THE MICHIGAN DAILY saturday, Uctober I ~, I " I) Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY a ur ay, cta er 16, - - -- - --------- ---- -- -------- F Os lo ------- - --- UL FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764.4557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY ...r... } i I { ............ FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR SALE USED CARS PERSONAL MUSIC-ART STUDENTS: live near BRIGHTON area - One bedrooM, PIN BALL MACHINE. 4-player Gott- VALIANT,1964: Slant 6, rebuilt, new your school in beautiful North Cam- $160/mo. Includes utilities. Security lieb. Needs minor repairs. $500 or brakes/shocks, very reliable. $275 pus Co-ops. Female winter term deposit required. 1-522-8866 daily or best offer. 763-6574, 51B1024 or best offer. 662-3511. 44N1019 lease, ro and board, about $1251-268atr5. 77C1018- -_____________ Call Betsy, 663-6430. dC1021' .-_-_4__t___ 7 YAnDAE: 250 cc. Yamaha stereo 1965 MUSTANG, engine good condi- THREE ROOMS availableNov. 1. 2-BDRM. APT. available. Completely 663-4358.4 c tion. $300. 1971 Dodge Van, excellent Farmhouse on 1 0 acres. Woods, furnished, 913 Dewey. Call1-264 63-5 condition, $1400. CallN995-5082. ponds, ten minutes from Ann Arbor. 5698 anytime or 995-8978 after 6 p.m. KING-SIZED WATERBED with 36N1021 Call 662-8945 or 429-9625. 47C1024 3 2heater, oak frame, fitted liner.B12 An ____________ _______ 95-582.37131021 SACRIFICE, camper and Hon truck, STADIU/PACKARD area. 1932t ONE BEDROOM. unfurnished. to _-__ runs great, complete with TV, fur- STADIUMrock Ct.PACK. ranch a. 193ched sublet. Near North Campus and hos-A DOUBLE MAPLE BED. Box nace. toilet, stove, etc. New tires. garage. Available Nov. 1, 6-month pitals. Heat, water, carpet. drapes springs, fine condition. 662-0541. 81200 or trade for VW bus. 483-0294. ease. A7-ila sta , msecurity.included; upstairs apt. in garden- 07B1018 32N1019 lease. $375-first, last and .type setting. Might sell furniture. . _........ All appliances, newly carpet52.15 Rent now $179/mo. Write Box K, FIBERGLAS SUPPLIES 1974 OPEL MANTA. Very good con- 435-954. Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Resins, tape, cloth, pigments. Quan- dition. Automatic transmission, good AVAILABLE NOW, -bdrm. furnish- Ann Arbor, MI. 48104. dC tity discounts. Nate's Boat Shop, gas mileage, reasonably priced. Call ed apt. 2 blocks from campus. 995- ~~ ~~~~~~~~~--~~2527 Dexter Rd. 668-8500. Hours: persistently, 995-3415. 14N1019 4641 persistently. 38C1021 SUBLET Tues.-Fri. 9-6: Sat. 9-5. 30B1031 - ---SC L DE WEST SIDE HOUSE to share, $150. FEMALE NEEDED to GOLDCREST TRIPOD: for sale. $20, MUSICAL MDSE., Near town/campus. 769-5077. 3- . large house. Central cam- orabest offer. Excellent condition RADIOS, REPAIRS 921019 pus. Free off-street parking. Huge C~-sy~ living room, dining room, and kit- OVER 125 CLASSICAL RECORDS MARTIN 00-18 used. 761-9431, 487- BARGAIN CORNER chen. $100/mo. utilities included. snd sets. All in good condition; 5526. eXtc -Cal. 665-4290. 39U1021 most like new. $1.50-$4.00. 663-5534. -USED ZILDJIAN CYMBALS. Apolo ----- ----_.--"-.-17B1018 UE IDINCYBL.Aol WOMAN to assume lease in pleasant _____ _ Music Center, 769-1400. cXtc apt., near campus. $135/mo. 995- LASCOMBE BANJO, real beauty. S782/663-1712. 21U1021 Call Joy at 995-9438. 26B1018 EMIPHONE BASS GUITAR and ---------- _- - Amp. $180, best offer. 995-4783 per WOMEN to occupy space in 2-bdrm. US E R Csistently. 10X1023 T O R EASary. Diana, 995-7625. $76.25/mo.