Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, October 30, 1975 ' Page Two THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Thursday, October 30, 1975 MAST'S SHOES YOUR FRYE BOOT CONNECTION t ai Interns contemplate action Reporter, shot in Lebanon, (Continued from Page 1) University's "unresponsiveness" gency out-patient serviices a1, where the members of H-OA to the ideas of the membership-e SOT00O a re employed. The HOA is asking a per cent THE IIOA is negotiating with nree major concerns moti- vate the interns and residents, Hodeen stated: wages, patient care, and what he termed the 8BANKAMERICAkO master charge 619 E. LIBERTY 662-0266 217 S. MAIN 662-6326 KEEPING TABS OAN BIG BROTHER CIA, FBI Assassinations, Corporate Manipulation, Surveillance and Data Veillance, Police Repression, Subversion of the Forces of Dissent, Multinationals, Behavior Modification, Psychological Warfare... WHA T CAN WE DO? COME TO THE TEACH-IN Nov. 2, 3 & 4-Hill Aud. TICKETS for the entire conference are $3.00-available at the door or through UAC in the lobby of the Michigan Union. For more information call 995-0404. if you see news happen call 76-DAILY increase in salaries; the Uni- versity is offering 6 per cent. But the union is quick to point out that money is not the only issue. "The University has not been responsive to improve- ments we would like to see in patient care," Hodeen charges. HE SAID the University was unwilling to share its control over hospital policy with the staff. Just what form the job action might take has not been de- cided. At last night's meeting, it was suggested that there be "informational picketing" out- side the hospitals. Another tactic would be to impede the Univer- sity's billing procedure by re- fusing to turn in the cards that the hospital uses to bill patients. But if these relatively moder- ate measures fail to have any effect, warned Hodeen, "there was some suggestion that there be withholding of non-emer- the university for its third con- tract. Talks began on July 22 (Continued from Page 1) and the interns have been work- left an office building where he, ing without a contract since had filed a story to his paper. September 1. Armed men were checking his The HOA describes the state identification papers when "one of the bargaining at this point of them came up with a straight as an impasse. The two sides razor and flipped it open and met with a mediator Monday, started cutting my press card but apparently there has been up . , . He said, "Maybe I slit very little progress toward a your throat with this --- settlement. You're an American, huh? Well, tell President Ford, fuck him' The HOA feels that it has "There was a barricade fur-1 made all the concessions it can. ther up the street and a sniper Hodeen said that the mood ofthrmpthere t a idly the meeting was definitely fav- from there shot at me. Wildly orable to some sort of action. aimed shots went way over my _________ head. I sort of fiche." "I REMEMBER thinking to security position . . . about a myself, I can see the gunsmoke blovk away. There was a hell of and everything and I couldn't a lot of blood pouring, especial- figure out why I was alive. I ly out of my left shoe, and I stopped thinking about it and thought that I was going to bleed started running . . . I was run- to death. ning like hell. Then one of these "BUT, I kept crawling toward younger men . . . who had orig- the security men and yelling, inally checked my IDs came up 'Help, help, help' and waving and poined his friends. Both of my arms. I could see that they them were blazing away at me. could see me but they didn't "Just as I was about to round: move out of their sandbag a corner, and ducked behind position . . . the wall where I would have "I sort of crawled on my belly been out of the line of fire . . . across Hamra Street and then three or four AK rounds caught a man dragged me into a side- me in the left foot, and I went street where by pure chance the SALZBURG FESTIVAL TOPS LAST YEAR'S GATE SALZBURG, Austria (M)-The Salzburg Festival, which ran from July 26 through Aug. 30, played to 137,403 persons this year. They paid close to $4 million for tickets to various presenta- tions, exceeding the 1974 gate by about half a million dollars. Forty-two of the 89 presenta- tions were taped by the Aus- trian Radio and Television Net- wor kand sold to more than 100 networks in 30 countries. Also, there were 54 live broadcasts from the Large Festival House. F A TEN DAY SEMINAR IN ISRAEL{ Specially planned for Academicians Departure date: December 25, 1975 Price: $499-Includes hotels, and all accommodations AMERICAN ZIONIST FEDERATION 515 Park Avenue New York, New York 10022 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: RABBI SHAEL F. SIEGEL AMERICAN ZIONIST FEDERATION (212) 371-7750 II I Mental Health R SEMINA EDWARD G Editor. THE ECOLOGIST, W "PROBLEMS 0 A MORE STA Founder and Editor of Brit Goldsmith will discuss factors our society and suaaest strat structive forces. THURSDAY, OC SEMINAR: 3:45 p.m., Room TEA: 3:15 p.m., Room 2059, I( CA 1 down . . . doctor from the Trade Hospital CAPUTO SAID he walked "I started crawling toward a happened to be living." about 50 feet when a fat, bald man opened fire. "I started this John Wayne T uteei zigzag business and he fired again. He hit me in the right foot and I went down. "I was thrown up against the as Moslems advance wall and I was yelling at him again to stop shooting and then he kept shooting. He hit me (Continued from Page 1) tremist Palestinian guerrillas- here with a grazing bullet wound themselves." many of whom refuse to recog- in the arm,and then he hit me Informed sources said theI nize him as their leader. in the back with a graze and cease-fire included a call for Official announcements said then one went past my head and armed men to withdraw from the fighting tapered