DOUBLE STANDARD See Editorial Page Y Bk Ct-F~ :43ai tti IDYLLIC High-T77 Low--55 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 44 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 24, 1975 Ten Cents Twe lve Pages Few vacancies, housing poll mp" a says Study calls city apartment situation 'unhealthy' Move it Men who make cross-country moves are less likely to be married to their original wives than are those who stay put ,according to a University researcher. John Tropman found that among a cross section of men aged 45 to 64 the only con- nection between packing up and marriage was the propensity for divorce prior to calling the moving van. "This doesn't necessarily mean that moving results in divorce," he said. "Rather, it may be that divorce and remarriage persuades one to relo- cate in a new area." So there. Con cost The Washtenaw County Commissioners found out Wednesday that crime doesn't pay. No, they weren't caught with their hands in the cookie jar. They received a report from Sheriff Fred Pos- till pointing out that the county jail is full to ca- pacity because of the recent drug raid, and that the overflow of cons and those awaiting trial is being billeted in other nearby jails. The county has to absorb the cost for placing the persons in other facilities. At this point some 44 people who would normally be in the county clink- are being housed elsewhere. Ding-a-ling Ma Bell is recycling its old pay phones for use in homes. The plan was announced Wednesday, and as a result anyone who wants to fork over the bread can have a completely reconditioned 35- pound, coin operated telephone in his or her bed- room or kitchen. The units will be altered so that a coin is no longer needed to get a dial tone. "We are offering our customers unusual conversation pieces and at the same time we are preventing these old phones from becoming extinct like so many phones from the past," a company renre- sentatiye said. No word on cost, but for $129.95 you cn eet a red, white, and blue striped "Bicen- tennial Snecial." - " Happenings .. . begin with an open house at WUOM in the LSA Bldg. from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. . . . the Black Law Students Alliance will Iold a demonstration at noon in front of the lawschool protesting the lack of affirmative action in hiring faculty . . . a noon luncheon at Guild House, 802 Monroe, fea- tures Maureen O'Rourke and John Ellis on "Gay Liberation as Human Liberation" . . . also at noon UAC will sponsor the homecoming phone booth stuffing contest on the Diag . . . at 4 p.m. in Rm. 170 of the Physics and Astronomy Bldg. Prof. Les- zek Kolakowsici will lecture on "Very Strong Doubts about Humanism" . . . the Marxist Forum Series presents Claude Lightfoot on "Racism and Human Survival: The Lessons of Nazi Germany for Today's World" at 7:30 p.m. in East Quad's Greene lounge . . . there will be a dunlicate bridge game at 7:30 p.m. in the Union . . . African Film Series will show Chad, Senegal, and Niger in Lecture Rm. 1 of the MLB at 8 p.m. . . . The School of Music will present "A Gala Concert of Classic Popular Songs" at 8:30 p.m. in the Power Center. " Hang 'em high An Illinois minister concerned about the increas- ing crime rate advocates public execution of con- victed murderers on prime-time television. "Noth- ing much else has helped stop crime and I think public executions of convicted killers would be an unbeatable shock method," says Rev. Paul Tinlin "I'm no religious quack," he adds quickly. Tinlin, however, admitted watching a public execution would probably make him sick "because it would be gruesome." Wonder if Monte Hall or Hovard Cosell should M.C. the show? " Sour grapes? Vice President Nelson Rockefeller claims he probably would have been elected President if he had changed parties and become a Democrat. Rockefeller missed the GOP presidential boat in 1960, 1964, 'and 1968 but says he never seriously considered switching party banners. "I've always believed in the Republican Party," the Veep said in explaining his steadfastness. " Clap trap The Food and Drug Administration yesterday ordered that venereal disease information warn- ings must be included on labels of birth control pills beginning next year. Seems as if many people have gotten the mistaken impression that the pill not only prevents babies but VD as well. Not so. And some researchers claim that several tynes of the pill make women even more susceptible to venereal disease by causing physiological changes. On the inside . .. Editorial Page has a Pacific News Service story on the declining British Empire and the Oman crisis . . . Cinema Weekend fills the Arts Page . . . and Sports Page features Bill Steig'sj scouting renort on the Indiana Hoosiers. 