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October 18, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-18

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Vol. LXXXVI, No. 39

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 18, 1975

Ten Cents

Eight Pages





asks hefty hike in state funding

Teen angels?
The past year has been full of terror for a 73-
year-old widow in New Buffalo, Michigan. Nine
boys from 12 to 15 years old have been taking half
her monthly pension after threatening to smash
her windows, rip up her garden and burn down her
house. The youths collected more than $1,000
according to police, who called the extortion plot
"grotesque." The widow, Emma Welderick, said
she didn't go to the police because she lived in
Nazi-controlled Europe during the war and feared
all men in uniform.

The University Board o
a "realistic and defensible
77, calling for an 11 per ce
additional student financial,
Vice President for Aca
Board that the package wil
year's appropriation of $9
back by at least one perc
. RHODES MADE it cle
increase "does, not imply,
on campus." This was an o
tation by the Committee o
(CESF), in which CESF Ch
Board to consider a 12.4 pe
- University President R
ary increase "is believed t
politically possible is a qu
lature to answer."
UNIVERSITY officials

BILL TURQUE ken on November 18 to discuss the proposals, and will present the
f Regents yesterday tentatively adopted Regents with a final appropriations request at the November 21
" state appropriations request for 1976- meeting.
.nt staff salary increase and $500,000 in Other program improvements in the request include:
aid. -an additional $500,000 in financial aid funding to maintain a
ademic Affairs Frank Rhodes told the commitment Rhodes called "more difficult to keep in the tightening
1 represent a $21.8 million hike over this budget conditions;"
9.8 million, which is likely to be cut -a 7.5 per cent increase to cover anticipated inflation over the
cent sometime next week. coming fiscal year;
-$1.7 million in new utility monies, and $333,000 for new library
ear that the 11 per cent compensation purchases;
a commitment to any one job family -$540,000 for expansion of the Interflex program, designed to
obvious reference to Thursday's presen- give students a medical degree six years after high school gradua-
n the Economic Status of the Faculty tion; and
hairman, Prof. Saul Hymans, asked the -$875,000 for health science programs to compensate for losses
r cent compensation increase for faculty. in federal revenues that Rhodes says may total one million dollars
obben Fleming said the 11 per cent sal- this year.
o be just," but added, "whether that is Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) warned that "the state
estion for the Governor and the legis- demands a superior education to be offered here," and that cur-
rent budget problems "will make it difficult to maintain that di-
will meet with Governor William Milli- rection."

RHODES ALSO noted that a three per cent enrollment increase
this year - about a thousand new students - brings the campus
total to 36,335.
Rhodes also indicated that if budget cuts continue to erode the
University's state appropriation, the administration "might be
compelled to suggest some reduction in enrollment."
The Regents also approved the appointment of Affirmative
Action Director Nellie Varner to the associate deanship of the
Rackham Graduate School, effective January 1. Varner, who was
out of town yesterday and unavailable for comment, will split her
time this winter between the deanship and duties as an assistant
professor of political science, resigning the directorship she has
held since 1972.
IN OTHER ACTION, the Board passed a resolution by Regent
Thomas Roach (D-Detroit) to seek alternative means of funding
PIRGIM, and allowing its current contract with the University
to expire at the end of the winter term. Students are currently as-
sessed an automatic $1.50 fee at registration.
See REGENTS, Page 8


