patched into the computer and stole $15,000 worth of computer time. Maki allegedly stole the codes from Data Systems, which rents out its computers to other companies, and used them for work at a Hollywood manufacturing company. Happenings .. . . . . begin with the Michigan Regional A.A.U. Tae Kwon Do Championships at Huron High School. Eliminations begin at 10 a.m. and the finals at 5 p.m. . . The Ann Arbor Symphony will give a concert at Hill Aud. at 3:30 p.m. . . . the Teach-In leads off with Mark Lane et al. at 7:30 p.m. in Hill Aud. ... On Monday the Teach-In continues with sessions at 10 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at Hill Aud. featured will be William Kunstler and others . . . the Inmate Project presents seminars on "the Walls of Justice" at 7:30 p.m. in Lecture Rm. 2 of MLB . . . the University Reading and Learning Skills Center is offering workshops on how to get course work done on time and how to prepare for exams. Call 764-9482 for more info . , . and there will be a Teach-In demonstration at noon on the Diag. Dr. Strangelve? Air Force Maj. Harold Hering is being drummed out of the service because the 'military says he violated its concept of an officer's duty. He argues that he only asked for assurances that should he be ordered to launch a nuclear missile it would be by a sane president of the United States. Hering, a 20-year vet in training to become a missile launch officer, asked what the safeguards were on a presidential order to use the nuclear weapons. The Air Force asserts that asking such questions shows "a failure to demonstrate acceptable quali- ties of leadership required of an officer of his grade" and "his defective attitude toward his assigned duties." Sounds to us like the brass is completely balmy. On the inside .. . . . Sports staffer Jeff Liebster takes a look at the stars of little known sports here at the big 'U' in a Sunday Magazine story . . . the Sports Page Wolverines edge by Gophers American " " families "n Beirut to leave 1 BEIRUT, Lebanon (P) - The U.S. ambassador ordered all families of American officials to leave Beirut yesterday as es- calated street battles set fires throughout the downtown hotel district. Ambassador McMurtrie God- ley acted as Moslem gunmen closed in on the area behind a barrage of mortars and rockets. The fire brigade re- ported blazes in at least five buildings, including the plush St. Georges Hotel on the water- front and the 500-room Holiday Inn up a hillside overlooking St. Georges Bay. GODLEY also advised all Americans still resident in the battle-torn Lebanese capital to get out as soon as possible to avoid the spreading warfare. There are about 170 U.S. offi- cials still in Beirut. Machine gun bullets plowed into Beirut international airport and explosions rocked the fash- ionable Hamra district in a new extension of the fighting. The Christian command claim- ed, meanwhile, that Palestinian guerrillas have moved in from Syria to strengthen Moslem forces in the seven-month-old civil war between Lebanon's po- litical and religious factions. THE MACHINE gun blasts at the airport set fire to straw packing material in a customs warehouse but the blaze was qiiickly extinguished, security officials reported. The guns were fired from a Moslem district east of the air- port near the Borj Barajneh Palestinian refugee camp, they added, and security troops in armored cars drove off to si- lence them. It was the first direct attack on the airport in the seven- month Lebanese civil war, al- though stray bullets have landed there earlier,and four Arab ter- rorists shot it out with guards at the airport last month in a plane hijack attempt. THE TERMINAL has been jammed with foreigners fleeing Beirut since the fighting esca- See AMERICANS, Page 6 Bell's 23-yard run clinches win 28-21 By AL HRAPSKY Special To The Daily MINNEAPOLIS - In a heated battle for the Little Brown Jug, Michigan staved off a torrid Minnesota aerial attack to preserve a 28-21 victory here at Memorial Sta- dium yesterday before a sparse crowd of 31,191. Tailback Gordon Bell took a pitchout from quater- back Rick Leach and raced down the sidelines for 23 yards and a tie-breaking touchdown-capping a 38-yard drive- with 6:56 remaining in the game. MINNESOTA FAILED to move the ball on its next two pos- sessions and the Wolverines successfully ran out the clok on the AP Photo MICHIGAN'S GORDON BELL and Minnesota's Bobby Weber collide in mid-air in yesterday's Little Brown Jug game. Bell's 23-yard scoring scamper with seven minutes remaining in the game pro- vided the Wolverines' 28-21 winning margin. The leading rusher in the Big Ten, Bell gained 174 yards on 31 carries and scored twice. FROMME TRIAL: power running of fullback Rob Lytle. G o p h e r quarterback Tony Dungy, a native of Jackson, Mich., riddled a porous Maize and Blue secondary with 17 of 31 aerials for 198 yards, and two touchdowns. Coupled with sev- eral costly penalties, Michigan got the biggest scare of its Big Ten season. Dungy shattered the Minne- sota record for most touchdown passes in a single season with 10 so far this year. WOLVERINE Coach Bo Sch- embechler complained. bitterly about a fair catch interference penalty and two pass interfer- ence calls. "There was incompetence all around us today, and I don't mean either one of the teams," he said. "I don't care if you are from Minnesota or not, what went on today was unbelievable officiating. "Our aggressiveness was gone in