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October 14, 1975 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1975-10-14

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Tuesday, October 14, 1975


Page Three

Tuesday, October 14, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three

Chou-En-lai ill, to
miss Kissinger visit

Four escaped convicts remain at
large as police continue search

TOKYO (MP) - Chou En-lai, ar-
chitect of Chinese-American
rapprochment, lies ill, perhaps
critically, in a Peking hospital
and probably will not receive
his old partner in detente, Sec-
retary of State Henry Kissinger,
during his Oct. 19-23 China visit.
Stricken with heart disease in
the spring of 1974, the charis-
matic and once tireless Chinese
premier has been barred for
nearly a month from seeing for-
eign visitors.
mal Bijedic left China on Sun-
day after a week-long visit with-
out meeting the 77-year-old
Whether Kissinger sees the
ailing premier or not, he will
be dealing with a familiar team
of negotiators - First Vice Pre-
mier Teng Hsiao-ping and For-
eign Minister Chiao Kuan-hua -
both executors of Chou's moder-
ate policies.
In the nearly 11 months since
Kissinger's last China visit,
Chou has put the Chinese admin-
istrative house in order, thus in-
suring a smooth transition inrthe
event of his death or further in-
capacity. Should Teng, as now
expected, become premier, he
would have a full quota of 11
vice-premiers and 29 ministers
in all posts to help him.
CHOU'S SUCCESS in filling
gaps in the government admin-
istration which had existed since
the 1966-69 cultural revolution
may prove to be one of his most
significant and lasting contribu-
tions to Chinese stability.
Kissinger is expected to stop
over briefly in Tokyo going to
and from Peking, chiefly to
brief Prime Minister Takeo
Miki on the Chinese talks. He
has already said Korean secur-

ity will be one of the subjects-
one of great interest to Japan-
discussed in the Chinese capi-
Miki is said to believe the best
way of defusing the potentially
explosive situation on the Ko-,
rean peninsula is for the United
States to talk directly to North
Korea. The Chinese, it is rea-
soned, are unlikely to do any-
thing which might run counter
to President Kim Il-sung's in-
sistence on a North Korean-U.S.
peace treaty as a way of keep-
ing the 22-year-old armistice
talks alive at Panmunjom. The
United Nations command is due
to be phased out soon and the
future of these talks is in ques-
SINCE THE United States
finds the North Korean approach
unacceptable, the only way out,
in Japanese eyes, is an Ameri-
can attempt to persuade North
Korea to modify its position.
Kissinger will be making prep-
arations for President Ford's
China trip, expected late in No-
vember. The Chinese would like
to see that visit crowned with
full diplomatic recognition but
are said to be aware of, if not
happy about, the fact it will not
take place.
They recognize that Ford's
hands are tied by his quest for
another term in the White
House. T h o u g h recognition
might be popular in the United
States, the President would risk
losing the support of pro-Taiwan

SALEM, Ill. (R) - Police and
FBI agents, dressed like hunt-
ers and carrying military M16
rifles and automatic shotguns,
ringed a six-mile circle of wood-
lands and farm country yester-
day, searching for four escapees
from the federal government's
maximum security prison.
Two spotter planes and a heli-
copter circled overhead as
tracking dogs searched for a
trail. Roadblocks cut off all six
roads leading from the area
about five miles east of this rur-
al Southern Illinois town.
THE SEARCHERS fanned out
from an isolated white farm-
house where two of the convicts
were believed spotted early yes-
terday. The convicts, one of
them wounded, have apparently
split up, authorities said.
Five convicts, all long term-,
ers, fled from .the federal peni-
tentiary in Marion, Ill., Friday
night. One was captured Sunday
when their stolen car careened
into a ditch near Salem, about
75 miles north of the prison, and
the others took off on foot.
A Salem policeman, pursuing
the car when it crashed, said he
wounded one of the fleeing con-
victs with a shotgun blast.
MORE'THAN 150 law enforce-
ment officers, on foot and in
cars, were involved in the
search yesterday. The search
area is sparsely settled country-
side with no towns. Soybeans
and field corn grow in the fields.
Police said they did not know
area, but that they have word