----------- - -- DYNACO STEREO 120, 60 watts 91U1021 I AM a full-time, free lance typist rms/ch.; PAT 4; FM5. $285. Call ----EN1 S- - ; with considerable experience typing Mark, 994-5615. 85X1018 LEVi'S DEN I MS LOST AND FOUND ooks, dissertations, papers. I type over 100 wpm., perfect accuracy DRUMS FOR SALE~ professional Ro- Bell Bottoms DECK of Index Cards found in 451 guaranteed. Base rate 70c per page. gers set, Zildian Cymbals, perfect Mason Hall, Monday, Oct. 13 994- 1IBM- Correcting Selectric. Call Bill, cond. Best available. Call Rich, 994- BootsJeansn4854. - , dAd2y .665-0166. cJtc 0087 persistently. 97X1021 TraditionalsBANDS for frat parties. Don, 761- HARMON KARDON 230 receiver 10" FOUND: one rampaging army ant 9431 and 487-5526. cJtc 3-way speakers. Best offer. 995-f251, Button Fly stomping on Navy beans in kitchen. - --- ------ -- 40X1021 Call and identify. dA1020: BANDS of all types (country and Sta-Prest Bells , . western, rock. Jazz. etc.) for any oc- WADIT R vruI J Uncontrocted Classified Rates WORDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 0-10 1.15 2.30 3.05 3.80 4.55 5.30 11-15 1.40 2.80, 3.70 4.60 5.50 6.40 16-20 1.65 3.30 4.35 5.40 6.45 7.50 21-25 1.90 3.80 5.00 6.20 7.40 8.60 26-30 2.15 4.30 5 65 7.00 8.35 9.70 31-35 2.40 4.80 6.30 7.80 9.30 10.80 36-40 2.65 5.30 6.95 8.60 10.25 11.90 41-45 2.90 5.80 7.60 9.40 11.20 13.00 46-50 3.15 6.30 8.25 10.20 12.15 14.10 add. .75 .90 1.05 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 1.95 1.95 3.45 4.95 6.45 8.95 INCHES 1 3.15 2 5.65 3 8.15 4 10.65 5 13.15 6.30 11.30 16.30 21.30 26.30 8.25 14.75 21.25 27.90 34.40 10 20 18.20 26.20 34.20 ; 42.20 12.15 21.65 31.15 40.65 50.15 14.10 25.10 36.10 47.10 58.10 N.B.: Each croup of character, counts as one word. Hvohenated words over 5 characters count as two words (this includes teleohone numbers) 10 lines eauals 1 inch 5 words per line i LEVI'S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs Turtle Neck Shirts 4.98 Sweaters .... from 7.98 Flannel Shirts from 6.98 Western Flannel and Corduroy Shirts Book Bags . . from 2.69 207 E. Liberty 663-8611 LOST: contact lenses in barrel case ;a"o__ with blue ends. Also beige-colored .asJ1n. Call 434-325 or 0. 4-pocket jacket. Also, blue London 41J1024 Fog jacket. 761-1460. 29A1018 EDITORIAL ASSISTANCE. article, -- -- " - "- - -- !book, dissertation. Howard Rontal, LOST: Red backpack from car, Cris- 665-7161. 66J1017 ler lot. Oct. 15. Contains research. -- Value to owner only. 455-6576 even- YPING. Copying, Binding, Editing, ings. Reward. 34A1019 Keypunching, Notary Service. FOUND: Keys in Arb. Call 995-7681. Dissertation Speciaists r~DisetaioUSecalst WANTEDL) TV UT ORIENTAL RUGS: we buy used and new. 769-8555 or 995-7597. cKtc TICKETS WANTED: 4 Mich.-OSU tickets. Call at dinner or after 11:00. 995-1077. 43Q1025 MISCELLANEOUS TIM AND CHRISTINE'S TAILOR SHOP We specialize in fitting clothes with reasonable. prices. 20 Years same lo- cation, 21311? S. Main, above Lucky Drug Store. 663-6228, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Fri. till 7. 40M1028 MIXER AT MARTHA COOK Sat., Oct. 18-8:30-1:00 Beer, Band $1.00 906 S. Univ. 11M1018 PERSONS interested in running for available seats in the fall SGC Elec- tions may file in SGC offices, until Oct. 31. 54M1031 FUND RAISING GARAGE SALE by Community Day Care Center, 1611 Westminster, Sun., 10 to 3. Dona- tions from 60 families include chil- dren's and adult's clothing, toys, books, furniture, etc. Donations wel- come and tax deductible. 