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October 15, 1975 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-15

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MADRID, Oct. 9 (PNS) - Spain is a different kind
of war.
Faced with mounting world hostility against the
Franco regime ,the Spanish right is trying to whip the
population into an anti-foreign frenzy in rallies simi-
lar to those staged for Big Brother in George Orwell's
1984. Yet over 15 million tourists visit Spain each year.
Last week, tens of thousands of Madrid citizens,
shouting "Franco, Franco", massed in the Oriente
Plaza. They were giving the same salute Germans
gave to Hitler in 1936. I was warned by Spanish
friends not to go, and if I did, not to dare to speak
English or take photos.
When several in the crowd noticed that I was not
shouting "Franco" or giving the fascist salute, I was
surrounded by a menacing group of men. Portuguese,
English, Mexicans, French, Italians, Americans - all
are now targets of Franco's hate campaign, a counter-
offensive against the torrent of worldwide protest at
the execution of five members of the underground.
I quickly left, lucky to get out in one piece. A
photographer for Associated Press was not so lucky.
He was almost pistol whipped to death by frenzied
thugs. British reports said he was beaten by the crowd,
but I was told it was the work of Franco's secret
police, growing more brutal and outspoken each day.
THE RALLY, WHICH was replayed for hours on
Spanish TV and headlined in the state controlled press,
was not as successful as the right had hoped. Thous-
ands of students and workers, ordered to go, refused-
taking the risk of falling under a possible new reign of
One purpose of the rallies has been to offset growing
speculation in Spain and abroad that the Franco re-
gime may be much shakier than at first believed.
Military units around Madrid and in the north, a cen-
ter of resistance to Franco since the civil war of the
1930's, have been put on standing military alert. Amer-
ican military personnel throughout Spain have been

Eranco's Spain
ANY CONTACT WITH the underground is of course
very difficult, for all foreign journalists are constantly
watched by the secret police. But I have learned that
FRAP (the Patriotic Anti-Fascist Revolutionary Front)
would like to win over the Spanish army in a show-
down, just as the Portuguese left now seems to have
won the support of thousands of Lisbon's soldiers, sail-
ors and airmen.
Neither FRAP nor the ETA (the Basque liberation
underground) have ever attacked any army units.
Madrid itself is nervous over the loyalty of the numer-
ous Basque and Catalonian draftees in the army.
THE FRANCO REGIME is also nervous about events
} in neighboring Portugal. There the army is start-
ing to close off the border with Spain. And even in the
traditionally rightist northern part of Portugal-Oporto
-the Spanish embassy was gutted as army units, out-
raged at the executions, stood by or openly cheered.
As the cruel drama unfolds, Franco may kill ten
more members of the underground, perhaps by the gar-
rote. The traditional form of execution in Franco's
Spain, the garrote has been known to take 25 minutes
to kill a prisoner by torture. Often the victim writhes
in agony before his spinal cord is cut by the ancient
vise-like instrument. Franco's secret police are openly
pushing for a return to the garrote instead of the firing
ase for fear of get- With the fascist salute suddenly reappearing on the
n into guerrilla war- Iberian penninsula, one can only wonder if the Spanish
the state-monitored civil war will erupt anew. No one here doubts that the
underground, no matter how many Franco may kill,
ay the Spanish army will ever give up.
hated secret police,
to the right, are be- ONE IS ALSO reminded that it was the Spanish civil
the Spanish people, war that became the prelude to World War II.
t a funeral for three
liation for the exec-
ushed the uniformed Richard Boyle, a veteran PNS correspondent, was the
and get their death last American reporter to leave Phnom Penh, Cambodia


restricted in their movements off b
ting involved in what may soon tur
fare. Nothing of this is reported in
Spanish press.
The big question here is which wa
will go if violence escalates. The]
trying to push Franco even further
coming increasingly unpopular with
including even the regular police. A
policemen shot by terrorists in reta
utions ,the secret police roughly pu
police aside to carry the coffins
threats against the underground on

Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
Wednesday, October 15, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104
Coaliin key to success


last spring.

