NOW STRIKE See Editorial Page YI L ~t- 09a A6F o4air :43atty CLEARING x High-51 Low-25 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 48 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 29, 1975 Ten Cents Eight Pages Peanut gallery Feeding the monkeys seemed to be the intent of at least one City Council observer Monday night, who came into council chambers ready for a real'Barnum and Bailey affair. Plopping down handfuls of peanuts in front of each councilper- son's microphone, the, observer simply remarked, "What's a circus without peanuts?" Maybe it's time for Mayor Al to come in with a chair and a whip... 0 We need you! Would you like to see your name in print? Like to attend the cream of happenings in and around Ann Arbor, and meet a wide range of fascinating personalities? If you're interested in film, music, art, theater, or dance, we at the Daily's Art Page would like you to join us. Come to our mass meet- ing Thursday, October 30, at 7:30 p.m. in our of- fices at 420 Maynard St., just behind the LSA building. Or if you can't make it then, please call us at 764-0552. 0 Happenings .. . . . Today begin with a couple of Art exhibi- tions. The Ann Arbor Women Painters annual ex- hibition is in the Rackham Galleries from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. The juror is Vincent Castagnacci, an assistant art professor . . . A special exhibition and sale of original oriental art will be held in the Un- ion Gallery from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. . . . The LSA Student Government will hold a meeting in the SGC council chambers tonight at 7 p.m. .. . The Washtenaw Democratic Party will hold its general membership meeting on the third floor of the Michigan League at 7:30 p.m. . . . Over Eaters Anonymous will meet at 7 p.m. in the Union, rm. 3205 . . . Hillel and the University Theatre Pro- gram are sponsoring a talk by Mendel Kohansky on the history of Hebrew Theatre at 7:30 in the East Conference room at Rackham . . . All women interested in joining the Women's Intercollegiate Gymnastics team should go to the Coliseum at 7:30 p.m. . . . The Ars Musica is sponsoring Ba- roque music, flute and voice, at the Pendleton Arts Information Center in the Michigan Union . . . the Student Organizing Committee will hold a mass meeting at 9 p.m. in Smittv's, South Quad . . . and the Washtenew County Sheriff's Department will be holding part one of a two part seminar on self defense for women at the Police Training Center, 4133 Washtenaw from 7 to 9 p.m. " Apathetic about apathy A Georgia radio station's morning talk show on public apathy proved its point Monday when only two calls were received during the entire pro- gram. "On other topics we have been averaging 20-30 calls aired and probably lots of other at- tempts," said a radio spokesperson for WALG. Keep out the boys! The Girls Scouts of America voted unanimously to maintain and uphold the solidarity of their or- ganization - by keeping out the boys. Last year the Boy Scouts voted to allow girls aged 14 to 21 into their Explorer Division. Girls Scout delegates and about 2,700 visitors discussed whether their membership should include boys. But by the clap- ping and cheering it was obvious from the start that the idea was doomed. So much for integration. Testing the tests The College Entrance Examination Board an- nounced yesterday that they will begin an investi- gation into the national decline in the Scholastic Apitude Test (SAT) scores. Board President Sid- ney Marland said that the scope of the exami- nation will range from the nature of the test itself to broad social conditions affecting education. "At this time we have no substantial evidence that en- ables us to attribute the score decline to any single cause or any particular set of causes," said Marland. He added that there are four areas of speculation over the drop in scores; the scientific nature of the tests themselvgs, the characteristics of the students taking them, the nature of second- ary education, and aenergl conditions in society. And wi*h such a wide choice it could be years before they come up with an answer. On the inside ... ... Steve Stojic writes funny stuff about the un- derside of militarism on the Editorial Page . . . sBill Stieg writes on the new basketball players on Sports . . . and Kurt Harju reviews the Proctor and Bergman performance on the Arts Page. Americans flee ravaged Beirut 75 reported killed as Moslem-Ciristian civil strife continues By AP and Reuter BEIRUT, Lebanon - At least 75 people were killed yesterday as Lebanon's civil war raged on with increased ferocity and convoys of Americans and other foreigners sped to the airport for flights out of this strife-torn capital. Marine guards at the U. S. Embassy changed from dress blues to combat fatigues a'nd flak jackets when stray rounds from a nearby combat zone began* hitting the building. Rocket-propelled grenades and machine gun bursts slammed into three of Beirut's most expen- AP Photo Bewitched A curious two-year-old finds that a pumpkin's face is a sure sign of the season of goblins and trick-or-treating. Like the rest of us, Autumn Thumma of Columbus, Ohio, will be celebrating Halloween on Friday. REQUESTS PLO PARTICIPATION: Sadat asks peace conference sive hotels. NONSTOP ' FIGHTING has made it impossible to accurate- ly count casualties, but offic- ials said 17 persons were killed and more than 20 wounded in one Moslem area alone when it came under a Christian shelling. They estimated that 120 died on Monday. The death toll for the past nine weeks of factional vio- lence now stands at about 925. Premier R a s h i d Karami announced another cease-fire bid to end the war between Christian militiamen and Pales- tinian - led Moslems. He said a nine-person "security group" would meet in his office until it comes up with "effective measures to end once and for all the tragedy that has been gripping Lebanon." The group represents leftist, rightist and religious groups involved in the fighting. THE BLOODY street war has slowly paralyzed government, commerce and basic public ser- vices in this small Arab nation of three million. The gun battle outside Parlia- s ment House prevented Leba- d non's 99-person National Assem- Sbl from meeting to discuss the 'n crisis. Deputies had to be evac- o- uated in armored cars. 0 Witnesses said several ve- s hicles filled with armed Mos- d lems drove past the parliament s- building just before the meeting l started, shouting