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September 04, 1975 - Image 61

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Michigan Daily, 1975-09-04

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Thursday, September 4, 1975


Page Three

Thursday, September 4, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY

Marijuana-easy, loose in Ann Arbor

First-time visitors to Ann Arbor and
those parental types who haven't drop-
ped in since Jonas Salk made headlines
in the University's Rackham Build-
ing tend to go weak-kneed and slack-
jawed when first exposed to a covey
of cannibis - consumers jauntily par-
taking in their favorite pastime. If
you look closely you can see the culture
shock spreading its verdant tones over
their middling-American, silently ma-
joritive faces.
"Good Lord Henry," Martha blurts.
"I think that boy over there by the
police car is smoking a marijuana ciga-
THE words trail off, and the new-
comers stand transfixed, waiting for
the authorities or religion or some-
While many will argue that at th
radio had its best years when shows
F.D.R. was in the White House Talkb.
and the Dodgers were in Brook- phone-
lyn, it is alive and quite well which
at the University. Manning the featur
airwaves 24-hours-a-day, 7-days- thing.
a-week from the cavernous OJE
depths of the Student Activities covers
Building basement, the Cam- statio
pus Broadcasting Network (CB- operat
N) operates a pair of stations the "r
endeavoring to satisfy even the wire s
most eccentric of auxal tastes. depart
The two stations, WCBN (89.5- revam
FM) and WRCN (650-AM) serve phasis
the dual purpose of educating C
and training students in broad- CB
casting skills and providing an counte
alternative to the relentlessly enly 1
commercial, jingle-ridden fare ti cl
which dominates most area ra- the U
dio stations. Cable

thing to purge the offenders of their
disdainful habit. But the strong arm
of the law is nowhere to be seen, and
the Lord seems to want no part of it
either. Professorial sorts amble past
the tokers without tweaking a nostril.-
The newcomers self-consciously take it
all in. Dissonance mounts within them
and finally yields to a profound realiz-
ation spring from some dark mental
crevice: "The don't call Ann Arbor
the Dope Capital of America for noth-
Though certainly by no means the
drug cultist's answer to Valhalla, Ann
Arbor is just about as close as you
can come to it in the continental U.S.
Drug busts do go down on a daily basis,
county and city lawmen devote an in-
timidating chunk of their budgets to
narcotics control, and career-minded

drug trafficers take pains to speak in
guarded tones, avoid transactions in
public places. -
But for the casual fancier of grass
and hash, toking privileges in Ann Ar-
bor are virtually unrestricted. Though
nobody ever accused the landed gentry
of Washtenaw County of being socially
enlightened, the University population
has traditionally injected community
norms with a progressive bent far ex-
ceeding that of mainstream America.
BY THE mid-60s marijuana use was
an accepted and still growing (if not
universal and officially condoned) fea-
ture of student lifestyles.
By 1970, students could smoke dope
in the dorms with little fear of harass-
ment, and they inhaled their new-
found freedom for all it was worth.
These were also boom times for LSD

and other hallucinogens, which lent a
colorful air to the campus setting never
before dreamed possible.
Every dorm had its own Big Dealer,
in which it took no small pride, and
rival dormers at a loss for conversa-
tion could always break the ice by dis-
cissing the quality and price (whole-
sale and retail) of the latest shipment
of dope to hit their respective domo-
ciles. The Zig-Zag Man had never had
it so good, and drugs of every variety
could be had on short notice. At one
point in the Fall of 1971, it was ru-
mored that the Mosher-Jordan snack
bar, Dirty Dick's, was throwing in a
complimentary hit of window-pane acid
with every eight-ounce serving of grape
Beyond the law but ever vulnerable
to shifts in social winds, tastes in chem-
tas tes.



lic Affairs programming Ojeda said RCN will probab-
e station includes such ly start playing a wider range
as the Women's Tour, of commercial music, while not
ack, a weekly half-hour completely abandoning their
-in show, and Snapshot, gold format.
offers five minute mini-
es on anything and every- RCN ALSO brings in about
$7000 a year in advertising reve-
nue, an important function be-
ae "a eakpBnt' atw cause CBN, due to its license as
n right now. He said the an educational station, is not
tion has degenerated into permitted to advertise. CBN
rip and read" reliance on may have a more dynamic pro-
service copy. He added the gramming concept, but RCN
evine copy.Headdedhin r ,helps to pay the bills.

