See Editorial Page
A& A6P
4.Ait r t
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 51
Latest Deadline in the State
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 1, 1975
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Who's who?
People can always blame unflattering pictures
on bad lighting or an out-of-focus camera. But
when a University senior opened the envelope of
yearbook picture proofs from Root Studios and
found a black and white Great Dane staring at
him, he knew it wasn't the face he greeted in
the mirror every morning. Evidently, photos of
Gaites, the Theta Xi fraternity mascot, had been
mistakenly mailed to a somewhat insulted stu-
dent. Although Gaites will not be appearing in
the yearbook, "for $3, we'll take anyone's pic-
ture," said an 'Ensian spokesperson. Meanwhile,
Gaites' owners have yet to see the photos of
their canine buddy.
Trash trivia
It looks like Ann Arbor's garbage collection
business is really picking up. The City Council is
expected to approve the purchase of two new gar-
bage trucks at their next meeting Monday night.
The two vehicles will cost the taxpayers $74,000.
The new equipment was bought to replace worn
out and obsolete vehicles.
On the street
University Housing Council members are upset
that one of their group is representing a district
in which he no longer resides. Greg Higby was
elected last April as the representative for South
Quad and Fletcher Housing. He had already lost
his room in South Quad in the dorm lottery, how-
ever. Now he's up for impeachment in the Cen-
tral Student Judiciary (CSJ). Higby says he'll hap-
pily resign once he is vindicated by the CSJ.
Happenings .. .
.. ..are varied as a patchwork quilt today.
The American Friends Service committee will be
collecting sweaters for a charity shipment to Viet-
nam at Farmer's Market from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
... a six-hour workshop on effective speaking for
women will be held in rm. 2320, School of Edu-
cation starting at 9 a.m., the registration fee is
$5... a "Women's Recruitment Conference" de-
signed to attract more women into the legal pro-
fession will be held in the law quad, rm. 100
Hutchings Hall from 1 to 5 p.m. ... and starting
today, the Union Gallery is featuring work by Ed-
wina Drobny, Ralph Wolfe, Susan Crowell, and
Michael Hannum. Their exhibition will last through
Wet noodle
Are the Girl Scouts of America trying to tell
President Ford he should learn the alphabet? A
group of them presented Ford with a plaque full
of dry alphabet noodles last night. It was not an
advertisement for Campbell's soup but a model of
the Declaration of Independence that took 10 in-
dustrious Girl Scouts 60 hours to construct. The
plaque was the idea of one Girl Scout's mother
who said it came to her one night when she
was having difficulty sleeping. The Girl Scouts
used tweezers to place the 8,000 tiny, quarter-inch
high letters and punctuation marks.
Dog days
Americans are one big downer. Pollster George
Gallup reports that Americans have become so
pessimistic over the economic situation that the
nation seems to be heading for "its greatest crisis
of confidence" since the Great Depression. His
recently completed survey shows a "significant
decline in the way Americans view the quality
of their own lives and prospects for the future."
Another pollster, Peter Hart, says his surveys show
Americans have lost faith not only in the govern-
ment's economic policies, but also in both political
parties - with 57 per cent believing both Demo-
crats and Republicans "are more in fabor of
big business" than in workers.
Sweet dreams
Americans spend over $50 billion each year
on non-prescription sleeping and calming aids, but
the drugs' effects are weak and overuse is poten-
tially harmful, a panel of scientists says. The sci-
entists told a Senate small business panel that
televising advertising for the over the counter
sleep-aid drugs should be banned. The major sleep-
aid products cited were Sominex, Nytol, Quiet
World and Nervine. The scientists said the drugs,
estimated to be used by between five and 10
per cent of adult Americans, possibly can kill
if misused and pose a particular threat to the
mentally disturbed.
On the inside .. .
... .the Editorial Page features an article by
Jennie Vanderwahll, a member of the Wounded
Knee defense team, on Regina Brave Dixon . . . A
review of dinner theatre by Andrew Zerman high-
lights the Arts Page ... and Sports Page has a
preview of today's game with Minnesota.
Kissinger hito yrus memo
plan meaningless'
Several engineering students
yesterday tested their designs
for water balloon launchers on
the Diag by directing the tur-
gid projectiles into a garbage
can up to 60 yards away.
More than one spectator left
wet behind the ears.
FOUR groups competed for a
free meal offered by Pi Tau
Sigma, the mechanical engin-
eering societymwhichsponsored
such past favorites as the egg
drop and the beer lover's Le-
Mans contests. '
The winning machine was an
enormous slingshot built by En-
gineering juniors Sandy Blome
and John Majkowski. It con-
sisted of surgical tubing and a
plastic funnel fastened to . a
wooden frame.
"We fired off about 50 bal-
loons in the West Quad court-
yard" to test the device, said
Blome. "However, there wasn't
nearly as much wind then," he
THE winner's of last year's
egg drop, seniors Rick McCon-
kie and Tim Bell, entered a
miniature catapult in this year's
"We're going for an unpre-
cedented two in a row," said
Bell before the competition.
According to McConkie, the
See ENGIN, Page 8
From Wire Service Reports
tary of State Henry Kis-
singer offered the S e l e c t
House Intelligence Commit-
tee a compromise yesterday
over a subpoenaed Cyprus
memorandufxI, but the
chairman called it "a ri-
diculous proposition" a n d
"totally meaningless."
Chairman Otis Pike (D-
N.Y.) s a i d he personally
hopes the committee will
act next week to get full
House backing to enforce
the subpoena with a con-
tempt of Congress citation
or some other measure.
