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October 23, 1975 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1975-10-23

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Empty pork




Presidential candidate stood
up on the floor of the U. S.
Senate and announced that the
gigantic increase which Ford
wanted for the Pentagon budget
would cost the nation jobs.
"We have been told," said
Senator Birch Bayh (D-Indi-
ana) "That the big increases in
military spending will create
new jobs and help ease our eco-
nomic crisis. This is specious

er analysis which showed that
in the years 1968-1972 when the
military budget averaged about
$80 billion, the nation suffered
an average net loss of 844,000
jobs as a direct result of the
diversion of tax money from
civilian to military spending.
Every major industrial state
in the country except Texas and
California lost jobs. Sixty per
cent of the U.S. population lives
in states which suffered a net
loss of jobs.: Michigan lost 172,-
000 jobs; Illinois, 174,000 jobs;



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"'A study recently



found that when spending on the military went
up, spending in civilian categories decreased,
with a consequent loss of jobs'."


Field Nowapapar Syndicate. 3976

Ate S td an t
Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

"A study recently published
by the Public Interest Research
Group in Michigan - PIRGIM
-found that when spending on
the military went up, spending
in civilian categories decreased,
with a consequent net loss of
"According to PIRGIM, the
high level of military spending
between 1968-1972 cost the Na-
tion 840,000 jobs each year. The
annual loss in my own State of
Indiana alone was 57,000 jobs."
During the week-long Senate
debate on the military budget
and foreign policy, one Sena-
tor after another used PIR-
GIMs report, "The Empty Pork
Barrel: Unemployment and the
Pentagon Budget," to justify
his opposition to even higher
military budgets.
"The Empty Pork Barrel"
exploded a myth long cherished
by the military - industrial com-
plex - that military spending
creates jobs/ During the years
that this belief had currency,
no one had asked the question:
Jobs at whose expense?
THIS myth by doing a comput-

and New York an astounding
426,000 jobs.
"The Empty Pork Barrel"
was released simultaneously by
PIRGIM in Lansing, and by
Rep Les Aspin (D-Wisconsin)
in Washington.
It received immediate nation-
wide press. Covered by both
wire services and a number of
newspaper chains, the reaction
on both side was immediate and
vigorous. Someone from the De-
fense Department called a Con-
gressional office and said, "We
let that (expletive deleted) wo-
man from PIRGIM get away
with this once, but never
The PIRGIM office began to
be bombarded with calls from
the military contractors, "Send
us that report air mail special
delivery. Hurry up! $10 is on
the way." (The report cost $1
and PIRGIM does not have cost
gated as ". . . dangerous" by
North American Rockwell, a big
missile and war plane manufac-
turer. As ". . . using infuriating
logic and taking outrageous lib-

Thursday, October 23, 1975

News Phone: 764-0552

erties," by the "Southern Cali-
fornia Industrial News."
This article went on the say,
"The study holds two premises,
that could steamroller into the
halls of Congress. One, the Na-
der network could go into gear
and similar student controlled
groups could raise enough fuss
to provoke a letter writing cam-
paign to Congressmen.
"Two ,the study represents
another attempt by so-called
do-gooders to further erode the
defense position and the de-
fense business in this country.
Considering the state of mind
of a large segment of the Con-
gress, the Defense budget could
be cut and all hell will break

loose here and abroad."
During all of this excitement,
Senator Edward M. Kennedy
(D-Massachusetts) showed his
feeling about the issue by plac-
ing the full text of "The Empty
Pork Barrel" in the "Congres-
sional Record" to be read by
thousands of Capitol Hill staff-
ers and military bureaucrats
during the succeeding days.
But what of the long-term im-
Will the Congressmen and
Senators from the states which
suffer a net loss of jobs begin
voting for cuts in the swollen
military budget?
the UAW who have members

laid off because of present poli-
cies' take a constructive stand?
Will students as new voters
put pressure on their represen-
tatives to change national prior-
ities so that they have a chance
of getting a job after gradua-
These are the long term ques-
tions, and the ones which will
ultimately decide whether we
have a stagnantI economy ruled
by the whims of the military,
or an economy of growth and
ultimately of hope.
Marion Anderson is a PIR-
GIM staff member.

