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October 31, 1975 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-31

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Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Teach-In:App roaching

Friday, October 31, 1975

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

Ford fiddles, NYC burns

PRESIDENT FORD'S continued in-
transigence in 'refusing to help
New York City climb out of its fi-
nancial pit demonstrates once again
his ridiculously arcaic fiscal beliefs
and a general short sightedness in
confronting this major problem.
"Why should all the working peo-
ple of this country be forced to res-
cue those who bankrolled New York
City's policies for so long -- the large
investors and big banks," Ford asked
rhetorically in addressing the Na-
tional Press Club.
Although Ford has asked Congress
to ensure that the Big Apple will con-
tinue to have police and fire protec-
tion should the municiple govern-
ment be forced to declare insolvency,
this represents nothing more than a
stop-gap approach that will do little
good in the long run.
For some reason -be it bad advise
or just plain stubborness-Ford fails
to recognize the importance of New
York City's financial well-being to
the rest of the country and indeed
the rest of the world.
WHAT GOES ON in NYC has a "rip-
ple effect" on money games
played from Peoria to Paris and
Perth. Ford, however, has ignored or
News: Steve Hersh, Lois Josimovich,
Ann Marie Lipinski, Ken Parsigian,
Curt Smith
Editorial Page: Paul Haskins, Annette
Higby, Debra Hurwitz, Doc Kralik,
John Pansius, Tom Stevens
Arts Page: David Blomquist
Photo Technician: Scott Eccker

rejected that notion - a step taken
with potentially grave results.
Of course, New Yorc City has once
avoided default thanks to an elev-
enth-hour commitment from the
city's teachers' union but that assist-
ance only temporarily bailed out the
big town.
The basic instability still remains
and will undoubtedly come to a head
again - quite possibly within several
Unfortunately, Ford has not used
this lull in the crisis to reconsider his
dangerous policy and recast it as one
that better meets the widesweeping
nature of the problem.
The President should be concerned
with developing a battle plan that
will allow New York City to continue
operating as normally as possible --
not with forcing it to wallow in a
fiscal mess as punishment for alleg-
edly reckless spending.
IN ADDITION, FORD argued that
the management in New York
is unique in America. If he means
that New York is the only commun-
ity with a five foot two inch Jewish
mayor, he may be right. But money
woes are not confined to NYC.
Many cities face difficult finan-
cial times, and although not now as
crucial as New York's, they may be
in time.
And the president, whoever it may
be, in conjunction with the rest of
the federal government must be
ready. Somehow, it seems Ford's ans-
wer just won't do -- and as a result
it will be the American people who
will have to pay.

"There was truth and there
was untruth, and if you clung
to the truth even against the
whole world, you were not
mad."-George Orwell.
RANK CHURCH, chairperson
of the Senate Select Com-
mittee probing the Intelligence
Community, said in a recent
television interview that the In-
telligence Network has the tech-
nological capacity to impose
"total tyranny". in the United
States. Victor Marchetti, the
long-time CIA agent who rose
to the position of assistant to
the deputy director of that or-
ganization, claimsthat the pow-
er of the intelligence complex
is such that in this country 1984
is more reality than a predic-
It is the implicit urgency of
these two statements that has
motivated a group of students at
the University of Michigan to
organize a large-scale Teach-in
entitled "The Bicentennial Di-
lemma: Who's In Control?"
which will take place Nov. 2,
3 and 4 in Hill Auditorium.
In 1969 Jim Garrison, former
district attorney from New Or-
leans, announced at a press con-
ference the results of his invest-
igation into the assassination of
President Kennedy. The CIA and,
organized crime, according to
Garrison, were jointly involved
in the assassination. The press,
not surprisingly, reacted to
Garrison's remarks with a jeer-
mg disbelief.
Few accepted the idea that
the CIA was involved in opera-
tions directed against targets
within the U.S. And to suggest,
as Garrison did, that the CIA
and the Mafia collaborated on
projects of mutual self-interest,