the defensive secondary be- cause they kept calling interfer- ence against us." INNESOTA's Cal Stoll said, "We've learned to play with the big boys-now we have to learn how to beat them. This is one of the finest games I've ever had the privilege of coaching. "We had to gamble and the gambles usually paid off." After stopping Minnesota on its first series of downs, the Wolverines put together a 75- yard scoring drive with Rob Lytle going in from four yards out. But the Gophers came right back. WITH ABOUT five minutes left in the first period, Wolver- ine freshman defensive end Tom Seabron grazed Minnesota punter FrankrMosko, giving the Gophers a first down on their own 45. Dungy went right to work, See MINNESOTA, Page 8 Teach-inl starts today A three-day teach-in entitled "The Bicentennial Dilemma: Who's in Control" begins today with a series of speeches on the Kennedy and King assassina- tions. The teach-in, which will focus on intelligence operations, "core porate manipulation," and "police repression" has been totally organized by University students. HOWEVER, the event has no official connection with the Uni- versity, and the administration last week refused to confer mini-course status on the lec- ture series. Literary College Dean Billy Frye, head of the dean's office executive committee, argued that the teach-in "does not offer a balanced intellectual"ap- proach." Organizers of the event free- ly admit the teach-in's leftist perspective. ACCORDING to teach-in or- ganizers Marty Lee and Bar- bara Storper, a statement by Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) concerning the ability of the in- telligence network to impose "total tyranny" in the U. S. was largely responsible for the birth of the teach-in. The teach-in has attracted well - known radical lawyer William Kunstler and leftist philosopher Herbert Marcuse. See TEACH-IN, Page 6 Ford testimony taped WASHINGTON (UPI)-As television cameras recorded the extraordinary 19-minute scene, President Ford offered court-ordered sworn testi- mony yesterday for use at the trial of Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme-accused of trying to kill him nearly two months ago. The President's video-taped deposition was kept secret, but after the historic appearance in a third-floor conference room of the Executive Office Building next to the White House, Press Secretary Ron Nessen told reporters, "It was almost dry-legal, business-like and very low key." NESSEN SAID Ford was questioned only by defense attorney John Virga, who will be helping the 27-year-old Fromme present her case. 'She is scheduled to go on trial next Tuesday on charges of attempteing to shoot Ford from a crowd Sept. 5 outside the state capitol in Sacra- mento, Calif. U.S. District Judge Thomas MacBride, who ordered Ford to testify, flew in from California for the proceedings and said later the President's sworn deposition will not be made public unless used by the defense in the open court. "All I can tell you is that the President was very cooperative and we appreciate very much his giving us this time on a Saturday to help out in this case," MacBride said outside while chatting with reporters who were barred from the proceedings. ASKED IF he thought Ford's taped deposition would be used, the judge said: "We don't know. See FORD, Page 2 Swainson s fate undecided after 2 days of deliberation DETROIT (UPI)-The jury in the bribery conspiracy trial of state Supreme Court Justice John Swainson ended its second day of deliberation yesterday with no verdict, prolonging the ordeal that threatens his pro- fessional and political future. The seven men and five wom- en jurors, sequestered since the trial started Oct. 18, filed out of the jury room at 6 p.m., end- ing a full day of struggling with the complex legal questions raised in the eight-day federal court trial. AT MIDDAY the jury skipped its usual lunch break, and dur- ing the afternoon the panel filed into the courtroom to re- hear some evidence. But ob- servers said a verdict was not imminent. Federal Jdge Carl Rubin or- dered . the j'iry to return at 1 p.m. today. The late start allow- ed jurors to attend church ser- vices. But the strain on those per- sonally involved in the case started showing yesterday. SWAINSON, 50, a legless World War II hero and the state's last Democratic gover- nor, was indicted July 3 for bribery conspiracy and perjury, Co-defendant Harvey Wish, 45, a former Detroit bail bondsman, also was indicted for hribery consoiracy and illegal ise of interstate telephone lines. Swainson is accused of takina .00.400 from Wish in 1972 and 1973 to helo the high cov'rt aneal of convicted burglar John Whalen, an FBI informer at the time. Defense attorneys had honed for a speedy acquittal-which did not come. "The wait has given me the chrnce to renew acau'ainrances with manv friends, ' Swainson said with a labored smile. -Bit we're concerned as to whv the jury has been out this long." Daily Photo by SCOTT ECCKER Taking pen to paper When most students do that, it's in a blue book and the results are anything but a work of art. Such is not the case for this woman, an art stu dent, who took advantage of the little sun there was last week and did her homework on the Diag. $2.7 BILLION OFFERED: Beame turns d By AP and Reuter NEW YORK-New York's Mayor Abraham Beane has turned -4 own Arab loan leaders who sponsored the legislation said. But White Hoai nides ave non indication that President ::; <: