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October 29, 1975 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1975-10-29

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g~c Our Tan
Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Wednesday, October 29, 1975

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi.,48104
Support NO W strike today

THERE WAS A TIME when political
strikes were almost as big a tra-
dition as football games around here.
Now, with tears welling up in our
eyes, we observe that both the strikes
and the football games just aren't
what they used to be. If you will par-
don our prejudice, both the team and
the movement seem to have suffered
from an influx of freshpersons.
But the frosh on the football team
have played well, and today the frosh
on the campus, and everybody else
will have an opportunity to flex their
little-used political muscles. The Na-
tional Organization for Women
(NOW) is urging women in all roles
-- students, workers, housewives, bu-
reaucrats, whatever - to take today
off and participate in "Alice Doesn't
Day." The purpose, says NOW, is to
demonstrate that women in all capa-
cities are vital to the country's econ-
omy and obviously equal status and
equal p5ay.
Thse "Alice Doesn't" slogan refers,
albeit a bit awkwardly, to the movie
"Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore,"
in which Ellen Burstyn plays a wo-
man who goes it alone after her hus-
band dies. NOW hopes women who
are forced to work today will wear
armbands with the slogan to demon-
strate their solidarity.
In Detroit, women will rally at
Fisher Theater to welcome feminist
Germaine Breer at 10 a.m. Locally,
the NOW chapter and the Women's
Studies Program invite "all femin-
NEWS: Elaine Fletcher, Jo Marcotty,
Robert Meachum, Jim Nicoll, Ken
Parsigian, Cheryl Pilate, Jeff Ris-
tine, Annemarie Schiavi, Jim Tobin
EDITORIAL PAGE: Nancy Grech, Paul
Haskins,. Jon Pansius
ARTS PAGE: Jeff Sorensen

ists, male and female" to an evening
get-together at the Unitarian Church.
women, young and old, to take
the day off and make the point.
Kathy Fojtik, county commissioner
(D-Ann Arbor) and NOW activist,
calls it "a day to just take it easy,
to rest and recuperate from all our
work," and that sounds like a good
idea after all these years of unequal
NOW's technique is somewhat
troublesome. The "Alice Doesn't"
slogan weakens when one remem-
bers that "Alice" culuminated her
term as an independent woman by
falling into the arms of a less-than-
liberated man. More significantly,
NOW has apparently done little to
publicize the strike and Foj tik ad-
mits that she doesn't expect wide
support - "maybe five per cent
of women in the county," she says.
Also, NOW is asking housewives
and workers to stress their own eco-
nomic importance, without clearly
protesting the oppressive nature of
their roles. It would be sad if women
returned to their homes only to hear
their husbands declare, "I appreciate
you more now - especially in your
role as a housewife. I'll take you to
dinner more often."
raised, but the facts of women's
oppression, as well as the value of
their labor, must be underlined.
So take the day off, and let the
"Alice Doesn't" slogan take on larger
meaning: Alice Doesn't need a man
around all the time; Alice Doesn't
like the fact that her work is not
fully appreciated. And If Alice
Doesn't get to live and work on an
equal basis with men - in the house
and on the job - then Alice Doesn't
work at all.

guys are fun ta talk to when
ya can catch one. One I got
ta know pretty well was named
Ed. He was with the Air Force
and gave me the inside story
of what it's like up in the wild
blue yonder and underneath it
"Can I ask ya somepin that
I been always wantin' ta know,
Ed?" I asked one day over
"Sure, shoot."
"Do they have toilets on these
military planes or do they just
use a hole in the floor?"
"Well, to tell the truth, the
holes are being phased out since
we've lost a few men due to
turbulence. On the older planes,
though, we now require every-
one to wear a parachute at all
times - all times.
"What about the missing
"They're being duly prosecu-
ted for desertion."
"Who would desert a plane at
50,000 feet without a para-
"WELL, IT'S NOT the easiest
way out of the Air Force."

