Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday OrtnhAr 71 1 9? F Y, 41, 171,) a Interested in Getting Involved? Ford asks food stamp reform WHEAT FOR S9YIET OIL (continued from Page 1) about 18.8 million persons par- would have their benefits re- S a sButz estimated a saving of $720 ticipated in the program. I duced. evnpr etoftoe . . u n v e ils g r 8 GC Seats 1million. THE PRESIDENT, in a state- Fifty-seven per cent of those The President's p r o p o s a I ment, said his recommendations on the rolls now would have (Continued from Pagett VAILABLE FOR FALL ELECTIONS would cut off all college stu "follow a fundamental principle benefits at least equal to those a minimum of six million metric 58.2 milion tons. dents unless their families were on which I stand: The federal they now receive under a much tons of wheat and corn each (NOV. ,18-20) eligible. Strikers would have to government should help, within more complicated structure, he year with an option to buy an In light of this production Butz seek other jobs to get food the limits of national resources, said. additional two million tons with- farme doubted the American (ALL SEATS ARE AT LARGE) stamps, Butz said. Beneficiaries those who are in need, but we The plan was immediately out government-to-government tater might be some sit " ;~would have to register each should not give one dollar of criticzed by Sen. George Mc- consultation ihatinhrpsmsuhtasa b e asesht. Fiingopen until Friday Oct31 month to show that they were federal assistance to those not Govern (D-S.D.) and Robert Thrin soybeans in order to plant Oct. seeking employment in order to in need." Dole (R-Kan.) who are sponsor- served the right to reduce the corn. continue to be eligible for the Butztold the Senatecommit- ing an alternate food stamp re- food stamps. tee that in addition to the 17 omblcopya fteesiae oa THE FIVE-YEAR deal does' in the SGC offices, 3rd floor In August, the last month for per cent now on the rolls who McGOVERN said the admin- U.S. grain stockpile is less than not include soybeans, barley, which figures are available, would be cut off, 26 per cent istration program "is a surren- 225 million tonsan o u oas, re, MichignUnion.------ - der to some of the more ex- " The deal begins Oct. 1, rice. They can be sold separate- BELL BOTTOMS treme critics" who want to 1976, and runs to Sept. 30, 1981 ly to the Soviet Uniond SYDNEY (UPI)- Unlike the make it strictly a poverty pro- * The Soviets promise to tryy htU Have a flair for British, the Royal Australian gram, r a t h e r than correct to space their purchases and -,artistic writing? Navy has no intention of lower- abuses which have come up. shipments as evenly as possible If you are interest- ing the boom on its bell bottoms. Dole suggested the Ford bill over each year and that any In c rease ii ed in reviewi~g The bell bottoms, 28 nches in was another overture to conser- additional sales undertaken from W HAT ARE YOUR CHANCESptryadmsi diameter and dating back to Nel- vatives. the current crop will not be of stories a b o u t the son, are, according to the Brit- The McGovern-Dole legisla. such a volume to' dissrupt thees drama, dance, film ish Defense Ministry, to be tion would close loopholes that U.S. market. Oarts Contact Arts "radically improved." allow well-to-do famiies to qual- SECRETARY of Agriculture Michigan Daily. But a RAN spokesman said, ify for food stamps but would Earl Butz estimated addtional 1 EA RTUDISEASE~ 7for the present, bell bottoms still offer assstance to families grain sales this year would (Continued from Page 1) H would continue to be regulation with gross incomes of up to amount to no more than seven issue for the Aussies. $9,000. million metric tons since the for continued moderation in the --- -- --Russians have been buying fron rate of inflation," said Com- The Health Service has established a screening ...... s other sources during the Ameri- merce Secretary Rogers Morton. program (Hyperlipidemia Clinic) to identify can moratorium. He said the The Commerce Department and help persons with "risk factors" which $2.25 *There _y over-all impact on bread prices reported that the GNP rose in could lead to the development of heart disease. s difference!! * would be "negligible," amount- volume for the three months A"risk factor" is a condition or behavior that "w- ing to about one penny on a 45. ended in September by an an isk f our han eavi o do etsingsthat will stun the PREPARE FOR: " cent loaf. nual rate of 11.2 per cent. That increases your chances of having disease, listeer-reader, hold him in its grip Iyears The current U.S. feed grain followed growth at an annual . y preventing or of experience 0;crop, which does not include rate of 1.9 per cent in the pre- reducing these rsk factors, you can reduce the and u gflA andsuccess 0 corn and wheat, is 183.6 million vious quarter and was the likelihood of -developing heart disease. Some -The Washington Post Small classes 0 metric tons. Corn production is sharpest increase since the 12.4 risk factors which will be evaluated are: .e at a record 145.7 million metric per cent jump at annual rate in Lg'IVoluminous home per__centjump at__ annual._ratein 0 -. . . . . .