off after ricocheted and hit me in the the European quarter of Qantari the announcement, but sporadic head . . . I was quite amazed and the Holiday Inn area by shooting continued in many that I was alive. sunset today. areas. THE ANNOUNCEMENT fol-1 IN NEW YORK, President l dowe a pledge from Yasir Ara- Anwar Sadat of Egypt told a esERInstitute fat and other Palestinian guer-|meeting of business and media Rrilla leaders to tell their followSEfigEres that the Lebanese vio- O L D S M ITHers to hold fire "even if the lence is "a tragic thing for all 'debridae, Cornwall England other side continues shooting," of us." F CREATING the sources said. Sadat, who had earlier ad- It was unclear how much dressed the United Nations, said BLE SOCIETY" authority Arafat, chairman of two steps should be taken to the umbrella Palestine Libera- resolve the conflict: first, nego- oresently at work to destroy tion Organization, wields over tiations between the battling eoies for reversinq their de- the left-wing Lebanese Moslems factions to end the fighting; sec- and their backers among ex- ond, negotiations between the TOBER 30, 1975 ---- - Lebanese and the PLO without 1057, MHRI -.--/-vforeign interference. MHRI ®A t l In Washington a State Depart- ment snokesman said the U.S. - I lans to evacuate most of the *nItINj rs'maining dependents of U.S. T110 tO . . officials in Lebanon by this eve- I Ining. A!%1Aa nP01I ITHE CONTINUING evacua- - IF W~t ast... the definitive pictorial history in the reprint edition film buffs have been waiting for." -Publishers Weekly And in the same big, handsome format as HE \VIES the $19.95 hardcover edition. 1,300 PHOTOS " 200,000 WORDS $795 IMNTHE MOVIES by Richard Griffith and Arthur Mayer $7.95 " SIMON AND SCHUSTER/FIRESIDE L L. Texas Instruments electronic colculator SR-51A " Perforrs logarithms trigonometri-s. hyperbolics, powers, roots reciprocals, factorials, linear reg ression, mean. variance and standard deviation. " Features an algebraic keyboard with dual function keys that increase the power of the SR-51 without increasing its size. " Three user accessibie memos permt storage, recall, sOu. product operations. + Preprogrammed to provide 20 often used engineering conversions. * Random number generator, automatic calculation of permutations, automatic percent and percent difference computation. " User selected fixed or floating decimal point. " Calculates answers to 13 significant digits and uses all 13 digits in subsequent calculations for maximum accuracy " Computes and displays answers as lavge as 9 999999999 x 10' and as small as +1. x 10 !! " Automatically convertsan wers to scientific notation when calculated answer is greater than 101" or less than 10- " Features bright 14-character display - 10-digit mantissa with sign, 2-digit exponent with sign. * Display provides overflow, underi'ow, error ndications " Lightweight, fully portable " Rechargeable batteries or AC operation. " Full year warrarty * AC Adapler/Charg inc'd (Continued from Page 1) 1 .r for so long-the large investors tion of U.S. nersonnel and their and big barks?" Ford said. i families will leave about 175 IN A SPEECH to the National officials and dependents in Bei- Press Club, Ford proposed rut by tonight. amending federal bankruptcy State Denartment spokesman laws to prevent New York City's Robert Anderson said an addi- c"~y 'aetInif'su" I 2,500d A mert"d 1ics wer" creditors from tying up the iol250Aeiaswr city's finances in lawsuits if the still in Lebanon, including about city~ ~ dfut.1,500 'dual-nationals. On Mna h U.S. Emtbassy He said that would make it lin eirut advised Amas possible for the city to use what without essential business to is left of its revenues, including leavet the couentryl foresthero federal revenue-sharing or spe-il se country for their own cial borrowing, to provide police ARAB DIPLOMATIC sources and fire protection and other said Syrian Foreign Minister services. I Abdel - Hamlin Khaddam h a d New York Mayor Abraham contacted Premier Karami and Beame called Ford's proposal urged him to go ahead with his "nothing less than a declaration efforts to find a solution and of default by the White House- not to resign. a default of presidential leader- In Damascus, the spiritual shiS." IYleader of Lebanon's Shiite com- BEAME SAID in New York l mnnitv-the country's third larg- that Ford "has created a cli- est religious group - called on mate of crisis and confusion, Syrian President Hafez Assad in which, if unchanged, would lead an anoarent effort to get Syrian directly to a default." heln in ending the civil war. New York Gov. Hugh Carey Observers said the leader, also criticized the President's T-mam M o u s a A-Sadr, was plan, saying, "The Ford for- tho"ght to be trying to get Syria mula would make New York to intercede once again among City a ward of a federal court, Lebanon's different religious with an appointed judge acting sects. as federal marshal, instead of President Assad has sent his Washington acting as a guaran- foreign minister to Lebanon tor while the city and state re- three times so far this year to pair its fiscal integrity." help end the violence. LECTURES Given By: MR. MENDIEL KOHANSKY Drama Critic-Jerusalem Post WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29-7:30 p.m. EAST CONFERENCE ROOM-Rackhom WHO SPEAKS ON "The Development of the Hebrew Theatre" Sponsored by Speech Communication Theatre and Hillel THURSDAY, OCT. 30-4 p.m. 3050 FRIEZE BLDG. "The Subject of War and Peace in Present Day Israel Drama" Sponsored by Near Eastern Studies Dept. -7 ' It is exasperating to be called so - persistently when the last thing we want to do is to get up and go but God elects to keep on haunting like some holy ghost. The Great Intruder" From YOU! JONAH! by Thomas John Carlisle Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co- 5 I! .-N w i c r -% r -r -i-Ir- -O