was, for many, preposterous.
Such were the attitudes of the
pre-Watergate era.
and the recent revelations about
the CIA have brought Ameri-
cans one step closer to recog-
nizing the terrible truth about
what happened in Dallas on
Nov. 22, 1963: that the assassina-
tion of John F. Kennedy was not
the work of one lone nut, but
was a political act withndefinite
political consequences. John
Kennedy's last executive order
as President to withdraw 1,500
of the 4,000 American "advisors"
from Vietnam. Kennedy's ex-
pressed intention was to have
all Americans out of Vietnam by
1965. President Johnson's first
order was to reverse Kennedy's
policy and to send more troops.
Garrison described the Ken-
nedy assassination as a coup
d'etat. How do we begin to un-
derstand what happened? Under
the impact of advanced technol-
ogy, extra-constitutional institu-
tions have altered the funda-
mental operation of the govern-
ment. These institutions are
without public accountability -
the multinational corporations,
the Intelligence Network, organ-
ized crime and crime unions.
This "Invisible Government,"
no longer subject to traditional
legal boundaries, has neutered
the power of the Presidency, the
Congress and the Courts. The
assassination of President Ken-
nedy can be seen as a symbolic
turning point, a metaphor for
this transferal of power.
assassination of President Ken-
nedy as an example of "the
chickens coming home to roost."
Franz Fanon, the great black
revolutionary theoretician, spoke
about a "final phase" of vio-

lence that inevitably accompan-
ies the process of de-coloniali-
zation; a phase' of violence that
occurs when the imperial forces
of the Mother country are blunt-
ed in the field, as was the case
with the United States in Viet-
nam. These forces, according to
Fanon, would then turn around
and run back into the Mother
country and create the same
structures of violence and op-
pression that the Mother country
had hoped to export, but whose
efforts instead were frustrated
by an insurgent people.
"Whereas previously
the CIA has been en-
gaged in covert para-
in i l i t a r y operations
abroad, the a g e n c y
now actively trains do-
inestic police forces,
including the SWAT
units and red squads."
Thus, in the United States
there has arisen a police-indus-
trial complex which stretches
all over the globe. The protest-
ers during the 60's coined the
slogan "Bringing the War back
home." The war has now been
brought home. It has been
brought home in ways more di-
rect and powerful than most
Americans realize.
Whereas previously the CIA
has been engaged in covert
para-military operations abroad,
now the CIA actively trains po-
lice forces in the U.S. The
SWAT units, Red Squads, Bu-

reau of Special Services, or to
bring it even closer to home,
the Special Anti-Terrorist Unit
now operating in southeastern
Michigan - all are trained by
the CIA; they use methods and
tactics perfected by the CIA
in the Third World, and are
often staffed by ex-CIA person-
nel. And we are told that the
CIA has terminated all domes-
tic operations.
EX-CIA agent - turned - exile
Philip Agee describes in his
book, Inside the Company: CIA
Diary, a typical CIA dirty trick
maneuver. CIA operatives would
bomb a police station in a small
Latin American village and then
publish a falsified letter signed
by local leftist leaders claiming
responsibility for the action. A
severe crackdown would soon
But are these dirty tricks lim-
ited to operations abroad? At
a press conference on August
22, 1975, FBI agent Wayne Lew-
is admitted that he was be-
ing groomed by Special FBI
Agent Donald Grey (brother of
former FBI director L. Patrick
Grey) to assume the -position
of leader of the SLA, after the
police eliminated Donald De-
freeze aka "Field Marshall Cin-
que"), according to Lewis, was
an informant for the Los An-
geles police department deem-
ed "expendable" by the authori-
ties. Having produced FBI docu-
ments signed by' director Clar-
ence Kelly, Lewis also stated
that one of Patty Hearst's kid-
nappers, a man named L.R.
Moody, was subsequently em-
ployed by the FBI in Colorado.
THE SLA scenario reeked of
something peculiar from the
outset. There is much evidence
pointing to unusual connections

