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October 19, 1975 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-19

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M~g i H IHGNDIYSnaOtbr1,17

.- IWR -

Pape Six


Sunday, October 19, 1975

NYC disaster still imminent
(Continued from Page 1) city and the federal government For that reason, Carey and
agreed to use its pension funds has assumed two intertwined other advocates of federal aid
to help refinance $453 million dimensions - one largely po- to New York City are marshal-
in debt obligations which came litical, the other economic. ing a long string of witnesses to
due at 3 p.m. In the view of politicians of tell Congress in hearings under
At the height of Friday's both arties ,Ford and man way this week that the city's
crisis, White House Press Secre- members of Congress have im- problems do indeed pose grave
tary Ronald Nessendecla portant political incentives for economic risks.
that Ford "will not take action resisting aid to New York. AN IMPORTANT new name
to prevent a New York City de- .
fault " Across the country, these poli- was added to the list of aid ad-
fault." ticians say, the city is perceived vocates yesterday when A. W.
AND INDICATIONS are Pres- as being arrogant, hooked on Clausen, president of the na-
ident Ford is still resisting the wild spending and, in short, get- tion's largest bank, the Califor-
idea of such aid. His spokes- ting just what it deserves. nia-based Bank of America, said
people say a federal bailout BUT THE no-aid position is that "the effects of a New York
than default because, in their politically safe only if Ford's City default may well be grave
view, it would reward thecity economic advisors are right in and enduring, not only in terms
for its spendthrift ways, andt their assertions that a default of our economy and financial
would set a pattern which could by the city on its debts would markets, but also of public con-
eventually make local govern- have only a minor effect on the fidence in government and loss
ments across the country vas- nation's economy. of international prestige."
sals of Washington. If Carey and a growing num- State and city officials are
The argument between the ber of bankers, economists, lo- pinning their hopes on Congress,
cal government officials and fi- believing that the Republican
nancial analysts are right - President might sign aid legis-
CHARING CROSS that a default would severely lation, despite his protestations,
BOOKSHOP hurt state and local govern- if the Democratic majority in
Used, Fine and Scholarly Books ments across the country and the Capitol takes on the political
316 S. STATE-994-4041 perhaps cripple the economic re- burden of acting first.
covery - a federal decision to
Open Mon.-Fri. 10-8, let the city collapse could prove 'The most optimistic of Carey's
Sat. 10-6 , politically disastrous. advisers profess hope that Ford
will eventually acquiesce, say-
. ing the President is publicly
maintaining an adamant stance
SUN DAY at H LL E L only to insure that the state pro-
ceeds firmly in massive budget
OCTOBER 1 9 cuts it is now imposing on the
GRAD BRUNCH-- il a.m. - 75c;city.
- - - - _ - _ ITHE OB(1JECT1VE of the cuts


Parents aisk for euthanasia

By ALLAN R. BRUCE But New Jersey's attorney on Feb. 24 passed a statement
United Press International general said it would be murder of policy on a definition of
Doctors speak of it matter of to unplug the respirator. The death saying: "For all legal pur-
factly. It's called "pulling the Morris County Prosecutor says poses, a human body with ir-
plug." Those in favor say it's no one has the right to choose reversible cessation of total

the only humane thing to do. death.
Those who obiect call it murder

The case of Karen Ann Quin-
lan has sparked a nationwide
controversy over the legal ques-
tion of "When does death
occur?" /
KAREN, 21, suffered massive
brain damage and slipped into
a coma last April 14. Doctors
have told her adoptive parents
-Mr. and Ms. Joseph Quinlan
of Landing Section, N.J. - the
brain damage is irreversible
and there is no hope for re-
Karen is being kept alive by
tube feeding and the use of a
respirator. Her parents want her
to die naturally, with "grace;
and dignity."
The Quinlans go to court in
Morristown, N.J. tomorrow to
seek a court order to halt the
life-preserving devices.

Dr. Robert Fishman, chair-
man of the Neurology Depart-
ment at the University of Cali-
fornia, disagrees. "Murder is an
act of commission and iot an
act of omission," he said.
"WITHDRAWAL of vital sup-
ports happens all the (ime in
hospitals," Fishman adds. "It
is an act of omission. If the
diagnosis is correct, it is a com-
pletely futile situation. There's
no need to dramatize it to bits
and nieces. No one will fver
^riticize a physician, for exam-
nle, for not calling a 'code blue'
lart on a terminal cancer pa-
A code blue alert brings doc-
tr'r.s in from all nsrts of the hos-
nital to heln revive a natient
vhose heart has stopped beat-
"Tn an ae of informed con-
"t." Fishman said. "the nhv-


