A a1t ,n DaUil Eighty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Tuesday, October 14, 1975 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Politicking hurts schools Ford: By GORDON ATCHESON EVEN THOUGH IT'S way too early to begin making book on next year's Presidential Sweepstakes ,the way things look now Gerald Ford may face a tougher challenge than he had expected. One thing he apparently had going for him was the opposi- tion. The Democratic field at this point is glutted with a bunch of lackluster, uninspiring candidates. The loyal opposition has not as yet coalesced around any one candidate, although to some ex- tent that will happen as the convention and the election draw closer. (Obviously the pri- maries will winnow the field considerably.) But a Harris Poll released last week shows Ford just barely edging out some of those supposedly unap- THE ANN ARBOR TEACH-IN, an event of national as well as local interest, will be taking place in the near future. Twenty-five speakers from across the country will be ad- dressing themselves to the theme, "The Bicentennial Dilemma: Who's in Control?" Notable speakers in- elude activist lawyer William Kunst- ler, author Herbert Marcuse, and Di- rector of the Citizen's Commission of Inquiry, Mark Lane. The LSA Curriculum Committee is debating whether or not the Teach- in, or for that matter any event of this nature, qualifies for LSA Mini- course standing. The organizers of the Teach-in, along with their Faculty sponsor, Dr. William Rosenberg, submitted a pro- posal to the LSA Curriculum Commit- tee which would give the Teach-in Mini-course standing. Students en- rolled in the course would receive one credit for attending some of the teach-in as well as lectures by the University faculty. On September 29, the LSA Commit- tee rejected the proposal. At the next meeting, however, they reconsidered and approved the proposal, sending it on to the University Executive Com- mittee,,, which found it unacceptable and returned it to the Curriculum Committee. At the last meeting of that committee Monday, members de- cided to draft a series of suggestions designed to make the proposal ac- ceptable to the Executive Committee. The committee is to reconsider the matter at its next meeting. While we agree that the mini- course policy needs to be revamped, we wonder whether this procedure should take place at the expense of the Ann Arbor Teach-in. Dean Jean Carduner, who acts as chairman for the committee has stat- ed that according to the Mini-course guideline currently in effect the Teach-in should be granted mini- course approval. Since the Executive Committee rejected the Curriculum Committee's recommendation that the teach-in be granted mini-course credit in the first place, we feel they shcild clarify to the Teach-in com- mittee just why they seem to disa- gree with Dean Carduner's observa- tion that the proposal does indeed meet all requirements previously ap- plied to proposals of this nature. Is the University making a policy of sponsoring educational events such as this only if they are in agreement with the political views of the Uni- versity? With the almost daily press re- leases revealing abuses by the various US intelligence agencies, the theme of technology and repression has be- come important to every American citizen. If the University ignores this fact, it can only be because it is more in- terested in politics than in educa- tion. Another, pealing Democrats - not at all should s a comforting thought for the who rer Chief Executive. the. Pres STILL, three of Ford's top per cen four competitors have not as is offici yet declared an interest in run- Humphr ning for president. noises in Leading the pack, not sur- ously thi prisingly, was Senator Edward go onei Kennedy who trailed Ford by a A HAP slight margin. Of the 1,300 vot- ers polled, 48 per cent exppres- sed a preference for Ford and 46 per cent for the man fromr Massachusetts. Given the size of the sample r and the polling techniques used, the error factor is three per cent for either figure. Kennedy might, in fact, be leading Ford. by as much as four per cent.. Of course, the Kennedy cam- paign, or rather non-campaign, - has been the subject of specu- lation, consternation, and just , plain rumor-mongering. RIGHT NOW THE Senator has declared himself definitely out. No draft, nothing, will con- vince him to enter the arena next year. Others, however, don't write the politically skill- ful Kennedy off so quickly, sug- gesting that Sargent Shriver, who has announced his official candidacy, is merely Kennedy's cluding stalking horse. Bayh a But even against lesser and Ca known and decidedly less mag- mund B netic foes, Ford also failed to the Pres win decisively. Noneti Against declared candidate gins beta Senator Henry Jackson, Ford ing Den led 47 per cent to 43 per cent poll mu: in the poll. That's also an in de- Republi cisive margin, given the nature Ford's of the survey. has und Senators Edmund Muskie and shuffling Hubert Humphrey, a pair that appeari leaf ound familiar to anyone members 1968, trailed sident by five and six t respectively. Neither ally in the running, but ey has been making ndicating that he is seni- inking about giving it a more time. NDFUL OF others, in- in the, Times and elsewhere last week. Apparently the fund raising just wasn't what it should be, and a number of the GOP stra- tegists were getting antsy over the lack of preparation for the New Hampshire primary