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. I'
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Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVI, No. 40
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 19, 1975
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Mauling ground assault
Stick 'em up
The San Francisco police arelooking for a rob-
ber who had popsicle sticks up his nose. Service
station attendant Robert Tercero also told police
Friday that not only did the bandit have the sticks
in his nose, but he had grey socks on his hands and
wore a brown paper bag as a hat. The thief got
$35 in the service station robbery.
King of Marvin Gardens
Using a "blessed" clay frog token, free-wheeling
spending, and liberal amounts of straight bourbon,
a private school janitor disenchanted with capital-
ism outlasted an attorney an a state senator yes-
terday in Detroit to cop the midwest Monopoly
championship. Gary Zitrulnik knocked off Barry
Waldman and Sen. Dan Cooper. "I was drinking
straight bourbon the whole time. Right now the
details aren't exactly crystal clear," Zirulnik said
immediately after his victory. "This goes to prove
a non-capitalist can beat a capitalist in Monopoly
... but you have to know the enemy and beat them
at their own game," he added. We'll drink to that.
Knocked down
A woman Marine officer stationed in Yuma, Ari-
zona is being court martialed for allegedly having
sex with eight enlisted men, her mother reports,
complaining of discrimination because no action
was taken against the men. Lt. Mary Niflis, 23,
faces charges for conduct unbecoming an officer
and gentlewoman and disobedience of orders
against- fraternizing with enlisted personnel. The
woman's mother has written to Sen. Barry Gold-
water (R-Ariz.) seeking redress because she be-
lieves her daughter is being treated unfairly.
Here he comes .. .
Sandy-haired Steve Mimnaugh, whose measure-
ments are 38-32-38, was crowned Boy America of
Salt Lake City in competition at the University of
Vtpah. Mimnaugh, a doctoral candidate in pharma-
cology, was selected Friday by a panel of 3,000
female judges on the basis of bathing suit compe-
tition, talent, and responses to "moral virtue ques-
tions." The winner delivered a rendition of "Oh,
Susannah" on his harmonica. Others sang the na-
tional anthem, juggled apples, and recited poetry-
presumably not all at once. Mimnaugh was asked
"your 19-year-old girl friend is leaving for the
Army and wants to have sex with you before she
leaves. You want to protect your virtue. What do
you do?" His answer was not recorded for pos-
Take that
The drummer for The Who was fined $120 yes-
terday after he admitted maliciously damaging
an airline ticket desk computer at a Scotland air-
port. Keith Moon spent the night in a jolice cell
after the scene at a British Airways counter. The
musician reportedly shouted, bawled and swore at
the counter and punched a computer machine
which then broke down. After the court case, Moon
said he became angry after being shunted around
all day on his flight because of bad weather. "All
the other passengers were as mad as I was, but I
just spoke up a bit louder," he said.
Happenings ..
. . . begin with the ,opening reception for the
Ann Arbor Art Assoc. Membership Show from 3-5
p.m. at 117 W. Liberty. The show runs until Nov. 6
. . . The second of the Faculty Chamber Concerts
will be presented at 4 p.m. in Rackham Aud. . . .
the Baha'is of Ann Arbor will celebrate the birth
of Bab at 7 p.m. at 1421 W. Liberty ... on Mon-
day noted columnist Harry Ashmore will speak on
"Public Relations of Peace" at 3:30 p.m. in Rack-
ham's W. Conference Rm. . . . Women in Commun-
ications meet at 5 p.m. in Rm. 2024 LSA Bldg... .
Tyagi Ji, the cosmic transmitter, will be giving
free a session at the Friends Meeting House, 1420
Hill St. . . . and a seminar on the Historical Per-
spectives on Criminal Justice with University Law
Prof. Peter Weston and Detroit Attorney Ken Cock-
rell will be held at 7:30 p.m. in Lecture Rm. 2 of
the MLB.
On the inside .
Sports Page has more information and stats
on the Wolverines' biggest win in decades . . . and
the Sunday Magazine takes a look at the Adult
News book store as seen by Co-Editor Cheryl
ignites Blue- rout,,
Before a rain - drenched
crowd of 86,201, the Michi-
gan Wolverines scored their
greatest modern victory in
the Big Ten, smashing the
Northwestern Wildcats 69
to 0 yesterday afternoon
at Michigan stadium.
The score is the most
Mi c h i g a n has amass-
ed since 1939 when the
Wolverines pounded Chi-
cago 85-0.
Gordon Bell, Rob Lytle and
Harlan Huckleby each ran for
over 100 yards and scored two
touchdowns as Coach Bo Schem-
bechler used all his available
healthy players. Bell, who
rushed for exactly 100 yards,
passed - former all-American
Tom Harmon and secured
fourth place on the all time
Wolverine rushing list with 2199
total vards.
THE WILDCATS had a dif--
ficult time getting anything go-
ing all afternoon as'the Michi-
gan defense yielded just 115 to-
tal yards, recovered four fum-
bles, intercepted a pass and
scored two touchdowns in gain-
ing their first shutout of the
"It was totally embarrass-
ing," said Northwestern coach
.John Pont. "We didn't react,
we didn't block and we didn't
tackle. You can't arm tackle a
Bell or Lytle."
Going into the game North-
western led the Big Ten in to-
tal offense while compiling a
2-0 record. But Michigan turned
the tables with a devastating
touchdown performance.