brain function according to usual
and customary standards of
medical practice shall be con-
sidered dead."
But in Massachusetts the
state's top medical attorney,
William Chayet, objects to the'
idea of legislation that would de-
fine death.
"WE HAVE nothing in the
state which defines death and I
would be opposed to any such
legislation," Chayet said. "We
have enough to deal with on day
to day legislation, never mind
after we're dead. To push the
Massachusetts legislature, or
any legislature into determining
when death occurs would be a
tremendous error, but I can
understand that everyone wants
to pass the buck here."
"A Quinlan case could come
up in this state," he said.
"Failure to keep it (medical as-
sistance) going could constitute
murder in Massachusetts. There
has been so much pressure be-
cause of the Quinlan case, how-
ever, it could have a shot in
the legislature. The pressure is
on the- physician and he's the
swing guy.
"Many physicians have told
me privately they not only
have not continued life saving
methods, but they've actually
stopped them when the family
was in full accord," he said.
"THAT'S terrible. But it's

'If the person is in horrendous
pain, it's the only humane thing
to do--to shorten their misery by
a couple of lousy days.'
-A northern California


ISRAELI DANCING- 12:00-Social Hall
DELI - 5:30-7:00 p.m.
1429 HILL ST.

11124 .JL~tJe.Zt-II~ LVl "V 1C U
is to eliminate this year's pro-
jected deficit of $800 million by
cutting the current budget and
later making cuts large enough
to generate a $300 million sur-
plus next year and a $200 million
surplus the following year.


- - r
r *
.Fa ti
f~ti ztand.


WHAT complicates the Karen 5in n no lonqar hide behind
Quinlan case is that she some- a cloak of incantations."
times breathes independently of
the respirator. And irregularly, ANOTHRR northern Califosrnia
but sometimes, the electroence- "hvgii-jn who trained at one of
phalograph measures b r a i n 'Tw York's leading cancer hos-
waves. , dsai "doctors learn who
She doesn't quite fit into the +, kill. If a nerson is in hor-
"Harvard criteria"-the absence r-ndons nain it's the only hi-
of brain activity-for a defini- mare thing to do-to <ho'ten
tion of death. +',oh nriserv by a coiole of musv
But Karen Ann Quinlan has Anv-.
not regained consciousness in "Tn the naast." said the or'tnr.
six months-not since, accord- a'kod not to he idntmfo'i
ing to friends, she mixed drugs "thoe t-nes of issues wr
and alcohol and went into a honriled hV nhvsicians mirin
coma. nn , '"n r (i' tvne of jimlrrn'nt
i i n,- 4 -ho icc v'ore not ,a 1o
PAUL ARMSTRONG, the f. in- ' .1i- volt never say to a
ily's attorney, has argued it is j I-i. ,in 'kvonl want 11s to keen
only humane to take Quinlan, ' roaltiir alive ' Tftol 'n, a
whom he described as a "vege- ; .-jyr mak a d .-isio-n th"7
table," off the macihne which ' f oilty for the rest of
has kept her heart beating. m ir Iives."
ITh, M'NTf'arthv n-NMere of r r--

about the only way we can do it.
The thing that kills you is that
fluke case like Quinlan's that
raises the issue in the public
The public - even those who
have been through it - are split
over what should happen to
"I would side with the parents
and pull the plug," said Sonya
Calabrese, 44, of Willingboro,
N.J., a public relations counsel-
or. "If you believe in God you
have to believe He didn't mean
for that girl to live through a
machine. .Keeping her alive
through the machine would be
BUT Joseph Dubanowitz, 26,
of Clifton, N.J., a financial an-
alyst for the Continental Can Co.
in Manhattan, has been through
it and "wouldn't pull the plug."
"I know it's a traumatic ex-
perience for the parents," Du-
banowitz said, "but as long as
there is some ray of hope, they
can't kill the girl. My wife had

twins and one of them didn't
make it. She was kept alive ar-
tificially for several months and
at the time I was thinking like
the Quinlans.
"I decided if there was any
chance in the world, I wouldn't
pull the plug," he said. "The
baby died, but if I had it to do
again, I'd make the same deci-
sion. I'd never give up."
ON THE other hand, Richard
Carmen of Wellington, Ohio,
father of Randal Carmen, 17,
who died Oct. 11 after 20 days
in a coma caused by a head in-
jury in a neighborhood football
game, wanted Elyria Memorial
Hospital to pull the plug after
"brain death" occurred. The
hospital refused.
"If we can make people
aware, if we can get the kind
of laws we need, there will be a
purpose to Randy's death,"
Carmen said. "We want to do
anything we can to help other
people - to get something done
in the state legislature. Nobody
should have to go through this."