That's what I like about Ed,
he was truthful and to the point.
"Our navigators," he added,
"through advanced trigonome-
try, radar scans, and computa-
tion, have pinpointed the area
where the last man left us."
"Oh? Where's that?"
"Somewhere over the state of
I thought that one over for
a bit before I said, "Gee, the
people you fly over must really
love you."
"They think it's birds."
"The toilet paper should make
them suspicious. Either they got
mighty tidy birds or somebody's
not being polite."
"Anyway,awesclear out fast."
"Yeah, ya strike with the
speed of lightning then head for
the hills. How would you like
ta clean that off year car wind-
cows don't fly." (Ed was kinda
the philosophical type.)
"ThankrGod for small mira-
cles," I replied.
The military part of me got
to thinking. I thought I'd let him
in on what I thought was a bril-
liant scheme:


underside of militarism

"If you guys could train a
whole flock of birds to fly in
formation and synchronize their
drops, you could really foul the
enemy's radar. If you could
train a bunch of whales to make
cumulative deposits, you could
block a harbor. - Think of the
.uiiv.Y. r .....tiv....:",.. v.....W4t .....sv
"Gee, the people you
fly over must really
love you.
"They think it's
"The toilet paper
should make them sus-
picious. E i t h e r they
got mighty tidy birds
or somebody's not be-
ing polite."
"We are. The C.I.A. is work-
.ing on it."
"No Shirt!"
"Yeah, we figure it's a neat
way to mess things up and
come up smelling like a rose."

"Not quite a rose, I bet."
"Well, at least we wouldn't
have any egg on our faces."
"No, not egg."
"WELL, ONE GOOD load-and
we could flush 'em away."
"You little stinkers, you think
of everything."
"Yes. We don't sit around
with our heads up our caps,
you know."
I got to thinking about the
whole deal. Knowing the C.I.A.,
they probably won't have their,
shirt together. They'll aim for
a radar site and hit some poor
farmer. Can's you just see it?
From hell they came obscur-
ing the sun, laying waste upon
the land: Day of the Deluge.
Old farmer Jonesovitch, look-
ing out the window, says to his
"Gosh, Myrtle, it's really com-
ing downoutside."
"You mean it's raining cats
and dogs," she answers with-
out bothering to look.
"Shucks no. This don't look
nothin' like cats or dogs, but
I figure we'll save a heap on
our fertilizer bill. Too bad little
Alice is walking home from
school though. She forgot her

"WELL, NOTHING is as re-
freshing as a warm spring show-
"Well, it may be warm and
it may be spring, but I figure
you'll really need a shower aft-
Maybe this is what Brezhnev
meant when he warned about
developing weapons much more
terrible than those already pos-
sessed. It's environmental war-
fare of the worst kind. In fact,
at their last meeting, Lenny
said to Jerry,
"You know, Jerry, we don't
mind you Americans subsidizing
our agriculture, but watch how
you do it. We got plenty of
fertilizer, thanks."
AstutefJerry, aware that his
nation faces a similar threat
from the same weapon replied,
"Well, Lenny, you know that
famous American warning
'Don't tread on me'?"
"Just so we understand each
other, I'm having it changed to
'Don't dump on me!"
Steve Stojic is an LSNA senior
and a frequent contributor to
the Daily editorial page.






SpainSpaniards possess, and we add
to it the recent spectacles of
To The Daily: tourist buses being stoned in
DESPITE THE PRINCIPAL, Italy, schools for immigrant
indeed vital, role that Spain has workers' children being burned
played in European history and in France, the regime doesn't
despite the well documented have to prod people to attend
horrifics of its civil war, it is a pro-Franco rally; they'll simp-
still virtually an unknown coun- ly go running. The mistake is
stil vrtall anunnow con~to assume that even these are
try. Hence when ignorance is all true-blue Fascists (like the
wed to a rush to judgment, the members of the Fuerza Nueva
result inevitably is distortion,mgrso the F era fuea
half-truths and cliches, perfect- group on the front cover of last
ly exemplified by two recent week's Newsweek). Quite simp-
commentaries in The Daily, ly they are not, but even if they
a letter from the Revolutionary were, the far Left cannot claim
Student Brigade (10/14/75) and that there is, "universal oppo-
"Xenophobia grips Franco's st
Spain" by Richard Boyle sition in the country.
Both contributions give a pic- about Spain is that Madrid for
ture of Spain as being a country the last thirty-five years has at-
whose people are seething with tempted to legitimize itself be-
revolt, held down. If indeed that fore the rest of Europe and has
were the situation, the recent failed miserably to do so. It is,
huge waves of protests through- in effect, a regime that has ex-
out Europe would have been isted for years now in an ideo-
more than enough to bring down logical vacuum, and the wonder
the perpetrators of "the most is that it has not fallen under
fascist terror." That the regime its own weight. An obvious an-
is stronger than ever as a di- swer is that its impressive eco-
rect result of those protests can nomic record of the last fifteen
only mean that a serious reap- years has stemmed serious op-
praisal is in order. One truism position, but it's also clear that
that has clearly escaped those as regards democratic institu-
commentators is that awareness tions Spain after France has no-
of oppression is in direct pro- where to go. Tied to lip-service
portion to levels of political con- to the altisonant principles of
sciousness, and the sad but the Fascist Movimiento Nacional
manifest reality of present-day it too has substituted rhetoric
Spain -s the endemic political for reality and the losers are
apathy of the vast majority of the Spaniards themselves. In
its people. Within that apathy, this context both the Basque
that same majority can thus go ETA and the Maoist FRAP
about its business as it has for will become increasingly im-
the last thirty-five years, never portant, but the political future
see the secret police, and never of Spain will depend much more
have a run-in with the more vis- on the Socialists of Tierno Gal-
ible variety either. When this van, the Communists of Santi-
situation is compounded by a ago Carillo, the Christian Demo-
strong ethnic pride that most crats of Ruiz Jimenez and oth-

