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October 17, 1975 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-17

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S ir 43UU


See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 38

Ann Arbor, Michigar-Friday, October 17, 1975

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

1 'I

Darvon, the potent stuff you take when you
can't stand that migraine another minute, can el-
leviate the symptoms of heroin withdrawal, MSU
doctors report. Director of MSU's substance abuse
program, Dr. David Yacovone, said the drug com-
bined with methodone reduced, and in some cases
eliminates vomiting, nausea, cramping and other
discomforts associated with heroin withdrawals.
Yacovone also said some patients could rely on
the non-addictive Darvon-N and avoid treatments
with methadone, a controversial addictive heroin
Hap penings-..-.
...begin with a reception for Pulitzer Prize
winning poet James Wright in the Hopwood Room,
Angell Hall from 10-11:30 a.m. . . . from 1-3:30
p.m. Janet Wolfe will conduct an Assertive-
ness Training workshop for men and women at
Washtenaw Community College, Lecture Hall III,
Exact Science Bldg. . . . Prof. Morris Halle
speaks on the "Preliminaries to a Theory of
Meter" at 7:30 p.m. in Lecture Rm. 2, MLB and
earlier at 1 p.m. on "Meditations on the Indo-Euro-
pean Accentual System" in Lecture Rm. 1, MLB
and to end the evening on a musical note there
will be a free University Choir and Chamber Choir
concert in Hill at 8 p.m. . . . Dixy Lee Ray, for-
mer chairwoman of the Atomic Energy Commis-
sion, will debate on the subject of "Science Ad-
vice for Gpvernment," with Dan Ford, executive
director of the Union of Concerned Scientists. The
debate, part of a day-long "Briefing on the Nu-
clear Option," will take place at 8:30 p.m. in Rack-
ham Auditorium.
Henry gossips
Super charmer Henry Kissinger found former
president Richard Nixon less than charming. In
fact, the Secretary of State told dinner companions
he found Nixon "odd, artificial, and unpleasant,"
the Washington Post reported yesterday. The Post
said a microphone to be used to transmit Kissin-
ger's after dinner speech at an Ottawa state ban-
quet in his honor there on Tuesday night was ac-
cidentally left on during the meal. And so Kis-
singer's caustic comments were relayed to wait-
ing reporters in another room. However, there was
also praise: "Nixon was one of our better presi-
dents. You know, he was an odd man, but he was
very decisive in his own way. He went to the heart
of the problem."
We're wonderful, but .. .
We're wonderful, but we're just not political
enough. That is the benevolent judgement of fa-
mous baby doctor Benjamin Spock on today's
youth. Dr. Spock said at a hospital seminar in
Portland, Ore. that he gets fewer invitations than
he once did to speak to militant student groups.
"Students are more cautious," than in the 1960's.
They don't feel they have to be active now be-
cause no one is asking them to go out and kill."
Thank God for that.
Birth control .. .
Women, if you're unhappy with the birth control
pill and the IUD, how about something to com-
bine the two? A Chicago gynecologist has invented
the Progesterone MD, which he claims combines
features of the pill and intrauterine devices and is
safer and mpre effective than either method. Dr.
Antonio Scommegna said yesterday the device has
been tested in 6,000 women during the last four
years and proved 99 per cent effective.
...And more
And a note that makes a new birth control idea
gain importance - The FDA said yesterday it will
soon propose new labels for birth control pills ad-
vising women over 40 not to take the pill and
warning all users they may risk blood clots and
heart attacks. The warning will also state that
the women who become pregnant despite the pill
run the risk of having children with birth defects
or suffering complications during pregnancy.

