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October 31, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-31

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See Editorial Page



:43 tj

See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 50

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 31, 1975

Ten i

'ents Twelve Pages

A' Abo.M.hianFiay,-Ocober 31 1G975 .


Moon shots
Today's your chance to "Shoot the Moon" with
a water-filled balloon. Pi Tau Sigma, the mechan-
ical engineering honorary society, sponsors the
contest at noon on the Diag. The contests "tests
your ability to design a contraption that will toss
a water balloon into a target at various increas-
ing distances." The target will be a garbage can
at a 45 degree angle. The shooting device must
be built with materials costing less than $10. For
further information call 764-3635, or 994-0252.
Spring fever
If you can make it through Ann Arbor's bleak
winter, you're in for a gorgeous spring. The Hague
Philharmonic, the City of the Hague, and the Hol-
land Flower Bulb industry have given 4,800 hya-
cinth bulbs to the University. Beds are now be-
ing prepared on the mall along South Ingalls
Street between the Michigan League and Hill Aud.
The bulbs are half blue and half white, and guess
what color tulips are planned for the beds? Red-
"so we will have an appropriate floral display
in red, white, and blue for the Bicentennial," says
Kenneth Wanty, University landscape architect
and grounds manager.
Jobless blacks
"White people in the U. S. have been able to
live with high unemployment because unemploy-
ment is primarily a black problem," says Uni-
versity law prof. Harry Edwards. Edwards, speak-
ing on civil liberties and civil rights at the Univer-
sity of Illinois, said yesterday that equal employ-
ment gains of the past decade are in danger of
being lost due to the recession of the 1970's, Ed-
wards, an authority on labor law, is on leave from
the University this year while teaching at Har-
vard. "The level of tolerance for mistakes by
blacks on the job is often very low," the black
prof said.
Happenings .. .
. . better pick up your bag and hit the trick
or treat trail, since not much else is happening
today. At noon Art and Natalie Warner talk on
"Pre-School Education in Chile Today" in Rm.
2232 School of Education . . . also at noon Vice
President for Student Services Henry Johnson
talks about "Liberation for Whom?" at the Guild
House, 802 Monroe . . . and this is the first day to
sign up for openings on University Housing Council
in the'SGC offices on the third floor, Union . . .
Happy Halloween.
Shalom, Sadat
President Ford's got his heads of state mixed
up. At the end of a banquet given in his honor by
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, Ford called Sa-
dat the president of Israel. After ignoring a pre-
pared text, Ford ended a rather eloquently ad
libbed tribute to Sadat by asking the guests at
Sadat's dinner to join him in "a toast to the presi-
dent of Israel." Excuse me, Egypt," he hastily
added as an audible gasp was heard throughout
the room.
Elephant jokes
A siren so'nded, and baby elephant Irene dashed

Court u
The State Supreme Court Wednesday upheld
the autonomy of state-funded universities over
their budgets and programs.
The court ruled that the suit's plaintiffs - the
University of Michigan, Wayne State, and Michi-
gan State - must keep the legislature and State
Board of Education informed of their programs
and building plans, but do not need their ap-
"WE WERE very pleased about the, deci-
sion," said University President Robben Flem-
ing. "We never objected to their giving their
point of view, but we always insisted that we
weren't bound by the state board or legislature
and they always insisted we were."
The eight-year-old test case originated as a
1967 suit by the three universities testing the


holds university a
State need not OK allocations

state constitution's mandate that the State Board money from some other source, have to report
must approve any new University programs. information to the state or get their approval?' "-
The initial 1971 decision and a 1973 Court of University General Counsel Roderick Daane
Appeals ruling upheld the universities' rights to refused to comment on the decision last night,
make autonomous program and policy decisions, saying the three universities would issue a joint
statement sometime today.
THE COURT ruling also gave the universities University Vice-President Dick Kennedy shared
the autonomy to determine projects not funded President Fleming's enthusiasm for the decision
saying, "It's been a very significant case, since
Fleming said, "If you look at this campus and it's the first decision on the question of autonomy
take away all those buildings that were not fund- since the new constittuion ...I think it apparent-
ed by the state, you'd take away half the build- ly has been a good decision."
ings on campus. Hill Auditorium, Rackham . .
Burton Tower, the Power Center were all gifts. FLEMING mentioned the institution of the BGS
The question arises, 'Do we, if we have the degree and the change of the Dearborn campus
removed fro

-Is °M -W

to a four-year program are two examples of
University policy shifts that were opposed by
the Board of Education.
"This is a terribly important decision, for it
makes it clear that the role of the board is ad-
visory and not the final word," said Fleming.
But state Rep. Perry Bullard said he felt that
the decision was not of great importance since
the initial allocation of budget monies to the
universities remains in the hands of the legis-
"THE TOTAL appropriation each year is de-
pendent on the good will of the legislature," said
Bullard. "They may have the technical ability
to say 'We have $100 million and we're not going
to tell you what we're doing with it,' but they
have to justify their budget each year in order
to have a budget next year," he said.

