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October 16, 1975 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-16

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Page Two


Thursday, October 16, 1975

.HE MIHIGANDAILY hursdy, Octber 1, 1--


Music lessons Available
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Prosecution force
publishes probe

Two pot reform bills in state
House to face committee fight


(Continued from Page 1)
sion to proceed with criminal
action against Nixon."
But the report clearly indi-
cated the prosecutors were on
the verge of an indictment twice
-once in January, 1974 when
evidence of his involvement in
the cover-up seemed sufficient;
and again at the time of his'
resignation eight months later
when he released long-suppress-
ed tape transcripts that proved
ed after research and "intense
debate" that there was no con-
stitutional restriction to indict-
ing a president. But Jaworski,
according to the report, felt the
Supreme Court "would not up-
hold an indictment" and that
the constitutional struggle would
thwart the impeachment processI
already underway.

the House Judiciary Committee
for the impeachment probe.
Here, in brief, are a few of
the recommendations made by
WSPF in its final report:
The President should not nom-
inate, and the Senate should re-
fuse to confirm, any person
nominated for attorney general,
U.S. attorney or a high Justice
Department position who served
in a high-level position in the
President's campaign.
Presidential nominees f o r
heads of such agencies as the
Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI), Internal Revenue Serv-
ice (IRS), and Secret Service
should be highly qualified per-
sons with independent reputa-
tions who have not played lead-
ing roles in the President's po-
litical campaigns.
The administration should es-
tablish a policy and disclose it
ia ublicly stating the precise pow-
er claimed by the administration
in the name of "national secur-'
ity" to authorize warrantless
foreign intelligence searches and
Congress should exercise ef-
fective policy oversight of law
enforcement a n d intelligence
agencies to provide a restraint
against the possible misuse of

By TIM SCHICK will go to a full vote of the
Two pieces of legislation to House if necessary to have the+
reform Michigan's marijuana Bryant bill reassigned from I
laws have been introduced in Rep. Perry Bullard's (D - Ann I
the state house recently, but a Arbor) Civil Rights committee.1
powerful committee chairman'I
promised to block both mea- "ANY BILL that deals with I


Rep. Jackie Vaughn (D-De-
troit) introduced a bill Mon-
day which would legalize all as-:
pects of marijuana sale, use
and possession. A second, bi-
partisan bill, which would re-
duce penalties for use, posses-
sion and distribution without re-
numeration to a misdemeanor
was introduced by Republican
floor leader William Bryant.
Bryant law would be issued
traffic tickets and punished by
$ a $100 fine with no jail sen-

criminal statutes goes to the
Judiciary Committee," said
Rosenbaum. "If it doesn't be-
long here, it doesn't belong
anywhere. This is where the
lawyers are, this is where the
experts are."
He quickly added "I don't
oppose marijuana reform."
Rosenbaum expplained the Ju-
diciary Committee has already
put in about 500 hours of work
rewriting Michigan's criminal
statutes, which he feels are,
more inportant.
Rosenbaum sent a question-
naire to house members to de-
termine interest in marijuana


sidestepped, the Bryant bill been used by police agencies-
could become law. arrest a kid on possession char-
"Bryant's bill is an improve- ges and tell them they can't cop
ment (over existing laws) and a plea unless they burn some-
has a real chance of passing," body by being an agent for the
said Paul Emery, an aide to police.
Bullard "I have sympathy for the
Bryant is also optimistic. "It need to get the big pushers,"
has a good chance . . . if not said Bryant, "but this is dan-
this year, soon." gerous and a kid could end up
on a grave slab in the morgue."
"I THINK we should contin- H 0 W E V E R, he is not
ually examine whether we are willing to legalize marijuana.
treating drug use in a rational "I refuse to say 'there is
manner . . . we aren't," he nothing wrong with using mari-
added. juana'," Bryant said. Because
"I would like to take the of this he chose to keep mari-
young user out of the secret lev- Juana offences criminal viola-
el society," Bryant continued, tions, rather than make them
"It is my experience that peer civil violations as Oregon has
pressure in these groups is tre- done.
mendous. More serious drugs
may be used by one or morel
members of these groups and
kids have no way of saying no."
The reason for eliminating
jail sentences is based on his
experience as a lawyer, defend-
ing people in drug cases.