President Ford's $500,000 bullet-proof limousine
was in Detroit yesterday sans its owner. The car
was found atop a hydraulic lift in a building near
the Ford Transmission Plant in Livonia. The limo
was in the shop for repair work following a Tues-
day night accident in which it was struck broad-
side by another car. Secret Service agents, Ford
Co. spokespersons and presidential spokespersons
had no comment.
Happenings ...
. . .are of the agdio-visual variety today. The
Young Workers Liberation League presents a pro-
gram on the National Independence movements in
Portugal and Angola including a movie about the
latter at 730 p.m. in the dining room of Joint
House Co-op, 917 S. Forest . . . The Vietnam War
documentary, "Hearts and Minds," will be screened
at 7 and 9 p.m. courtesy of the Ann Arbor
Teach-In in MLB Auditorium 3 . . . and Hillel
offers an Israeli flick, "Sallah," with English sub-
titles, 8 p.m. at 1429 Hill St.
Pencil pusher
Marvin "Muzzy" Musgrave was bored when he
retired. He needed a hobby to fill his leisure time
and so decided to tell people about pencils. Mus-
grave, 67, has gathered close to 40,000 pencils in
37 years of collecting. And now he and his wife
Edna travel about the country telling "The Story
of Writing Sticks." Musgrave's oldest pencil is
attached to a dance card dated July 24, 1847, in
Hamburg, Germany.
Doggie delivery
Bank tellers at the United Missouri Bank of Blue
Valley in Kansas City say that Bourbon, a 6-year-
old St. Bernard, is their best customer. At eight
every morning, Bruce Clevenger gathers the pre-
vious day's cash receipts at his service station,
puts them in a bank pouch, hands it to Bourbon
and says "Go to the bank." The dog dutifully trots
to the bank-some 100 yards away. "We see her
coming about halfway and we let her in the back
door," says one teller. "She's the only customer
we have who doesn't comlain."
Dagwood and Blondie
Dagwood and Blondie Bumstead, the long time
favorites of national comic strips, have now
emerged as the heroes of the working masses in
capitalist countries. The Dagwoods' new-found pop-
ularity, according to the Soviet Journal Za Rube-
zhom, is due to the fact that "the worries and
concerns of Dagwood and his wife are shared by
tens of, millons of workers in the countries of
capital." The Journal reports that the working class
can identify with the "cruel reality" that invades
the limited little world of the Dagwood family.
Watch out Ralph Nader.
Who's who
The bodies of two elderly women were placed in
each other's coffins and one was buried under the
wrong tombstone as the result of a mixup between
two Philadelphia funeral homes this week. On
Wednesday, relatives of 91-year-old Marie Entriken
went to view her body at Valvardi Funeral Home
and realized they were looking at the wrong corpse.
Relatives of the other woman, who were not identi-
fied, didn't notice anything was amiss even though
they viewed Entriken's body. "It really wasn't the
undertaker's fault," said one of Entriken's rela-
tives. "I blame the other family. They didn't even
know their o n mother."
On the inside .. .
. . . Editorial Page features Cathy Reutter's
story on the mediation service which tries to solve
landlord-realtor disputes . . . Arts Page has Mark
Friedlander's bridge column . . . and Mike Wilson
previews today's clash between the Wolverines
and the Wildcats of Northwestern.






NYC escapes
de fault with
teachers' help
From Wire Service Reports
NEW YORK - The nation's largest city survived its closest
brush to date with financial disaster yesterday, escaping default
barely an hour before,$453 million in debts had to be paid.
The reprieve was provided by the city's United Federation of
Teachers (UFT), which offered its pension fund to loan New York
the $150 million it needed. Despite strong pleadings from Democrat
Mayor Abraham Beame, President Ford yesterday repeatedly re-
fused to provide federal funds to help the beleagured metropolis.
INSTEAD, IT was Albert Shanker, UFT's militant leader, who
saved the Big Apple from default when he reversed himself and
asked three key trustees of his union's retirement fund to help

raid ever
The Washtenaw A r e a
Narcotics Team (WANT)
yesterday nabbed 26 per-
sons for trafficking in her-
oin and cocaine in a mas-
sive raid marked by police
gunfire near City Tall.
Some 23 other suspects
are- still being sought by
WANT following the largest
bust in its controversial
four-year history.
THE RAID - Ann Arbor's
second in less than a month -
was made possible by what at-
thorities termed "a non-polce
source." The source bought an
undisclosed quantity of the
drugs, gathering evidence for
warrants against 49 persons on
75 counts of trafficking, all but
two for heroin.
Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and
State Police began their ar-
rests at about 7 a.m. yesterday.
At 10:35 a.m., as officers were
taking one man into custody,
they spotted another suspect
and shots ensued.
Councilwoman Carol Jones,
(D-Sedond Ward) witnessed the
incident, and said:
"WE WERE at the southwest
corner of Ann and Fifth Ave-
nue when we saw a (green)
Volvo doing crazy wheelies -
it was going backwards down
the street.
"There was a van nearby and
one guy jumped out. There
See WANT, Page 8