between the intelligence network
and terrorism in the United
States of which the public is
not aware. One purpose of the
Teach-In is to go beyond the
daily headlines and explore
what the established media has
not probed.
The Teach-In will focus on
the theme of technology, re-
pression, and resistance to re-
pressive techniques. Techno-ty-
ranny is overwhelming in its
outreach and affliction. A suave
technology innoculates human
beings against comprehension.
Outright violence is not always
necessary: the repetitive tech-
nique of the 6:30 news engen-
ders a pathetic ."quietism"
which immobilizes our consci-
ence and violates our humanity.
Twenty-nine nationally known
speakers will examine various
aspects of the technique, struc-
ture and targets of technofas-
cism - the way those in pow-
er control and manipulate the
population. Areas that will be
covered include: physical tech-
niques of human control (police
repression, surveillance and da-
taveillance, assassinations, sub-
version of the forces of dissent,
corporate manipulation) and
psychological techniques of hu-
man control (behavior modifica-
tion, psychological warfare, ad-
vertising, psychosurgery, etc.)
"Enlighten the people generally,
and tyranny and oppressions of
body and mind will vanish like
evil spirits at the dawn of day."
Awareness of our situation is a
pre-requisite for action. Hence
the Teach-In. Let us come to-
gether and experience the fra-
ternity of our concern.
Marty Lee and Barbara Stor-
per are members of the Teach-
In Staff.

Energy figures in cost of appliances

TE'E sIDNT W 'h~\\sx\\x\\.x.\.A \\\\\\\x.
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to buy a refrigerator. You
look in the paper, and you see
that one costs $150 and anoth-
er costs $200. You decided to
buy the one that costs $150,
right? Quite possibly wrong.
There may be some obvious
reasons. For example, the sizes
may be drastically different.
But you won't know which one
is the best buy unless you know
an important piece of informa-
tion: how much energy will the
refrigerators use over their
lifetime and how much will that
energy cost you.
The fact is that the cheaper
make may be poorly made, in-
adequately insulated, or under-
powered. So, just as it makes
sense to look at the miles per
gallon of a car before buying
it, it also makes sense to look

at the energy consumption of
an appliance.
BUT HOW CAN you find out?
If you go to a store and ex-
amine the appliances, you won't
have a clueas to how much
energy they use.
PIRGIM is working to try to
solve the problem by supporting
a bill in the Michigan legisla-
ture to require energy effic-
iency labeling of appliances.
Voluntary standards are pre-
sently being developed by the
federal government for energy
efficiency labeling. Manufac-
turers have been asked to label
their appliances as specifica-
tions are developed. Obviously,
the temptation is to label effic-
ient appliances and leave the
other ones blank - and we
don't think that's adequate.
Rep. Edgar A. Geerlings (R-
Muskegon) and the Public Ser-

vice Commission drew up a bill,
later revised by PIRGIM in
conjunction with the office of
Rep. H. Lynn Jondahl (D-East
Lansing), to provide for man-
datoryappliance labeling in
Under the revised bill, as
soon as a federal specification
is drawn up, all appliances sold
in Michigan would be required
to conform to it.
THUS, WHEN YOU looked at
appliances in a store, you could
compare them by looking at
estimated actual usage as well
as a comparative index known
as the Energy Efficiency Ra-
tion (EER), which rates com-
parable appliances.
We are hopeful that the pas-
sage of such a law in Michigan
and in several other states will
force manufacturers, in the in-
terests of efficiency, to simply
label all their appliances at the,
factory, or, failing that, to stim-
ulate the passage of a manda-
tory federal labeling law.
Besides the labeling require-
ment, the Michigan bill will let
the Public Service Commission
enforce the law and require
utilities to provide more infor-
mation about energy costs.
The bill passed the house in
June by a vote of 95-5 and is
now in the Senate Committee
on Agriculture and Consumer
Affairs; we hope to see it pass
the Senate this fall and receive
the Governor's signature.
The appliance labeling bill is
one step toward gaining better

control of excessive energy con-
sumption. It is designed to let
you, the consumer, have a di-
rect input on the market sys-
which use less energy and use
energy more wisely, you will
be saving money in the long
run for yourself. And at the
same time, you will be helping
to conserve energy and to di-
rect the society's priorities to-
wards a more rational, less
energy - intensive way of life.