16M1019, HELP WANTED AURA SOUNDE: A new record store in Ann Arbor, will be interviewing for full-time and part-time sales persons on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 23, 24. Knowledge of classical, jazz, and rock helpful. Apply in person to Mr. Jim Haldeman, 540- E. Liberty, Liberty Center, above Burger King. 53H1022 Dishwashers needed for lunches in exchange for meals. Call Rick at 761-6281 57H1025 JAZZ DRUMMER, experienced, quartet, little pay, quality music. 434-5378. 03H1021 TRANSPORTATIONy ANYONE DRIVING home to Long Island, New York, for a three day weekend? I'm wlling to share driv- ing and expenses. Call Debbie, 764- 9671 after 11 p.m., persistently. dG1021 PETS AND SUPPLIES FREE - Angora cat. Call 769-1856. 83T1019 PERSONAL YOU GOTTA BELIEVE we like this game. Billiards at the Union. cF1018 BOARD EXAM TUTORING: enroll- ments now being accepted for S. H. Kaplan Tutoring Courses to prepare for the Med Cats, DAT. and LSAT board. Call (313) 354-0085. cFtc TALK IS CHEAP and so is our bowling. 55c a game. Union Lanes. cF1018 "GAYNESS AND SPIRITUALITY:" conversations among people of all spiritual paths who relate positively to gayness. Each Sunday at 3 p.m., at Canterbury House, 218 N. Divi- sion (corner of Catherine). 46F1018 PSYCHODRAMA workshop. Oct. 25- Nov. 22. For information,.761-1141. 45F1024 SENSITIVE, responsive Jewish girl is looking for a companion to give support, warmth and love. If you feel you can attend to another's needs, please write to Mich. Daily, Box 16. Thank you. 'dF102O COWBOY: I LOVE YOU MORE TO- DAY THAN YESTERDAY. -Di. 22F1018 BOWLING is the only way to go. Open til 1 a.m. tonight. Union Lanes. cF1025 TYPING - RACKHAM/TURABIAN Format. 3M Copies. Call Judie, 434- 5626. 84F1028 HE'LL PLAY FOR YOU! Did you know that the STAR is also an accomplished musician? A-1 rat- ing on the squeeze box. Call George or the STAR at 764-0918. 'dF1018 XEROX AND OFFSET fast, low cost duplicating COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-0560 cFtc VOLUNTEERS needed for Children's Health Fair screening clinic Nov. 1 and 2. Work with children, parents, professionals at the Fair. People with background -in child care are needed. Cnotact Maureen, 761-3162 for more information. 09F1019 YOUNG, well-bred Catholic man wouldn't mind getting it on with a curvaceous red head. Must be able to sing, enjoy walking through apple orchards. Write or mail yourself soon to Box 17, Michigan Daily. dF1020 WOMEN interested in recreation and intramural programs. Call 763-' 5195 to be informed monthly by mail of University recreational sports programs offered for you. 71F1018 WOMEN INTERESTED in recreation and intramural programs call 763- 5195 to be informed monthly by mail of University recreational sports programs offered for you. 71F1018 OUR BUSINESS is making you look "neat", with professional services and products. UM STYLISTS at the Union. cF1018 COPIES - 2%c each Lowest Prices Anywhere IMPRESS, 524 E. William, 665-4321 cFtc LONELY, moderately Jewish senior male (never been to Israel but wore braces and went to Hebrew School) desires companionship. Write or mall replies to Box 3, -Michigan Daily. dFlO20 BUMPER STICKERS. Custom print- ed while-U-wait! MEL PRESS, 1217 Prospect, Ann Arbor. 761-0942. cFtc PERMANENT weight loss, smoking reduction, study efficiency, tension control, through behavior modifi- cation. Call 994-0019. cFtc FLEXIBLE, piano teacher offers les- sons on campus. Theory, ear-train- ing available. Master's degree. 