Humphrey tries to settle old
debts for cents on the dollar


Contains afountain enfivc
Stale nibs, andinstruction
S manua(a([fprony $5-oo..
At art matria(&'pen shops,
cofge fook stores...orsend
check to'Pentafic Corp, 132
West 22 Sr., N.Y, N.y. 100;
Add50 cents for hand inq.

1-1,-i"an B a r Asso-iation's
., -iftee on medii"e and law.
ca'ri t-ho tatps with a legna
, iion of death at nrsent
^ Tnsas. NIInirjland, Virginia.
^1"frnia and Tlinois.
TN T IS oninion, the two h St
ar* thryeo of C lifornia ant i tji-
n "hP-a1ue there is no eithor-
"r anti thev are easv to ndrt-
-nd h a idqe and a iry."
The ABA House of Delegates


The King of Hearts
Starring ALAN BATES and
popular film. A gentle and
funny anti-war farce.
Monday, Oct. 20 only!
7 & 9 p.m.-MLB Aud. 3

bert Humphrey is moving to
settle more than $900,000 in left-
over 1972 campaign debts for as
little as three or four cents on
the dollar.
This means the Minnesota
Democrat will be getting what
amounts to huge campaign do-
nations, sometimes exceeding
$100,000 a piece, from wealthy
creditors who include a jailed
THE MOVE appears to be
quite legal. The Federal Elec-
tions Commission has ruled that
this year'sanew ceilings on cam-
paign donations will not apply
until 1976 for funds to pay off old
However, official reports of
the Humphrey campaign debts
omit certain required informa-
tion, and they conflict with
s tate m en ts by Humphrey's
spokesperson and by the estate
of a deceased creditor.
Quarterly reports to the Elec-
"U" Towers

tion Commission show Hum-
phrey has begun raising money(;
on two fronts. The "Committee ;i
for the Re-election of Sen. Hu-
bert H. Humphrey" took in <
$79,000 in the three months end-
ing Sept. 30 for next year's Sen-
ate race. The unit had $53,000
left after expenses.
Meanwhile, the long-dormant
"Triple H Committee" raised
$40,000 in the same period to pay... 'A.
off some $925,000 in debts dating x <
back to Humphrey's aborted at-= '
tempt to win the 1972 presiden-
tial nomination.
HUMPHREY aide David Gart
her said that money would be
applied to; settle a few small
debts for about50 cents to 75
cents on the dollar. But he said
the major creditors would be
asked to swallow nearly all their
loans by settling for a few cents
on the dollar. Hu hre
By forgiving all but a small Humphry
portion of the debts, the cred-
itors will in effect be donating Commission says it will allow
the remainder to the 1972 Hum- such large debt write-offs until
phrey commnittees. The Election the end of the year.
Beame, bank head
request federal aid





(Continued from Page 1)
re-finance $453 million in
obligations that had come


Here's the deal:
Put down your best bumper sticker
put-down slogan for the Michigan /
Ohio State game.
Drop it in the Buckeye Bin at any
Huron Valley National Bank biranch of fice.
If your slogan wins, we'll print it on
thousands of bumper stickers plus give you
$50 for your effort.
Who says genius has no reward?
Enter as often as you like.
All entries are due by October 22, 1975.
We'll announce the winner
on October 29, 1975.

BEAME SAID after that nar-
row escape that "no additional
proof should be needed that the
state, the city and our financial
institutions have reached the
limit of their credit resources."
The president of the nation's'
largest bank, the San Francisco-
based Bank of America, said a'
new federal agency should be
created as a lender of last re-
This, said A. W. Clausen,
would help not only New York
"but would also alleviate part of
the specter that now hangs over
the nation's municipal b o n d
"THE NECESSITY of federal

support for New York City is
neither optional or debatable.
Default certainly must be avert-
ed in the national interest,"
Clausen testified.
In large cities across the na-
tion, he said, "the fiscal explo-
sive is remarkably like 'hat of
New York City. The fuse in
some cities is already alight;
New York has provided the
New York Gov. Hugh Carey
praised Clausen's comments as
an "excellent diagnosis of the
circumstances that led to the
present condition."
"LIKE ANY diagnosis, its real
value is that it leads to a .cure
and indeed prescribes one-that
the federal government, subject
to the proper conditions, come
to the aid of New York City,"
Carey said.




Groups are now being formed to help
students with their college major and
career choices. The groups will focus on
self-exploration in relation to careers,
including vocational interests; needs;
values, abilities, and the decision-mak-
ing process. Stop by the Counseling
Center, 1007 E. Huron, or call 764-9466

-I -- m. - -- - --1- - -,

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