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October 21, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-21

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI No. 41

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 21, 1975

Ten Cents

Ten Pages plus Supplement






cI' Zu SEE ~wS WPn 4i A Yf
Local man shot
A 36-year-old Ann Arbor man was shot and
killed sometime around 1:00 a.m. yesterday near
the corner of Liberty and Ashley Streets. The
victim, Roger Davis of 618 Packard, was pronounc-
ed dead on arrival at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital.
City police held a suspect for several hours yester-
day but later released him. A'detective said there
was a possibility another suspect would be appre-
hended today. Police say they are unsure of a
motive for the shooting.
Ky-note speaker?
Bill Powers, president of the University Activities
Committee (UAC) denied reports published yester-
day in the Michigan Free Press that UAC has
signed former South Vietnamese Premier Nguyan
Cao Ky and self-proclaimed genetic theorist Wil-
liam Shockley for speaking engagements. What
happened was that a member of the UAC staff
wanted to book these men and was overruled by
Powers and the other senior staff members. "I
don't' think they would be heard," Powers said
explaining the action. "They would simply be
booed down. Besides other people would be more
interesting to the students." Norman LoPatin, who
originally suggested Ky and Shockley, has appealed
the ruling to the UAC Board which could reverse
the senior staff's decision.
Happenings ...
.. .begin today when Cerberus presents artists'
videotapes from 1-4 p.m. and 7-10 p.m. in the
Pendleton Room of the Union . . . Richard Ford
will give a poetry reading at 4:10 p.m., also in the
Pendleton Room of the Union . . . Project Com-
munity gives a free showing of "Titticut Follies"
and "Voices Inside" at 7:30 p.m. at Angell Hall,
Aud. C . . . and the Graduate Employes Organiza-
tion holds a membership meeting at 8:00 in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Red bottoms
The U.S. Supreme Court has apparently decided
that "if you spare the rod, you'll spoil the child."
The high court ruled yesterday that public school
teachers may spank a pupil against the wishes of a
child's parents. The court affirmed without com-
ment a decision of a three-judge federal court in
North Carolina upholding corporal punishment and
spelling out procedures to be followed when ad-
ministering spankings, The ,lower court said the
pupil must be informed beforehand that specific
punishment might cause a spanking and that a
written explanation should be furnished to a parent
on request. It also required that paddling not be
resorted to unless other means of discipline had
failed, and that a second school officer must wit-
ness the punishment.
Bless its little pointed head
The Abominable Snowman may not be so abomin-
able after all, but just a species of apes, according
to zoology expert Edward Cronin. "I can't come
out and say the Yeti (Abominable Snowman)
exists," he said, "but the evidence points toward
the existance of an ape." While on an expedition
in the Himalayas, Cronin's party came across
footprints, attributed to the beast, outside of their
tents. The prints, about nine inches long and al-
most five inches wide, showed a fat big toe with
four smaller toes and a round heel. From the
footprints, they determined the animal walks on
two legs and weighs about 165 pounds. The Yeti
has never been seen by scientists, ,but is described
by natives as a stocky, hairy ape with big teeth
and a pointed head.
Colson converted?
Spiritually fortified with new-found religious fer-
vor, former Watergate conspirator Charles Colson
seems to have, found another cause that's close
to his heart. Colson, having served out an atten-

uated seven-month prison sentence, has hit the
lecture circuit and is plugging for prison reform.
Colson appeared at the Sumter Correctional Insti-
tute in Bushnell, Fla. to impart some of his unique
philosophy to prison inmates. "We are marked
men," the former White House special counsel told
50 inmates. Society is not forgiving. Society is
going to turn its back on you." Nevertheless, Colson
said he was thankful for the time he spent in
prison because he "grew closer to God." Later,
asked by a convict if he had received special
treatment in prison, Colson replied he had chosen
to sort laundry rather than work in an office.
On the inside.. .
the Arts Page features a new look today
as well as a review of the Martha Graham Dan-
cers' performances of this weekend by aCthi Suyak
. . . Editorial Page presents a humorous look at
the problems facing The Big Apple by Marty
Porter and Jay Levin . . . and Sports Page includes
an article by Leba Hertz on the three Michigan
football team captains.