of only a few having moved out
in fear of the escapees.
men, believed to be half of the
fugitive band, walked onto the
front porch of Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Storment's two-story,
white-frame farmhouse, authori-
ties said.
PEGGY Storment, 37, caught
a glimpse of them through a
window. A dog chained to the
front porch barked and the men
Larry Storment, also 37, wasI
sitting in the kitchen with two
shotguns. He alerted authorities
with his citizens' band radio.
"They were here less than a
minute," he said.
TWO SETS of footprints were
found, leading in different direc-
tions, but searchers were unable
to follow them in the darkness.
The convicts used an electron-'
ic beeper, made by one of the
escapees in a prison workshop,
to open the electric locks on the
prison gates Friday night.
Prison officials said yesterday;
they were waiting for the in-
mates' capture before continu-
ing an investigation into how
they managed to make the elec-
tronic device, which operated
like a garage door opener.
THE CONVICT captured Sun-
day was identified as Arthur
Mankins, 37, of Germantown,
N.C., serving a life term for
murder. His leg was injured

when the stolen car crashed and
he was captured at the scene.
The other four escapees were
identified as Edward Roche, 39,
of Katonah, N.Y., serving 39
years for two bank robberies;
Maurice Philion, 40, of Oakland,
Calif., serving 50 years for bank
robbery, assaulting a federal of-
ficer and attempted escape;
Henry Gargand, 43, of Chicago,
sentenced to 199 years for bank
robbery and murder, and Den-
nis Hunter, 26, of Salem, Ohio,
serving a 25-year sentence for
kidnapping, assaulting a feder-
al officer and escape.
After their escape, the con-,
victs traveled 20 miles south,
apparently on foot, and broke
into a rural farmhouse in Bun-
combe, Ill., Saturday night.
They helped themselves to food
and clothing, tied up the elder-
ly couple that lived in the house
and made off with a car, a shot-

gun and a .22-caliber rifle. The
shotgun was recovered Sunday
after the car crashed. The con-
victs apparently still have the
Three tracking dogs-a blood-
hound and two German shep-
herds - were being used in the
search Monday. They were
flown in from Philadelphia by
the FBI and agents said the
dogs have chalked up about 300
arrests in FBI searches around
the country.
Victor Schaefer, the FBI spe-
cial agent in charge of the man-
hunt, said the constant flight of
the fugitives has to have taken
a toll on their stamina and alert-
"I'm sure they are on the
move and anytime you are on
the move, your resistance weak-
ens," he said. "They've got to
be hungry. They are bound to
make a mistake."

AUDITIONS Tonight and Tomorrow
UAC Children's Theatre-
(based on the TV presentation with Marlo Thomas)
Tues., Oct. 14 Wed., Oct. 15
7:30-9:30 2040 Frieze Bldg.
Please come prepared with a song
FURTHER INFO, 763-1107

It's tough
Steve Shalita, 13, stands in his bicycle repair shop in L.A.
after being closed down by a government inspector for un-
lawful employment of minors. Steve crossed the line of the
law when he hired a friend to help him in the booming
business. His mother tried to explain but to no avail and the
garage was shut down.


Dine, Dance, Drink,

conservatives in Congress.
U.S.-CHINA relations are seen (UPI) - A new road connects
here as in a holding pattern Rio de Janeiro to Parati,ta col-
Resoutio patern.onial village 93 miles to the
Resolution of the problem of south. The old fishing village is;
frozen Chinese assets in Amer- I almost entirely in its original
ica and compensation for seized state. Access to it previously
American interests in China was almost impossible except by
would be a step forward. boat.