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104
Off streets and into classes

ONCE AGAIN A bill concerning sex
education is being introduced in
the Michigan Senate and once again
it is being violently opposed by many
groups. Senate Bill 1154 will attempt
to drag our school system out of the
dark halls of the Middle Ages and
into the fresh and intelligent class-
rooms of the twentieth century.
Hopefully, children will no longer
have to believe the fantasies float-
ing around the playground, but will
rather, with the help of professional
and sympathetic teachers, be taught
the simple truth. Hopefully, Senate
Bill, 1154 will, pave the way for con-
prehensible, straightforward, and un-
embarrassed sex education.
Included in the bill the provisions
for instruction on birth control, -sex
News: Barb Cornell, Elaine Fletcher,
Sara Rimer, Ann Marie Schiavi, Tim
Schick, Jim Tobin
Editorial Page: Steve Harvey, Paul
Haskins, Annette Higby, Debra Hur-
witz, Mara Letica, Tom Stevens
Arts Page: David Weinberg
Photo Technician: Pauline Lubens

hygiene ,and venereal disease. What
many opponents of the bill fail to
recognize is that there are many
adolescents who have minds and vo-
litions of their own. With venereal
disease statistics at the epidemic lev-
el, it is essential that these students
be apprised of any and all risks in-
volved in their activities.
Wild and promiscuous sex is not
being advocated. Rather, the bill will
help to promote an education which
will prevent painful and detrimental
experiences and yield wiser, more
knowledgeable judgments.
not demand that every child take
advantage of the proposed sex edu-
cation; no coercive tactics are includ-
ed. Therefore, if any parent still feels
that sex education belongs n the
home and not in the classroom, he or
she can choose to keep the student
involved out of the sex education
class. But why deny the right of
others to thisopportunity for an ed-
ucation which all too few students
get at home? Senate Bill 1154 is a

A smoke-free Halloween?

, tuestion: Do you know of anything new
for those of us who are anxious to kick
the cigarette smoking habit for good?
Answer: You're in luck! To put you in
the right spirits for celebrating Halloween,
the kickoff for the "Ann Arbor Smoking
Withdrawal Clinic" will occur on Thurs-
day evening, October 30th at 7:30 p.m.
in Room 5 (basement) here at Health Ser-
vice. This will be a public meeting, the
primary purpose of which is to explain
what will be involved if you wish to join
our upcoming 4-week program beginning
November 3rd. We will be sponsoring it
in conjunction with the Michigan Lung As-
sociation and it will run for 12 sessions.
So note the evening of October 30th (the
night before Halloween) on your calendar.
Come in and find out what the program
will consist of, what costs there may be,
who the leaders will be and other im-
portant facts about withdrawal.
Question: In your September 18th column
you state that birth control pills are match-
ed as closely as possible to body type and
medical history. Could you explain what
you mean? I thought that all brands of
birth control pills were the same.
Answer: If you take a fast look around
you will notice that while we are all made
up of the same basic parts, we are all
very different. This applies not only to
stature, facial qualities and temperment,
but also to body chemistry. Thus, different

the pill works by simulating a hormonal
"pseudopregnancy" (although during real
pregnancy these hormones are present in
much higher levels).
- Although most birth control pills con-
tain both of these hormones, some pills
are more estrogen dominant and some are
more progestational in nature. Since wom-
en vary widely in their hormonal function-
ing (some may secrete very high levels
and some very low levels of estrogen even
though all may be normal and fertile), they
may react very differently to brands of pills
that contain different proportions of these
A WOMAN'S MEDICAL history and body
type are helpful in evaluating her natural
hormone production and this aid in select-
ing the best possible choice of pill for her.
For example, a woman whose breasts are
very tender and whose abdomen feels very
bloated before her menstrual period (both
of which are side effects of estrogen pro-
duction) might not want a pill with a high
proportion of estrogen in it.
However, it is not always possible to
completely determine in advance all the
effects a pill will have for a particular
woman. Thus, it is important to monitor
people after they begin to use the pill. If,
after an initial trial period, a person begins
to feel uncomfortable using a particular
brand of pill, it may be because the hor-
monal balance is not the right one for her.
In such a case, when she comes in for a
follow-up visit, either the dosages or the
particular compound given can be changed
in accordance with the svmntoms the wnm-