336 S. State 769-4980



Both bills are expected to ' reform. It shows the House ev-
face fierce opposition from Ju- enly split on whether hearings
diciary Chairman Paul Rosen-' should be held on the bills, but
baum (D-Battle Creek), who that 62 of the 101 legislators re-
has threatened to pigeonhole sponding would vote against the
the reforms because he is al- legalization.
ready tied up with "more press-
ing legislation." S E V E R A L legislators in-
While only Vaughn's bill has dicate the future of the Vaughn
been assigned to the Judiciary bill is not hopeful but, if Ros-
committee, Rosenbaum says he enbaum's opposition can be


"IT IS my guess that con-
' victions 90 to 95 per cent of the
time do not result in jail sen-
tences. Jail is not a tool that
has been used." Bryant added
"Also a dangerous practice. has


driver tells


accident with Ford

MERIDEN, Conn. (o - Pres- R carrying Ford and other digni- SALAMITES said he was
ident Ford was the last person taries, stopped for less than a headed north on Merket Street
James Salamites expected to minute, then resumed the jour- at about 10 p.m., and the traffic
run into in Hartford on Tues- ney to Bradley International Air- light turned green. He said one
day night. After his car' port with its bent fender rubbing vehicle on Talcott Street crossed.
crunched into Ford's armored on the tire. the intersection against the
limousine, Salamites sank back light, but he saw no other cars
in the seat of his three-year-old SALAMITES said he had gone coming down the street and he
Buick and began composing a to Hartford to pick up his young- proceeded.
letter of apology to the White er brother, and his friends had Both vehicles a p p a rent 1 y
House. gone along for the ride. He said reached the intersection and
"I've been hearing a lot about he never expected to encounter braked at the same time.
the troubles he's been having the President's motorcade at "I saw the limousine coming
round the country," the 19-year- Talcott Street. and thought it was just another
old sheet-metal worker said. "I had no idea they would use car running a red light, but I


(Continued from Page 1)
Offials say someone poisoned
the victims with Pavulon, an
extrem ely powerful neuro-mus-
color relaxant usually given to
natients requirine a respirator.
All of those affected were re-
ceiving intravenous medication
at the time and all of the inci-
dlfnts no'rrrd during the -3:30
to m~i'aiht shift.
Richard DeLonis, an official
nt th- U.S. Attornev's office in
-rnit mwrild inv only that
' n1k-d with them (the
T from time to time on legal
mAtter, hut as far as getting
a ronort on their jivestigation-
T .sap not "
T JFIIOTS ad'd that once he
ro-'i0o 1 the results of the FBIT's
; - atioqtn, h will determine
"tte Qifiini^v and admissihil-
itv of the evidhce" and then
rlo'i±l wvhPth-r to nrnsecr'te.
I h.,itnl officrals also had no
"r'ne"t on the report. bat
Vr (j0,1iJkJ nA n adminis-
tro+.> aif#, said "the FBI told
"G that thev wpre1't the source
(nf the storv" "Other than
that." he continued, "it's been
relly ofiiet arouridhere for the
nest con"le of weeks."
111t, acrording 'to a Daily
o1rce.. a wmoan. that the FBI
has reneatedlv o lestioned dur-
ing their nrobe and the one who
is annarently the "nrime sus-
oert" ,mentioned in the ranort,
"was acting bizarre - real jit-
terv., bit t h a t's my own
* "SOME neonle would iust call
it -a'iety because she's very
nonl r among t h e hospital
staff." the source added.
"But she's been calling u'n
some (hosnit->D neonle and ask-
inz them to -rt her," the
person concluded.

