TEACH-IN The scalping at Jill ir 4l, - -Y - > THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL Field NewspaprSynic ~te. 1975 'Well, first you have to hit him between the eyes with it just to et hi ttention!' 10 Regina Brave Dixon will be speak- ing at 7:30 on Monday, November 3rd as part of the Teach-In. By JENNIE VANDERWALL IN THE WINTER of 1890, U.S. govern- ment forces brutally massacred nearly 300 Indian people, mainly women and children, who had surrendered all but one of their weapons. The site of the massacre was Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation, in South -Da- kota. In the winter of 1973, about 300 Indian people, most of them Oglala Sioux of the Pine Ridge Reservation, but with the support of over a hundred Indians from 75 different tribes, liberated Wounded Knee. This stand by Indians on Indian land for Indian rights was met by the U.S. government with armored personnel carriers, helicopters, high- powered rifles. and other Vietnam-era weapons. The IndependentrOglala Nation existed for 71 South Dakota winter days despite the government's blockade of food, water, health and medical equip- ment and a constant barrage of bullets. Many of the Oglala who participated in the liberation say that for those 71 days they felt free for the first time in their lives. Two men died in defense of that freedom-Apache Frank Clearwater and Oglala Buddy Lamont. THE INDIAN PEOPLE who took this stand were seeking to stop the forces of a 20th century massacre, a massacre more subtle than Custer's, but equally as effective. The facts of Indian life include the following: male life expect- ancy is 44.5 years; the suicide rate is 15 times the national average; the un- employment rate is nearly 90 per cent; school drop-out rate is 75 per cent; the average family income is $1000; and 95 per cent of reservation housing is sub- standard. The Oglala people of the Pine Ridge Reservation have had their land, money and freedom stolen. In fact, the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) has leased In- dian land without tribal approval to white ranchers for a fraction of its proper rental value. Illegal trades have been permitted to enter the reservation and overcharge residents who cannot afford to travel long distances for food and supplies. In 1973, grievances mounted with the fraudulent election of Dick Wison as Oglala tribal chairman. With BIA assistance, Wilson limited polling to difficult to reach places on the reserva- Ltion. In the months that followed Wil- son's victory, his opponents lost their jobs and suffered continual harassment. ON FEBRUARY 6, 1973, more than 100 Indians gathered at the Custer, South Dakota courthouse to consult with the local prosecutor and demonstrate against his 'failure to prosecute the white man who murdered Wesley Bad Heart Bull, an Oglala. Police attacked the demon- strators. Despite clear photographic evidence that the police initiated the incident, three Indians (including Wes- ley's mother Sarah) were convicted and 17 others indicted for their presence at the courthouse. Because of these grievances and their desire to protect their treaty rights, traditional people and long-time residents alone, over 40 Indian activists identified as having ties to AIM were arrested. An article by Richard LaCourse in Akwesasne Notes (early winter 1974) outlines the cooperative effort then qe- veloping between the BIA and the FBI. The information came directly from documents released by Attorney General William Saxbe during the Wounded Knee trials. From the FBI documents, La- Course listed as a goal of the FBI's, program against what it terms Indian "militants" to "have local police put leaders under close scrutiny and arrest "Despite clear photograph- ic evidence that the police initiated the incident, three Indians (including Wesley's mother Sarah) were convict- ed and 17 others indicted for their presence at the court- house." leaders on every possible charge until they can no longer make bail." DESPITE ALL THESE arrests, law and order has not come to Pine Ridge Reservation. According to Senator James Abourezk, the Reservation leads the nation in murder per capita. Last year, there were 23 unsolved murders on the Reservation, most of which went com- pletely uninvestigated. Since January 1975, there have been more than 18 murders and 68 assaults. In the first months of 1975, Indians were being mur- dered at the rate of one per week. By March it had jumped to two per week. All this averages out to a homicide rate that is six times that of Chicago. As former BIA superintendent Albert Trim- ble said, "The real victims of law and order on the Reservation are the full- blood Indians who are cycled and re- cycled through this damn jail for the most menial of violations. If you're a friend of Wilson's you can do any- thing." (The BIA removed Trimble early this year for expressing such views.) of Pine Ridge formed