A DOPE SMOKER tokes down with a bong, a pipe that deals a real wallop. It is considered to
be one of the most efficient ways to get stoned, as any dope smoker will attest to.
Health Service: Potentally
dangerous o Vour health

By PAUL HASKINS more, and I just was irascible
Limping gamely (how else?) enough to oblige him.
toward the Dial-A-Ride van I
began wondering what it was FINALLY,we make it to
my ankle had against me. Health Service, and I gingerly
Had I ever left it behind in stumbled out of the glorified
favor of some sturdier, better flower truck.
turned ankle? Nover. Was I the Once inside, things seemedI
type that would heap verbal to pick up as the two recep-1
abuse on it every time it gave tionists quickly processed me,,
me a bum steer? Heck no. gave me my file, stamped my
Could I be so uncaring a cur I. D. card, and sent me behind
as to smother it in a hot wool the yellow door into the medical
sock and high-top All-Stars clinic. The nurse at the desk po-
when all the other ankles were litely processed me, took my
out sunning themselves in the file, stamped my I.' D. card
summer breeze? Uh-uh. and asked me to sit down.
I didn't bother askying whyE
THEN why the hell did it the temperature in Health Ser-
have to get sprained every time vice is never under 120 degrees.
I came within fifty yards of a I would have said something but
basketball court? The damn I wanted to conserve my breath.a
thing's just no good, that's why. Maybe they find unconsciousj
I doesn't know just how soft it patients easier to deal with.

a ton and could have used a
shave. But she had a great
personality. "Okay," she chirp-
ed, "We're going to sit on the
table and lie real still and then
I'll take a couple of pictures
and we'll be alldone."
Sounds harmlessenough, I!
reckoned. I lay on the table and
watched down my nose in terror
as she put my heel where my
toes used to be. "Tell me if it'
hurts," she advised.
"Argh, off!" I compiled.
"That's good," she said smil-1
ing sweetly.
It was over in a few minutes.
She hauled me off the table and
left me leaning on a wall,dwhile
she punched my I. D. card onto
threeorfour forms.
THEN she sent me back down
See HEALTH, Page 7

"WE ARE programming tot
the esoteric and progressive ast
well as the familiar," said CBN
General Manager Ross Ojeda.
WCBN employs the "blockt
programming" format, offering
particular kinds of music at
various hours of the day. This E
ranges from light rock andl
country in the morning, to more3
progressive rock in the after-
noon. The sound shifts to rhythm
and blues when the sun goes
down, and jazz dominates after
While there is no accurate es-
timate of the station's listener-
ship, Ojeda thinks "each block
has its own substantial group
of listeners."
"You get people down here
who really feel that they haveI
something to offer, or some-
thing to say. And then you get
the people who want to do
things so that they can say theyf
did them."t
But most CBN people agree
that for anybody with thel
slightest interest in radio, thet
place is a goldmine.
"PEOPLE don't realize what's
of the public affairs staff.
down here," said Jenny French,
ONE programming concept t
at CBN which both Ojeda and,
Program Director Mark Lloyd
hope to expand is referred to as
"radiola." This is several con-
secutive hours of special inter-t
est shows, running the gamut
musicallysfrom classical, to big
band, folk, and "golden oldies."
Radiola occurred on Sundays!
last year, and the plan will ex-
pand to Saturdays as well. t
"We want to concentrate onc
perfecting the existing format
rather than changing it," said

tion p
ket h
hits o
new a

'tment is currenty oeng
iped, with more of an em-E
on local news coverage.
N's carrier current AM
erpart, WRCN is appar-
headed for more substan-
hanges. Broadcasting into
Jniversity dorms, and on
channel 8, RCN was
ed two years ago as an
t, tightly formatted sta-
playing almost exclusively
es gold".
times have changed, and
calls the solid gold for-
"a good one three years
but adds the local mar-
has been saturated with
of years past and that a
approach is needed.

Housing in Ann Arbor:

Dormitory life . ..
Dormitory living-it's what many incoming students look
forward to: anticipating the release from parental restraints,
the chance to go it alone, and the opportunity to intermingle
with others in the same situation.
Whatever dorm Ife specifically means for the many students
that exist in this milieu, it is certain that it serves as a primary
introducton to the Unversty settng, offerng a variety of pain
and pleasures.
In the fall, carloads of portable families loaded down with
luggage transport their college-bound sons and daughters to
the dormitories which will swallow up its new residents as
soon as all the goodbyes are said.
Replete with memories of hell-raising orientation parties
and new-found friends, this horde of students enters the resi-
dence halls with an eager enthusiasm that helps soften the
blow of sudden isolation. Rediscovering summer acquaintances
and re-exploring local hangs, they live it up again for a few
days. But frivolity cannot go on forever, andthedormitories
take on a different atmosphere as the academic year begins.
The University boasts 11 of what it calls "traditional resi-
dence halls," to diferentiate them from its specialized all male
or all female residences. The dorms are all coed, except for
three exclusively female halls that have earned handy little
sobriquets like "The Virgin Vaut."
See 'U', Page 6

... and off-campus
It's no secret that the Ann Arbor rental market is one of the
most exorbitantly priced in the state. Furthermore. it's also
common knowledge that many of the city's landlords are not
the amiable, student-loving proprietors they would have you
Students in Ann Arbor are a captive audience, and many
of the city's landlords exploit that advantage to the hilt.
"WHERE ELSE are students going to go?" asks Irene
Kievat, senior market analyst for the Michigan State Housing
Development authority (MSHDA). "If you're a landlord, you
can put four people in an apartment and charge $300 a month."
The high cost of living and steep property taxes in Ann
Arbor, coupled with a supply of off-campus student housing that
doesn't approach the area's growing demand, are the primary
reasons why renting in the city has become so painfully expen-
sive, says Off-Campus Housing Director Peter Schoch. And
until the supply increases, Schoch sees no respite from growing
rental costs in sight.
"Right now, vacancies in student housing areas is under
three per cent," says Schoch, "which is a very unhealthy
condition for the consumer. What we need more than anything
else here are additional housing units."
See GOOD, Page 6