Selective holidays inconvenient for most

M"ONDAY'S gathering of student
representatives from nine state
colleges and universities rekindles
the hope that the student fight
against skyrocketing tuition and
plunging program funding may yet
find a receptive ear in Lansing. To
drag out a well worn, but neverthe-
less true cliche, there is strength in
The students at Michigan's univer-
sities and colleges are not alone in
their uphill struggle against the de-
teriorating quality and rising cost of
education. It is unrealistic to think
that there is a: common ground for
all the divergent problems facing
each state student, but there are
some areas such staff cutbacks and
tuition hikes where coalition is not
only feasible, but is also the only
Teal means of getting across the stu-
dent message to Lansing.
JN THE PAST,, regents, have been
anything but amenable, much
less cooperative, to student sugges-
NEWS: Gordon Atcheson, Jim Finkel-
stein, Jay Levin, Anne Marie Lipin-
ski, Rob Meachum, Cheryl Pilate.
Steve Harvey, Paul Haskins, Jon
ARTS PAGE: Jeff Sorensen.

tions concerning budgeting. By unit-
ing behind a common cause, students
would be able to bypass the regental
block, and reach the doors to the
Lansing budget makers through the
strength of their solidarity, their
noise,' and the number of votes be-
hind them.
But this is a desperate way around
the problem. State colleges and uni-
versities have an obligation to listen
to their students, to allow students to
take part in the decision making pro-
cess, because students are at the re-
ceiving end of the educational sys-
Last year, Oakland University stu-
dent government convinced their
trustees to allow input on the budget-
ing procedures. As a result, Oakland,
alone among state universities 'was
spared a tuition hike. There is no
reason why the Oakland example
can't be applied here and at other
state schools.
SGC SHOULD BE encouraged and
commended for its part in
amassing the support and resources
of schools statewide. At least on a
few crucial issues, all students are
in it together. It would hardly com-
promise University students best in-
terests to close ranks with other
state students and present an audible
voice, in opposition to tuition hikes
and staff and program cutbacks.

morning this fall, I set out
for my 9 o'clock class on my
bicycle, passing by the school
crossing guard at the corner,
the road constructiton crews
down the street and the usual
early morning traffic. A com-
pletely ordinary day ,or so I
I returned from my class, de-
termined to dispense with some
pending matters of trivia. The
first was a call to Ma Bell to get
an explanation of some odd-
looking long distance charges
contained in her monthly com-
munication. Ring. "Hello, be-
cause of Columbus Day, all
Michigan Bell offices are clos-
ed." Of course. How silly of
me not to realize it was a holi-
day. How could I miss it?
But I continued to miss it.
Next was a call to the 15th Dis-
trict Court to find out how I
can collect on an old Small
Claims Court judgement that I
won. Ring . . . Ring . . . Ring
. ., etc. I was 0 for 2 but still
at bat.
I checked my list of chores for
a more fruitful option. Item
Number 3 reminded me to have
several documents pertaining
to the purchase of our house re-
corded ;at the County Register

of Deeds Office. Third strike.
I'm out.
HOUSEHOLD chores would
provide me no escape from the
outstanding obligations of grad-
uate school, I sat down to type
a paper. A short while later, a
roommate arrived home from
the wars, or wherever he goes
every day. "Any mail yet?" he
innocently asked, noting that
the red, white and blue mes-
senger was past due. "No, I
guess he's late today," I stup-
idly replied. About twenty min-
utes later, I headed for the
front door, sure that the bear-
ing of tidings must have ar-
rived by then. Half way there
a thought struck me. He's not
coming at all today. Strike four.
This kid's a real glutton for
Now, I have nothing against
holidays. In fact, I enjoy them.
But I wasn't enjoying this one,
because I wasn't let in on it.
Somehow, that didn't seem fair.
Actually, this injustice occurs
three times a year. Columbus
Day, Veteran's Day (formerly
Armistice Day, if you've been
away for awhile) and Presi-
dent's Day (Lincoln and Wash-
ington now have to share a
birthday celebration). On these

"I've been on the other side of the battle lines.
I worked for the county for a while and got all
those strange days off. But what can I do with
them. Nobody else I know got them?"

three days, all Mondays (by act
of Congress), mailmen, the
County Register of Deeds, the
people in the District Court Ma
Bell's office corps and a select
group of others, get three-day
weekends while the rest of us
go to class or the office, or put
together a few more Mustang
II's at Rouge.