ers whose respective
have been put back yeE
the recent foreign-induce
of xenophobia.
Spain just now is to al
political rhetoric,be it fr
Left or the Right and c
trate on ways of promoti
growth of democratic insti
within the country. Desp
dications to the contrary,
co will not last foreve
Right can and must coexi
the Left, and Spain, Go
her, had enough with on
War. To advocate the
economic aid and the br
of diplomatic relations is
mote the same siege m
that gripped the country i
Perhaps there are thos
seek to achieve precisel
I for one do not. After F
Spain is going to need;
time it can get to mON
ward. To accept the dist
of rhetoric is precisely t
Spain that time.
James Maharg
Asst. Professor of
Spanish and Portu
To The Daily:
AS U-M's Internationa
en's Year staff, we wou
to thank both media peal
individuals who have res
to Betty Friedan's appe
at Hill Auditorium Sep
30th. Our hope in sponsor
speakers series is to pr(
forum for the expression
osophies within the w
movement - both on tf
of speakers and audien
We have on file the a
mately 100 written quest

ars by
d wave
o help
om the
ing the
)ite in-
r. The
st with
d help
e Civil
end of
to pro-
in 1940.
e who
y that.

tended for Ms. Friedan. We
would be happy to share them
with any individuals or groups
who might be interested. We
are aware that the question and
answer period was frustrating
for many, and welcome sug-
gestions as to format for fu-
ture events. We invite people
to stop by the U-M IWY of-
fice, 110 Administration Build-
ing, any week day morning.
We'd very much like community
involvement and feedback.
Lila Green
U-M IWY Program
Rita Davies
U-M IWY Program
Cctober 8

10'.....ct: ....N.:. .".........S...............A...

Editorial Staff
DAVID BLOMQUIST..............Arts Editor
BARBARA CORNELL .. Sunday Magazine Editor
PAUL HASKINS ............. Editorial Director
JOSEPHINE MARCOTTY Sunday Magazine Editor
SARA RIMER .............. Executive Editor
STEPHEN SELBST................City Editor
JEFF SORENSON...........Managing Editor
MARY LOPG .......... Sunday Magazine Editor
STAFF WRITERS: Susan Ades, Tom Allen, Glen
Alerhand, Ellen Breslow, Mary Beth Dillon,
Ted Evanoff, Jim Finklestein, Elaine Fletch-
er, Stephen Hersh, Debra Hurwitz, Lois Joel-
movich, Doc Kralik, Jay Levin, Andy Lilly.
Ann Marie Lipinski, George Lobsenz, Pauline
Lubens, Rob Meachum, Robert Miller, Jim
Nicoll, Cathy Reutter, Jeff Ristine, Tim
Schick, Katherine Spelman, Steve Sta ic, Jim
Tobin. Bill Turque, Jim Valk, David Wein-
berg, Sue Wilhelm, David Whiting, Margaret
Photography Staff
Chief Photographer
STEVE KAGAN.............Staff Photographer
PAULINE LUBENS.........Staff Photographer