Detente produces oil
for United States
WASHINGTON UP)-The White House announced yes-
terday a five-year grain deal with the Soviet Union pro-
viding for the purchase of at least six million metric tons
of wheat and corn annually at prevailing market prices.
Officials estimated the deal's worth at about $1 billion
a year. It was hailed by President Ford as "a positive
step" in relations between the two superpowers and one
that would benefit American farmers, workers and con-
IN A PARALLEL move, the Soviet Union agreed to offer' for
sale 200,000 barrels of crude oil and other petroleum products a
day over the five-year period. Negotiations on final terms are to

Eight-year-old Pam Schroeder enjoys some of the last few days of mild fall weather by playing in a field of milkweed pl
her home in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

be completed later this month.
There was no immedate indi-
cation on whether the oil would
be sold below the cartel price
fixed by the 13-nation Organiza-
tion of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC). But. Frank
Zarb, head of the Federal En-
ergy Administration, hinted at
a discount, saying "we need to
have beneficial terms."
Even though the Russian oil
represents a fraction of daly
U.S. imports of some 5.8 million
b a r r e I s, the administration
AP Photo sought a cut-rate price as a sign
to OPEC that it cannot wholly
dominate prices in the world
ants near
WITH T H E announcement,
President Ford lifted the mora-
torium he imposed last summer
on grain sales after a poor Rus-
sian harvest led to the purchase
of 9.8 million metric tons from
American exporters. According
to some economists, this prob-
ably will result in a jump of
consumer prices here over the
rvices, ad- next few months.
anning and Simultaneously, A F L - C I 0
gency) and President George Meany' said
sand fUnc- t h e International Longshore-
are deline- men's Association dropped its
reeler. embargo on loading grain for
Soviet Union. "This is good
ded allocat- news for American consumers
o physical and farmers," Meany said of
pment ac- the deal.
community The terms provide for the fol-
[25,000 for lowng:
ig and eval- 0 The Soviet Union will buy
ge 7 See U.S., Page 2

City 'Council last night again
postponed implementation of
Ann Arbor's first special rev-
enue sharing program - which
has been under consideration
for nearly two years.
The $2.5 million Community
Development Revenue Sharing
(CDRS) plan offered by Demo-
cratic Mayor Albert Wheeler
last night, will now face the

41l post pones CDR~

asks food
By AP and UPI
WASHINGTON (P)-President
Ford asked Congress yesterday
to approve a new food stamp,
program that would deny assist-
ance to families whose income
exceeds the government's pov-
erty level.
Administration officials said
it could savethe government
$1.2 billon a year and disqualify
about 17 per cent of those now
receiving stamps, an estimated
3.4 million persons.
Earl Butz, pres.enting the ad-
ministration plan before a Sen-i:
ate committee, said about 1.4
million very low income fami-
lies-"the poorest of the poor"
-actually would have their
benefts increased.
By eliminating the 1 million
families-totaling about 3.4 mil-
lion people - whose annual in-
comes are above the official
poverty level of $5,050 for a
family of four and otherwise
making eligibility more difficult,
See FORD, Page 2

scrutiny of council members and
a regional representative from
the federal Department of Hous-
ing and Urban Development
(HUD) this Friday during a
special council working session.
WHEELER'S program will be
put to a vote next Monday.
Council also postponed Wheel-
er's resolution to establish basic
objectives and procedures for

Edschool cutbacks
cause quality slump
The School of Education, located in the old University Ele-
mentary School building, has been haunted in recent years by
a very real, but famliar spector: that of severe budget cut-
backs amounting to nearly five per cent in the last three years.
And as a result, the school has faced numerous staff short-
ages, course closings and other crisis generally associated with
the present University-wide budget crunch.
"I'VE SEEN A LOT of positions open up in the faculty
that haven't been filled," mourns one masters degree candi-
date. "In offices where there used to be three secretaries,
now there are only two.
"Courses that prevously had been offered every semester
are now offered every other semester," the student adds.
Education School administrators are finding that budget cut-
ting is becoming a full-time job.
"If you have to deal with the budget, you don't have any
time for anything else," notes Assistant to the Dean Eric War-
den. "A miniature bureaucracy has grown up in the last couple
of years whose only function is to figure out how to trim the
next per cent-and-a-half off the budget."
See SCHOOL, Page 7