the Oglala Sioux Civil Rights Organization (OSCRO). OSCRO met at Wounded Knee on Feb- ruary 27, 1975. There they were sur- rounded by federal officers and the occupation began. In May the govern- ment finally agreed to negotiate the Indians' original demands, and the de- fenders of Wounded Knee allowed them- selves to be arrested. Over 400 people were eventually ar- Wounde rested because of Wounded Knee, and 317 were charged with federal offenses. The Wounded Knee Legal Defense/ Offense Committee was formed to assist those who took part in the liberation of Wounded Knee. Over two years, the government spent millions of dollars try- ing to convict these people. Over 80 cases were won on acquittal or dismissal by the court. However, no sooner does a defendant get acquitted or have his case dismissed (usually due to lack of evidence, illegal wiretaps or gross mis- conduct on the part of the government) than another indictment is handed down. Russell Means, a leader of the American Movement, who has himself been ar- rested numerous times and shot twice, says, "Since Wounded Knee '73, 1000 AIM members or supporters have been busted." In the month of October '75 The only case of violence on the Res- ervation which has occasioned much governmental concern was the' June 26 shooting in the town of Oglala, in which two FBI agents and one Indian man were shot to death. The deaths of the agents were originally described as resulting from an ambush and "execution-style" killings, with the bodies of the two riddled with bullets; later evidence proved this story to be false. However, a young Indian man, Jimmy Eagle, is being held on $250,000 bond for the shoot- ings. The sole evidence against him is the testimony of one of his cellmates, who supposedly overheard conversations in which Eagle described the June 26 events "in terms of we and they." In- terestingly, the story attributed to Eagle, while fitting the original FBI description of the incident, is also contradicted by the later evidence. Since June 26, FBI harassment has intensified on the South Dakota Indian Reservations, with agents now present at Pine Ridge, Rosebud and just recently at Mission, S. D. The FBI raids all follow a similar pattern, with agents being backed up by helicopters carrying jeeps. ONE OF THE most important demands enentioned in the agreements which ended the 1973 occupation of Wounded Knee called for a treaty commission to re-examine the 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty signed between the U.S. government and the Sioux Nation, which gave the Sioux control of their Reservation. Since the end of August, chiefs, headmen and their supporters from the Oglala Lakota Nation have been waiting in Washington, D.C., to see Gerald Ford about the Treaty and other issues of sovereignty on the Reservation. They have put up with the difficult climate, bureaucratic runarounds, serious financial problems and violent attacks on their family mem- bers on the Reservation. After more than six weeks, the larger delegation returned home to discuss the situation with the other members of the tribe (the tradi- tional way of taking direction from those governed) and left a core group of rep- resentatives who will continue to work to Knee see the President. As of yet, not only have they been unsuccessful in getting to see him, but there has been a complete mass media news black-out on their presence in Washington. IT IS EASY to speculate on the eco- nomic considerations which could be prompting Ford's unwillingness to meet with the Sioux representatives. In the 1868 Treaty, the victorous Sioux reserved to themselves all of what is now North and South Dakota, Montana and Wyom- ing, west of the Missouri River. In 1889, South Dakota became a state; the Sioux got 2.8 million acres originally, one third of the state, they managed to keep only about half of that over the next several years. Theft of Indian land did not stop with the end of westward expansions. In the 1940's, the large number of whites who had settled in the eastern part of the reservation now called Bennett, County lopped off the Reservation so they would not have to live on Indian land. On June 26, 1975, Tribal Chairman Dick Wilson ceded one eighth of the Reservation to the U.S. Department of Parks and Recreation, without . tribal approval or consent of the people. One half of the land which was given away was in the White Clay District, where the FBI shoot-out interestingly enough occurred on the same day. The U.S. "energy crisis" is having grave repercussions on the Indian chance for land rights. During the occupation of Wounded Knee, a group of corporations appeared before North Dakota's Water Commission, which granted leases on water from Lake Skakauea and the Missouri River. This is to be used for coal gassification plants, the first of which is to built by Concolidated Coal Comoany (owned by Continental Oil) at Rapid City, S.D. As