Solar surrey.
If you think gasoline is too expensive, how
about a sunshine powered vehicle? Mark Goldes
has designed the Sebastopol Solar Surrey, with
fringe on top, a seat for two, and silicon cells on
top. "I have a ball every time I take it out," the
43 year old California man says. Goldes keeps
his 10 mile ner hour vehicle off the main streets,
but he predicts it will be the family car of the
On the inside . .
Al Hransky writes about former Michigan
basketball star Campy Russell on the Sports
Page . . on the Edit Page guest writer Marty Lee
discusses the upcoming teach-in . . . and the Arts
Page is devoted to Cinema Weekend.
On the outside ...
wuiit ra inrht' A A nsto mstem moving

Rep. tri
State Rep. Melvin DeStigter (R-Allendale)
doesn't like teenage drunks.
He figures most people under 21 don't know
how to hold their liquor - be it beer, Boone's
Farm, or apricot brandy.
AND HIS answer to this supposed problem is a
bill he introduced in the state legislature return-
ing the legal drinking age to 21.
The bill is currently pending before the House
Liquor Committee. It would raise the drinking
age from 18 and make violations of the law mis-
demeanors, according to DeStigter's legislative
A similar bill, also proposed by DeStigter and
under consideration by the Judiciary Committee,
specifies that anyone obtaining liquor on behalf of


to rais
persons under 21 would face misdemeanor
DeStigter claims that evidence suggests that
18-year-olds cannot handle liquor.
"Many kids are still young and wet behind the
ears when they're 18." he says.
HE CONTENDS that "in the area of public
safety, the driving record of the 18 to 21-year-
olds has increased 69 per cent in fatal accidents"
since the lower drinking went into effect in 1972.
Some researchers, however, say that no posi-
tive relationship has been established between the
reduced drinking age and the increase in auto
accidents involving teenage drivers.
They say the increase in such accidents repre-
sents a trend pre-dating the 18-year-old drinking


e rinking
BUT DeStigter is also concerned that young
teenagers - the 14 to 16-year-olds - have great-
er access to alcohol through their older friends.
Many 18-year-olds now legally buy liquor for the
teens who would otherwise quench their thirsts
on soda pop, according to DeStigter.
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) says and wel
he will not support DeStigter's bills because he
does not see "abuse as a function of age." when th
-BULLARD; however, adds "on a broader per-
spective, there's no doubt that alcohol is an ex-
tremely destructive drug. We shouldn't advertise
it in a way that only glamorizes it."
The proposed legislation would amend three
sections of the Liquor Act which became effec-
tive in February 1972, according to a spokesman
for the State Liquor Control Commission.
See REP., Page 2


kids are still young

cey're 18.'



-State Rep. Melvin
DeS tigter



begins investigation
of Teamster funds

(2)-The Labor Department
has begun a preliminary
investigation of a $1.4 bil-
lion Teamsters Union pen-
sion fund amid criticism
the department is not en-
forcing a new pension re-
form law.
Sen. Harrison Williams
(D-N.J.), chairman of the
Senate Labor Committee,
expressed concern o v e r
what he called the depart-
ment's "unacceptable de-
lay in implementation of
the new fiduciary stand-
ards" in the 1974 Employee
Retirement Income Secur-
ity Act.
hard enough, they would find a
seemingly classic test of one

standard in the new law - a $7
million loan made by the Team-
sters, Central States, South-
east and Southwest Area Pen-
sion Fund at four per cent in-
terest, with no down payment
required and no repayment of
any of the $7 million scheduled
for 10 years.
Labor Secretary John Dun-
lop said investigators are ex-
amining records filed with the
government by the Central
States Fund to see if a full-scale
investigation is warranted.
Dunlop's exchange of letters
with Williams was released
Thursday by Williams. Sen. Ro-
bert Griffin (R-Mich.) also has
said he is "deeply disturbed"
by the situation.
Biggs, a Teamsters spokes-
man, said there would be no.
immediate comment on the de-
partment's inquiry. "We haven't
seen the report. We wouldn't