willing to goof off in honor of
George Washington as the next
mailman. And then I wouldn't
even try to get all those little
chores done. Close everything
down, like Memorial Day (don't
forget, it's not on the 30th any-
Somewhere out there I hear
anguished cries. Businessmen

ary. So I came in to work any-
way, and got to tale an extra
vacation day when the sun was
shining in May or to get a
week's vacation when I had
only four days coming.
Which is probably the point.
Public officials and Ma Bell
found a way to give their em-
ployees more vacation without
seeming to give them too much
vacation. That mailman only
gets two weeks vacation, you
understand. It's just that he
gets to honor veterans more
than the rest of us.
Solution. Give the mailmen
and Ma Bell troops three more
vacation days to use whenever
they please, and keep the mail
coming and the banks open
wheneverthe rest of us are
working and going to class.
Then eliminate these observ-
ances, at least as legal holi-
I'm sure Washington, Lincoln
and Columbus would under-
stand. But there's still the prob-
lem of the veterans ...
Tom Wieder is an aging grad-
uate student who worked for
The Daily during his productive

IT REALLY GETS confusing
in October, or is it November?
Congress moved Veteran's Day
to a specific Monday (I forget
which). A lot of veterans'
groups didn't like it, so some
states moved it back to Novem-
ber 11. So now there are two.
On one, we don't get any mail
and on the other the banks are
closed. If you think I can tell
you which is which and when,
you're crazy.
Enough of this insanity, I say.
If we're going to have a holi-
day, then it ought to be a holi-
day for everyone. I'm just as

wailing that they' can't afford
to lose three days of production.
Professors concerned that their
prodigees will receive fewer
pearls of wisdom from their
lips. This may be an uphill bat-
I'VE BEEN ON the other side
of the battle lines. I worked
for the County for awhile and
got all these strange days off.
But what could I do with
them? Nobody else I knew got
them, and I didn't always need
to catch up on my sleep or
chores because it happened to
be the third Monday in Febru-




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students' burden
To The Daily:
The following letter was sent
to President Fleming.
IF THE THRUST of the State
of the University Address was
to identify perplexing prob-
lems facing the university, then
the inclusion of graduate educa-
tion was unfortunate. Although
you identified the two central
aspects of graduate education
as being the pressing financial
situation and the depleted job
market, your solution of reduc-
ing graduate ranks is less than
optimistic. We assure you that
these same problems are fore-
most in the minds of graduate
students, as well as faculty and
administrators. Indeed these
problems are of concern to the
entire academic community,
and they should be understood
in terms other than the paraly-
sis of economics or societal
needs. Continuing graduate edu-
cation today raises profound
philosophical problems which
must be widely debated before
long term decisions are made
to decrease graduate budgets
and enrollments.
While the problem of financ-
ing graduate education is com-
plex, there are clearly some
steps that can be taken to re-
duce the awesome burden on the
university and the graduate
student. Exploring alternative
methods of funding is one such
solution. Recently, Dean Suss-
man established a Development
Committee to investigate pos-
sible alternative sources of sup-
port derived from both the pub-
lic and private sectors of so-
ciety. Rackham Student Gov-
ernment certainly applauds this
responsiveness and proposes
that this exnloration be given a

Sussman, RSG established an
office which would assist grad-
uate students and their spouses
acquire part - time employment
in the Ann Arbor community.
The Graduate Employment Ad-
vocate has been highly success-
ful in placing graduate students
and thus defraying their depen-
dence on university funding.
The Office was also charged
with the mission of expanding
full-time non-academic posi-
tions within the university, to
facilitate employment of part-
time graduate students. Two or
perhaps even three graduate
students working part - time
could be employed and salaried
by the monies of one full-time
These are merely two possible
alternatives by which the prob-
lems of the financial imperative
can be met. We are convinced
that other alternatives exist
and will not escape imaginative
DENTS help themselves in the
process of their education is a
possible solution to one of the
most urgent problems at the
university. Another equally
pressing concern is the respon-
sibility of the university to its
graduates after the degree.
Again, we believe there are
clear ways in which the univer-
sity can assist graduate stu-
dents in the placement process.
The first and most obvious
response of the university is
to "sell its own bill of goods."
The decreasing funds directed
at universities in general may
reveal a basic shift in society's
attitude toward education. In
addition, academicians tend to
assume the value of graduate
education. Except in rare in-
stances, educators today have