'We desperately need some sort of rent control. We need the city and the University to com- mit themselves to s o m e real hard work to build low-income and cooperative housing.' -Kathy Kozachenko (HRP-Second Wurd) By JIM TOBIN The University's Off-Campus Housing Office has completed a survey revealing a mere one-half per cent vacancy rate for non-University housing facilities on central campus, and a one and a half per cent rate in large housing complexes off campus. These rates are several percentage points below what Off-Campus Housing Director Peter Schoch called a "healthy" rate of five or six per cent. Very low vacancy rates make possible arbitrary, large-scale rent increases by landlords. THE SURVEY was conducted during the first two weeks of this month. The off-campus rate was figured from a poll of the large, modern apartment complexes comprising 14,660 housing units in the city. The central campus rate repre- sents a survey of half the roughly 4,000 units near the University. "It (the survey) tells me that we do have a significant supply problem," Schoch said last night. "The market's very tight. Whether that will prompt somebody to build some additional spaces, I don't know. If you have additional spaces you certainly stop arbitrary rent in- creases." Schoch went on to say that not all landlords impose such increases. HE SAID the low vacancy rates are the product of a series of complex factors concerning the housing situation and the fluctuations of student attitudes. The density of apartment occupancy in the city-the number of people living in a given apartment-has decreased 26 per cent since 1965. Schoch attributes this trend to a growing student desire for privacy. He also cited an absence of new housing con- struction and the University's additional 1,000 students this term as partly responsible for the low vacancy rates. THE SURVEY underscores a housing con- troversy which has been the subject of lengthy debate among city leaders for several years, and the stimulus for two rent control referendums put to city voters since April, 1974. Both rent control proposals were voted down. City Councilwoman Kathy Kozachenko (HRP- Second Ward) commented on the situation yester- day. See STUDY, Page 8 ii GM- AMC report significant 9gains in ev DETROIT (A)-Gen- eral Motors reported yes- terday its car sales in mid- October rose 43 per cent from weak year-earlier lev- els, while American Motors said its sales were up 54 per cent. All four U. S. auto com- panies were to report their Oct. 11-20 sales figures to- day, and industry analysts predicted deliveries in the period would rise 30 per car cent from depressed year- earlier levels to post their best mid-month perform- ance since June 1974. ANALYSTS said strong sales of 1976 models apparently con- tinued to pace the industry's re- covery from a two-year slump. The companies sold an esti- mated 223,000 cars in the lat- est period, analysts estimated, up from 170,972 last year, when record price hikes of $450 a car drove shoppers out of the SGC paves way to . e " revamp cons titutiton By GLEN ALLERHAND Student Government Council unanimously passed last night a resolution to place several constitutional amendments and a pro- posal for a constitutional convention on the November campus election ballot. The ballot questions would considerably revise the current structure of SGC by making student government what proponents of the changes call "more representative." BOTH QUESTIONS have been raised in response to a October 1973 Regental directive to "prepare a plan for the reorganization of the central student government which will improve its credibility, ...and institute procedures which will guarantee its integrity." That directive led to the formation of the Commission to Study Student Governance (CSSG), which was endorsed last week by the Regents. It calls for greater student particicpation in decision- making. The resolution came after long, tedious debate which began with two factions of Council split on both the amendment proposal and constitutional proposal. MEMBERS OF the Student Organizing Committee (SOC), led by President Debra Goodman, supported the proposed amendments, See SGC, Page 8 sales market and sent sales plum- meting. Industry giant GM said it sold 127,688 cars in the period, compared