it as a route for the President,"


SECRET SERVICE agents he said. "They should at least
and police, some with guns have blocked it off. And there
drawn, swarmed around the wasn't anybody stationed on the
young man's car as Salamites corner."
and his five teen-aged passen- Police conceded that a plan to
gers sat in shocked silence. have a motorcycle policeman
"After I saw the President, I1 guarding the intersection less
could imagine what would hap- than a block from police head-
pen," Salamites said yesterday. quarters had failed.
The presidential limousine,
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Thursday, October 16 Ctr. Japanese, Studies / Film
Day Calendar Group: Hani's He and She, Rackham
WUOM: Debate, "Hunting: Amph, 7 pm.
Friends & Foes," 10 am. Guild House: R. McMullen, poet-
Panhellenic: Tropical plant sale, ry reading. Guild House, 7:30 pm.
Union Ballroom, 10 am-9 pm. Science, Human Values Series:
Pendleton Arts Info Ctr.: William David Jackson, "Bio-Chemical Ma-
Leach, PTP artist - in - residence, nipulation of Genes: Scientific and
Pendleton Ctr., Union, noon. Ethical Considerations," 1025 An-
Ctr. Japanese Studies: Walter L. gell. 8 pm.
Ames, "Police and Organized Crime MusicalSciety: Monteerdi Choir,
in Japan: A View from Inside" HiuaSiy:30 pmC
Commons Rm., Lane Hall. noon.
Public Health Films: Glass Women's Studies Films: To Be
Houses, 1138 SPH1 IT, 12:10 pm. Young; Gifted and Black, Lee. Rm.
Regents' Meeting: Regents' Rm., 1, 9 pm.
Ad Bldg., 2 pm;, public comments,
Physics: M. Abolins, MSU, "Search Vle LXXHIGAN o.A37
for Charm at Fermilab," P&A Col- r Vo yme LXXXVI, No. 37
loci. Rm., 4 pm; A. Chodos, MIT, Thursday, October 16, 1975
"tRecent Progress of Bag Model," is edited and managed by students
2038 Randall Lab, 4 pm. at the University of Michigan. News
MHRI: R. L. Solomon, U. of phone 764-0562. Secopd class postage
Penn., "Opponent Processes of Mo- pid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
tivation," 7105 MHRI, 3:45- pm. Published d a iig Tuesday through
Macromolecular Research Ctr." Sunday inornilhg'during th1 Univer-
"Properties of Glow - Discharge sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Polymerized Polymers," 3005 Chem., Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription
4 pm. rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes-
T4omas Spencer Jerome Lectures: ters); $13 by mail outside Ann, Ar-
C. C. Vermeule III, "Crimes for the Summer session published Tues
Masses," Aud. Angell, 4:10 pm. day through Saturday morning.
English:. James Wright, poetry Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
reading, Pendleton Rm., Union, 4:10 Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann
Int'l Night: German food, League Arbor.
Cafeteria, 5-7:15 pm.

recognized him right away,"
Salamites said.
THE BUICK sedan hit the
slaek, blak presidential car just
back of the right front wheel.
President Ford said later he
was "fine," but Frederick K.
Riebel Jr., Connecticut Reotibli-
can state chairman, suffered a
broken finger as he was thrown
against Ford.
Police said Sala mites told
them he had one or two beers
earlier that night, but they said
there anneared to be nq viola-
tion of law.
"And they didn't nut hand-
clffs on me or anything. They
knew I wasn't that type of kid,"
Salamites said.

UAC Homecoming Photography Contest
$50.00 First Prize $10.00 Third Prize
$25.00 Second Prize $5.00 Popularity Prize
THEME: "Student interacting"
ENTRY:, Black and White 8" by 10" (maximum)
ENTRY FEE: $1.00, per photo
Entry Forms available at: Purchase Camera, South University


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