Thursday, October 30, 1975
Thursday, Oclober 30, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY
?age Seven
AP Photo
KAREEM ABDUL-JABBAR (33) made his first appearance as a Los Angeles Laker in Cobo
Arena last night in the game between the Lak ers and the Detroit Pistons. Jabbar had 30
points and 16 rebounds as the Lakers fell 112-99.
Heisman hopefuls
man is that he has rushed
for over 100 ards in his las h
The most coveted prize in "v V -* IVU~ J fls MI115 US
colle footb s vte Hein 27 consecutive regular sea-
colegefoobal istheReiman son games.
Trophy. This season there are a
number of candidates vying for Oklahoma's Joe Washington,
the trophy symbolic of an indi- proclaimed by many as the best
vidual's college football excel- runner in college football to-
lence. day, will give Griffin a run for
The leading candidate for the the money in the voting. Wash-
trophy is again Ohio State's Ar- ington possesses great power
chie Griffin, seeking an unpre- and speed and is also a very
cedented second consecutive goad receiver coming out of the
Heisman. Last week against -backfield.
Purdue Griffin became the Washington was hurt in the
NCAA's all-time leading rusher, Heisman ballotting last year be-
breaking the previous record of cause of Oklahoma's probation
4715 yards held by Cornell's Ed and consequential ineligibility
Marinaro, who now plays with for TV appearances and bowl
the Minnesota Vikings. game. Washington got off to a
Griffin has a total of 4730 sensational start this season,
yards and has a chance to be- averaging over 135 yards per
come the first player in history game; in the last couple of
to rush for 5000 yards. weeks he has slowed down con-
A n o t h e r record which siderably, until last week's con-
should' help Griffin in his test against Iowa State when he
quest for his second Heis- scored three touchdowns.
Joe Washington and the
Sooners have now gone 35
consecutive games without a
loss, another statistic bound
to impress the voters.
Tony Dorsett of Pittsburgh
should also be considered as a
strong candidate. Although not
having quite the spectacular
season he had either of his first
two years, he is still averaging
better than 125 yards per game.
As a freshman Dorsett ran for
1586 yards, but lost the Heis-
man to John Cappaletti, a Penn
State senior who had 1286 yardsj
and a lot of publicity. Dorsett
this season became Pitt's all-
time leading rusher with over
3000 yards, and he's only a jun-
When the season began, most
experts picked Griffin, Wash-
ington, and Dorsett as the three
top choices for the trophy. Now
that the season is underway, a
By BILL STIEG 15, and Ron Williams, 12. night for a 115-106 National Bas- Jo Jo White drove for suces- Se
Special To The Daily Los Angeles played without ketball Association victory over sive baskets. KSeattle SCores
DETROI k Dsetroits light- injured players Lucius Allen, the Warriors. The Warriors, who whipped BKANSAS CITY ( - Rookie
ning - like fast break and Bob iTeWrirwowipdjBueSashtalypof
Lanier's 41 points overpowered Stu Lantz, and Kermit Wash- Trailing 71-61 in the third pe- Boston three out of four times Slick Watts pass with only two
the injury - ridden Los Angeles ington. Guard Gail Goodrich is riod, the Celtics were ignited by last season before going on to seck to pay ivng the
Lakers last night, as the Pis- holding out in a contract dis- veteran captain Havlicek, who the NBA championship, closed Sattle SuperSonics a 92-91 vi-
tons won their home opener to withi two points, 105-103, tory over the Kansas City Kings
handily, 112-99. Kupec, who played in two of Coneannon suns with three minutes left. How- last night.
The Pistons electrified a sell- L.A.'s first three games, said ever, Havlicek scored two quick guard Fred
out Cobo Arena crowd of 11,116 beforehand, "I guess I just have DETROIT (1)-The Detroit baskets to pull the Celtics out Brown for 30 of Seattle's 36
with a sudden fast break to lit- to bide my time. It's not that Lions signed 32-year-old jour- of danger. third-quarter points in a period
erally run away from L. A. I'm playing poorly. I just have neyman quarterback J a c k Boston jumped to a 45-32 lead during which Kansas City could
Meanwhile, Lanier, 16 for 25 to keep in shape, keep a good Concannon yesterday, after midway through the second pe- only muster 15. Seattle led by
from the floor, out-muscled and attitude, and wait for my learning that B i I 1 Munson, riod. However, Barry got hot as many as 12 points in the third
out-hustled the Lakers' Kareem chance - which, hopefully, will one of two Detroit quarter- and fired the Warriors to a 58- quarter.