the city pay off $453 million whi
foiled at
city banik
A local man yesterday held
up the Huron Valley Bank
branch office in the Wolverine
Towers Building on State St.
and momentarily escaped with
about $24,000.
Within minutes after the rob-
bery, city police arrested the
suspect in the adjacent Briar-
wood parking lot.
POLICE described the robber
as a black male in his early
twenties but declined to identify
him by name until after he is
arraigned later today.
Carrying an automatic pistol,
the man entered the bank
around 4 p.m. yesterday, ap-
See GUNMAN, Page 8

ich was due at 3 p.m.
UFT's action triggered addi-
tional state aid.
The funds, in the form of bond
purchases, will enable New York
to keep going until December 1
when new funds, hopefully with
a federal government guaran-
tee, can be found.
"We are not in default," said
Gov. Hugh Carey at mid-after-
noon. He had spent a hectic 24
hours of fiscal give-and-take,
broken only by a five-hour re-
cess before dawn.
SOURCES SAID Shanker re-
lented in exchange for conces-
sions involving a tentative teach-
ers contract turned down by a
state board.
The UFT leader said it was
the situation of desperation New
York City found itself in which
convinced him to give the go-
ahead for helping the city.
"We were put in a box where
we were the only ones who could
save the city," said Shanker.
"No one else was coming for-
ward to save the city."
SHANKER'S AID was in stark
contrast to Ford's flat refusals
See NYC, Page 3

Pickin' u a storm
Folk singer Michael Cooney, known as the one man folk festival because of his versatility, enter-
tains an enthusiastic audience at the Ark last night. He will also be appearing tonight, with his
banjo and songs.




defends AEC

Hounded by charges from an-
other scientist, former chair-
woman of the Atomic Energy
Commission (AEC) Dixy Lee
Ray reluctantly defended the
now-defunct federal agency at
a program in Rackham Audi-
torium last night.
Ray highlighted an all-day
"Briefing on the Nuclear Op-
tion" sponsored by the Residen-
tial College (RC) with her
speech on the problems of com-
munication between science and
HER SPEECH was followed
by comments fromDan Ford,
executive director of the Union
of Concerned Scientists, a pub-
lic interest group. Ford charged
that the AEC "suppressed re-
sults of studies" concerning the
safety risk of nuclear reactors
because of the AEC's "high de-
gree of enthusiasm for nuclear
After repeating several times
that she did not want to "en-

said that she did not know
there would be any discussion
of nuclear energy or the AEC
at last night's program.
Ann Larimore, associate di-
rector of RC, confirmed Ray's
statements, -saying that the
eminent scientist learned of
Ford's presence at the meeting
only a few hours before hand.
Ford contended that the AEC
tried to manipulate their safe-
ty studies to prove that a nu-
clear reactor accident would

be "no more severe than the
crash of a large airplane," but
was unable to do so.
Ford further asserted the
AEC controlled the release of
information from their own
study, saying, "Why cause a
huge uproar?"
RAY defended the AEC's ac-
tions, stating that the studies
had been available for public
perusal at all times. She added
that the "AEC is not the kind

of agency painted by Mr. Ford
tonight. I think it was a very
grave sort of misrepresentation."
Commenting on Ray's proposal
for more scientists in govern-
ment, Ford said that bureau-
crats disregard scientists' rec-
ommmendations and "go right
on with their (the bureaucrats')
reports" because the sugges-
tions are not what they want
to hear.

Radical vegetarians stage
puhe-in protest at Mac's

The McDonald's restaurant on Maynard St.
was hit yesterday by a brand of protest the
likes of which Ann Arbor - a hotbed of ac-
tivism during the late sixties-had never seen.
At high noon, as hungry patrons jammed

The customers, not surprisingly, recoiled in
shock and disgust during the protest and sub-
sequently stepped carefully to avoid the re-
sultant mess.
Those who planned the demo claimed it will

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