SITY must make every effort
to' expand its present place-
ment capacity. Traditionally,
Career Planning and Placement
has been thoroughly conscien-
cious in assisting students to lo-
cate employment: With the
tightening academic job mar-
ket, more graduate degree hold-
ers will be driven, into the non-
academic sector of employ-
ment. The university has dis-
played little interest in assist-
ing graduate students to match
abilities with job possibilities.
Yet, the need clearly exists.
RSG has co-sponsored several
conferences for non-academic
job placement which were well
attended by graduate students
in areas notorious for only 'aca-
demic employment. More work
must be done in this area to
help centralize the dissemina-
tion of available information.
There is little doubt that the
problem facing graduate educa-
tion today are perhaps the most
severe in its history. Moreover,
as we have attempted to indi-
cate, limiting the graduate en-
rollment and budget is not ne-
cessarily a viable solution. In-
deed, it appears that these
problems with which we are
faced can be resolved if they
are approached in a coopera-
tive spirit fostered by creative
ingenuity, wisdom and the cour-
age to avoid expedient solu-
Craig Cummins
David Kressler
Rackham Student
October 14
To The Daily:
WHILE I MUST agree with

Da 1ail
." is not true. There had
been at least two other loud
and boisterious arguments in
Council Chambers that night be-
tween Council members Keogh
(D-First Ward) and Trow-
bridge (R-Fourth Ward) re-
garding C.D.R.S. and between.
Kenworthy (D-Fourtl Ward)
and Belcher - (R-Fifth Ward)
about tabling of a motion on
street resurfacing. Both of these
fights between Democrats and
Republicans on Council had oc-
curred before Ms. Kozachenko
introduced her resolution.
Regarding the unwillingness
of the Human Rights Party and
the Democratic Party to work
together for "progressive" leg-
islation, I feel that while some
cooperation has occurred, the
primary fault has been on the
part of the Democrats. HRP
hps introduced an alternate
City budget, called for use of
one of the City's attorneys to
do free legal aid for the unem-
ployed, urged getting City po-
lice out of the W.A.N.T. squad,
and immediate funding of social
service agencies through C.D.
R.S. monies -a it is not the fault
of the Human Rights Party that
Democrats on Council have
chosen not to support these
AS TO RENT control, let us
not forget that every member
of the Democratic Party pres-
ently serving on Council said
that he or she supported the
idea of rent control; in fact,
Carol Jones signed the HRP
rent control petition. Elizabeth
Taylor (ala Keogh) claimed
that she would have a rent
control ordinance ready by the
first day of July. If theDemo-
crats have a "secret plan" for
rent control, it is still a secret.
Setting up a committee stacked

showing that the Democratic
mayor is committed to achiev-
ing a "Fair Rental Practices
Ordinance" as quickly as pos-
sible. If the council Dems are
upset by being called liars, then
they should do something to
prove that they haven't reneg-
ed on their promises to provide
rent control by ordinance.
Diane Kohn
October 10
Chima rally
To The, Daily:
OCTOBER 15, the U.S.-China
Peoples Friendship Association
of Ann Arbor will be holding a
program on the important ques-
tion of Taiwan and U.S.-China
relations. Wang Yo-Hwa and
Ann Tompkins, two nationally
known authorities on China and
the Taiwan question, will pre-
sent their views.
Ann Tompkins lived and
taught at Peking University for
five years, and participated in
the Cultural Revolution. She
and her husband, Wang Yo-
Hwa, revisited the Peoples Re-
public of China in 1974. They
are currently touring the Mid-
West Region of the U.S.-China
Peoples Friendship Association.
It is the views of our organiz-
ation that Taiwanprovince isan
integral part of China and that
in order to further U.S.-China
state-to-state relations as well
as people - to - people friend-
shin, it is imperative for the
U. S. to recognize the Peoples
Reniblic of China as the sole
legitimate government of China
including Taiwan. At Wednes-
dav's meetng. the history and
nresent status of Taiwan will





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