with 89,348 last year. For the year-to-date, GM has sold 2,908,934 cars, off 5 per cent from last year. AMC, the smallest of the auto makers, has sold 8,305 cars in the latest period, compared with a poor 5,412 a year ago, when deliveries were dampen- ed by ,a United Auto Workers strike. For the year-to-date, AMC has sold 262,103 cars, down 12 per cent from 1974. Meanwhile, three of the auto companies said today they will shut assembly plants or trim production next week because of mounting inventories of un- sold models. ' The cutbacks come despite recent improvements in sales and optimistic public predic- tions by auto executives that deliveries will increase sharp- ly in the coming-year. Analysts say the cutbacks suggest in- house forecasts of the market may be considerably less bull- ish. CHRYSLER Corp. confirmed earlier reports that it will shut its two big-car assembly plants for one week beginning Mon- day, idling nearly 6,300 hourly workers. AMC disclosed it will trim 3,600 Pacerssnext week from its production schedules at Kenosha, Wis., due to poor sales, temporarily idling 3,700 hourly employes. General Motors said it is eliminating one assembly oper- ation at its GMC Truck and Coach Division in Pontiac, Mich., beginning today, plac- ing 350 hourly workers on in- definite layoff. Deliveries in mid-October 1974 fell 28 per cent from the already depressed levels of the year before, when the Mideast oil embargo first triggered the industry's downturn. While labeling the latest re- sulits as a decent performance, analysts cautioned against read- ing too much into the sharp gain from last year because sales then were so weak. Daily Photo by SCOTT ECCKER A CONTINGENT of cheerleaders unleashes a wave of strident emotion during the Home- coming Pep Rally at the Sigma Chi fraterni ty last night. The rally's keynote speaker was Bo Schembechler. 1o leads cheering crowd at Homecomig Pep Rally By DAVID GARFINKEL As the Wolverine Prep Band exploded into a harmonious blast from the porch of the Sigma Chi fraternity, gymnastics coach Newt Loken shouted "Go Blue!," his voice blaring through a Fender amplifier. The second an- nual Homecoming Pep Rally, intended to gather a head of emotional steam for the Indiana football game Saturday, was under- way. The crowd's collective adrenalin must have peaked within the first five minutes, but throughout the duration of this forty-minute show studded with sports stars, including Bo Schembechler, everyone seemed to be trying to coax just one more drop from the old pitui- tary. UNDER THE heat of the warm Indian Sum- mer evening and two 1000-watt lamps set up by WXYZ-TV, the crowd screamed and shout- ed to a series of Michigan football celebrities. And when co'captain Don Dufel told 'em "We're comin' now . . . and we're gonna keep comin'!" they squealed ecstatically. After Loken warmed up With the band, the first speaker came on. "Doc" Hazel Losh, for- mer astronomy professor and fervent football fan, generated swell after swell of enthusiasm with her spirited talk. "I CANNOT tell what the score will be," she said, her voice trembling with excitement, "but there is no doubt that we will win Sat- urday." The crowd went wild. The immortal Wally Weber, an "old timer" and ardent Michigan booster, delivered an address studded with polvsyllabic words. "They say those young Americans, they're no loneer interested in virility and sports," he beamed. He was greeted by a chorus of sav- age growls. "Well, they haven't been in Wol- See BO, Page 9 MINI-COURSE STATUS DENIED: Teach-in hits 'U' stance on course credit By RICK SOBLE Sponsors of next month's Ann Arbor Teach-in claim that their request to make the lecture series a mini-course has been denied by Uni- versity administration o f f i c i a I s on political grounds. The Teach-in, entitled "The Bicentennial Di- lemma: Who's in Control?," is set for November 2-4 and features such speakers as Mark Lane and William Kunstler. Organizers of the lecture series the Teach-in, the plan will probably die in com- mittee, relieving Frye of the responsibility for killing it personally. THE EXECUTIVE Committee of the Dean's Office, headed by Frye, argues that, among other things, the proposed course doesn't offer a "bal- anced intellectual approach." "The committee's decision reflects its political viewpoint," said Goodman. She claims that the committee finds only the Teach-in's leftist bias ohiectionable. G f ..; , :r:, ..:' .Nw.: ... t. . .'.... .. .. :.. ..:: .. l..:S. "l.i::. '. ...:uf. ... .... t4. monommo