development of the city's second
year CDRS application, and a
third proposal creating a perm-
anent human services commis-
Council members from all
three parties claimed they did
not have ample time to study
the three resolutions because
Wheeler failed to release the
documents until yesterday after-
is the latest in a series of rev-
enue sharing plans that have
been consistently voted down by
The CDRS monies have long
been the center of a council
controversy that has pitted each
of the three political parties
against the other two at various
According to Councilman Rob-
ert H e n r y (R-Third Ward),
Wheeler's plan "appears to
basically go along with what
we've (the Republicans) decided
on," and should the GOP sup-
port the plan, it will almost cer-
tainly be approved.
THE PROPOSAL'S dollar al-
locations, according to Wheeler,
"do not differ significantly in
the recommended distribution"
from those proposed last Feb-
ruary by the 30-member citi-
zens advisory committee for
"The major differences are
that proposed distribution of
funds is more clearly defined
in respect to physical develop-

ment, community se
ministration and pl
local option (conting
also in that services
tions, not agencies,
ated," explained Wh
Wheeler recommen
ing $1.5 million t
neighborhood develo
tivities, $620,000 for
public services, $
management, plannin
See CITY, Pa


Ford death
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - The Justice Department dis-
closed last night that on the same day that Presi-
dent Ford came close to being assassinated in,
Sacramento, California, he was to have been the
target of a second, apparently unrelated attempt
on his life.
Attorney General Edward Levi said two men
allegedly involved in the new assassination plot
were charged yesterday by a federal grand jury
in Los Angeles.
LEVI SAID in a written statement that the pair
had planned to set off an explosion in the sewers
near the State Capitol Building on September 5 in
Sacramento as Ford strolled the grounds, then
pick him off with a gun shot during the confusion
that would follow.
Levi identified the defendents, both unemployed,
as Gary DeSure, 32, last of Warm Springs, Mon-
tana, and Preston Mayo, 24, of Warren County,

plot foiled
Virginia. He gave no further information about
their backgrounds.
While Ford was in Sacramento, Lynette From-
me, a follower of convicted mass murder Charles
Manson, pointed a loaded .45 caliber automatic
pistol at the President. The gun did not fire.
According to the Attorney General, the two men
were in a jail cell more than 300 miles from Sac-
ramento on the date the alleged plot called for
the murder of Ford.
THEY HAD been arrested on state theft charges
by County Sheriff's officers in ,Santa Barbara
on August 26-10 days before the Ford visit.
In Santa Barbara, Detective Robert Zapata,
who arrested the pair for stealing a television set,
said he had "built up a rapport" with DeSure,
who told him of the alleged plot.
Zapata said DeSure told him he had escaped
from a mental hospital in Montana where he had
See JUSTICE, Page 10

....... . ...

ernment said yesterday that the
volume of total economic output
-the Gross National Product
(GNP)-jumped by the biggest
margin in 20 years during the
last .three months. It prompted
officials to declare that the re-
covery is proceeding on a solid
But officials said that the
spurt in the growth rate, a com-
mon recovery characteristic

Congress criticizes
New York Mayor's
Ne ol aplea for- federal aid
By AP and UPI
NEW YORK - As Gov. Hugh Carey met yesterday with the
state board that controls New York City's finances, Mayor Abra-
ham Beame was in Washington appealing to Congress to make
"wise decisions" on his city's request for federal aid to avoid
Carey and the state board late last night approved plans to
cut $724 million-the equivalent of 55,000 municipal jobs-from the
city's deficit-riddled budget over the next three years.
NEW YORK CITY averted immediate default Friday when
the city's teachers' union decided at the last minute to use $150
million in pension funds to buy city notes and support a state
rescue plan.
Beame, in testimony to the House banking economic stabili-
ation subcommittee, said the country would suffer if New York

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