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October 22, 1975 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-22

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Page Two


Wednesday, yOctober 22, 1975 .

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 22, 1975

Poor people confront Rocky

UAC turns thumbs
down on speakers

DENVER (P)-Francie O'Don-
nell, 8, confronted Vice Presi-
dent Nelson Rockefeller yester-
day about plans he and the gov-
ernment have to help poor peo-
ple like her.
Francie, wearing a bright red
dress, stood on a chair and
spoke clearly into a micro-
"US POOR people are so
poor, we're not getting a job,
We need money for food. We.
need good health and care to-
gether with clothes and a

The.vice president listened
intently. The little girl said her
father was paying $90 bucks a
month" to a Denver landlord
who is "mean to us. So we are
mean back to her."
Rockefeller, seated about 30
feet away on a platform along
with cabinet officials, smiled
and said, "I don't think anyone
could be mean to you."
THE LITTLE girl, who told
reporters that her mother had
died of cancer last April and her


father, Rory, is on welfare, was
one of about 700 persons who
attended the first of six domes-
tic policy forums to be held
across the country.
Another w e lif a r e recipient,
Beatrice Villaneuva of Denver,
told the vice president, "I think
this country is insane. How can
a family of four survive on $300
a month?"
Secretary of Health, Educa-
tion and Welfare F. David Mat-
hews, a member of the panel,
was sympathetic to the woman's
complaints, but said there were
no easy solutions to problems
created by programs as com-
plex as the welfare system.
SAN RAFAEL, Calif. (P) - It
was a freak accident, a 2,000-
pound sailboat landed atop a
car parked in a shopping prk-
ing lot. It happened this way:
George Revel of San Francis-
co was driving, trailing his new,
22-foot sailboat. Suddenly the
boat's trailer broke loose from
Revel's pickup truck, veered to
the side of the road and struck
the parked car. The sailboat slid
off the trailer right on top of
the auto.
The car was pretty'well flat-
tened but the new sailboat re-
ceived only a few scratches.

(Continued from Page 1)
Worlds) invite fairly controver-
sial people."
Powers claims he is not try-
ing to sidestep controversy, but
since bringing in speakers in-
volves effort and money, he
asks himself, "Why not bring
somebody everybody's going to
listen to?"
"If we had an opportunity to
bring George Wallace," says
Powers, "I believe there's a
chance we'd bring him. I be-
lieve people would allow him to
speak." B o t h Wallace and
Shockley have been accused of

ly leftist radicals," but right-
wing extremists are banned.
LO PATIN believes the Ky
and Shockley lectures will be
approved by the board. "We
should be able to get it pushed
through," he says. "As far as
I'm concerned, I'm still in
heavy negotiations to bring va-
rious controversial speakers."
The UAC board includes the
senior officers, LoPatin, five
other students representing va-
rious branches of UAC, and two
University officials. As presi-
dent, Powers casts a tie-break-
ing vote then necessary.

I :

racism. The World Series conducted
a random survey of 600 people
UAC Coordinating Vice Presi- on the Diag two weeks ago to
dent Michele Becker sees the get their reactions to Ky's ten-
vetoed plans as "part of a mis- tative visit. One quarter of the
understanding between the sen- people said they would object
iior officers and Norman La- to paying Ky but over 60 per
Patin." cent said they would attend such
LoPatin thinks the World Ser- a lecture.
ies should invite "strictly con-
troversial" speakers. For Pow-
ers, "the World Series' purpose
is to invite speakers and en-
tertainment that don't fit into
Future Worlds or the Concert
Series." of.
The World Series has invited
Procter and Bergman of the
Firesign Theater and the Na-d
tional Marionette Theater to ap-
pear later in October. LoPatin "
hopes to invite Moshe Dyan to
discuss the Mideast situation.
LO PATIN wants to invite (Continued from Page1)
speakers who do not share the international leaders will have
majority view because "that is less confidence," Courant said.
to me what education is about. "This in turnwould make dol-
Whv nv mo'nev to see someone, Lars less secure and desirable

AP Photo

217 S. MAIN

Cut the cake already!

Casey Williams and his "brother,"
birthday together. Casey (the boy)
on the same day. In "dog years,"i

Dudley, go for a ride on the wagon
and the dog were born within one
of course, Dudley is already 7.

to celebrate their 1st
hour of each other

Franco hit by cardiac arrest;
Spanish power shift imminent

(Continued from Page 1) Cabinet meeting."
at El Pardo Palace outside Ma- ALBA added: "That
drid.- he is really ill."
One top level State Depart- The seriousness of
ment official said U. S. sources co's illness was underI
in Spain confirmed the reports two visits from Arias
and he accepted this as confir-g F
mation of Franco's death. But, gathering of Franco's f
another official with access to Cristobal Martine-Bord
the smesoirces said it w as

' until General Franco had recov-
means ered and then resumed his po-
sition as head of state desig-
Fran- nate.
lined by ! Spanish law says that in the
and a event of Franco's death, the
amily at Cortes parliament would have
was Dr. eight days to proclaim Juan
iu, Fran- Carlos king of Spain.