insults at the deputies. Bodyguards of Pierre e Gemayel, leader of the Chris- d tian Phalange party, opened up d on the Moslems, and one per- . son on each side was killed be- fore the shooting stopped. Blood clot. worsens Franco 's condItIon MADRID, Spain (P) - Gen. Francisco Franco, at the brink of death from a series of heart attacks, suffered a sharp set- back yesterday with the de- velopment of an intestinal blood clot, his doctors reported. They said the 82-year-old gen- eralissimo was in "extraordin- arily grave" condition. A BULLETIN from the 13-doc- tor medical team said that in addition to Franco's perilous heart. condition and blood clot, he is suffering increased inter- nal bleeding and intestinal pa- ralysis. One of his doctors said the tough . old general opened his' eyes briefly and wept when he was presented with a cloak of the Virgin of Pilar, Spain's pa- tron saint. Franco has con- trolled the nation's destiny since the 1936-39 civil war. Archbishop Pedro Cantero Cuadrado of Zaragoza carried the robe into the bedroom where Franco was surrounded by members of his family, the See FRANCO, Page 8 By AP and Reuter WASHINGTON- Egypt's President Anwar Sadat yesterday called for a resumption of the Geneva Peace Conference with partici- pation by the Palestine Liberation Organi- zation (PLO) "as an equal partner." Sadat emerged from a second round of talks with President Ford stressing that the United States held most of the cards in the quest for Middle East peace and must open a dialogue with the Palestinian's. "IF WE are going to achieve any global solution for this problem (Middle East ten- sions), it will not be reached without the Palestinians," Sadat told reporters. He said he had made Ford aware of his view that "the United States holds 99 per cent of the cards of this game" and there- fore must get together with the Palestin- ians. The U.S. has withheld recognition from the PLO because it has not recognized Israel's existence. President Ford said last night the U.S. was exploring every avenue to bring peace to the Middle East and would not tolerate stagnation in the negotiations for an over- all settliment. DIPLOMATIC sources said Egypt wa sending formal notification to the Unite States and the Soviet Union, co-chairme of the dormant peace conference. Dipl matic sources said it would take about tw months to restart the conference if all side approved. In the meantime, Sadat urge Ford to have Secretary of State Henry Kis singer mediate another Israeli withdrawa on the Syrian front. "As much as I know," he said, "th United States ready to perform its goo offices to fulfill such an agreement as thi See SADAT, Page 2 0-'Hara U. S. Congressman James O'Hara (D-Mich.) yesterday an- nounced his candidacy for the Senate at a Washington D. C. press conference during which he dwelled on his experience and longtime Democratic Party membership. O'Hara is the third Democrat to unveil plans to run for Sen.. Philip Hart's (D-Mich.) seat. Hart chose not to seek re-elec- tion next year, after his third to run term expires. ALSO campaigning for tne Democratic Party nomination are O'Hara's fellow Congress- man Don Riegle of Flint and State Sen. John Otterbacher of Grand Rapids. "It may be that in this cam- paign there will be little sub- stantive difference in the goals of the Democratic candidates on the really major issues like for Senate seat UAC rejects Ky, Shockley speeches By CATHERINE REUTTER After more than two hours of disorganized, far-ranging debate, the University Activities Committee (UAC) Governance Board voted last night to reject plans to invite former South Vietnamese Premier Nguyen Cao Ky and self-proclaimed geneticist William Shockley to speak on campus. In a 6-5 vote against the controversial Shockley and a 7-4 vote against Ky, the board upheld an earlier veto of the invitations. The original plans, proposed by Norman LoPatin, chairman of the "World Series" lecture program, were first rejected by UAC's senior officers. UAC PRESIDENT Bill Powers, one of the officers whose veto prices, jobs, and energy," 0'- Hara told reporters. "Democratic primary voters may have to base their deci- sions on their perception of who has performed most effectively up to now and who can be ex- pected to perform best as Mich- igan's next United States sena- tor," he added. O'HARA, who lives in Utica and represents a predominate- ly white, blue collar district in suburban Detroit, is serving his ninth term in the House. O'Hara's 17-year tenure will probably be his strong point in battling Riegle who was first elected to Congress in 1966 and was a Republican until early 1973. The Democratic field may get. even more crowded, as state Attorney General Frank Kelley and Secretary of State Richard Austin are supposedly eyeing the Senate seat. No Republicans have, as yet, formally announced intentions of running. But Congressman Marvin Esch (R-Mich.), Ann Arbor's representative, is ex- pected to campaign vigorously for his party's nomination. U-n i v e r s it y Regent O'Hara Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) has also expressed an interest in the GOP nomination. O'HARA said yesterday that lowering unemployment m the state would be his first priority in the Senate. In conjunction, he added, he would seek a tax re- duction for the average Ameri- can family. O'Hara also declared that economic stability depends, on "breaking up the major, oil companies" - a call that Hart has often sounded. AP Photo LYNETTE "Squeaky" Fromme is shown on her way to yes- terday's pre-trial hearing at the Federal Court in Sacramento, Calif., to determine whether President Ford should be re- quired to give testimony via video tape. FrommIme trial to get FOrd evidece bytape SACRAMENTO, Calif. I)-A federal judge reaffirmed yester- day his order that President Ford give a videotape statement in the trial of Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme. Administration officials provoked LoPatin's appeal, said, that neither of these people would have the chance to speak. They'd be booed down." Many issues were raised in debate, including financial and security r i s k s. Freedom of speech and educational oppor- tunities were also issues. Speaker fees were a point of contention as well. Some board 'I have heard from many sources 4lice o't strike toda y IX The National Organization for Women feminist leader Germaine Greer. (NOW) has declared today "Alice Doesn't In Ann Arbor, the symbolic strike's events I