is currently supporting to en-
courage voluntary consumer ac-
tion do not succeed in perma-
nently reducing the excessive
energy growth rate c& our so-
ciety and our wasteful practices,
more drastic steps will be in-
evitable. These are sure to in-
clude legal prohibitions on cer-
tain appliances and limits on
energy use.
the infringement on choice and
the legal bureaucracy that such
laws would impose, but to do

"If energy and the other energy-saving mea-
sures PIRGIM is currently supporting to en-
courage voluntary consumer action do not suc-
ceed in permanently reducing the excessive
growth rate of our society and our wasteful
practices, more drastic steps will be inevitable."

LU' bureaucracy
Stifles students

You get the feeling that he's a slow learner?'
The following is the schedule for the Teach-In which will take place November
2-4 at Hill Auditorium. The Teach-In is entitled, "The Bicentennial Dilemma:
Who's in Control?"

Sunday, Nov. 2
Assassinations-7:30 p.m.
Mark Lane, director, Citizens' Com-
mission of Inquiry.
Donald Freed, Campaign for Demo-
cratic Freedoms.
Robert Katz, Assassination Informa-
tion Bureau.
Monday, Nov. 3.
Corporate Manipulation-
10:00 am
Richard Barnet, author of "Global
William Domhoff, author of "Higher
Sidney Lens, editor, "Liberation"
Subversion of the Forces
of Dissent-1:30 p.m.
Carl Ogelsby, former national presi-
dent, SDS.
Syd Stapleton, National Secretary, Po-
litical Rights Defense Fund.
Donald Freed

Committee for a Fifth Estate.
Jon Frappier, North American Con-
gress on Latin America.
Regina Brave Dixon, Wounded
Knee Legal Defense/Offense Com-
David DuBois
Tuesday, Nov. 4
Margaret van Houten, Fifth Estate.
Surveillance and Data-
veillance-10:00 a.m.
Chuck Morgan, Washington Director,
Frank Donner, ACLU Project on Po-
litical Surveillance.
Mind Control-1:30 p.m.
Blanch Cook, Professor of History,
John Jay College of Criminal Jus-
Steve Chorover, Professor of Psy-
chology, MIT.
Dan Georgakas, author, "Violence in
the City."
Beverly Moore, editor, "Class Action
Looking Towards the

that certain top officials at
this university don't like me.
But now that I've met these
people in person I'm sure of it.
And the only thing that keeps
me from feeling terribly hurt
when I find myself constantly
insulted and humiliated by these
people is the understanding that
their dislike for me merely re-
flects their disregard for the
student body in general.
Last Thursday, I bumped into
LS&A-SG President Amy Berlin
and we compared notes on our
consecutive meetings with LS&A
Dean Billy Frye and his execu-
tive committee. I was invited
to speak to the Executive Com-
mittee along with Professor Ro-
senburg on behalf of the LS&A
Teach-In mini-course. At the
onset of the meeting Dean Frye
informed us that the committee
would make no decision on the
matter because the proposal had
not been recommended one way
or the other by the Cirriculum
ior high when trying to answer
test questions devised to trick
us, I explained that this was
not my understanding, and was
chided by Dean Frye for "not
listening" during our conversa-
tion the week before.
If such pains were taken to
assure that our mini-course pre-
sentation would make no more
headway than the last gasp
pleas of a sinking ship's crew,
imagine how the bureaucrats
received LSA-SG when they
showed up with their many com-
plaints and proposals.
In that encounter, Amy Ber-