advisable to wat for an official co's son-in-law and a heart spe- THEI LLNESS out the authori-
announcement in Madrid. cialist. tarian ruler on the sidelines in.
Dr. Christian Barnard, the the m'ist of an international
"TOP LEADERS of the Span- South African heart transplant crisis for the first time. Madrid
ish government and army are pioneer, also was at the palace, sought to avoid a confrontation
gathering in Madrid's Prado but he left later for Johannes- with Mororrco over the disputed
palace presumably to discuss burg. He has been traveling Spanish Sahara. the nation's last
what happens now," Scali said. j through Europe. colonial posession.
At the White House, Press Tle Snanish government flew
Secretary Ron Nessen said: ARTAUS met with Franco for a "-l emissrrv to Moroc-
"We have heard the reports on 95 minutes and then returned co v sterday to try to persuade
television but we have no con- to his office. Franco summon- Ki- Hassan TI to drop his plans
,o ed him again 40 minutes later to lead a neaefll "March of
firmation. ito a meeting that lasted 45 min-' Co"onest" of 350.000 Moroccans
At the Spanish Embassy, Am- utes. Informed sources said into the. territory.
bassador Jaime Alba said he Franco and the premier had The lb"lls. of Snain's 35 million
had no official word beyond theI discussed the possibility of a neonle were unaware of the seri-
enug to be oered by his transfer of power. otsness of Franco's illness.
doctors to remain in bed and A high diplomatic source de- Newsaersred Afteraitingnfive
not attend even this week's scribedaFranco's illness as asrecoverine from the f ei and said
grave and sfrod thatflisardcsvi
- -. .grae ad aidtha hi reox the c n -eling 1. of: audiences was
p'erv was expected to be slow. Ath wem f denews
. I rv as xnetedto e sow, to facilitate his 7-total recovery.
highly reliable source said that t____t__sta____ y
a transfer of authority to his TrmT'DTNT
handpicked successor was not
expected "for the moment." NEW u VRV (tUP~ - Anew
x98-rage booklet titled JAL's
211 Prince Juan Carlos remain- Glide to PRdget Dining in
ed in his own palace a few Tokyo lists 75 inexpensive res-
S. TATST. miles from El Pardo, a spokes- ta',rants, incltiding maps show-
MON.-SAT. man said. ing lo-ations. nhotos, descrip,
10 A.M.-6 P.M. tions of snecialties and - for
FRI. TILL 9 P.M. SOME political sources said taxi drivers - directions in Jan-
Carlos appeared reluctant to| anesea well as nther helpful
gE //VIPORTED AND ' take over as temorarv head of information. Available free-but
FSTIC CLOTHING" state, feeling that if there was s nnlies are limited - by writ-
to be a transfer of power it , ing to .JAL T ,iteratire Distribu.
-- - - - should be permanent. tin- (ntor, PRn 618. Old Chel-
Last year he held power only sea Siation, T.y, N.Y. 10001.

or :.K


Wednesday, October 22
Day Calendar
WUOM: Live Nat'l Town Meeting,
panel discussion, "Equality & Ex-
cellence: Reconciling Two Basic
Goals," 10:30 pm.
Afro-American African Studies: L.
Johnson, "Negritude: "A Reapprai-
sal," CAAS, noon.
CREES: V. Bunce, J. Schols, "The
Use of Aggregate Data in the Study
of Policy Change in Communist
Systems," Commons Rm., Lane Hall,
Med. Ctr. Commission for Women:
07230 Outpatient, noon.
Int'l Ctr. Luncheons: Avivaj
Mutchnick, "Jews in Arab Coun-
tries," Int'l Ctr., noon.
MERIT Computer Network: Eric
Aupperle, t'An Introduction to the
MERIT Network," 433 P&A, 12:10
Public Health Films: Introduction!
to Public Health Nursing, M1112
SPHT II, 12:10 pm.
ISMRRD: "Recognition and Man-
agement o fthe High Risk Mother,
and Pregnancy," 130 S. First St., 3-5
Industrial, Operations Eng. M.
_ - r ~
" Towers

Segal, Bell Laboratories, "Turfing,"
229 W. Eng. 4 pm.
Fluid-Mechanics: , Shan-Fu Shen,
Cornell. "Asymptomatic Solution of
the Laminar Boundary Layer Equa-
tion and Its Implications on Sep-
aration." 325 W. Eng., 4 pm.
Physics R. B. Griffiths, Carnegie-
Mellon U.,. "Phase Transitions and
Higher-Order Critical Points." P&A
ColloQ. Rm., 4 pm.
U Players, Studio Theatre: "The
Boys in the Band," Arena Theatre,
Frieze. 4:10 pm.
UTP: Showcase Production, "El
Hal Malik." Trueblood Theatre,
Frieze, 8 pA.
UAC: Loggins and Messina, Cris-
ler, 8 pm.
Music School: Symphony Orches-
tra, Josef Blatt, conductor, Hill
Ad., 8 pm.
Musical Society: Tokyo Quartet,
Rackham Aud., 8:30 pm.
Career Planning & Placement
3200 SAB, 764-7456
Recruiting on Campus: Oct. 22:
Procter & Gamble, Union Oil Co. &
Inst, for Paralegal Training.
Oct. 23: Conn. Mutual Life Ins.,
Lewis & Clark Law Sch., Purdue U./
Krannert Grad. School of Mgt., & U.
of Notre Dame/Law.
Oct. 27: N.Y.U./Grad Sch. of Bus.,
Abraham & Straus.
Oct. 28: Columbia U Grad Sch.
of Bus., international Revenue
Service, & U. S. Marine Corps.
Oct. 29: Prudential Life Ins.
Oct. 30: World Bank, & North-
western Grad. Sch. of Mgt.
Summer Placement
3280 SAB, 763-4117
State of Indiana: openings for
Biologist Aids to assist in fisheries
& Wildlife projects; further details
NASA, Goddard Space Flight Cen-
ter. Maryland: openings for stu-
dents in math, computer science,
engineering, clerical. undergrad/
grad, details available.
rr r1

Wed., Oct. 22, Crisler Arena, 8 p.m.
RESERVED SEATS: $7.00, $6.00
Tickets available at UAC box office in lobby of Mich-
iqan Union, 10:30-5:30 daily (763-2071). Sorry, no
personal checks.

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