Sports Staff
Sports Editor
MARCIA MERKER ....., ... . . . Executive Editor
LEBA HERTZ . .. .. Managing Editor
JEFF SCHILLER ......... . ..... Associate Editor
Liebster, Ray O'Hara, Michael Wilson
NIGHT EDITORS: Rick Bonino, Tom Cameron,
Tom Duranceau, Andy Glazer, Kathy Henne-
ghan, Ed Lange, Rich Lerner, Scott Lewis, Bill
Marcia Katz, John Niemeyer, Dave Wihak
DESK ASSISTANTS: Paul Campbell, Marybeth
Dillon, Larry Engle, Aaron Gerstman, Jerome
Gilbert, Andy Lebet, Rick Maddock, Bob Miller,
Joyce Moy, Patrick Rode, Arthur wightman
Business Staff
Business Manager
Rob Cerra.Operations Manager
Peter Caplan ........ .. Finance Manager
Beth Friedman . ..............Sales Manager
Dave Pontkowsky ............. Display Manager
Pete Petersen ................ Sales Coordinator
MANAGERS: Dan Brinza, Kathy Mulhein, Cassie
St. Clair
STAFF: John Bengow, Debbie Dreyfuss, Jan
Eichinger, Denise Gilardone, Dede Goldman,
Amy Hartman, Beth Kirchner, Cathy Lasky,
Nancy Lombardi, Kathleen Matthews, Vicki
May, Judi Miller, Dennis O'Malley, Candy
Perry, Debbie Pikus, Louis Schwartz, Ann Mr-
rie Villeneune, Ruth Wolman

Real-life sleuths:* Drabber
than Bond, equally effectir

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By the Ann Arbor Teach-In Committee
"Gentlemen, this is dirty business. If you
have any qualms about it, get out now."
-unidentified instructor at the U. S.
Army Intelligence School, Fort
Tolabird, Md. 1968
THROUGH THE GENRE of the spy fiction of
Ian Fleming and others of his mold, intelli-
gence has firmly taken its place as the Ameri-
can virility symbol. Glamorized spies shoot their
way into board rooms and bedrooms to defeat
whatever insidious enemy is threatening our
American way of life.
The truth is much less glamorous but no less
insidious. The real intelligence operatives of
American may not fit the Bondian mold of dash
and daring.
They operate very much with their feet on
the ground, but, in their own muddling way,
they can come down just as quickly and finally
on their unsuspecting targets as any of their fic-
tional counterparts.
Real-life intelligence agents as" a rule don't
resort to the sensational tactics of liquidation
partially because they can't get away with it, but
mostly because they don't have to.
DOMESTIC SPIES ARE bureaucrats above all
else, and as such can readily manipulate the
courts and law enforcement agencies with the
paralyzing cry of "national security." They can
control behavior and neutralize "subversive"
threats just as effectively through surveillance
and constraints on freedom as they would
through more primitive strong-arm techniques.
Surveillance of dissenters is not new. , Major
General Ralnh Van Deman, considered by the
Army to be the "father of military intelligence,"

which many Americans, including Emmz
man, were deported for radical activity.
these infringements of civil liberties,
them the great iconoclast H. L. Menck
public opinion bit the government line a
ple acquiesced in the surveillance, seein
a necessary function of the U. S. governn
The present public furor over governme
veillance arises out of the mood of the
Vietnam and Watergate have made peopl
suspicious of their government than ever
The Army's surveillance program, the
"Operation CHAOS," and the FBI's "CO
PRO" program have all raised disturbin
tions about the government's conduct.
Government is supposed to be a pact,
of trust between those who hold the r
power and those who feel the effects c
power. When that trust is broken, when, a
dore White says, there has been a br
faith," then it is time we all reexami
It is fitting that this all comes upon us
year of the Bicentennial, for the first Ar
Revolution was a reaction to a breach o
Men and women could not stand idly bl
their "inalienable rights" to "life, liberty;
pursuit of happiness" were being eroded
THESE DAYS, IT is very hard to
happiness when your name is permanen
bedded in the memory banks of somef
commuter, while some just as faceless
ment agent monitors your every move.
remain inalienable only so long as the
ment deems convenient.
The Ann Arbor Teach-In is a major e