elec-. tion next year. Although months away, New Hampshire is im- portant because it's the first primary of the election. The identities of "the front runners," those candidates who supposed- ly have the inside track to the White House, will emerge from the New Hampshire results. IN 1968, FOR instance, Lyn- don Johnson's poor showing against avowed peace candidate Eugene McCarthy led to the end of his abortive re-election bid. For Ford, the opening hike down the campaign trail will be of crucial significance. The way things shape up now, arch - conservative former Cali- fornia Governor Ronald Reagan plans to run and run hard in New Hampshire. As the leader of the Republican Party's right wing, he is a force that must be dealt with. Ford must de- cisively beat Reagan to bring the conservatives back into the fold, and he knows he probably cannot win without their back- ing. A SECOND IMPORTANT fac- tor is that Ford has, yet to prove himself a viable vote get- ter on a national basis. The on- ly office he has ever run for is Congress, which required cam- paigning in and around Grand Rapids, not glad - handing in the Northeast, Florida, the Mid- west and the Far West in quick heap Shriver, Senators Birch nd William Proxmire, lifornia Governor Ed- rown, fell well behind sident in this poll. heless, those small mar- ween Ford and the lead- rocrats included in the st be disquieting to the cans. campaign organization ergone a significant re- g, according to reports ig in the New York succession. Couple all of this with the possibility of Alabama Governor George Wallace wag- ing a third party campaign as he did in 1968, and the Ford re- election bid looks rather vulner- able. It's different to gauge the im- pact, of a Wallace drive, but seven years ago he apparently pulled a considerable number of votes from Richard Nixon. That would probably be repeat- ed against a candidate of Ford's conservative bent. FORD ISN'T RUNNING scared at this point and there's no reason he should. But, by the same token, he won't be handed a full four-year term on a sil- ver platter or a besieged presi- dent's resignation. Gordon Atcheson is co-Edi- tor-in-Chief of the Daily. Senate Bill One: Invitation to tyranny School bias cheats women IT HASBEEN more than a decade since the modern women's move- ment got off the ground. Conscious- ness - raising groups are giving wo- men the courage to cast aside the mop and pail, publically - funded counselling centers have been estab- lished to help women through the crisis following a sexual assault, and women's studies departments can be found in several major uni'versities. However, it is not time to sit back and relax and assume that all wo- men's problems have been solved. De- spite: the progress made in the area of women's liberation since the early 1960's, the "weaker sex" mentality still pervades this country's educa- tional Institutions. A STUDY RELEASED by the Na- tional Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) found that males geneally outscore females in tests ranging from math and science to social studies and consumer skills. TODAY'S STAFF: News: Gordon Atcheson, Barb Cornell, Elaine Fletcher, Ken Parsigian, Sara Rimer, Tim Schick Editorial Page: Marc Basson, Steve Harvey, Debra Hurwitz, Mark Ort- lieb, Tom Stevens Arts Page: David Blomquist Photo Technician: E. Susan Sheiner This, study represents an evalua- tion of eight surveys made of 640,000 persons between the ages of nine and 35. The only two areas in which fe- males maintained an advantage were in music and writing. Men did better in mathematics, sciences, so- cial studies, politics, reading, and lit- erature. Even an area in which it is generally assumed that women would do better -- grocery storemath - men held a sizeable advantage. Roy Forbes, director of the NAEP, had no concrete explanation for the disparity in educational achievement between the sexes, but suggested that it might be due to a biased cur- ricula which does not encourage wo- men. THROUGHOUT GRADE school and high school, females are often encouraged to tackle less difficult courses and to set their sights on less demanding careers, than are chosen by men. The fact that women consistently scored lower on educational achieve- ment tests indicates that there is something amiss in the educational system. It is about time that this problem is recognized and steps are taken to ensure that women receive an equal education and are encour- aged to achieve their fullest poten- tial. By ROBERT MILLER SENATE BILL-1 has been called the single most repressive piece of legis- lation in US history. Vern Countryman, Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and Thomas I. Emerson, Pro- fessor of Law at Yale Law School state: "The enactment of S. 1 would constitute an unparalleled disaster for the system of individual rights in the United States . The objective of the draftsman was to incorporate into the criminal code every restriction upon individual liber- ties, every method and device that the Nixon Administration thought necessary or useful in pursuit of its fearful and corrupt policies . . . The bill is inherent- ly unamenable and should be recom- mitted for complete overhaul and re- drafting." The bill is a proposed revision of the United States Criminal Code which is ad-. mittedly in need of reform. In 1966 President Johnson appointed the "Na- tional Commission on Reform of Crimi- nal Laws (the "Brown" Commission) which spent six years