BUT PIKE said he did not
know whether the full House or
even the committee would press
the action against Kissinger,
and some committee members
seemed more concilitory and
voted to discuss matters further
with Kissinger behind closed
Kissinger saidthe offered to
tarn over to the committee
"verbatim text" from the mem-
orandum criticizing his decisions
on the Cyprus crisis last year
along with other material so
that the author would not be
But Pike said the committee
needs not only the advice Kis-
singer got during the Cyprus
crisis but the person he got it
"THAT WOULD he totally
meaningless," he said of Kis-
singer's offer. ". . . It is not
resoonsive to the subpoena.'
Kissinger told the public hear-
ing he cannot comply with its
snbooena for a secret State De-
partment policy memorandum
critical of U.S. policy in Cyprus.
"If we were to accede to that
reauest," he said, "we would
risk grave and perhaps irrepar-
able harm to the very mechan-
ism-the dissent channel-which
has been established to encour-
age officers within the depart-
ment to give me and my succes-
sors the hard, blunt and critical
comments we seek."
HE SAID some junior State
Department p o Ii c y planners
would stop expressing contro-
versial opinions if they could be
held up to hindsight scrutiny by
Daily Photo by ST EVE KAGAN
TWO JUNIORS in engineering demonstrate thei- water balloon-launching device which captured
the prize in yesterday's "Shoot the Moon" cont !st, sponsored by Pi Tau Sigma. Four entrants
competed for a free dinner by shooting the balloons into a garbage can tilted at a 45-degree
taiited by
glass in
Saline police are warning
trick-or-treaters to beware of
the most terrifying Halloween
monsters of them all-the ones
who add sharp objects to the
candy they distribute.
Potential injuries were avert-
ed Thursday night when a Sa-
line mother bit into a piece of
licorice her child had collected
on "Devil's Night" trick-or-treat-
ing and noticed broken glass.
The woman, who was not in-
jured, checked the child's other
candy and found broken glass,
pins and BBs.
child's friends' candy and dis-
covered more broken glass.
Police said yesterday that the
tainted candy, ,which was dis-
tributed in the Valley Circle
Drive apartment area, included
Blackjack licorice, Brach's pea-
nut butter candy and unmasked
brown caramel.
The authorities added that al-
though they have not anprehsnd-
ed a susoect, they believe only
"one or two" households in the
See GOODIES, Page 8
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Sw am1son
DETROIT (UPI)--Jurors weighing the fate of state Supreme
Court Justice John Swainson failed in all-day deliberations yester-
day to reach a verdict on the charges of bribery, conspiracy and
The only break during the deliberation was a jury request to
hear three taped conversations made by the FBI during its sur-
veillance of Swainson and a fellow defendant, Harvey Wish.
THE CONVERSATIONS were taped with the help of John
Whalen, a convicted burglar turned FBI informant, who was
"wired" with a tiny transmitter during several meetings with
Whalen brought Swainson, the first sitting justice to face
felony charges, into court after he told authorities he arranged a
$30,000 bribe in exchange for Swainson's help in obtaining a new
The jury began its deliberations at 8:30 a.m. and, except for
a lunch break, continued throughout the day. Then after a dinner
break, the jury went back to the jury room for another hour
before calling it quits for the night.
THE DELIBERATIONS are scheduled to resume this morning.
Swainson, 50, a World War II hero prominent in Michigan
politics for 20 years, paced the marble halls of the federal building
its central Detroit for much of time as he waited with lawyers,
newsmen, friends and other persons interested in the case.
panel approves
NYC loan proposal
om Wire Service Reports will default on its debts in 30 er opposition to helping the city
HINGTON - A second days unless it can raise money is expected when the legislation
ssional group yesterday quickly and some city officials reaches the floors of the Senate
ed huge government loan have warned collapse could an the House.
guarantees to keep New York
from financial collapse in the
face of President Ford's warn-
ing that he will veto any such
House Democrats planned to
attach the $7 billion authoriza-
tion bill,, approved by a bank-
ing subcommittee, to changes in
the bankruptcy laws Ford has
advocated to cope with an insol-
vent New York City. The finan-
cially beleaguered metropolis
come as early as the middle of
this month.
THE BILL also calls for cre-
ation of a four-year board of
federal officials to oversee the
city's financial affairs. The full
committee will act on the mea-
sure Monday.
New York's need for money
had been expected to receive a
sympathetic ear in the com-
mittee stage, but much strong-
Carlos holds power;
Franco death nearer
MADRID, Spain W)--Prince Juan Carlos de Borbon, armed
with authority but handicapped by history, began governing Spain
yesterday, as the nation's long-time leader Gen. Francisco Franco
slipped closer to death.
The nation was quiet and watchful as the 37-year-old prince,
Franco's designated heir for the past six years, performed his
first official duty by presiding at a four-hour cabinet session. The
Gtr mrket,,esnnnedmithone of its esetganins of the year.
Many congressional experts
have said there is little likeli-
hood the House will override a
presidential veto on aid for New
THE SENATE Banking Com-
mittee approved similar legis-
lation Thursday which would
provide $4 billion in loan guar-
antees for the city.
During debate in the banking
subcommittee, Rep. Richard
Kelly, (R- Fla.), pointed out
the bill would provide $2 billion
more in guaranteed loans than
New York Gov. Hugh Carey
said was needed. The subcom-
mittee staff said the $7 billion
maximum was more realistic.
"A billion here, a billion
there." replied Kelly, a critic of
casual government spending.
"First thing you know you've
got some real money."
AT THE White House, presi-
dential spokesman Ron Nessen
said the American people - in
next year's. election - will
Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
Ozone antic
Brandishing a copy of George Orwell's 1984, these funny folks participate in yesterday's annual
Ozone Parade. About a dozen cars and vans joined in the parade which meandered from the
stadium to the corner of South University and Forest Sts.
A pair of tombstones bathed in an eerie,
place throughout the past week. The fifty-cent
admission fees will go to the University Hospital