662- 5850 before 11 a.m. 69F1028 WE KNOW all about pinball, foos- ball, and the regular games. Bill- iards at the Union. cF1025 PIANO, ORGAN. Terrific teacher! Improvement guaranteed. Professor world-famous Santa Cecilia, Aca- demy, Rome, Italy. Concert pianist. Beginners, advanced, will learn in your home. 662-4401. 18F1024 WEDDING INVITATIONS - Mod or traditional. Call 761-0942 anytime. cFtc Read and Use Daily Classifieds CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 p.m. Fri. for Sun.) including corrections and cancellations. The Daily is not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad. Advertisements may be removed from publication but will be billed according to original num- ber of days ordered. This policy is also applicable to ads requir- ing pre-payment. i.e., no refunds. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot be dis- closed prior to publication. Ad- vertisers names may never be revealed. Number of lines in advertise- ment is determined by total number of words--5 words/line. "Help Wanted" ads cannot dis- criminate on the basis of sex, eclor, creed or national origin to any extent (i.e. "preferably" is still discriminatory). "Found" ads are run free-of- charge to a maximum of 3 lines for 3 days. n PERSONAL TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO. and Auto-Owners Insurance Co. offer auto and renter's insurance at lower rates in Ann Arbor. Call Mrs. Spears at 662-3107 for a quotation. Spring- er-Kleinschmidt Agency, Inc., 206 E. Huron. cFte UPTIGHT? Relax in whirlpool. An- gela massages muscles in exclusive atmosphere. Legit. 971-6867, 971- 1489. cFtc VISIT Ann Arbor's only gem lab before you spend your money need- lessly. Fine quality diamonds and low prices on all engagement and wedding rings. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. cFtc MAY WE HELP with' your non-pre- scription drug1needs? The Village Apothecary, 1112 S. University. ONCE WE KNOW, we do it in a skillful and exact fashion. U-M Sty- lists at the Union. cF1025 SHY but gregarious woman having lust acquired flirtations tendencies wants to try it out. Absolutely adores looking at beautiftl bodies. extremely interested in beautiful minds. Box 1, Michigan Daily. dF1020 ANSWER TO PREilOUS PU L ASPSESTfAFF A A 0K AA1 F A M ALE1FA CT0R RASA SKYLARKS TRICKY EjKEIS BRICK R STED PRE AG S UNCAS F ASK MP iCA Al SA I NAP SATES TURIN SPEC ES SANDED S G ADS KURD SPRIT GONDOLAS ORAL NEERDOWELL MA E !LLEA N EYED ASSAY SN dA1019 LOST-One red coral ring in gold setting. Reward offered. Carol Zak, 995-9576. 65A1018 PIN-Flourescent blue oval mounted in sterling silver. Family keepsake.' Reward. Call evenings, 971-6907. 79A1018 ROOMMATES WANTED: Woman to complete com- fortable home, Own room, bath. very close to campus. Please call 995-3894 after 5:00. 41Y1019 LEASE FOR FEMALE available in Bursley. .Call 995-4924. 20Y1023y 812 S. State Street WANTED: 1 Michigan-OSU football 8 a.m.-10 p.m. 994-3594 ticket. 445-1442 ehenings. 31Q1019 cJte --- -- -R-M-IYN G -- -- FOR SALE: Loggins-Messina concert TRANSMOGRIFYING Great seats. Tony, 663-9060. TYPING 24Q1022 All electric. Serving the academic, 2---. _IHGN-I TAE _kes professional and business communi- 2 MICHIGAN-OHIO STATE tickets ties for 15 years., PRINTING, RESU- for sale. 48-yard line. Best offer. MES, EDITING. TASK, 761-4146. 485-4692 persistently. 