Abdul-Jabbar. come soon." backs injured Sunday, would I53 halftime lead. He had 17 *
Jabbar hit only 12 of 28 Kupec scored his first points be out for the remainder of points in the second period and Seals wound up with 25
shotsa his way to 30 points. as a pro Tuesday night against the season. Concannon will 23 in the half, finishing the points, high for the Sonies,
shotsrondhisbarwayhtoa30points, asaproTuesdaynightbe in uniform for this Sun- game with 35. while Brown had 17 and Watts
Lanier and Jabbar each grab- IPhiladelphia on a pair of free , 12.
bed 16 rebounds. throws, day's game with the San Havlicek t o p p e d Boston
Formerebo ns arhC.wJ. * * * Francisco 49ers. scorers with 24 points, one more The Kings had an 18-point
KoreMichigan star C. .ad hthan Scott, who fouled out in lead midway through the second
firstKupec, now withL tmadehis Celtics explode scored nine points as Boston the fourth period. Dave Cowens quarter while Seattle was held
fis appearances inrbDetroithaassa
pro but did not play. BOSTON (P)-The Boston Cel- narrowed the gap to 83-82. contributed 22, and White and scoreless for better than six
Detroit outrebounded the Lak- tics shook off Rick Barry's hot The C e 1 t i c s then raced Don Nelson 16 each. minutes.
ers 15-6 on the offensive boards shooting and rallied behind John ahead in the fourth period 99-
and took 15 more shots than Havlicek in the second half last 90 as guards Charlie Scott and
L.A. in the first half to streak ~ --
ahead, 62-51 at the intermission. N.
"We're an aggressive teaml ^
like we promised at the begin- ! e r e
ning of the year," said Pistonii" v
coach Ray Scott. "The differ-
ence had to be on the offensive
boards and loose balls."x
Guard Kevin Porter 'led theswmSes
fast break and dazzled the!h
crowd with seven assists andyr
ten points. DET OITBuffalobaffled
The Lakers closed the gap to Kechnie and Mickey Redmond TORONTO-First-period goals4
82-77 early in the final quarter, each fired a pair of goals last by Toronto's Jim McKenny and
but six points by Lanier and two night to lead the Detroit Red Inge Hammarstrom and deft -
by forward Al Eberhard put Wings to a 6-4 victory over the goaldtending by n e w c o m e r
Detroit safely in front. Eber- California Seals, ending De- Wayne Thomas powered the
hard and Curtis Rowe scored troi's 10-game National Hkey Maple Leafs to a 3-2 victory last
16 apiece for Detroit. Howard League losing streak. night over the previously unde-
Porter scored 11. T feated and untied Buffalo Sa-7t,
B sd s A dl -J b a, t e The W ings opened the scaring lrs.:; .~.
Besides Abdul - Jabbar, the with a pair of goals by Dantbres.
Maloney and McKechnie before Buffalo dtbeen threerggme
ble figures: Don Freeman, 20, the halfway mark of the open- shy of tying the record regular
Cazzie Russell, 16, Don Ford, i o and were ver season winning streak of 14-
-- __. .__---- Ihl b-h-Bso run ro z
hind the rest of the way. heid by the Boston Bruins from
Dec. 3, 1929 to Jan. 9, 1930.
RICK HAMPTON put the TORONTO center George Fer- '
Seals on the fiscrn heat guson tallied the winning goal,
L iu stle 93o h is eidwt hfrs odh sesn, aitl
troit a 3-1 lead. Blaie Stoughton had broken up
An historical factor in Bell's George Pesut pulled the Seals a Buffalo pass at the Leafs' blue
favor is that USC has had to within one goal of tying the line.
many great tailbacks in the Red Wings on a power play The Sabres were aggressive
past. Frank Gifford, Mike taly at 96 of the third and around the net, taking 43 shots
Garrett, 0. J. Simpson, and Redfond redtt intohanvem as compared with 23 by Toronto,.
Anony Das all pyed ta etfonD e o t ing before a crowd of 16,393 fans.
bcavoritotern Cal, and allinecnds.* * r
were Heisman Trophy winers eCanadiens AP Photo
xncep t Davis, who came in Rs tp Bued CHIaG Clirre NO, IT'S NOT KUNG-FU FIGHTING, but it is tenacious de
s ndPark's Ce i ro t . fense by Rick Barry of the Golden State Warriors against
IBell cbrnkeep up his pace second s cped sgoal, a screenya scoreless dewitha k m y i Boston Celtic Charlie Scott. Despite Barry's defense and 36
cord of most yards rushing in and led the New York Rangers wrist shot to help give the Chi- points, the Celts prevailed, 11-106.
a season. The record is 1884 to a 3-1 victory over the StI cago Black Hawks a 2-1 victry- - __- -----_ __ ____
and is held by Marinaro. Louis Blues last nightb over the Montreal Canadiens in
In the airways, if Toledo Park's second tally of the NHL action last night.
quarterback Gene Swick can season attoned for a first-period Koroll came in on the right
maintain his pace, he will ov- miscue which led to the St wing and took Pit Martin's pass AND
ertake Stanford's Jim Plunkett's Louis goal, With the Rangers ' across ice to easily beat Mon- O -IT'S N K G UI GI NG, buiiaio',
career total offense mark, on a power play, Park lost con- relssGOlifeaKeDr yde n
which could give the Rocket' trol of the puck in the neutral AFTER Korol's tiebrk e BDWh GAN ARor
signal-caller an outside shot at Izone, the Blues' Chuck Lefley Montreal lifted Dryd e to ru CLASE STARTIN SAU AY NROV. s
te Hesdan kepichkesdpiefe t a ndpe oroan etra forward. ut tDale s BEGINNERS' COURSES: Will cover basic postures, breath
e s ha ore n he footlapshott hi open newith just control with mntra, relaxation, and introduction to me-
re isiho ads rhin ell. deteN o -an- more than a minute of play re- ditation.