Ojeda said one of the "hidden
fruits" of CBN is its steady
stream of graduates to local
commercial stations such as
ironically, the station which is
now its chief competitor, WIQB.
FM Program Director Lloyd
emphasizes the quality of the
two stations is limited only by
the creative energies of the stu-
dents working there, which num-
bered over 270 during the past
"There is always the oppor-
tunity to learn," said Lloyd.
"Being 24 hours a day, seven
days a week, that's a lot of air-
time to fill," he concluded.

DISC JOCKEY Michael Nastos is shown here kicking out
the jams over the airwaves of WCBN-FM. The Campus
Broadcasting Network, located in the basement of the Stu-
dent Activities Building, operates 24 hours-a-day.

has it, and I'd ditch it in a sec-
ond if I thought my sole would
let me get away with it. r
Anyhow, this latest twist ofg
foot hadidefinitely cooleddour
relationship, and I was deadt
set on ignoring the matter com-i
pletely until the morning after,I
when I noticed that, much to .
my dismay, that olde-ankle-o'-
mine had suddenly become ther
Ankle that Ate Tokyo, completeG
with the shape and hue of last
year's cantalope. The itch to
seek outside advice became toos
much as an unholy pain sent'
visions of empirin dancing<
through my head. So it was that
the affable Dial-A-Rider got
stuck with a none too affable
passenger who'd added Health,
Service and unnecessary aggra-
vation to his appointed rounds.
"Have an accident?" asked
the wheelman as he madly1
lurched us into Washtenaw traf-
fic. "No thanks, just had one," r
I snapped, in no mood to be or-
iginal I
He WAS the kind of guy whoj
would laugh and say "Good
one." after you put gunpowder
into his bong. A glutton for
"How'd it happen?" he quer-
ied, undaunted and painfully
"I don't know. I was walk-
in' down the street, minding

I WAS just getting into a
racey short in "Urology Di-
gest" when my name greeted
me. T looked up to see a doc-
tor, my file in hand, deftly slid-
ing a copy of "Wrestling
Heroes" into his back pocket.
As I stood up, a big knowing,
senile broke across his face. The
nurse turned the corner and
we got down to business.
I sat down, took off my sneak-
er, and unwrapned the Ace.
bandage from my foot. The
doctor expertly deposited my
shoe near an open window and
asked for my I.D. card. t
"327-50-7460-4," he m u s e d,
raising the lever to stamp it.
"My friends call me '327 for
short," I offered.
A VAGUE smile crossed his,
face and quickly disappeared.
"Well now," he cleared his
throat, in full command. "First
off, I want you to take a walk
down to the end of the hall."
"Why's hat, Doc?" I balked.
"You want me to prove that4
it hurts?"
"NO ,actirinlly I want von to
register with the cashier."
I obligingly trudged off,
watched my I. D. go throughI
another beating, and returned.
"Okay," said the doctor. "I
thikv n t htr. an nnstairs for

UGLI comes to the rescue
when you need it most

You probably learned the routine long ago.
The instructor casually assigns a ten-page
report, worth about one-fourth of your final
gr ade. You spend quite a bit of time trying
to pick an appropriate research topic which
is, of course, original, important and about
as exciting as a pile of sawdust. Then you
let the project slide until the weekend before
it's due.
WHEN YOU can no longer afford to put off
the assignment, you finally take notebook and
pencil in hand and head reluctantly toward
the nearest library. The card catalog lists
dozens of books (most are gone) in your se-
lected area of investigation and you pick
three or four to plagarize. The library has
saved you again.
You'll probably be pleased to know you can
continue this somewhat shady tradition here
at the University - and come out of it as
guilt-free as you did in high school. The many
campus libraries store innumerable volumes
on everything from aardvarks to zymurgy,
and your little yellow ID card lets you bor-
rowm anv of them for weeks at a time. You

graduate Library," as it is officially desig-
nated, is located between the central Diag
region and the West Engineering Arch and
offers all the comforts of a Mercury space
THE NOISE level in the UGLI is not unlike
that of Echo Canyon. Its tiled floors cry for
a carpet with every step and, more than
once, you'll find yourself sitting next to three
or four persons shamelessly chatting the
latest drivel in tones rarely, if ever, ap-
proaching a whisper. The murky duplication
machines can be heard from almost any-
where - whoever constructed the sound-
proof rooms on the second floor should be
sued for breach of contract.
But despite its many shortcomings, the
UGLI can probably get you through your
term paper. Besides its rows and rows of
books, the Undergraduate Library has easy-
to-get-to back issues of dozens of popular
magazines. There's also a collection of the
latest newspapers, possibly including your
hometown journal, on the ground floor near
the main lobby.
If you prefer plastic to newsprint, try the


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