F'ranco, To The Daily:
all the I- AM CONCERNED about
ve for- serious unresolved safety and
ortions atomic waste disposal problems
o deny in the current atomic power
program. For this reason I
would like to make a plea for
alternative forms of energy.
uguese The average citizen today, af-
ter watching several television
commercials on nuclear power
IWy could easily be persuaded to
believe that nuclear power is
a safe, efficient means of sup-
I Wom- plying energy. A study of nu-
id like clear power convinces me that
ple and these commercials are mislead-
ponded ing to say the least. The utili-
earance zation of nuclear power is actu-
tember ally a dangerous means of sup-
ing the plying energy that consumers
ovide a should be aware of. Thus far
of phil- very little money has been
omen' s put into developing alternative
he part sources of energy such as solar
ce. and wind power so it is no won-
approxi- der that nuclear energy is be-
ions in- ing universally developed.
Biologically, utilizing nuclear
power is extremely dangerous.
-Radiation damage can cause
mutations in the genes either
somatically or genetically. If
the damage is somatic it will
harm only the individual ex-
posed by possibly causing ab-
normal cell growth, namely can-
cer. If the damage is genetic
it is passed on to future genera-
a Gold- tions and abnormal births, in-
creases in disease, and mental
retardation may occur.
In Michigan we have a unique
against and interesting experiment in
among solar and wind energy at the
en. But Upland Hills Ecological Aware-
nd peo- ness Center located near Ox-
g it as ford. About three years ago
vet when an energy class was be-
ient. ntaught at the Uplandwschool,
ent sur- some teachers and students be-
times, came interested in solar and
e more wind energy. Out of those in-
before. terests grew a solar and wind
CIA's energy system and the Upland
INTEL- Hills Ecological Awareness Cen-
ig ques- ter.
teresting features at the Aware-
a bond ness Center. Among them is the
eins of geodesic dome classroom. This
of such dome is heated by the solar col-
s Theo- lector. One unique feature of
each of the solar system is that it is
ne that integrated with the wind ener-
gy system. This is because the
wind system provides electricity
sin the for the two pumps used in the
merican solar system; one which pumps
)f faith. water up to. the corrugations
y while on the solar collector and one
and the which pumps water from the
away solar collector to the dome. liar-
aw'.ay. nessing the wind provides three
killowatts of power which takes
pursue care of all the electrical re-
Itly im- quirements of the dome. Besides
faceless the solar heater and wind gen-
govern- erator there are other ways of

utilizing energy. The Awareness
Center is usually in the process
of building new energy equip-
ment. Among some of the new
equipment is a solar fruit dry-
er, a green house, and other
useful items.
The philosophy of the Aware-
ness center is to provide the
education and practical build-
ing experience for people inter-
ested in alternative energy sys-
tems. They hope to heighten
people's awareness of the fact
that positive solutions to the en-
vironmental and energy prob-
lems do exist. The Awareness
Center will continue to function
as a working demonstration util-
izing non-polluting sources of
Since the Awareness Center is
an ongoing process, new mem-
bers can always join. A mem-
bership entitles one to attend
workshops and work on projects
at the center. Also, members
have full access to the center's
library, and will receive a news-
letter published quarterly. Be-
cause of the serious problems
involved with nuclear energy, I
hope that in the future people
start supporting individuals and
groups like the Awareness Cen-
ter. If we all wait too long it
just may be too late.
Faith Birchali
October 10
thing that we've never been
able to stomach. A certain pow-
erful faction on Student Gov-
ernment Council, which got
elected by claiming to be lib-
eral (or even radical), has al-
lowed power to go to their
heads, and has been acting in
a manner that would warm the
heart of John Birch himself.
On Thursday, three alternative
sets of amendments to the SGC
Constitutio, all with the purpose
of implementing the recom-
mendations of the Commission
to Study Student Governance
(CSSG), were brought before
Council to be presented to the
students in the coming All-
Campus Election. Only one of
the three will appear in, the
coming referendum - the one
presented by a member of this
faction. The other two, present-
ed by "outsiders" (an inde-
pendent member of Council and
the Treasurer of SGC), were
refused even consideration as
motions by a solid chorus of
"nays" from this unshaking
voting bloc. Acting as the most
benevolent of dictators, the
Student Organizing Committee
decided that the student body
of the University of Michigan
is not intelligent enough to
choose three differen plans for
their own government, and
casually ignored arguments in
favor of submitting all proposed
alternatives to the people-
where all power supposedly
WE CALL UPON the student
body to insure that never again
will those who masquerade as
liberals be allowed to push us
into repression.
G. J. DiGiuseppe
Irving Freeman
Oct. 24
Letters should be typed
and limited to 400 words.
The Daily reserves the
right to edit letters for
length and grammar.


C ''
' A

Contact, yOUr reps-

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