to the environmental impact of coal gassification, a University of Arizona professor told a mining sym- posium that "the smoke doesn't bother anything but the Indians and a few sheep." Mining, timber and oil resources on all Indian reservations have attracted attention from big business as profit- making energy sources. REGINA BRAVE DIXON, who will be speaking at Hill Auditorium this Monday as part of the Ann Arbor Teach-In, was born and raised on the Pine Ridge Reservation. She took part in the Custer demonstration for equal justice in South Dakota, and was charged with arson as. a result of the police riot following that demonstration. A participant in the 1973 liberation of Wounded Knee, she is pres- entlv a member of the media committee of the Wounded Knee Legal Defense/ Offense Committee. Regina Brave Dixon says of the liberation, "We went into Wounded Knee together-men, women and children. We remained in Wounded Knee because we are a Nation fighting for survival in the 20th century." Jennie Vander wall is a member of the Wounded Knee Legal Defense. Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Saturday, November 1, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Participate In the Teach-In THE ANN ARBOR Teach-In offers t h e University community a unique opportunity to gain access to information o f t e n ignored by the media and classroom curricula. But more importantly, it p r o m i s e s to stimulate a long overdue discussion on American society, and the manner in which' it represses dissent. The purpose of a University is to ask questions about society which are not being asked by public offi- cials. In 1965 the University of Mich- igan introduced the teach-in concept to. focus attention upon the war in Vietnam. Teach-ins attempted to de- velop serious discussions concerning U.S. involvement in Vietnam in re- sponse to the barricade of lies and deception emanating from the White House, State Department, and Penta- gon. The Ann Arbor Teach-In, which begins on Sunday night, represents TODAY'S STAFF News: Gordon Atcheson, Mitch Dun- itz, Stephen Hersh, Cheryl Pilate, Cathy Reutter, Jeff Ristine Editorial Page: Marc Basson, Bruce Braverman, Debra Hurwitz, Tom Kettler, Robert Miller Arts Page: David Weinberg Photo Techniciarn: Ken Fink the end of an era as well as the be- ginning of a new period of activism, questioning, and dissent. Many of the issues and movements w h i c h grew out of the sixties-the anti-war move- ment, the women's, black, and Indian movements w i 11 be seriously ex- amined. The Teach-In will document the subversion of these movements which stemmed f r o m the govern- ment's denial of their cause of jus- tice and equality. RUT IF THIS is all that the Teach- In can do, it -will be a failure. Its general topics, "Assassination," "Cor- porate Manipulation," "Subversion of the Forces of Dissent," "Polce Repres- sion"' may lead to depression, not activism. The University community and the Teach-In speakers must face the challenge of technocracy and ask s i m p 1 y, "how can the situation change?" The speakers f e a t u r e d at the Teach-In, H e r b e r t Marcuse, Eqbal Ahmad, Frank Donner, Richard Bar- nett, Regina Brave Dixon, and David DuBois, to name a few, carry im- peccable credentials. The Daily once again expresses its disappointment with the Executive Committee for denying mini-course credit to the Teach-In and urges anyone interested in the future of American society to attend. F r 1 } Y 7 TEA C H-IN Hunting the Panthers: An FBI plot 4 ME IMPO$SI8LS IEAM ZOO David Du Bois will be speak- ing at 7:30 on Monday, Novem- ber 3rd as part of the Teach-In. By DAVID WEINBERG TUST BEFORE DAWN on the morning of December 5th, 1969, there came a knocking on Fred Hampton's door. Hampton, then leader of the Illinois Black Panther Party stirred heavily in his sleep, long enough per- haps to hear the first moments of the drama that ensued. "Police-open up!" came the flat shout, from others within the apartment came a brief flurry of motion, then a high coursing fear, as all suddenly realized that what was transpir- ing was to be not just a routine interaction with the police, but a raging battle. Fred Hampton died in that battle, as did one other mem- ber of the Black Panthers. Sev- eral others were wounded. Po- lice said at the time that they had come to the apartment to search for a cache of arms. Many people, no doubt, thought it was just one of numerous battles fought between police and radicals. But Black Panther Party spokesperson David Du Bois doesn't think so. Du Bois thinks that the death of Fred Hampton 7 and other similar occurences since then are part of a calcu- Letter To The Daily: BY NOW WE HOPE most of the campus is aware of the Teach-In which will take place on this campus next week. En- titled "The Bicentennial Dilem- ma: Who's in Control?" the conference, featuring over twen- lated FBI conspiracy to wipe out