preparing a new code. However, the Brown Commission's recommendations were junked by Nixon and then-Attorney General John Mitchell. The present S.1 Bill is a 753-page con- solidation of two bills offered in 1973- S. 1400, prepared by the Department of Justice under Mitchell, and S. 1, intro- duced by Senators McClellan (D. Ark) and Hruska (R. Neb.). Senate Bill 1 spares no one in its at- tack on freedom and justice. It is per- meated with a spirit of distrust of the American people and threatens to de- stroy protest and dissent. Yet, the bill has received almost no coverage in the press. To begin, the sections of the bill which deal with espionage broadly criminalize the knowing collection or communication of "information relating to the national defense," with the intent that it be used or "knowledge that it may be used, to the prejudice of the safety or interest of the US, or to the advantage of a foreign power . .." As Mary Ellen Gale, former counsel to the ACLU, points out: "what" is not 'information relating to the na- tional defense'?" Gale continues, "Un- der the present terminology a newspa- per report that bad weather had de- layed an Air Force airplane test, that a prominent general was hospitalized for minor surgery ,that the North Vietna- mese had deployed troops in South Viet- nam, or that US troops were using de- fective rifles, would all be proper sub- jects for invocation of the espionage pro- .visions. iYet the first two are probably trivial, the last two are not only proper but necessary to informed public debate, and all four are protected by even the narrowest reading of the First Amend- ment." The provisions regarding the mishand- ling of national defense information and the disclosure of classified information are equally vague and overextended. Had the S. 1 Bill been law at the time of the Pentagon Papers revelation, re- porters ,editors, publishers, secretaries, and members of Congress and their staffs could have been swept within the statute's reach. S. 1 would make it a crime for a government official or for- mer official to communicate classified information to the "unauthprized" per- sons, regardless of his intent and re- gardless of the probable or even possi- ble effect of his actions. The S. 1 Bill would re-enact the Smith Act, used by Joe McCarthy and related tunes to terrorize America in the fifties. Mere advocacy of revolutionary change would be a criminal offense. Since no- overt act is necessary, judgment would. be based on passion and prejudice against politically unpopular minorities. Moreover, one would be guilty of the offense of military activity against the United States if "with the intent to aid the enemy or to prevent or obstruct a victory of the United States, during a time of wear and within the United States, he participates in or facilitates military by the enemy." Neither "facili- tates", "military", "war", or "enemy". is defined by S. 1. Again Gale's re- marks, printed in the Congressional Re- cord (S20500, Dec. 1974) are to the point: "The apparent purpose and likely effect of this section of the S. 1 is the stifling of political dissent, of conscience, and of loyal opposition. By its vagueness and overbreadth, it authorizes sanctions against those who express disapproval of or actively urge changes in govern- ment policy." Telephone tapping is another means through which the reach of government is extended. Taps are authorized without a court order whenever a law enforce- ment officer "reasonably believes that an emergency situation exists with re- spect to conspiratorial activities threat- ening the national security" and the President is completely exempted from all liability for wiretapping instituted "to protect the US against the overthrow of the government by force or other un- lawful means." This is obviously inap- propriate in view of the abuse of wire- taps throughout the past fifteen years. "Inherent in these sections is a potential for abusive surveillance of political dis- sidents or other disfavored groups", says. Professor Carole E. Goldberg of the UCLA School of Law, in an article writ- ten for the Society o American Law Teachers. S. 1 expands the areas where wiretapping is permitted and directs telephone companies and landlords to cooperate "forthwith" and "unobstru- sively" with government wiretappers; it further provides for compensation for such cooperation. Laws concerning riots have also been redrafted by S. 1. They provide for up to three years in jail and/or up to one hundred thousand dollar fines for "move-' "The apparent purpose and, likely effect of the S. I is the stifling of political dissent, of conscience and of loyal opposition . . . it authorizes sanctions against those who express disapproval actively urge changes ernment policy." of or in gov- ernment function. An influx of cars car- rying demonstrators to the chosen site or a protest action in a driveway of a federal building might constitute the proscribed felony. There are even more horrors hidden in the bill. The statute on entrapment permits conviction of defendents for committing crimes which they were induced to commit by improper pres- sures of police agents. The burden is nliced on the defendent to prove that he was "not nredisnosed" and was sub- ject to ""nlawful entrapment". In addition, provisions designed to make "voluntary" confession admis- sable even if obtained by secret police interrogation in the absence of counsel and warning prescribed in the