know what we were comment-
ing on," he said.
Biggs was reached at a union
convention at the resort com-
munity of La Costa, about 100
miles south of Los Angeles. The
$200 million resort, which has
a $50 million loan outstanding
to the pension fund under inves-
tigation, has been probed by
federal, state and local law
enforcement officials as an al-
leged meeting place of organiz-
ed crime figures.
The Central States Fund has
been looked at on and off by
probers fOr 20 years. Occa-
sionally someone connected with
it has gone to jail. The newest
interest in the fund was fueled
by the disappearance of form-
er Teamsters President. James
THE FUND.has long invested
the bulk of its assets in real
estate, ranging from Las Vegas
casinos to condominiums to
race tracks and residential pro-
jects. Many of the loans or their
recipients have ended in de-
fault, bankruptcy, or foreclos-
ure. And terms of some loans
have been for different from
normal terms in the real estate
Some recipients have been
linked to organized crime.
The $7 million, four per cent
Central States loan involves a
planned real estate develop-
ment in Los Angeles called Bev-
erly Ridge Estates.
NEW YORK (Reuter)-New
York officials say the city
could default on its debts later
today -in effect going bank-
rupt - after school teachers
early this morning refused to
lend their pension funds to
help bail out the city.

Faculty, CS
seak to Regentts
The Board of Regents yesterday heard two pointed arguments:
one for a substantial faculty salary increase, and a second en-
dorsing recommendations for a complete overhaul in student gov-
Members of the Commission to Study Student Governance
(CSSG) and officers of five school and college governments asked
the board to endorse the recommendations of the commission,
which include: a re-organization of the Student Government Coun-
cil through a constitutional convention, increased student participa-
tion at the school and college levels, and a non-voting student seat
on the Regents.
THE BOARD will begin voting on the commission's recommen-
dations at this morning's meeting.
The board also heard a report from Prof. Saul Hynans, Chair-
See FACULTY, Page 2

AP Photo
Fromme back in court
Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme was returned to the Federal Court in Sacramento, California yes-
terday to attend a closed-door hearing. The hearing was held to determine if a film showing her
discussing the use of firearms could be used as evidence in her trial. Fromme is being held for her
alleged attempt on President Ford's life.



Supporters of the University
Clericals' f o r m e r bargaining
team, billing themselves as the
Unity Caucus, won a majority
of seats late last night over the
Clericals f o r a Democratic
Union (CDU) in the election of
a seven person bylaws commit-
The vote followed unsuccess-
ful attempts by members of
Unity Caucus to have a bylaws
proposal drafted by the former
bargaining team accepted in
THE NEW clerical local (UAW
2001) which ratified its first con-
tract with the University in
August, last montherupted in
controversy over the question
of whether the former bargain-
ing team or a committee to be
elected should write the bylaws.
Although CDU rallied enough
support at the last meeting to
call for the election of a by-
laws committee, the impact of
that decision was largely negat-
ed in the election last night.
The bylaws committee-made
un of four Unity Caucus sup-

along - the right of the mem-
bership as the highest author-
ity, release-time pay to offic-
ials and monthly membership
The bargaining team had pro-
posed that a representative
council take the place of the
membership as the highest au-
thority, that the local presi-
dent's salary be $15,000 per
year, and that membership
meetings be held twice a year.
"It was a very frustrating
fight" commented Sue Hanson,
another CDU member. "We ex-
pected to do better. We didn't

have enough people and there
were 10 spoiled ballots - most-
ly supporting us."
H O W E V E R, CDU did win
sufficient support to halve a
$20 initiation fee set previously
by former bargaining team
"I'm really glad - it -was a
major issue," commented
Both sides lamented the small
turnout of about 200 clericals.
Thoughattendance almost dou-
bled that of the last meeting, it
See UNITY', Page 2

clericals prevail

Rads 'surface' in
film documentary
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Fugitive members of the Wea-
ther Underground describe in an unreleased documentary
film how they planned and carried out the 1971 bombing of
the U.S. Capitol and have escaped federal agents for years.
Bernardine Dohrn and four other radicals long sought
by the FBI also say there may be more Weather Under-

_ :.

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