Carios new Spanish ruler ais
General's condition worsens

oilv Photo by SCOTT ECCKFR
A PARTICIPANT in an Esalen training workshop at the Union last night communicates with
her partners by touching.
Esalen promotes senstivt
tin awareness workshops

By AP and Reuter
MADRID, S p a i n - The
Spanish government re-
moved critically ill Fran-
cisco F r a n c o from power
last night and named his
hand - picked h e i r, Prince
Juan Carlos de B o r b o.n,
temporary head of state.
Although F r a n c o 's re-
moval does not become per-
manent until his death, the
transfer effectively marked
the end of the generalis-
simo's 36-year domination
of Spanish affairs.
FOLLOWING procedures set
out in the Spanish constitution,
Premier Carlos Arias Navarro
formally announced the transfer
of power in a letter to the presi-
dent of the Spanish parliament.
It was then reported over na-
tional radio and television and
by the semiofficial news agency
The announcement came mo-
ments after Franco's doctors
reported they had punctured his
stomach to reduce a build-up
of fluid in his abdomen, and
two weeks after the 82-year-old
chief of state was stricken by
influenza. Heart troubles and a
barrage of complications fol-
Medical bulletins through the
day said Franco continued
"gravely ill." They did not re-
port him conscious, and it ap-
peared possible that the gen-
eral did not know he had been
THERE was no immediate
statement by Juan Carlos. The
27-year-old prince's first official
function will be to preside at a
cabinet meeting Friday morn-
ing at his Zarzuela Palace, sev-

eral miles from the Pardo Pal-
ace where the meetings were
held for 36 years under Franco
and where he now lies near
In their homes and bars, Span-
iards watched and heard the
news with .a quiet mood of ac-
"There is no other way out,"
said dentist Manuel Domeco as
he headed home from 'is orice
after hearing the news on the
radio. "It was clear we couildn't
go on with Franco unable to

. ......... .
..: .. .. . ..

"MY ONLY concern is wheth-
er the Prince can run this coun-
try. We have, so many problems.
But it's better a fit man should
do the job rather than n dying
old soldier."
"It's the end of Franco," said
medical student Juan Hernadez.
"Now we have a future. Before
w; orly had a past with the
men from the past telling us
what to do."
The prince has previously in-
dicated that as king he would
be open to orderly change in
Sain's political development.
See FRANCO, Page 2

Holding hands gingerly, everyone in the room
begins feeling their partner's fingers, knuckles,
and skin. Eyes shut in concentration, no one
utters a word.
An Esalen sensitivity - training contact game
has begun.
Under the direction of two Esalen workers,
about 100 students gathered at the Union last
night to try out some therapeutic "gimmicks,"
without having to pay the regular steep clinic
fees for the treatment.
AND FEES aren't the only obstacle one nor-
mally has to surmount to partake in Esalen

treatment. It usually requires a trip to the
west coast, to the plush Esalen clinic nestled
among the mineral spring near Los Angeles. The
clinic has become a world-famous center for
people wanting to "get their heads together."
"We enjoy playing with each other, and so we
use all kinds of gimmicks like these contact
games to get each other in touch in a more direct
way," explains Julien Silverman, a member of
the Esalen team. "The way we contact the world
determines how you experience it."
When the hand-holding contact game ends, the
participants take a first look at the partners they
See ESALEN, Page 9

off like mad on a
through a residential
a baggy 1000 pounds,
loaded for a benefit
home. Forty pursuers,
torists, and passersby
derm. By the time it

20 minute, mile-long romp
Miami neighborhood. Irene,
broke loose while being un-
performance at a nursing
including police, dazed mo-
followed the spooked pachy-
was all over, Irene, who is

trained to stand on her head, waltz, sit down and
kneel, had crashed through a plate glass window
into a realty office, dented a few autos and knock-
ed down a fence and a few hedges. The day's hero
was a smooth police sgt. who ran alongside Irene
and "grabbed her by the ear" and began talking
to her. "She's just a baby," he said.
Halloween horrors
It's Halloween and don't be surprised if a genu-
ine vampire nips you on the neck for a drink of
blood. A University of Virginia professor says
there are people who think they are vampires and
have even killed for blood. Prof. Jan Perkowski
says he's never met a genuine blood-sucking vam-
pire and when asked if he believes in Dracula he
said, "What do you think I am, nuts?"
On the inside .. .
Ed Lange and Dave E. Wihak preview the
Michigan vs. U. S. Olymnic hockey team game on
the Sports Page . . . Cinema Weekend on the
Art Page . . . and the Editorial Page features an
overview of the Teacb-In by two of its coordina-
tors, Marty Lee and Barbara Storper.
On the outside ...
0..rc liksrnlA 'air- s5nraar dim

Carey urges demos in NYC

NEW YORK (AP) - Gov. Hugh
Carey called on New Yorkers
yesterday "to take to the streets
... to sound off support for the
city" in demonstrations aimed
at getting Congress to approve
emergency legislation to avoid
a financial default by the city.
Carey's appeal came as the
Senate Banking Committee in
Washington approved a bill
with $4 billion in loan guaran-
tees for the city and sent it

on to an uncertain fate on the
Senate floor and a threatened
veto by President Ford.
THE BILL would place the
city on a strict fiscal regime to
balance its budget and prevent
a default after Dec. 1, when
money from a state-designed
$2.3 billion rescue package runs
out. The city will need an esti-
mated $4.2 billion for expenses
and debt retirement from Dec.
1 to June 30.

President Ford said yester-
day in San Francisco that New
York City's financial crisis
should serve as a warning to
all municipalities to manage
their affairs properly. Ford said
if they do they will have no
problem selling their municipal
bonds on a free market.
Ford told the Metromedia,
Inc., reporters that New York
City has been mismanaged for

10 to 12 years and it now has
the opportunity to strengthen
its financial foundation by such
means as raising taxes, cutting
costs and modifying its expen-
diture programs.
HE PROPOSED amending
federal bankruptcy laws to
prevent New York City's credi-
tors from tying up the city's
finances in lawsuits if the city
"I believe my proposal is the
only choice," he said. "Under
my proposal, the city would
come under the jurisdiction of
a judge, not a politician."
"I don't think the President
of the United States should be-
come a temporary mayor of
New York City," he added.
AFTER attending a fiscal
briefing for civic and buisiness

Vaudeville deli closes shop;
owner blames slim profits


However, Dennison filed for bankruptcy under
-,;rtin 11 o the nnknnvt wh mirohn11n-

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