eho The BiC o R E S t maining, scoring his second Taught by GIRIJA: She studied Hatha Yoga with Ha
rus ing average. Gordie has '- ousBesltighL. !,goal of the season. Doss in Hardwar, India, and vipassana (Burmese Bud-
averaged 113.7 yards per game The Canadiens scored their dist meditation) with Sri Goenka in Bombay before being
and over six yards per carry. Derit1BLsAges only goal with just 34 seconds initiated into Siddha Ygaga by Swami Muktananda, with
quarterbak Gene Swck cawhomeashe hasnebeenrforirfiveeyearsroincaGaninhourie.rand
He has totaled over 800 yards BOsto 115, Godnstate as left when Guy LaPointe got his, America.ehsbe o ieyas nGnspr n
rushing and is almost a cinch to seattle 92, Kansas City 91 second goal of the year on a Classes held on Saturdays Mondays and Tuesdays at
gain 1000.. .iugoa tNhL pass from G LaFleur. 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.. One class per week for six
If Griffin, Washimgton, Dor- N. y. Rangers 3, St. Louis 1 -weeks: $20.00
sett, and Ricky Bell should fal- Detroit , california 4 RHeld in a pure and beautiful ashram environment.
ter, Gordon Bell could become Minnesota 2, Kansas City e Tapes of chantinN. A
Mhga'frtHema Tr-Toronto 3, Buffaloi EC2 - A CALL 994-5625, or visit our ashram to register.
MhHian firtkHeisan Tp-aBAsoe na3-o n xr owr.BtDl
phy winner since Tom Harmon IndIana 105, san Diego 100 -- -- -- - - -i-o-a--u-b-
won it in 1940. wSt. Louis 104, VIrginia 100, rt a x438oWdnHURON
BellAGordon Bel or taaUT intof lEr-NTttin
Avilbl a
Wds Varsity Shop Including a soaTq bGRA Sea Ya i r
F EAT I KNG: { " .
* Denim Bells " Panatella * Work Shirts LUXURY LIMOUSINE
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Wild's Varsity ShopBH
311 S. STATE STREET You Must Be 21 HE
HUNTING SEASON EXTENDED *k2 oz. Jose CuervoTequila
* Juice from one lime (or 2 tbsp.)
Due to an unexpected, tho welcome,*1 tsp. sugar
*k 2 dashes orange bitters
display of enthusiasm for appts. the *2,dahesfonee rs
dICa*Whiteofone egg
MCIGANENSIAN has scheduled . A~:
[ 5
G ridde
Picks ,
"RASCHE, YOU FOOL! Do you realize that if you hadn't picked
Colorado over Nebraska last week we would be sitting here
eating a free Pizza Bob's Pizza?"
"Hey listen, Inman, you have to pick some upsets to win.
That pie is valuable-you aren't going to get a bunch of slouches
entering. This week I like Indiana over Ohio State."
It takes some people longer to learn than others. Get those
Griddes in by Friday midnight.
1. MICHIGAN at Minnesota 18. Pitt at Syracuse ,
(pick score) 19. Toledo at Miami (Ohio)
2. Illinois at Wisconsin 20. DAILY LIBELS at
3. Ohio State at Indiana Madame Erika's
4. Iowa at Northwestern
5. MSU at Purdue
6. Army at Air, Force W AN
7. Florida at Auburn
8. Miami (Fla.) at Boston SINGLE GRADU,
College A
9. Southern Cal at California YOUNG PRO
10. Colorado at Iowa St.
11. Kansas St. at Kansas to eniov fun, food, fellow
12. Tulane at Kentucky nether. Give us a try if you
13. Penn State at Maryland more people!
14. Missouri at Nebraska WE MEET THURSDAY NI
15. South Carolina at N.C. State THE WESLEY
16. Navy at Notre Dame
17. Oklahoma at Okla. State ? CALL US FOR DE
I -
dark horse candidate has burst
on the scene.
He is Ricky Bell, a junior tail-
back for the USC Trojans. Last
season Bell played fullback, and
his main duty was to block for
then tailback Anthony Davis.
When Davis graduated, Bell be-
came Coach John McKay's
choice for the tailback spot.
In the opening game of the
season, Bell rushed for an in-
credible 256 yards, a school re-
cord. After six games Bell had
amassed1086 yards, besthin j
the nation. Last week, againstE
Notre Dame, Bell ran for 165
yards, and no USC runner, not
even Davis on his six-touchdownt
day, ever ran for more against
Notre Dame.
wship, and good times to-
u want to get to know some
t 4 SKI
Yost Ice Arena-7:30 p.m.
an additional week of senior por-
trait shootings. Appts. are being
- taken for
*K A ls i ut niel 41L lpI i, to.0