Interested in discussing marital issues
and or problems with other couples?
Contact MS. LEHRKE
Counseling Center-764=9466


-- --.. "......... ....i

Tuesday, October 14

Seminar Rm., Computing Ctr., 7:30

Day Calendar pm.
WUOM: R. Lewontin, Harvard, Humanities: Beyond the Protest-
"Biological Determinism as a Social ant Ethic series - Willard Wirtz,
Weapon," 9:40 am. pres., Manpower Inst., 'tBreaking
Panhellenic: Tropical plant sale, Out of Time Traps: Work, Educa-
Union Ballroom, 10 am-9 pm. tion and Leisure," Rackham Lee.
CEW: Reports from Returning Hall, 8 pm.
Women: Research and Progress -
Madeline Wright, "The Self-Con- Astronomy: Clifford Arnold,
cept and Copinng Mechanisms of "Some Stars do Indeed Twinkle;"
Black Women Students in A Pre- Algol-The Demon Star; Multiple
dominately *hite University," Ctr., Star system: Xi Ursae Majoris, Aud.
noon. B, Angell, 8 pm; film festival - A
Int'l Ctr.: Luncheon, spkr., David New View of Mars; Who's Out
Rothchild, "Who Shot John Ken- There?, 8 pm.
nedy?" 603 E. Madison, noon. Human Physiology Films: On
Evaluation Seminar Series: G. muscle, S. Lee. Hall, Med Sdi II,
Jonhson, "Evaluating Social Pro- 8 pm.
grams: An Economics Approach," Musical Society: Gershwin's
130 Social Work Ctr., 1015 E. Huron, "Porgy and Bess", Power, 8 pm.
3 pm.
Physics Seminars: I. Goldstein, Music School: 15th Annual Organ
"Carbohydrate - Binding Proteins Conf. - majors' recital, Hill Aud.,
from Plant Seeds," 205 P&A Bldg., -5 pm.; DMA recital, Mary Lou Rob-
3 pm; R. R. Lewis, "Parity Experi- inson, Hill Aud., 8:30 pm.
ment in Metastable Hydrogen: Elec- Career Planning & Placement
tric Regeneration," 2038 Randall 3200 SAB, 764-7456
Lab, 4 pm; N. Nishijima. Tokyo U.,
"Dispersion Approach to Field The- ecuiting o mpus:
ory," 1041 Randall Lab, 4 pm. Oct. 13-Bell System
Great Lakes Research: J. Saylor, Oct. 14-Battelle N.W./Research'
"Volume Transport in Oscillatory Ctr.
Current plow through the Straits Oct. 15-Rike's
of Mackinac," White Aud., Cooley Oct. 17-Harvard Bus. School, J. L.
Lab,'4 pm. Hudson Co., & Princeton U/Wood-
Field Hockey: UM vs Delta, field, row Wilson Sch. of Intern'l Affairs
by baseball stadium, 4 pm. Oct.22-Procter & Gamble, rUnion
Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures: Oil Co. of Calif., & Inst. for Para-
C. C. Vermeule III, curator, Muse- legal Trng.
um of Fine Arts, Boston, "Crime Oct. 23-Conn. Mutual Life Ins.
and Punishment in Antiquity," Co., Inst. for Paralegal Trng., Pur-
Aud. A, Angell, 4:10 pm. due U./Krannert Grad. Sch. of In-
Res. Coll. Lectures: Ozzie Ed- dustrial Mgt., & Lewis & Clark/Law
wards, "New Directions for Black Oct. 24-Eastman Kodak Co.
Studies," Greene Lounge, E. Quad, Advertising Women of New York
7 pm. will hold thei rannual conference
Computing Ctr.: Edward J. for seniors and grad students in-
Fronczak, "Using MTS Via Votax terested in communications fields.
and Touch-Tone Telephone II," Learn practical facts about career
10 A.M.-6 P.M.
j ~~F TH10LA

opportunities. Sat. Nov. 1. $5.00 fee.
Register by Oct. 22 with this organ-
ization at 153 E. 57th St., NYC
Burke Marketing Research, Inc.:
offers full tuition for graduate
study in marketing at the U. of
Cincinnati plus on-the-job training
in all facets of marketing research,
at Burke. Write: Dir, of Personnel,
Burke Marketing Research, Inc.,
1529 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio'
Volume LXXXVI, No. 35
Tuesday, October 14. 1975
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone '764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
Published d a is y Tuesday throughI
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription!
rates: 12 Sept. thru April (2 semes-
ters); $13 by mail outside Ann Ar-
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann

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