make it easy for us to change
things at this university. And
it's not very likely that they'll
turn to us and ask us what we
think before they change things
around here.
At the last SGC meeting,
when heated debate threatened
to destroy the commitment to
common goals that had kept this
council working together, Amy
Berlin reminded us that deal-
ing with people like Billy Frye
is frustration enough without
the added grief of internal bick-
The care LSA offices took to
let this mini-course die by frus-
tration, rather than simply de-
feat it, may be a reflection of
their concern that students are
getting together on this cam-
pus. When the members of SGC
can develop a motion that pass-
es unanimously after two hours
of debate; when real dialogue
is developing between the vari-
ous school and college govern-
ments and SGC. When SGC and
LS&A begin to support each oth-
er in efforts to secure more real
control of university decisions,
when university administration
begins to hear the student gov-
ernments speaking on behalf of
all ofathe important student is-
sues and organizations - these
are visible signs of a change
in the shape of student action
at the university.
usual disregard the administra-
tion has for the students turns
to concern.
More signs could be a big
turnout for the mini-course lec-
tures and the teach-in, an ef-
fective letter writing campaign
to the regents to institute the

13Bev Moore: D esigns of a
radical capitalist visionar r
By DAVID GARFINKLE tan area. The procedure currently used in-
volves public hearings and eventual accep-
BEVERLY MOORE, a Washington .C.- tance or rejection of proposed sites.
based lawyer, will talk at the Ann Arbor "Let them put it right on the balance
Teach-in Tuesday afternoon. His topic is "Con- sheet" is Moore's suggestion. He would like
tent Analysis of Television Commercials." corporate interests to be held economically
Moore graduated from Harvard Law School accountable for environmental damage caused
in 1970 and worked from then until 1974 un- by their actions. In the case of the utilities
der Ralph Nader on a study titled "Food Ad- company, he suggested that the environmental
vertising and Nutrition Projection." Last year, cost might be estimated at $1,000 per year
he left Nader and became editor and pub- if the plant were located in the desert, but
lisher of "Class Action Reports," a legal peri- $10 'million per year if the plant were lo- -
odical which focuses on class action law-suits. cated downtown. It's easy to see how Moore's
He is also presently involved in the comple- proposal could restructure corporate thinking.
tion of the Nader study and a developing MOORE'S AREA OF EXPERTISE is
"class-action" lobbying organization. manufactured food, although here the princi-
"I'm going to talk about how advertising ple is more difficult to illustrate. If high-
manipulates and encouages people to buy cholesterol, high-sugar foods damage the con-
: products that give them less value than other sumer's health, he contends, then this cost
products they might buy if they had different should be incorporated into the price of the
information," he said. "Advertising is some- food. He would like to see liabilities imposed
thing everyone takes for granted, but it's on the industry, pro-rated for each food. The
very effective. You're talking about a couple funds acquired might be put into a national
hundred billion dollars worth of goods sold health insurance program.
every year." Moore was part of the anti-war movement
in the 1960's and continues to see himself

It requires long - range plan-
ning and foresight to spend
some extra money now to save
money in the future-or on the
other end of the spectrum to
avoid buying the fanciest ma-
chine, which may have much
more power than one needs.
While we are optimistic that
people are willing to take the
time and effort to make deci-
sions that are both in their in-
terests and in the society's, we
may be wrong.
If energy labeling and other en-
ergy-saving measures PIRGIM

that requires action by you, the
consumer, and laws such as the
Appliance Labeling Act to give
the consumer needed informa-
tion. We're trying to produce
good public choices without ex-
cessive legal restrictions - but
it's up to all of us to make
that approach work.
Richard Conlin is a PIRGIM
staff member. PIRGIM Reports
is a column provided to can pus
news papers, to inform studet
constiltency on the effects of
PIRGIM's t eork e t



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