- study materials I- 7 , LU, U ain deal Ford,Ain a statement, said: "The Americani people - our many grain-farming communi- ties, our workeis, our farmers, and our consuners-will bene- ft from the agreement signed in Moscow today prgviding for reg- ular and orderly sales of wheat and corn to the Soviet Union Y He said the agraement "pro- motes American economic sta- bility" and "represents a posi- tive step in our relations with the Soviet, Union., the Soviet Union.". -the level of fats (lipids) in the blood -high blood pressure (hypertension) -diabetes -overweight, lack of exercise and cigarette smoking The-evaluation will include laboratory tests and completion of a short medical and personal his- tory. questionnaire. If any risk factors are pres- ent, medical assistance will be available to help birig fhemn under control. INTERESTED PERSONS SHOULD CALL 764- 8325 FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO REGISTER FOR THE PROGRAM. WINNER OF THE NATIONAL. BOOR AWARDA Ggz TM., 6nm.. him o4 tai~ord ni rh .nod nmpelimR" h: a < t In one of the most remarkable auto- biographies of our time. Nate Shaw-an Ala- bama sharecrop- per-tells of blood, sweat and 84 years of cour- age, integrity and ic unquenchable pride. "One does not read this book- one listens to it, and gasps, and nods in agree- ; .ment. -New York Times Book Review s " * lIE . " ILIt ouse that are " "" cnstatlyupdated S :ATG8B n e Te facilities for: i esf asessons and for use " o supplementary * S FLEX materials f :iECF G s lessons NAT'L MED DOS S 0 " write or ca' " (313) 354-0085 " S 21711 W. Ten Mile Rd. . Southfield. Mi. 48015 *S .EDUCATIONAL CENTER " S TEST PREPARATION _*" " SPECIAUISTS SINCE 1938 " . -e on m g W Subscribe to The Daily-Phone 764-0558 Engineers, Find out about the Nuclear Navy. If you think you have the ability and desire to master nuclear engineering, the Navy's Nuclear Propulsion Program has openings for about 200 outstanding college graduates. There's a Navy Recruiting Officer ready to give you all the details on how you can become someone special in the new Navy. --SEE- LT. WILLIAM JUDD- U.S. Navy Nuclear Engineer ENGINEERING PLACEMENT CENTER WEDNESDAY,, OCT. 22, 1975 I E t i I 41 S +t j4 I c r 1 a ,I i i20 yea rs I the first three months of 1955. The growth still left the vol- ume of output 4.9 per cent be- hind where it was before the recession set in. The val'ue of GNP was at an annual rate of $1,497.8 billion for the quarter. THE GNP figures provide the broadest measure, of tne econ- omy's performance, including production. and inflation. The inflation inIicators were mixed. The traditional measure, the implicit price deflator used to discount the dollar value of GNP for inflation, was off for the third consecutive quarter to an annual rate of increase of S per cent. The rate had been 5.1 per cent the previdus quarter. The deflator covers prices for a broad range of transactions in the economy, including prices paid by manufacturers and sal- aries paid for the services of governments workers. The private chain prie index, Ewhich factors out, govern',ennt payrolls,.showed inflation in the same period advanced at an an- nual rate of 7.7 per cent, up from 5.3 per cent the preious quarter but below the 8 per cent advance in the first ,three months of the year. James Pate, the. Commerce Department's. top economist, said the figures indic aed that inflation is strongest in the pri- vate sector of the economy, where business is 'apparently trying to take advantage of stepped-up demand to rec'pture the profits lost during the reces- sion. $10 Peg Hour for Fart-Time Work The jobs exist in the ANN AR-OR area. Write for detais to: JOHN HARDEE 13930 Abington Detroit, Mich. 48227 - Can you balance your check book? Are you honest, dependable & trustworthy? If the answer to both these questions is yes, then we need you to guard $52,000 of student money as SGC TREASURER' INTERVIEWS WILL BE HELD OCT. 23 AND 24. Stop by Student Govern- ment Council offices, 3909 Michigan Union to pick up an application and sign up for an interview. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CALL: 763-3241 Indian Jewelry Spectacular 7,adei' a4 PITAelf t4 "SHIMMERING WATERS" LIQUID SILVER AT ITS FINEST. THE NAVAJO LOOK 2 for 1 SPECIAL STUDENTS & FACULTY ONLY ® LIQUID SILVER (SHIMMERING WATERS) strung with your choice of turquoise, corral, heshi or mother of pearl. REGULAR $12.95 SPECIAL 2 for 1 " SILVER & TURQUOISE RINGS REGULAR $29.95 SPECIAL 2 for t The above is aenuine INDIAN JEWELRY not a cheop imitation. YES, Genuine silver (not olated) with authentic stones. LIMIT TOTAL OF 1 SPECIAL PER CUSTOMER 0 THE PUKA & HESHI LOOK REGULAR $2.95 SPECIAL 2 for 1 2 LOCATIONS-OPEN 7 DAYS L* f; L ._ -- i t *AI fu - - . m