Miranda case, and provisions designed to assure admissability of eyewitness testimony regardless of prior police irregularities in suggesting identification Bare incor- porated. Stiff retributive sentences for an array of crimes is another characteristic of the bill. The death penalty, long opposed as cruel and unusual, punishment, would be reinstated. Despite the overwhelming recommendations of penologists and lawyers that sentences be reduced sharp- ly, long term prison terms'and manda- tory sentences are favored,. thereby de- stroying any possibility for rehabilita- tion. The icing on the cake is the new de- fense allowed for alleged acts of a fed- eral official if he or she "believed that the conduct charged was required or authorized." It would prevent punish- ment for acts, otherwise criminal, which conformed to an "official, written inter- pretation" by a government agency re- sponsible for administering "the law to which the offense relates." Senate Bill 1 is an attempt to prevent future Watergates by making them legal. It talks about "national security" but aims at preserving personal power, and concealing the mistakes of public offic- ials. The bill is currently being considered by the House Judiciary Committee which will probably pass it. In Ann Arbor a group called the Coalition to Stop the S.1 Bill is meeting to develop a strategy to defeat the S. 1 proposal. The meeting will be held at 332 S. State street on Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. Robert Miller is a member, of the Edi- torial Page staff. ment of a person across state lines" in the course of execution or consumation of a "riot". A "riot" could involve as few as ten participants whose conduct "creates a grave danger of imminently causing damage to property." Gale com- ments, "The anti-riot laws are broad and vague, sweeping within their terms con- duct clearly protected by the First Amendment, failing to notify the law- abiding as to what conduct is clearly forbidden, and providing' a convenient tool for discriminating 'prosecution and governmental oppression of political ad- versaries." Frank Wilkinson adds, in Oc- tober's issue of Center magazine, that federal jurisdictional involvement is brought down to the level of the bar- room brawl. . Under S. 1, physical interference with federal government functions is a fel- ony. Almost every mass demonstration would, at one moment or another, fall within this prohibition. It would be up to the prosecutor _to determine whether a large demonstration on federal grounds or near federal buildings was or was not "physically interfering" with some gov- / Letters: Rally against Franco's Spain To The Daily: THE TIME HAS come for the Franco regime to come to an end. Franco's fascist govern- ment was founded through the suppression of the Spanish peo- ple. He achieved his power through genocidal attacks on the masses of Spanish people and through the direct inter- vention of fascist Germany and Italy. As France himself put it in a letter to Adolph Hitler in February of 1941: "I consider as you yourself do that the destiny of history has united you with myself and with the Duce in an indissolu- people supported the cause of democracy and hundreds of thousands actively stood up to Franco's fascist war machine. Because of this universal resist- ance Franco and his Nazi allies were forced to resort to geno- cidal terror, leveling entire ci- ties like Guernica, Granollers, Nules, Castellon de la Plana, Durango, and many others too numerous to mention. COMMUNIST, SOCIALIST and democratic forces from around the world sent material aid and volunteers to fight side by side with the Spanish people. Although the Soviet Union was the only government to officially sell arms to the Spanish Repub- lic, the Spanish people suffered a major defeat and Franco was able to consolidate his fascist rule. Today the same fascist government stands over the Spanish people. The United States, which claims to be a force of democracy, has taken over the role formerly played by the governments of Hitler and Mussolini, as chief prop of the Franco regime. This US- Franco alliance depends on the needs of US imperialism to plunder and exploit the Span- ish people and on the needs of the fascist rulers of Spain for military assistance in order to sunnress the nnish neonle. and general public uproar have forced the governments of West- ern Europe to break relations with the Franco regime. The United States is not only one of the few remaining powers main- taming diplomatic relations with this regime, but is continues to send hundreds of millions of dollars worth of military and fi- nancial aid to keep Franco in power. We too must join the people of the world in demand- ing art end to the Spanish dic- tatorship. A committee is be- ing formed to organize mass action here in Ann Arbor 'around the following demands: No more aid to Franco - U. S. bases out of Spain. thanks To The Daily: YOUR. EXCELLENT editorial of September 23, 1975, published along with Ms. Suzanne Young's letter to the Daily must certainly be responsible in part for the positive attitude toward the University regula- tions, which prohibit smoking, drinking and food consumption in Hill Auditorium, during both the Springsteen and Corea con- certs in September. Almost the entire audience followed the reg- ulations,,and all of us who are responsible for ensuring the safety and care of the audi- IA !- V . - _ r -- . 'ti ~r , ."t _I'T*" .'1 r . -,S