the Black Panther Party. "THERE'S A VICIOUSNESS against the Black Panthers," said Du Bois in a recent phone interview, "and it's not to be compared to any other group in the country, not the Socialist Workers or anyone. It is our belief that the Black Liberation movement has been the target of an organized conspiracy." On the telephone, Du Bois, stepson of historian and teacher E.B. Du Bois, maintains a re- strained and fluid tenor to his voice, but as he continues to sneak of the Party members that have died, of the damage done to the Party in 1969-70, one senses a chord of urgent intensity. "There has been a concerted effort to knock the party out.' By assassination, by infiltration, by money used to buy people off, and by provoked confronta- tions with the police," he as- serted. "We count twenty-six fallen comrades," he added, "or mar- tyrs that have fallen because of this." The Fred Hampton death, said Du Bois, was one such as- sassination. ~ "THAT RAID ON the apart- ment was long pre-planned. Hampton's bodyguard was a paid agent and a member of "'There has been a concerted effort to knock the Party out. By assassination, by infiltration, by money used to buy people off, and by pro- yoked confrontations with the police'." >..::;....i:">?sJ:w.m .} ? : :'." } the party at the time ... there wasn't any shootout. Every shot in the place was fired by the police except one. And Hampton never woke up - he couldn't wake up - some kind of drug had been used to knock him out," Du Bois said. And this was just one inci- dent in a season of attacks against the Black Panthers, Du Bois believes. "In L.A. four days later, the same kind of thing happened. The Party Headquar- Hampton it shows that the FBI was behind it," Du Bois stated. The Cointelpro documents, memos from J. Edgar Hoover released last summer, indicate that most of these operations were directed by the FBI from the White House. THOSE OPERATIONS had their toll on the Black Panther Party. As Du Bois maintains, "We were severely hurt by those years. For three and a And we've been getting requests -'Where is the Party? What's going on?'" More recently, Du Bois ac- knowledged, things have not been as bad for the Party, but he maintained that "subtle bru- tality" has persisted. In Du Bois' words, "The methods may have changed, but the goal is the same." He added, "Things are differ- ent now, and the Party is differ- ent. We don't have the same kind of harrassment, but we do have petty 'harassments and things like FBI inquiries into members and where they live. Evenain the case of Huey New- to ,lastyear where he was framed on a murder charge and had to leave the country." DAVID DU BOIS spent twelve years in Africa, 1959-72, in the countries of Ghana and Egypt, and recently published a novel based on his African experience entitled And Bid Him Sing. His appearance in this week's Teach-In will be of critical im- portance in assessing and bring- ing to light some of the more frightening and lesser - known realities of the Afro-American experience. David Weinberg is a Daily staff writer. ters was surrounded by 200 po- licemen. There was no provoca- tion and the comrades were or- dered to surrender and come out. In Omaha, Nebraska the headquarters was bombed and it's clear now that it was by police. In New Orleans the same thing happened and a few broth- ers were beaten almost to death. Not to mention the brothers who turned up dead," he added. "These were operations direc- ted by the local enforcement agencies, but in the case of half years since then, the Party has been cleaning itself, analyzing our circumstances." But now, after a long period of regrouping its forces, pulling in- ward, the Panthers seem at last to be moving outward again. "Many chapters were closed for an extended period of time," said Du Bois, "But for the past six months we've been working outward again, to the south and east and midwest. We just open- ed a new chapter in Chicago ... Professors praise Teach-In N% of dissent, behavior modifica- tion and mind control- This teach-in was put together entirely by students. It repre- sents, we think, a major event for the campus this year. The issues it touches on are critical ones for contemporary America, to ignore the questions they ask or the issues they touch. IN THIS LIGHT, we think it significant that the University has provided no assistance whatever to the Teach-In. Even the efforts to organize a mini- course around the Teach-In to be political aspects of the - Curriculum Committee's rejec- tion of the mini-course proposal, and by the Committee's insist- ence, as a requisite to approv- how to process information. WE SHARE THE belief that freedom of speech and freedom mann, William Aosenberg, Hen- ryk Skolemowski, Thomas Wers- kopf, Marilyn Young, Robin Ja- coby. Andre Mogdigliani, William Gamson, Zelda Gamson, Robert Weisbuch, Harold Livesay, Wal- ter Wilder, Charles Wolfson. Ti AN, . F,