06Q1018 cJtc WANTED: 2 tickets to Michigan- REAL STATEOSU game. Will pick up Saturday, REAL ESTATE Oct. 17. Call collect, Edelberg, 312- ___rH--- 725-7200. 33Q1021 PLYMOUJTH I -_ _____- COMMERCIAL OFFICE SINGER FOR HIRE-Female singer; 3 bdrm. 11,2 story brick on Main St. mellow folk, pop, originals. Parties, Good location, $35,900. Century 21. weddings. Will audition. 971-2647. 453-7600. 35R111 73011041 1. cE 1 If YOU COUW SAVE A FIEND'S UFE. C rmODigUBaly CROSSWORD PUZZLE Probably not. All things considered you do what you do pretty doggone well. After all, no one has taken your job. And you're eating regularly. But... But have you ever considered what doing your job just a little better might mean? Money. Cold hard coin of the realm. If each of us cared just a smidge more about what we do for a living, we could actually turn that inflationary spiral around. Better products, better service and better management would mean savings for all of us. Savings of much of the cash and frayed nerves it's costing us now for repairs and inefficiency. Point two..By taking more pride in our work we'll more than likely see America regaining its strength in the competitive world trade arena. When the balance of payments swings our way again we'll all be better off economically. So you see-the only person who can really do what you do.any better is you. - U u =m A phone call. A simple, ten-cent phone call'for a cab could save your friend's life. If your friend has been drinking too much, he shouldn't ACROSS SI Part of a bottle 5 Face side of a stringed instrument 10 Controversial musical 14 Folklore figure 15 Aviator ---- Balbo 16 - cost 17 Harmonica 19 - allegro (rather fast) 20 The boards 23 Ran into 24 Austrian composer 26 Hymns of joy 28 }Hurt 29 Away: Scot. 31 -- Rita" 32 Goddess: Lat.. 33 Turns 35 British philosopher 39 - case 41 Calling forth 43 Rapid: Mus. !4 Negative answer 46 Schoolyard game 47 Cadmus' daughter 1975 LOS ANGEEES TW" 49 Mid. East country 50 Not"canned' 61 Straighten 53 Lightly touched in passing 55 Peak , 57 WW 1abbr. 58 Insect 59 Curved side of stringed instruments 61 Ambrosian chants 6 5 Weight systm 66 Extreme 67 Spoken 68 Gape 69 All 10 Abbr. for a Gothamite' DOWN de guerre U Self b Opera headgear 4 Kind of drum, 5 Early movie projector 6 To be: Fr. 7 Hang back 8 Vicuna's cousin 9 Over there 10 Chance;old style 11 Particles 12 Early movit name 13 Elihu 18 Have: Scot. 22 Hornpipe dancer 24 Feminine title 25 Chemicalprefi 26 Famous Peter 27 Cranny's partner 30 Vienna: Ger. 33 Wall bracket 34 Meeting: Abbr. 36 Populace 37 Scoundrel 38 Urged (on) 40 Hindu month 42 Small spinet 45 Painting 48 Production 50 Body of water 51 The mark"v" in string music 52 Man's name 54 Hwys. 65 Chichi 66 Hurdy-gurdy, Italian style 58 Star in Cetus. 60 Taxi tocab: Abbr. 62 Lawyer: Abbz 63 Started:.Poet. 64 Tricky be driving. The automobile crash is the number one cause of death of people your age. And the ironic thing is that the drunk drivers responsible for killing young people are most often other young people. Take a minute. Spend a dime. Call a cab. That's all. If you can't do that, drive him yourself. Or let him sleep on your couch. I 3 14 14- 5 15 18 6 7', 8 21 We're not asking you to be a doctor or a cop.Just a friend. DRUNK DRIVER, DEPT. Y* BOX 2345 ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20852 I want to save a friend's life. I [Tell me what else I can do.I Mynameis I Address 23 ~ ~i ~ I E----* 29 30 33 F40 44 45 47 48 49 l~ 42 31 34 35 36 46 50 -i. I II 2::::.y I I I