smasas~e i ter Side A maa.
Poverty: It has its
potical advantages :
Dick West
WASHINGTON (UPI) - From the Latin word "perquirere"
to search for comes the English word "perquisite" pay or privi-
lege in addition to regular income.
Apparently, something was ldcst in translation.
In feudal England, lords of the manors were entitled to
a goodly number of perquisites, among them duties or tributes
called heroits and escheats.
"Hand over that heriot, vassal:" a lord might thunder. Or,
"Cough up that escheat, serf!"
But that was back in the days before somebody invented
chauffeur-driven limousines.
" 'I haven't been in the members' private din-
ing room in weeks,' he said, reaching into a file
drawer and exttracting a brown paper bag."
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In democratic America, perquisites mostly take the form
of' creature comforts lavished upon deserving politicians, bureau-
crats and military brass by us grateful taxpayers.
Oh, maybe a U.S. senator here and there will pocket a few
heriots now and then. But senators generally go in for private
'elevators and fringe benefits of that nature.
WHICH BRINGS US TO THE Honorable Edmund G. Brown
Jr., popular California governor and heretic.
Brown has sent shock waves undulating across political cir-
cles by renouncing the perquisites of his office. With limousines
at his disposal, he opts for a compact. When he might dwell
in marbled halls, his pad is a small apartment. And all like that.
At first, other politicians wrote off these eccentricities as
geographic aberrations. After all, California is noted for flaky
But recent polls that gave Brown an 89 per cent public ap-
proval rating now have many conventional politicians worried
and wondering if Brown has found the handle.
THE OTHER DAY IN THE Rayburn Building I dropped
into the office of a congressman I've known for some years.
He was putting some folders into a file cabinet.
Had lunch yet?" I asked.
"I havent's been in the members' private dining room in
weeks," he said, reaching into a file drawer and extracting a
brown paper bag.
"I bring a sandwich from home and use my lunch hour to
catch up on my typing."
"Because I no longer have a secretary. Or any clerks either.
I now handle all of my own correspondence and filing."
I said, "You sound like a man who's thinking about run-
ning for governor. Mind if I use your phone?"
"Sorry. I had my private lines taken out last month. I'm
using the pay phone down the hall."
"I REALIZE THAT MAY BE WORTH a lot of votes,"
I said, "but isn't it awfully inconvenient?"'
"Only when it rings," he replied bravely.
Dick West is a syndicated UPI columnist.
Contact your reps-
Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill,

TODAY MY WATCH got stuck
between the 22nd and the
23rd; I realized it's already the
middle of October, and what do
we have to show for our work
but exhaustion?
A council member reminded
me that our offices are always
busy with council members
working on the committees and
issues we're concerned with.
The Permanent Interviewing
Board (PIB) and the Student
Organization Board (SOB) have
done more than just an ef-
fective job of handling their
responsibilities. The PIB has
contributed largely to over-
spending the publicity line on
our budget, and, not satisfied
just to appoint the best possi-
ble people for the committees,
is also planning a workshop to.
help those people work most ef-
fectively. The SOB is beginning
to provide some real services
for students with their Infor-
mation Center, their newslet-
ter, and their more efficient
methods of assigning office and
other space permits.
Our Communications Commit-
tee and the whole council are

Lots of activity, no action

constantly trying to improve
communications between coun-
cil and the student body. We're
working on a newsletter, dorm
talks, andhhave just instituted
a coffee hour on Wednesdays
from 3-5 in order to give people
a chance to talk about the is-
sues informally. We've receiv-
ed praise from sources, dis-
gusted and frustrated with the
council in the past, for the real
concern we've shown as part of
the state-wide fight against tui-
tion hikes, and our activities in
relation to other important stu-
dent concerns.
THIS IS A START, but it's
not quite what we had in mind.
I pictured council offices teem-
ing with people working on one
project or another.
We're often under the mistak-
en impression that we're doing
all the work ourselves. Not
true. But all the, student gov-
ernments, councils, committees,
and organizations continue to
feel alone, just stabbing in the
dark until a more representa-
tive centralized structures is
implemented, as the CSSG re-
port suggests. At that point, we
will have a structure that can

bring together the efforts of all
these groups and reach out to
a larger number of students at
this university.
We are working hard to build
a new reference point for stu-
dent governance on this cam-
pus ; we need the Michigan
Student Assembly for its broad-
er-based, but more centraliz-
ed structure, and for its crea-
tion of something new out of
the present stale and ineffec-
tive structure of SGC.
Nothing can happen for stu-
dents at this university unless
a lot of us get together to make
it work.
dent Government Council has
been doing such a good job that
we've gained the total trust
and respect of the student body,
and there is no longer reason
for your involvement in stu-
dent affairs. More likely, how-
ever, we're feeling the silence
created from the frustration
at the previous counter - pro-
ductive, circus - like councils.
Debra Goodman is SGC

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