"THEY (Northwestern) were
really weak," said senior cen-
ter Jim Czirr. "We anticipated
and prepared for a much tough-
er opponents. Their players
were very disappointing, we
just pounded them off the ball."
With the line opening gaping
holes, the offense continually
moved the ball at will. Quar-
terbacks Rick Leach and Mark
Elzinga directed drives of 82,
67, 69, 62 and 62 yards as the
Maize and Blue registered a 34-
0 halftime lead.
Bell opened the scoring when
he dove for two yards with 7:50
remaining in the first quarter.
Six minutes later, he made it
13-0 on a seven yard sprint,
around right end. Schembechler
gave Gordie the rest of the day
off as Lytle Huckleby and ,com-
pany took over in the second
. See HUCKLEBY, Page 8
Home sweet home'
The football fans flee, the press packs up, and the popcorn
stands close down, but Archie Corzine doesn't budge. At last, only
one gate stands open on the deserted grounds. Archie shuts it
himself, then returns to his home-inside the grounds of the
Michigan Stadium.
Although the location of Archie's house conjures up visions of
a narrow cell crunched between concrete slabs and spectator
stands-it's just not so.
PAINTED YELLOW to match the high wire fence, it stands
just within the stadium grounds, a comfortable newly-remodeled
frame house that's almost on Main St.
"I would rather live in here with the gates locked than in
the city of Ann Arbor without them," says Archie's wife, Wanda
of life inside the stadium.
See AT, Page 2
x. iTU
of f
Daily photos by PAULINE LUBENS a tra
QUARTERBACK Randy Dean loses the pigskin for Northwestern and Dan Jilek of Michigan (81) thosr
is hot on its trail, along with a host of others. W ildcat's Greg Boykin (32) finally recovers the casia
ball, climaxing one of the many fiascos Northwestern committed yesterday.
Drug suspect accidentally
CSON - Authorities said
ay they are trying to 'de-
ine whether parts of a body
d here could be the remains
ormer Teamsters leader
es R. Hoffa, but warned it
"pure speculation".
o hands, a foot, and pieces
ne and flesh were found in
ash dump Wednesday and
sday and were identified as
s of a middle-aged, Cau-
n man.
free in
A man captured in Friday's area-wide
drug raid, which resulted in 27 arrests, was
accidentally released f r o m Washtenaw
County Jail in the confusion surrounding
the round-up.
Howard Hayes, 25, of 2022 Pauline, re-
mains at large as the search for 22 other
suspects continued yesterday.
THE RAID, the largest in the four-year
history of the Washtenaw Area Narcotic.,
Team (WANT) is the result of a four month
investigation, aided by a non-police source.
As a result of poor communications be-
tween the agencies taking part in the raid
and overcrowded jail conditions, Hayes was
allowed to walk out of the jail unchallenged
Friday afternoon.
Co'inty Jail officials had confused Hayes
with another inmate of the same last name
who was scheduled to be released that day.
ACCORDING to Washtenaw County Sher-
iff Lt. Laird Harris, 143 inmates were being
held in the jail when the massive drug bust
began. A court order prevents more than
124 prisoners from being held in the jail.'
An exception allows up to 140 prisoners to
be held for up to 48 hours.
To make room, the sheriff's department
had to transfer inmates to jails in Eaton,
Branch and Isabella counties.
"These (inmates) were moving out while
the drug suspects were coming in," ex-
plained Harris. "We were also bringing in
other- prisoners (on routine arrests) and
taking others to circuit court."
According to Harris, if the sheriff's de-
partment had received advance warning of
the arrests, provisions could have been
made to transfer other prisoners earlier.
"WE WERE worn to hell," he added. "If
we had been warned earlier, we could
have prevented the confusion."
City Police Chief Walter Krasny said last
night that he had no idea why the sheriff's
department was not notified of the raid.
The 27 arrests were made by Ypsilanti, Ann
Arbor, and state police.
THE MIX-UP occurred when Lacey
Hayes, scheduled to be released on a mis-
demeanor charge, was mistaken for Howard
Harris explained: "A guard went to the
bull pen and yelled 'Is Hayes in there.'
Howard Hayes responded and was pro-
cessed (for release) in the usual way.
The mistake was discovered two hours
later when an officer involved in the arrests
recognized Hayes and checked the jail
records. The other Hayes was found and
released as scheduled.
THE RAIDS began at 7 a.m. Friday, as
WANT agents sought 49 people charged
with. 73 violations of the Controlled Sub- Dal Photo by SCOTT ECCKER
stances Act, including distribution of heroin, FS E
and two counts of distribution of cocaine. shy fingers
No value has been set on the confiscated Shakey Jake, a street corner fixture who fancies himself a local
drugs, but between $10,000 and $20,000 was minstrel, displays his finger finery while sitting on a William
spent making undercover purchases. St. doorstep.
mci ns
on brink
Default still imminent3
AP News Analysisr
NEW YORK -- New York City has at best another six weeks
before facing financial default again, and the stakes are getting :
incresirgly high for the city, the state and perhaps the country '
The reorieve the city won Friday was temporary, one more in
The -h,-,, ,,f;r ,,r, ,.,, t ~ ihe stte gpovernme~nt has nut to- 4,
Congress hears pleas
WASHINGTON (P)-New York Mayor Abraham Beame and a
panel of bankers told Congress yesterday that New York City will
default by the end of the year if it doesn't get massive federal
And a spokesperson for all U.S. municipalities said that if New
York goes under, every city in the nation will find it difficult, if
not impossible, to borrow money.